Before you know it, we're nearly there! Such a lot has happened in the past three weeks what with visitors, playing with three different bands etc etc that things have rather snuck up on me. I'm looking forward to the two weeks break between Christmas Day and resumption of life, the universe and everything on January 7th :-D

My desk:
It's a combination of craft and wrapping station!  The Christmassy fabrics are out because someone asked for a last minute doggy bandanna and I haven't put them back on the shelves yet. There's a big box of wrapping paper that will shortly be put to good use. Just behind that is a my big butch stapler that I needed to fix cellophane onto a hamper - the gold metal tube behind that is my Irish Penny Whistle, which was in the same box as the stapler!! Don't ask me why, things must have got flung in when we were packing up our old house last August!

Other things that appeared out of boxes are these little Christmas trees that I made a few years ago - simple idea but they do make me smile and they're on the sideboard in the hall now.

Julia bought us a new glass bauble when she was here two weeks ago - it's in the middle near the bottom. And I made a beaded decoration at WI last month, it's the bright green tree top right. I love my decorations - these are the old friends that resurface each December whereas these...

.. are new. Not only did we 'downsize' to a bigger house and have to buy more furniture (!!) but we had to get some extra decorations too. Crazy but we've loved it!!

Lots of you mentioned the jigsaw last week - it seemed to strike a chord with many. I'm quite proud to tell you that hardly any dinners were burned over the course of the week and yet the jigsaw got completed without too much hassle :-D

A perfect picture to finish with - Happy Christmas to all you lovely deskers. Have a wonderful time with your family and friends. Thank you for all the amazing support and lovely comments over the year and may 2018 be happy, healthy and fun filled xxxxxxx


Helen said...

Look at all those trees! Only you could downsize to a bigger house but I hope you and Gordon have a fabulously happy first Christmas in it.

Annie said...

I love your trees full of memories....mine has been decorated by my elves so there’s a bit of clustering but I’m happy to leave it has it is because they had a wonderful time decorating it and I was filled with love watching them all....I may share a few pics on Friday.
I would like to wish you and that gorgeous hubby of yours a very happy Christmas and hope you get lots of rest and pampering before next week.
Annie x #7

Julia Dunnit said...

I don’t know where the time to finish the puzzle came from, what with all the band and other commitments. It’s such a ice puzzle isn’t it, dont you have a non Christmas scene that sort of matches it? Am banking on being chime tomorrow, will catch you by telecommunication device. Xxxx

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan! Love it!!! Downsize to a bigger house! But of COURSE you needed extra decorations! No question at all. Have a tremendous Christmas season in your new home.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #2

Sue said...

Hi Julia, Two trees??? I don't have room for one.

Hope you are on schedule, so you can breeze into the big day and actually enjoy it.

Sue #12

Christine said...

I'll raise a glass to you both for your first Christmas in your new home.....Cheers.
Love those little trees - I love bringing out all the memories of Christmas's past too, part of the pleasure of decorating it all up.
Enjoy your days off, stay warm and dry
Christine #10

Morti said...

LLJ! Yay! I'm here!

Thank you for commenting today. I really couldn't miss this week, and I have missed everyone, and crafting, so much! I didn't even find time to put a post up about my trip up to Harrogate with Karen!

I really need a close up of that beaded decoration you did, please, do share!

Hopefully we can find some time to pop across for a visit in 2018....

Diana Taylor said...

I love your little trees - such a good idea and so cute too, and with no zips or lining even I could make them I'm sure! And I love your big trees too - I'm a huge fan of Christmas trees and always have two plus a loft full of baubles!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. and thank you for your friendship and kind, supportive comments over the last year.
Diana xx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, and Happy Christmas to you all! Loving those little trees- you could do bigger ones as Door stops? It will be lovely having your first Christmas in the new house, I'm sure. Lots of new memories to make. Love & hugs to you all, Shaz XXX

Sarah Brennan said...

Merry Christmas Jan. Your two trees make up for our lack of one this year. May you have a fabulous first Christmas in your new home. Sarah #9

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Some great photos, such a busy time. Amazing how we all get so many things accomplished in a few short weeks. No wonder I drink some Jolly drinks on Christmas day ! May You and Yours enjoy a wonderful Merry Christmas.

SusanLotus said...

Beautiful Christmas trees! I like the green one most.

And lovely Christmas creations too. :)

Merry Christmas and a happy WOYWW this week!
Sussie nr 16

Felicia said...

Jan....the puzzle is SOOO beautiful! Wish I could have joined in the ensemble!! Love both of those beautiful trees and the little trees are too cute! Merry Christmas to you and a very happy new year! Felicia, #25

Claire Grantham said...

