Gosh it's been another packed week but almost nothing to do with crafting! I've got quite a few things to do for craft stalls and yarnbombing and may well have to make a list..*gasp, horror!*

The Christmas trees are finished though:

They turned out quite well and all for free too - pine cones from my mate Helen, the log slices were leftovers from last year, the beads and paint were already in my stash - that's satisfying crafting eh?

And that's it, no other desk action to show but if you'd care to accompany me, I shall give you a little guided tour of Tenby, a delightful seaside town in Wales! We took a friend who was staying this weekend and were rewarded with a mild and dry day. 

It's so pretty with the painted Georgian houses, the tide was right in too...

There were lots of little snickets to wander down...

and rows of fishermen's cottages to gawp at...

And teeny tiny places that even I would bang my head on the door frame!

We got a little bit of festive spirit looking in the windows of this place...

And I spotted the wool shop sign! A small but perfectly formed establishment, it would have been rude not to buy a bit more yarn ;-)

We had a really lovely day and enjoyed a picnic of fresh lobster rolls eaten on a bench looking at this:

It's a tough life!

Sunday morning found me playing with my silver band for the Remembrance parade and service in the next village - even though it was only a small affair, it was no less heartfelt than the bigger occasions and was the first time out for us since December 2019....

We all enjoyed playing very much, it was a good thing to be part of.

Hope you all have a grand week and I'll try to have more on my desk for you next time xx


Helen said...

the pine cone Christmas trees look fantastic!! Tenby looks gorgeous, so picturesque and seasonal!! I noticed you'd said you had been out playing with the band - fitting that Remembrance Day should be the first occasion you were able to get out for. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sue said...

Hi Jan, The little trees are so cute.

Tendy looks lovely and glad you had such a nice time with your friend.

Glad you got out with the band. That is a long time hnot to be out.


Catriona said...

What a lot of work you put into making those dinky trees. Thanks for sharing the band playing at Remembrance Sunday-it was very touching. Happy crafting!

Mary Anne said...

I had to visit for last week too, and my goodness you have been even busier than usual, and still time to visit Tenby! Such a stunning location and your photos of it are fab. Love those pine cone trees - sometimes the simple ideas from stash can be to most satisfying, am I right? I wish I could recall where I have an adorable crochet angel that is 3D, it stands on it's skirt. You'd love it. If I recal it wasn't hard or super fiddly either. If I find it I'll send it along.

Mary Anne (1)

Lynn Holland said...

What a fabulous time you’ve had. I love the houses of Tenby. I’m doing another workshop next year with Ali Ferguson and the theme is tenement houses. Can I pinch your photo please to keep for reference Jan. I’m thinking I’ll do coloured houses.
It’s lovely to see you all playing again and on such a special day too.
Lynn xx 8

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jan, so glad to see you out playing with Crwbin again. Tenby looks lovely. Curiously, I’ve never been, though we’ve been all around. I suspect B is carrying on his father’s tradition of not visiting towns when the shops are open. 😏
Are the little Christmas trees part of your yarn bombing?
Looking forward to seeing the results.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 13

Diana Taylor said...

The little trees are delightful and even better for being free! Tenby looks lovely and I can't resist little alleyways like that one - never heard them called snickets though - I know them as ginnels. It was so nice hearing your band play on FB, incredibly moving and a lovely way to start your move back to live performances.
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #12

Neet said...

What a fabulous photo of the band - and you with a front row seat instead of my having to scrabble about to find you. Well worth keeping that one. Can imagine it felt good.
Love the trees, they are absolutely fabulous and you have made such a good job of them.
Tenby - I went there many many years ago - so long ago in fact I cannot remember anything about it. It looks lovely - and lobster rolls ........yum yum yum
Hugs, ~Neet 4 xx

My name is Cindy said...

