Well, that was a wild and woolly week eh? Though we missed the snow here on the coast, we had LOTS of rain and wind so it was the perfect excuse to stay in the warm and do some crafting! Not that I need much excuse...... *grin*

Here's the JanCave as of yesterday:

The basket contains items made from odds and sods from my stash and the pile of other fabric is what I spent my Christmas vouchers on! All the colours though I seem to be into hot pinks, oranges and berry tones at the moment.

Some old favourites plus I thought I'd give some tartan a go and that floral far right is a canvas type weave perfect for shopping and peg bags.

Now there's a sight to gladden the heart! Wonder how long it'll take me to get through that pile.....

Talking of bright berry colours:

I've done about 60 squares for the bed cover in the JanCave and am really enjoying working with these bright in your face shades. I've got another yellow and green ball lurking somewhere to add to the mix and have decided to crochet the squares together using a blackberry coloured yarn. These colours have been so enjoyable to work with!

But the flipside of exciting colourful fabrics is:

Fusible fleece...boring but essential. I have a mass cutting out session and that makes it easier.

I did the first Christmas jigsaw in two days so had a break and cracked open the second:

Different buildings of London, this was finished in a day and a half! I just can't help myself, once there's a jigsaw on the table, I can't leave it be. Suppose it's a harmless obsession really, could be worse, lol!!

Hope you're all keeping well and happy in this first week of a brand new year, onwards and upwards xx Enjoy your crafting!!


Helen said...

that's pretty good going with the jigsaws! Glad you weren't affected by snow, and escaped flooding. your piles of fabric will disappear in no time I bet; and that will be a very bright bed cover! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Neet said...

Wowee! Love that hot pink fabric and all the polka dot stuff. I love polka dots, takes me back to my childhood and mum making me dresses in dots and gingham. You certainly chose some beauties there and I look forward to seeing the tartan made up. But then I rather like the dark one with the pink orchids and other flowers on it, and the sunflowers will be lovely and cheery.
Oh heck, Jan, love them all.
Hugs, Neet 8 xx

Mary Anne said...

Stunning fabric - I'm in love with the chickens! And the crochet colours are just stunning. Do you ever just sit? I doubt it. I thought for a moment you were fusing the fleece to the crochet - that seemed weird, but I could see how it *might* work...maybe. Sneaking in a few before leaving for Drs.
Mary Anne (4)

Twiglet said...

Ooo lovely juicy colours Jan. Your blanket will sing,! Just noticed your big scissors. Do you use a rotary blade and clear rule on your cutting mat? I managed for years with scissors but the blade makes life much easier and quicker. Also I am more accurate and better at making all my pieces the same size rather than my usual haphazard hotchpotch🤣 x x Jo

Julia Dunnit said...

Love the idea of blackberry as the connecting colour, it will look so fab! All the fabrics are lovely, the woven one really is very pretty isn't it. How pleasing to look at filled basket!

Annie said...

Was sooooo lovely to 'see' you yesterday....we should do it more often. I really love all your bright colours...good for the mood on these dark dismal days. We havent managed a jigsaw this year sadly...little puppies and jigsaws don't go together [I'm sure pieces would go missing :-)].
Annie x #6

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I'm always so impressed with how quickly you finish your jigsaws and now another one! I am loving the bright colours of your yarn, just what we need at this time of the year. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x7x

Crafting With Jack said...

I am not sure what the fusible fabric is for, like Mary Anne I thought it might be for the crochet, but it seemed odd! Great colours for both fabric and wool. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Yes! Colorful fabric and wool is just the right variety for dark and dismal days. And the jigsaw too!
Best wishes first week of the New Year!
Eva from Austria

https://shinebrightandcreate@blogspot.com/ said...

I may not sew knit but I love to look at all the beautiful fabrics and wool and see what is created from them and these are a delight.
I love the bright colours that you have chosen for your bed cover and those crochet squares are looking lush!
Wow, that's a puzzle and a half. My son's girlfriend bought me a diamond art picture of a hedgehog which I have been gradually doing over Christmas. Happy WOYWW - Michelle #15

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Jan, what a lovely assortment of colour on your desk - I love the Orchid fabric, it's beautiful and the yarn is going to look spectacular in those gorgeous colours. My nephew taught himself to crochet before Christmas so he coud make his girlfriend a 'granny sqares' throw - he and I have bonded over yarn, hooks and techniques! Never thought that would happen but it's been lovely. I love the jigsaw - you beat me, I did the same one before Christmas but it took me a lot longer! A happy and healthy 2025 to you and your family.
Hugs, Diana xx #14

Lynnecrafts said...

Such cheery, juicy colours in both your fabrics and crochet squares today, Jan.
A nice idea to do blackberry edging on them.
Keep warm and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 10 xx

My name is Cindy said...

Hiya Jan! Good to see you too, I hate how life keeps taking me away from the things I want to do! I don't know what it is about your blog but it is always so fresh and colourful, all that colour makes my soul sing!! We have really got out of the puzzle habit but I hope to take one when we go away in February. Sounds like you are a very fast puzzler!! Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #11

BJ said...

Oh what a delight to find lots of comments when I woke up again this morning. WOYWW is certainly my "constant" at the moment and I thank all you lovely ladies for being there for me, I am blessed.
Oh totally right about a sight to gladden the heart, adore the bright colours on your post today. I do enjoy my sewing but the Carpal Tunnel has returned since my injection in June so that is a problem. I received my prize from the Zen sewing retreat today of "sewtites" magnetic "pins" mainly for appliqué work. They will be useful. Still to get to my jigsaw form 2 years ago Oops. But do recall the call of the table when I get started on one. Hugs BJ#3

Chana Malkah said...

Your fabrics are pretty! I love the "berry" bright colors of your squares. That cover is going to be stunning for sure.

Your obsession with puzzles reminds me of the French TV Series "Astrid!" I like jigsaw puzzles but I have nowhere to assemble them. It is a great obsession. I love mysteries and puzzles are like a mystery!

Looking forward to seeing all the wonderful projects you will make this year!
Chana Malkah, WOYWW #17

Sarah Brennan said...

Fabulous array of projects there Jan. Looks like it will be the 10th as people don't like the idea of travelling at the BH. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW Sarah

Susan Renshaw said...

What lovely fabric and yarn colours!
I have a jigsaw on the table but I am not progressing very well...and I have another Christmas one as soon as I do finish it!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #1


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...