Hello lovely crafting folks, hope all is well this week - it's been a funny one for me with bursts of madness combined with some quiet hours. The weather has been lovely so there's been a fair bit of gardening done too, changing over of the pots and tidying up. No digging though, the ground is like concrete!

Here's a shot of my desk yesterday, I'm mid making fold up totes but shoved everything to the side when some new fabric from Abakhan arrived!

The pile at the back are waiting for poppers to be inserted whilst the ones at the front are ready for attaching handles.

A good old range of colours and all for £4.99 a metre...bargain!

My SiL Jill sent me some fabric a couple of weeks ago and I finally got round to making something with it, the floral fabric is the main bag folded up inside the spotty pocket cover - it'll be a nice surprise when someone unfolds it. The first one I did like this was Julia's Christmas Sprouts bag!

My mate Kim invited me over for a cuppa and some crafting and introduced me to pyrography!

All set up and ready for action!

I took some wood slices over and we had a go at different templates. Neither of us had done it before so it was interesting to see how hard/soft you had to press and how the different 'nibs' worked. It was enjoyable but I don't know if it's something I'd take up.

A little daffodil with an attempt at shading, lol! It was a bit like quilling for me, the process was fun but I wasn't sure about the outcome, hey ho, you have to try these things to find out!!

I have also made my ATCs ready for next week, I'll probably send them to everyone but don't worry about swapping back. 13 years eh? A proper achievement - see you all on the Anniversary Special xxxxxxx


Robyn said...

I have one of those wood burning tools- haven't used in in years. time?
I'd love to swap, I sent you an email about addresses- email me if you dont get it . forrestwife@yhaoo.com

Helen said...

I love the new fabrics Jan! I've never tried pyrography either, it does look interesting but not got any more space here! The daffodil looks great.
well done on getting the atcs made, I have made a very slow start! Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

I have never tries pyrography Jan but it looks fun. Good to try before deciding to spend out on equipment though. Love the new fabric too. Hope the ground is less hard for digging soon! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

Robyn said...

Have one of those wood burning tools- is it time ot dust it off? Either way, see you next week, and plan on a swap! sent you an email, email me if you didn't get it to check address- forrestwife@yanoo.com

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Lovely fabrics. Your items will sell quickly.

It is nice to try new crafts.


Tracy said...

Goood morning Jan 😊looooving what's on your desk and wall ... I may have swoooned over that gorgeous bag waiting on handles,that fabric is 🤩🤩🤩stunning 🌈 with gorrrgeous new fabrics just waiting🧵 their turn. Well done on the wood engraving,your daffodil turned out grand ... I have one somewhere unopened ... now itching tooo hunt it out 😊🙃😁 I've started my ATC's,exciteeed for next week toooo 🤸‍♀️💕🤗❤🌈💕🤗Have a fabulous week ahead, sending love and hugs Tracy #8 xxxxx

Lynnecrafts said...

Lovely new fabrics Jan, and the design for your pocket tote is very neat. Your pyrography daffodil works well. Could it be part of a sign for your house?
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 5

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Busy as ever and still time to play with friends, got to be good. The fabrics are gorgeous and love how you've used them. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x10x

Twiglet said...

Well done on the pyrography Jan - it's always good to try something new - especially fun when working with a pal. Your fabrics are perfect for your lovely makes and the Sprout bag made me laugh out loud - of course now I'm thinking - do I need a sprout bag? Will love to swap ATCs with you but not sure about Wilson -lol (Wasn't he Tom Hanks ball buddy?) Wipso and I will post together and are happy for swaps to come to one or other no probs. xx Jo

Julia Dunnit said...

Margaret’s Johnused to do a lot of pyrography, in fact, I think that’s how they found WOYWW. Interesting, I’ve never tried it before, looks a bit slow and freehand dependent for my eye! Not a prob for you with drawing skills though, for sure. And asking for a friend….does every home in Wales come with a large sunny bay window for a dining table?????i that’s a very happy pile of fabrics, even though you give it all away, am feeling the pleasure of choosing it!

