It's been a lovely week, with trips out, lunches and a day at the local fair - be warned, this is a pic heavy post!

After my mad making session last week, there was a lot of tidying up to do - I brought my ribbons/trims downstairs and sat in the kitchen listening to the radio whilst sorting. It was a pleasant hour and resulted in:

A thing of beauty! I know it's sad but this gladdens my heart!

I had some very happy mail from two gorgeous blogging friends, Kelly and Neet xx

Kelly sent me the cat fabric and a lovely card and Neet sent the wooden piece, aren't they fab? The ribbons were some I bought in Carmarthen. Thank you so much lovely gals, I can't tell you how much I loved getting these. The sewing machine is on the JanCave shelves and the cat fabric got cut pretty much straightaway!

I thought they'd make good fold up totes with some contrasting fabric handles.

The blue one is folded up, the pink is ready to add poppers. Thanks Kelly, hope you approve!

I also sat and made rosettes out of the pom poms:

Ready for tying onto railings between my lengths of bunting come the Jubilee weekend!

The local fair last Saturday was great fun, lovely weather meant a good turn out of punters:

The stall looked colourful...

I always take string with me, it's an easy way to display the tote bags and peg bags..

I had a really lovely four hours chatting to all sorts of people - G was sitting opposite with the Men's Shed stall! I made £140 for the RNLI which was very pleasing.

Hope you've all had a good crafty week xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Sue said...

Hi Jan, Love the tidy ribbons and your new fabric. What lovely happy mail. The pompoms look fab, as does qall your items on your stall. Well done for raising so much.


Spyder said...

Oh my Goodness, you are so lovely! With all your crafty stuff so nice and neat! Please come and sort my terrible mess out! I'd love to buy a cat bag, let me know price and postage! I had a shock, wanted to post a get well card to daughter in USA ...slow post...4 pound something...ok...fast post over £18 for a card! it went slow post...!
((Lyn}} Happy WOYWW! #5

Sarah Brennan said...

Wow well done on the amount raised for the RNLI Jan - not surprised though the stall looked fab. Love the wooden sewing machine plaque and neat ribbons are always good too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

Catriona said...

Your stall at the fair looked wonderful and I can’t wait to see all the jubilee bunting and rosettes in place. Happy sewing!

Neet said...

Like the way you have wound ribbon around a piece of card. Very satisfying hour listening to the radio.
Love the totes you make but the pom poms are what really catch my eye, they look fab together like that.
Your stall is great, only you could think of string put to use like that - a fabulous idea, not surprising you made so much money. I guess the figure will go up though as the remainder is sold at the shop. Love the photo of you,
Did 'Gordon do his photos on the Man Shed stall?
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Busy lady and great results at the stall. Loving the gifts you received too. I have started trying to organise my ribbons by attaching some guttering to the inside of the cabin and hanging them in it so as to make room in some of the boxes as they do take up space. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x11x

Twiglet said...

What a fab display you made for your stall Jan and well done on the sales - what a result! I love the tidy ribbons - you are so nicely organised - I need to try harder there I am afraid. The gifts from your blog buddies are fab - that's friendship for you. As for our Autumn get together - I just put September out there as an idea but we could go for October - still nice travelling weather. It would be lovely to see everyone for real again. xxx Jo

Lynnecrafts said...

A lovely, lively post Jan. Your stall looked fab and well done for raising so much for the RNLI.
Lynnecrafts 13

Elizabeth said...

Hello Jan, what a lovely happy post. I agree with you, your sorted ribbons are a thing of beauty! Love the photo of you at your stand. I don't know where you get the energy from but all power to you. The RNLI will be grateful for everything you do, that's for sure. Alan approves because for him the RNLI volunteers are his heros. Have a fab WOYWW and a fab week ahead. Hugs, Elizabeth x #9

Tracy said...

Helloooo Jan, gorgeous photos with you at your stand ... waving hello as I type lol. Congratulations you did so well and not surprised, love what you create ... especially loving your totes all hanging side by side!! Look at how pretty your trims are now all sorted ... hanging my head in shame as I look at my desk! Wishing you a beautiful week ahead in all you do, love and hugs Tracy #8 xxxx

Crafting With Jack said...

All your sewing makes look wonderful on your stall and well done on your total. Great idea to take string for the totes. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

Caro said...

Love the tidied ribbons - so beautiful and neat. The stall looks so bright and colourful - you really are incredibly talented. So glad you made a good amount of money for the work of the RNLI. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#10)

Stacy Sheldon said...

I love how colorful and happy your booth was Jan. :) yep, those ribbons all tidy and on display is a thing of beauty. ~Stacy #17

Julia Dunnit said...

My gosh, your stall did so well…I wonder if you’ve got any of the Welsh fabric items left at all? What a great success you had, please be proud of yourself! We are v proud of you, your fund raising is amazing. You get so much satisfaction from organising and tidying, perfect person for band library. I e honed my ribbons down to a small box too, just don’t use them much anymore. There’s a lot to be said for the glorious ness of an organised basket full though, isn’t there!!

Christine said...

Love your ribbon box, puts a smile on my face.
Glad you had such a good day selling, well done!
Enjoy the coming heatwave
Christine #19

Lillianb said...

Well you sure have made it easy to find your ribbons you want. Love the pom poms well done on making £140 for the RNLI

Lilian B #12

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. I too love some tidy stash and that basket is bringing me joy, early on this grey Friday morning. Your stall was amazing. I would want to buy it all. Ali x. #16

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Congrats to all: the tidying up of the ribbons/trims.
the nice gifts from friends. (Love the wooden piece).
the funny pom poms.
and - drum roll - the wonderful stall! ♥
You made glorious earnings.
Plesas my Dear far away friend, what means RNLI?
Your fan , Eva from Austria

Susan Renshaw said...

The stall looked wonderful!
Love the tote bags!
I am so impressed with your ribbons - I too would be delighted if mine looked like that...
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #15

Lindart said...

HI Jan! Wow, your stall looks very impressive! I love the new cat tote with a spot for sunglasses - perfect! Of course your hour of sorting and organizing would bring you pleasure, why not? Anytime chaos moves to organization is a time for joy! I know I'm late this week, but things have been a bit uprooted this week. Thank you for your concern and best wishes for my hubby. Hopefully he will be home this week. Lindart #18


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...