Morning my lovely!! The pine cone trees turned out fantastic - and yes there is always great satisfaction in just using up stuff you already have! Tenby looks absolutely delightful. How lovely to 'get the band together' again - and for a wonderful occasion. Have a good week. Love n hugs Cindy xx #14

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous photographs of Tenby and looks like the weather was kind. Your pinecones are beautiful, if I could get hold of suitable sized pine ones, I would have a go myself. Glad you enjoyed playing in the band Happy WOYWW Angela #7

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

What a lovely week you've had and the pine cones look brilliant. The photographs of Tenby are wonderful, it's such a gorgeous place. You asked me about the watercolour and I have to be honest they could be anything as I am not into watercolour techniques and just wanted some to colour backgrounds and journals so got them from Amazon. All I can tell you is that it says CE RoHS but I'll let you know how I get on with them. Have a lovely woyww, Angela x15x

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh look at that little forest, how great they all look. VERY satisfying, I know it. Tenby looks really lovely, Love a snicket and a few indies! Saw the vid and loved the Kidwelly remembrance. It’s important to have a National Act of Remembrance for sure, but the dignity and real losses and real memorials are made locally.

BJ said...

Oh the trees are delightful, if only I had some cones.... I did have the yarn and crochet hook so thank you for enabling me to get back to crochet with the angel pattern you shared last week, just did another one whilst watching TV takes me about 40 mins to do one complete with ends sewn in and hangy loop but then I'm watching TV too LOL.
Can you believe I have never been to Tenby - was so near but yet so far. So thanks for the guided tour. Didn't spot the wool sign but was taken by the van sign BILLYCAN, I sure can Yay. BJ#17

Christine said...

Love, love, love those trees . . . for free? . . . wot's not to love.
Great to see Tenby again . . . lovely place and good weather!
Have a great week
Christine #22

StampinCarol said...

I LOVE your pine cones!!!
And really enjoyed the tour!
I bet you all sounded wonderful!
Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
Carol N #20

Annie said...

It’s a case of better late than never with me today...it was an early start for me and I’ve been head down sewing all day.....needs must. I’m now sat babysitting so have a little time to visit my favourite blogs.
I really love the little trees....I may have a go at making some in my free time 😂😂😂😂 you’ve taken me back years with your tour of Tenby....we used to holiday there every year when I was a child.
Annie x #6

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh Jan, your little trees are cute ! I've all the ingredients in my stash. Last year I collected up all sizes of pine cones, had lots of ideas but no action. I really love the photos of Wales. Thank you for sharing Some reminded me of our visit to Italy. Love the Georgian houses, my computer shared a screensaver of another country with these beautiful buildings. Will send a note to my son on mileage etc while he's in Germany I am hoping for 1 last visit across the sea while they are there.
Happy to see your band is out and gathered, it's so important to be with people, and enjoying things we love. Have a wonderful week, turning fridged here, but we were invited to Casino night and we are going!!!

Twiglet said...

We loved watching you on the video - so good to see you out and about with that bloomin big instrument! I haven't posted this week as I have been helping Max set up her exhibition and I just ran out of steam. Your little cone trees are fab - beautifully made. Tenby is such a lovely little town isn't it - great photos. xx Jo

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, love the Christmas Trees - they're delightful. The photos of Tenby make me want to put it on my bucket list. Alan's been to Tenby but I never have. That's a lovely photo of you all on Remembrance Day. Nice to see you 'front of stage' for a change. Thanks for your comment earlier. Hugs, Elizabeth x #24

Spyder said...

What a fabulous post, full of all sorts! A band, the sea, little houses and shops! all fun! and don't you just love them!? The Christmas trees are brilliant and is somerging like what I had in my head... I mean, 'thought about' doing with the grandkiddies. Can't though, I don't want to get too close just yet! Stay safe,Keep Crafting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))19

Susan Renshaw said...

Lots to read in your post! Great to see your band photo!
I love the Christmas trees!
Thank you for the trip round Tenby. We used to live in Haverfordwest so I know the area well - in fact Kevin had a major project there years ago...
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Susan #16
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Your new Blog post - full of beautiful pictures and full of done crafting work.
So lovely X-Mas trees! Made from the pine cones. Amazing!
And I'm glad with you, see you playing with your band.
Soulfood! ♥
Eva from Austria

Kyla said...

ooh the trees look brilliant and how fabulous to see Tenby, I havent been there since I was at school (it was where our school always seemed to go for trips!). Love that the band were able get together as well


  NOW IT'S THE SAME OLD SONG... Hello all you lovely Deskers, hope all is well with you this week! It's been a case of the same old-...