Thank you for all the well wishes and lovely comments last week, I was properly poorly but am much better now. 

Consequently very little crafting was done but I do have a couple of things to share.

I did a bit of scrap yarn crochet, using up the odds and ends left over from blanket squares, all while watching the Tour De France (which started in Denmark!)

It's like virtual travelling! I loved the Danish countryside and couldn't get over how like England it was.

I started to cut out some bunting for a present as well...

and started out some bags/cases with the Scrabble fabric:

They're going to look good with the grey handles. But when it came to the glasses cases, well, let's just say some of the letter placements were errm, a bit unfortunate?

I can't unsee it now and honestly don't think I can put them in the cafe - but if any of you would like them for a present, let me know, lol!!! Maybe the fabric designer was having a bad day...

The highlight of the week was yesterday when I attended a small ceremony for the unveiling of a monument to the local Campaigning groups SOS (Save Our Sands)  Back in the 60s, there was a land grab by the government to put a gunnery range in the area. Locals, headed up by my father Frank Williams, waged a huge campaign at some personal cost and they won! The first and only time ordinary people have beaten the Government in a Public Enquiry. I am hugely proud of this. 

Seven stones to represent the seven committees around the bay, the second pic shows surviving campaigners or family. The lady to the immediate left of the stone was in the Public Gallery at Westminster when the result of the Enquiry was announced, she had to rush to the phone box (this was late 60s) to ring my Dad and soon the whole community was celebrating.

So now the million visitors that visit the Country Park and Cefn Sidan beach will know the back story and it just goes to show that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things!

Have a great week and enjoy your crafting! xxxxx


Helen said...

I am glad you are feeling much better this week. the letter placement on that fabric is a real oops! I can't believe it made it through checks before production. what a great achievement by your father and his colleagues, and what a tribute. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

SO glad you are feeling better Jan. I think the glasses cases will be fine - a bit cheeky but not rude unless you want them to be lol. WHat a great celebration of community action! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

Annie said...

So glad you’re feeling better this week. I love the new monument...what a wonderful thing to be part of Jan. stay well and have a great week.
Annie x #7

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Love the crochet.

What a fitting memorial. Well done your dad and the others.


Catriona said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Dad and the others who stood against the MOD. I am glad you are feeling better now-I think lots of things are now betting us as we are out and about more. I think the scrabble is funny so feel free to send me something in exchange for a donation to the lifeboat charity! Catriona

Mary Anne said...

Oh what a great effort! You must be immensely proud. But oh my! When that sort of thing happens, with the letters, it just kinda feels intentional. Like the designer is having a laugh. I think if you just plan the cut THRU the K down, unless it is repeated too frequently, you can get away with it. Better than wasting such cute material...but better check that W and N... is there another K and an A close by? Oh dear....
Happy WOYWW on the day for a change :D !
Mary Anne (2)

Lynnecrafts said...

So glad you’re feeling better, Jan. I think the glasses cases would be ok. People who want something a bit cheeky would buy them in the café.
Your parents’ achievement, and all in the 7 committees, in Saving Our Sands was fantastic. I’m glad there is now a monument. I’ve not been to Shoeburyness, but having the whole of Carmarthen bay turned into an artillery range would have been a disaster.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 13

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh I hope you feel so much better, this being ill in summer sucks. I love your last weeks post so much. Those murals are perfect and beautiful. We have similar here and there, same reason beautify the area A beautiful grouping of fabric also I watched parts of the Tour De France and loved the scenery also. We will have clean up, a 70/80 mpr wind derecho came thru and took 2 big trees and lots of branches. Praying our corn crops will straighten up from being whipped around. Thankful for electricity as it was 107 Crazy year I'll have photos next week. Wishing you 100 % good vibes

Neet said...

How fabulous is that monument (love the contrast of the rough stone and the marble) and how immensely proud you must be, every right to be as well. It really was meant to be that you moved to Burry Port.
So glad you are feeling better, and what a lovely way to recuperate watching the Tour de France in Denmark. Memories of a lovely Girl Guide trip there spring to mind.
Love that fabric, oops, I would be just like you, seeing it the whole time.
Stay well and enjoy life.
Hugs, neet 4 xx

My name is Cindy said...

Morning hun. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I know we were 'close' to you last week as I looked it up before we went but the week was so jam packed we only had a couple of hours on the wednesday morning and with no car our side and tied in to dinner every night at the hotel I couldn't see how we could make it happen. But I did consider it lol. We stayed in Swansea at The Dragon. Anyhoo you were poorly so would probably have been moot. The coast line there and along the Gower is gorgeous. Love that scrabble fabric and how wonderful that your dad played such a big part in defeating that decision. Power to the people!! Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindy #11

Crafting With Jack said...

Did you colour Co ordinate your first shot? The wool goes with what’s on the TV very well. I would love a glass case, I can’t make out anything unfortunate about the letter placements. I obviously can see the F and the K, but they are not next to each other.
Love the story of people power. It is a rarity for people to win over government I think. Wonderful to preserve that space for future generations. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Glad to read that you feel better!
YES - be proud of your Dad! ♥
The scrabble fabric is funny. But sending it to Austria is too difficult and too expensive.
There will be friends who have fun with it.
Have a nice week, stay well.
Eva from Austria

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

So good to know you're feeling better. The fabric is interesting but I am surprised someone didn't notice this unless it was planned because they thought it was funny maybe. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x12x

craftyani said...

Sorry you have been under the weather. I have had my chair and the tv as my work desk this last week. I have replied to your comment via email with the pattern for the teddies. It is really simple. Love the scrabble fabric!!! Think it is good for someone who can never find their specs. Ani

BJ said...

King's New Clothes here I'm afraid. No idea what the problem is with the letters at all??? And I'd usually be the first to notice.
The tour certainly does feel like a holiday especially with the commentators explaining lots of stuff, although I haven't watched for many years now.
Brilliant about the Sands being saved what a super memorial to a well fought and won campaign. Glad you liked my poppy sewing BJ#16

Tracy said...
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Tracy said...

⭐ You must be immensely proud of your Dad Jan and all involved ⭐ what an accomplishment with a beautuful monument to mark it ⭐💕⭐ Glad you're feeling a bit better 🤗 feet up watching the TV just the ticket 💕 Whooopsadaisy about the letters on the scrabble material, I'd be the same once seen 😯 Sending you lots of love and hugs, be safe and well Tracy #14 xxxx

Julia Dunnit said...

Hurrah! Wonderful plaque and stones, I like the idea vey much…it will attract attention and the story will be seen. Lovely idea to take a photo of your Dad with you, and so nice to see that the area still has families connected, isn’t it. So glad you’re feeling better, especially as you’re travelling TOdAY!! Can’t wait to see ya. Xxx

Mariane said...

I live in Denmark and been in UK often - yes it is look alike ;) But UK have much much more than Denmark - Country side. Fantastic what you father have done and participate. Love that. The art will come when you do not expect it, that is my experiences ;) .. Thank you for sharing

Mariane #19

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

The lady who raced to the phone box in that story Jan looks like she was reliving that moment in the photo, very special a real testament indeed. Glad you’re feeling better, popped over to check. I’m onto Christmas cards in between garden things here, totally forgot re Le tour most unlike me, am so out of whack must put Tele on and watch reruns we get live and replays which is really handy .. IF you remember.
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Lindart said...

Wow! What a great story! A couple things come to mind: "speak up or Shut Up" and "The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil! Looks like they did an awesome hob of both! You have been busy, and yes, the Scrabble fabric could be interpreted as, well, you know! Thanks for your visit, Lindart #18


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...