Annie said...

Loving the new fabrics Jan and I think your pyrography looks fab....it’s like most things...I’ve got the gear to do it but little time to spend to practice to get it right.
Annie x #9

Crafting With Jack said...

How lovely to try a new craft with a friend, well done with the daffodil. That poppy fabric is stunning. I haven’t had a chance to get my crafting stuff out, so my ATC designs are being created and rejected in my head! Struggling with the theme! Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, the new fabrics are gorgeous and that is a good price! The way costs are going up with lightening speed these days we need to snap up the bargains while we can. I love those hidden totes. They fit very snuggly in a handbag and it impresses folk in shops when it's undone to reveal a handy dandy bag. I've never tried pyrography but I love the smell of wood, burning or otherwise, so imagine it would be nice to try. You did a good job with your daffodil. Have a lovely WOYWW and a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #4

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh Jan what a fun post, you always brighten my day with your beautiful fabric. Colors, I need colors ! I'll send out my ATC's early as I'll be in town, 70 and sunshine yesterday, 95 TODAY no doubt storms if it continues. Even the weather is screwed up BEAUTIFUL wood art. I have mine gathered but no time, He sawed me some wood chips when we had the winds tear up the tress, so I have to make use of them.!. ! ENJOY

Diana Taylor said...

What gorgeous fabrics - I particularly love those poppies against that vivid blue background, very eye catching indeed. The pyrography looks fascinating, it's something I've always wanted to have a go at but I trying not to take up new interests that involve buying more equipment! I love your daffodil and I remember seeing some exquisite work on Margaret's blog.
Have a great week and yes I'd love to swap with you!
Hugs, Diana xx #14

Neet said...

Jan - your daffodil (for Wales) is lovely and I am sure everyone thinks so too. How lovely to have friends who can introduce you to new crafting ways. I think skill sharing is what it is all about.
Love the bags you have been making and the new fabric is gorgeous! So lush!
Hugs, Neet 6 xx
I'll swap please (when I think what I am doing)

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I laughed when I read your comment "awhile to get here" we mailed a birthday card to an elderly man in our town, we mailed it at our Post Office and it took 6 days. I've better luck with International Mail ! 4 days for a card from my son

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. Loving all the bright colours. I had a go at pygrography and made a few small projects, but knew that it wasn't something I wanted to continue with long term. There are incredible artists around here who use this technique, so I just admire their work! Not sure if I will get any ATCs made. My crafty mojo is still mostly absent. Ali x #16

Lindart said...

I love the new butterfly fabric - gorgeous! I tried pyrography in high school many years ago, and like you, it was fun, but not something I wanted to pursue! Not posting this week, but will see you next week! Lindart

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh my - what a beautiful desk! Love those vibrant patterns! Hope all is well with you! I just got here again this week and find that it's anniversary week next week! Better get moving! Hugs Chrisx

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
My brother gave me such a wood burning tool on birthday. I didn't used it. But your results look nice. Should I try to work with?
Your new fabrics are cheerfull! Love the colors.
Best wishes,
Eva from Austria

Caro said...

Loving all the beautiful fabrics on display this week and the pyrography looks fun! Happy very belated WOYWW. Caro xx (#18)

Spyder said...

Hi Jan, sorry for late reply, been having Internet connection problems...as well as blogger! I would still love one of your cat bags but can I take a rain check on that at the mo, as I've just found two lovely bags made by Lady Pam while we were clearing out and sorting all through her things.
I would love to swap ATC's with you, but knowing me I might be a bit late like I was this week! Wow! now I'm thinking, I'd love to have a go with Pyrography, that burning tool looks like fun! I think they sell them at The Works Loving the fabrics you have too. Happy Very Late WOYWW?! ((Lyn)) last #20

Tracy said...

Helloooo Jan ❤🌈🥰 I got your email and just replied, pure joy to learn more about yoooou😊 exciteeeeed I am! See yooou tomorrow. Much love and the warmest of hugs Tracy 🌈🥰❤🌈🥰❤💕❤🌈🥰🤗😊


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...