I love seeing Christmas Trees, my Hubby is totally 100% anti-Christmas Trees (sobs). I love the fabric trees too. I feel we all have that box of Christmas paper, I realised some of mine is ancient!! I don't think I have bought Christmas wrap in years. Merry Christmas to you. Claire #26

StampinCarol said...

Absolutely love your 2 trees! We only have 1 small one (about 3' tall) on a table in front of our living room window. And your puzzle is gorgeous, too! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas season! Thanks for stopping by!
Carol n #22

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

That must be the perfect Christmas puzzle! I want to introduce this tradition in my family as well! I'm impressed that you managed to complete it well before Christmas! Your wrapping papers remind me of your fabrics - bright and cheerful! Love the mini Christmas trees - very folk arty - and your big trees look lovely too. We had to get a new one as well - we finally got the space for it! Best wishes for the holidays, Jan - hope to see you again next week for the last WOYWW in 2017! xx Zsuzsa #18

Pam said...

I have made a collection of various fabric trees over the years, they are scattered all over the house. I do like the conical version and feel a finger twitch starting up.

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, I love your little trees. Then again I just love everything christmassy. Congratulations on finishing the puzzle. Mine will definitely not be finished! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas in your new home - never heard of downsizing to a bigger house, lol. Best wishes to you and your family, Heather #32

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, the jigsaw is lovely. I used to like doing them but seemed to get out of it mostly because I was working full time and just didn't have the time and when I did I used to fall asleep doing them. The trees look lovely. Thanks for the visit to mine, have a lovely Christmas and a good woyww too, Angela x8x

Monica said...

everything so wonderful as it holds so many memories for you. Have a wonderful merry Christmas and happy new Year.
Monica #22
Thanks for visiting.

Anne said...

Unable to join in this week but just wanted to say Happy Christmas. Anne copperbeechcrafts X

Neet said...

A perfect picture indeed. I admire people who can do such huge jigsaws. I always buy a friend one and try to get a difficult one - last year I succeeded! First time ever! Took her a while but she did it.
Lovely trees, and lovely decorations. Sad to say I have not got mine up yet and am wondering now whether it will go up. Maybe we need a smaller one - but I love my big tree - just not festive for some reason.
I do hope you have a most Wonderful Christmas with the family, and you get to walk that Christmas dinner off on the lovely beach you show us. God Bless you Jan, I am so glad we got to finally meet but I still felt we had when we hadn't.
Lots of Love and a very Happy Christmas
Neet xx

Kim said...

Your comment about burned dinners brought back memories of my Mom, getting very caught up with her puzzles, and yes; burning dinner! LOL! Love your trees! While I didn't put one up this year, I still have gone through my box of favorites while decorating the hearth. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! Hugs,
-K #31

craftyani said...

Love the trees reminds me of a door stop I had. Now there's an idea. Christmas trees always bring back memories with their ornaments. I have a little cat bell from my childhood that always takes pride of place on mine. Have a good Christmas Anickoana#20

Cara said...

I love those fabric trees, I think you might need to tell me how to make them for next year! Your house is looking beautifully festive. Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas and new year to come x

Angela said...

Your little trees are very cute and made me smile too :)
Thank you for your kind comment and understanding my happiness with my new guillotine!! Good tools make all the difference!

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas time and a well-earned rest.

Angel Greetings #29

BJ said...

Loving all your trees, and why not have lots. Thanks for your visit and have a Happy Christmas and a Crafty New Year BJ#27

Twiglet said...

Lovely post Jan - we are just getting into the festive spirit here too! Entertaining the little sis on Saturday so that will be fun! Have a happy Christmas - xx Jo

Annie Claxton said...

HI Jan ... Oooooohhh I'm getting the jigsaw urge now :o) Love those squishy fabric trees, they would fit in beautifully with our little collection of decorations, I really like them. Have a fabulous Christmas and see you in 2018 :o) xxx Annie C #18

Stacy Sheldon said...

Merry Christmas Jan, I love that you have up-sized and are still collecting ornaments and those sewn trees a great deal. :) It just made me smile to see it all too. ~Stacy #26

Shoshi said...

A lovely festive post, Jan! Great projects too. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog and for all your kind thoughts. I'm sorry to have been so long replying but things hae been kind of crazy here... There have been times when I wondered whether we'd get through all these crises but somehow you do! We are just hoping for better things in the coming year.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #5


 CHICK CHICK CHICK CHICK CHICKEN, LAY A LITTLE EGG FOR ME....... Another week has whizzed past, a cold one too here in South Wales. The wind...