
It's been an emotional week, safe to say, highs and lows, ups and downs but a good one to have lived through. I followed the State funeral on and off through the day:

I needed to do some bunting for a friend's grandson so watched and crafted...

It was good to get the ribbon box out again!

And it struck me, having seen the Imperial State Crown often recently, how much Kim and I enjoyed making our tribute to The Queen and we did a pretty good job getting the details correct:

The funeral was very affecting, I thought the pallbearers, musicians and parades were magnificent - well done to all the organisers and security. It was interesting to see the traditions and history being made.

I've nearly finished another blanket, just got the border to do but before then....

Sewing in ends...hmmmm, not my favourite job but it passes whilst watching tv. A couple of rows of white all the way round and that'll be another ready for posting off!

My band didn't do that well at the Nationals, the adjudicators didn't like how we played but we came off stage thinking we'd done a great job so that's what matters! And the band celebrated in style - it was a glorious weekend and we thoroughly enjoyed being in Cheltenham:

Enjoy each day! Have a great week everyone xx


Helen said...

I am glad you enjoyed the Nationals even if the adjudicators didn't think you'd done well, boo! to them! The funeral was magnificent, wasn't it, what a well organised send off. I didn't even attempt to do anything whilst watching from dawn to dusk! Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Lovely blanket. There are ways of disguising the ends/knots as you go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbB7p46nmeY and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykmL2AsWzIE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI2v-5w6Ghk There are loads more on YouTube.


Sarah Brennan said...

As long as the band was happy with the performance that's all that matters Jan. A very moving day indeed on Monday. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, pleased you had a good time away even if you weren't as successful as you hoped, we can't win 'em all as they say. The crown is just perfect. I had forgotten you'd made it, lovely to see it again. Wishing you a very happy and productive woyww, Angela x9x

Twiglet said...

I'm glad you and the band had fun - disappointing that the judges didn't feel the same, but I doubt it will stop you from going again! Your blanket is lovely and will be well worth the effort of finishing the ends - tedious though it is. Enjoy your week. xx Jo

Lynnecrafts said...

You were all happy with your performance so I hope your tuba made a rude noise at the stupid adjudicators! I bet you can make some very rude noises with it!
Lovely bunting and your crochet blanket is beautiful.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 12

Julia Dunnit said...

Great pic from Cheltenham. Everything that is judged is so subjective isn’t it, and if you played well and had a good time, I’m thinking it was time well spent. Busy as usual in the Jan cave, the bunting is fun isn’t it. Love the card that Lynne and Brian sent for your anniversary, and the photo of the two of you is a delight, have even been cheeky and saved it for me records! Have you any idea how many blankets you’ve made for charity since you started crocheting? Many, for sure, miles of yarn!!

Mary Anne said...

The crown is so impressive, and the blanket as well. Your friend will love the bunting, I'm sure. As to the comp, having fun, and believing you did a good job, is probably more important than some random set of judges thoughts anyway. When C. does chili cook-offs it is always interesting to see the "comments" from the Judges. Once they acknowledged that his green chili was delicious (some random guy even begged him for the recipe so he could serve it in his restaurant!) but as the judging criteria said the chili should have a "pleasing reddish brown colour" they all felt they had to give his team ZERO points for Appearance. DOH! Play on and enjoy, I say!
Happy WOYWW from my bed with a bad back. Ugh!
Mary Anne (6)

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan. Glad you all had an enjoyable time at the competition - sorry the judges didn't like you, though! But what fun to be able to have the competitions again after what seems like an eternity! Great bunting, great blanket - fabulous crown!
It was the lone piper that finished me off!! Oh boy, what is it about bagpipes?!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5

Catriona said...

Sorry you didn’t win anything with the band but the fun and friendship made up for it I’m sure. I’m trying to plan what my Christmas makes will be and should really get on with it! X Catriona

Neet said...

Guess, like a painting, music is subjective and we cannot please all. Mind you saying that the adjudicators should be neutral - I think that lot had cloth ears if they didn't think much of your band. Glad you guys felt happy with your performance.
lovely bunting as always and Yeah to the crown, you two certainly did a smashing job at the time.
Love the last picture of the umbrellas. Brill!
Have a lovely week
Hugs, Neet 3 xx (in the library but not with Professor Plum)

Annie said...

Another busy day for me but work is now done and I can pop round to see all my fav blogs.
We were travelling home on Monday so we listened to the funeral on the car radio and put the telly on as soon as we got home...done to perfection. Sorry the band didn't do that well but I'm glad you enjoyed the experience.
Annie x #8

Tracy said...

Hello Jan 🤗 I think the fact you all performed to your best and came of knowing you had done a grand job ... makes you winners in my eyes ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐sadly we can't please everybody.
Loving the bunting and woohoohoo to the beautifully created Crown.
How glorious are those umbrellas ❤☂️ loooooving that photo 🥰 Good luck finishing up your blanket 🪡 Sending love and hugs your way Tracy #15 xxxx

Crafting With Jack said...

I think if you came off pleased with your performance then it does matter what they thought. Looks like it was a lovely day. Happy WOYWW. Angela #18

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Love your Queen's Crown ! I too watched, great to see all the traditions/people/buildings and the great repour she had with people all those years. Oh I love the umbrellas Like I tell my grands you win some you lose some as long as you all did your best it's okay, be happy and continue on with the friendships and fun.

Anne said...

Hi Jan. Sorry re the band but you all had fun so that was great. I think the crown you did is fabulous.
The funeral really was so moving. I've cried many tears, I think everyone involved did an amazing job. Think you going away? Have a fabulous time. Anne x 22

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Husband and I were sitting in front of TV to see the State funeral. A century event.
Love your bunting! Smile: my cat is called Sunny, because it was a very hot summer, when he came to us as foster kitten.
Nice blanket and the wonderful, pretty done State Crown.
Best wishes,
Eva from Austria

StampinCarol said...

Sorry your band didn't do well according to the adjudicators but if you all felt you did good.... you did good!!
Pretty blanket and a great start to your bunting!
Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
Carol N #20

BJ said...

Amazed you managed sewing and watching on Monday. I just did the latter. What a day! Pretty bunting, lovely ribbons. Great to see your crown again too and just love the colours of the blanket. I've noted the fabric links you mentioned and will pop along and have a snoop. Thanks Jan BJ#10

Caro said...

I'm glad you and the band had fun... it is always hard to tell what the adjudicators are looking for isn't it. The funeral was a wonderful send off and I love your crown! Take care, with love & God bless, Caro xxx (#11)


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...