Thanks for all the great comments last week - I'd like to welcome Laurie and Pam as two new followers. Thanks ladies. hope you enjoy the nonsense that is my blog!

I've given up making excuses for my lack of anything remotely resembling sewing! But there has been some action in the JanCave this week - woohoo! My son and future DiL are staying for a few days and some holey coat pockets needed mending:

It's hard to tell what I've been doing really, which is probably a good thing as the mend wasn't terribly pretty! However, it means that a perfectly good old winter coat now has functional pockets again, which can only be a good thing and took all of five minutes to do.

There's something else on the desk though:
Some purchases from The Flying Goose quilt shop in Llandeilo! The fabric is for a table runner which I'm determined to get done in the next couple of days - the interfacing and Bondaweb are for an applique project to be done in the new year. I'm on the Banner team in the Womens' Institute - a new one has to be made and I got 'volunteered' to help. Story of my life :-D  More on that in a few weeks' time.

I've been knitting for some little ones in our family - I have loved using this Cherish yarn, it's so lovely to knit with and the resulting pattern is like Fairisle without the grief of intarsia! Twiglet gave me that top-down cardi pattern ages ago, it's brilliant because it's knitted all in one and therefore requires no sewing up at all!! My sort of pattern :-D The piece on the left is the back of a jumper (the sides have curled in which makes it look a bit weird!)
I made that table runner a couple of years ago - in fact, I bought the fabric from Janet Fairythoughts in C&H Fabrics, so I think of her so much when I bring it out of the Christmas box each year.

It's been fun deciding where our old favourite decorations are going to go for the first Christmas in our new house - I may have bought a couple more to fill up the space (so much for downsizing....)

I love the trees - they brighten up our hall very nicely indeed!

But some family traditions remain the same no matter where we happen to be living and this is one - the Christmas Jigsaw!

Here's Lexy, my DiL-to be, doing a grand job of sorting through the pieces. It's a snowy street scene, of which there have been many this past week, but fortunately not here in Wales. As much as I love snow, it would have severely hampered the band's carolling. I can't leave a jigsaw alone once it's out however, so I foresee a few burnt dinners over the next few days!!

Have a great week xxxx


Helen said...

I thought Wales had had snow, you must be in the wrong bit!! or the right bit, given your carolling needs!! I love a good jigsaw too. Your decorations look fab - love those trees! Helen #??

Annie said...

I’m pleased to hear you’ve not had snow....think north Wales had it bad....like us! I’m hoping the rain that’s supposed to come today takes ours cos we’ve all had enough of it now. Poor little Milly needs longer legs for the depth of snow we’ve had!Hugs.
Annie x #9

Sarah Brennan said...

Hi Jan, glad you managed to avoid the snow, although I can't really complain as I got an extra craft day out of it. I expect Mum and Dad have already got the Christmas jigsaw ready to go; it's a tradition at home too! Cool tree decorations! Happy WOYWW Sarah #12

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah my sister would love that jigsaw Lunch Lady Jan.beautiful fabric there for that runner, and your knitting wow, that is awesome the wool knits up so prettily, well named!
Glad your band is still able to go carolling too, guess might be snow up Margaret’s way though.
Thanks so much for your great desky share.
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #2

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Anne said...

Hello Jan. We had the snow!!! It looked beautiful but has played havoc with our plans :-( The tree decoration is beautiful. The knitting and table runner are lovely. Have a great week. Anne x #15

Julia Dunnit said...

No snow here, just foul sleety windy cold stuff. Ugh. I meant to say about the atmosphere in the hall with that tree light, so so lovely. I’ve finally got the decs box out and my Janet runner - nice to have a tangible reminder of those happy shopping and gossiping over the counter days, you’re so right. Good luck with the jigsaw...would love to join you!

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Jan, I'm not taking part again this week but thought I'd nip over and say Hello! I love your post, what gorgeous fabric for a table runner, and the decorations are lovely. I hope all your brass band events go well, we've been out watching my sister who is in the New Forest training band and you just can't beat the sound of brass at Christmas!
I've managed no arty crafty stuff at all for the last couple of weeks, but am hoping to get a post up for next week as it's the Christmas edition! My jigsaw is coming out this week too - luckily it's quite a bit smaller than yours so there's a strong chance we'll finish it before we need the table for Christmas dinner! Have a lovely week and enjoy your son and DIL being home.
Love and hugs,
Diana xxx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Why ios it manufacturers of coats use flimsy material for the pockets??? If you put anything even remotely heavy or pointy like keys, the chances are a hole will appear.

The material for the runner is beautiful.

The wool for the bay things is lovely and the little jacket is so cute.

Decorations are lovely.

I've not done a puzzle for years.

Sue #17

Neet said...

Cor Blimey Jan, that is one huge jigsaw. How many pieces and will you show it to us when it is completed please.
So glad you didn't have snow, maybe the salt breeze will help when it does come. I guess it is hard on the band when it is bitter cold.
Love your new fabric for a runner but I like the old one that is so full of a lovely memory too.
Hugs and thanks for the visit to mine, Neet 4 xx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

That is a stunning piece of fabric - and I don't mean the old winter coat LOL! Cute little baby outfits and stylish Christmas deco too. I get the jigsaw bug from time to time too - once you start, it can be very addictive! I like the idea of your Christmas jigsaw tradition! Have a lovely week, Jan! zsuzsa #16

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

PS: "got volunteered" LOL!

Anonymous said...

serviceable pockets,, a good thing,, your knitting is beautiful and so is the fabric you found, love the name of that shop,, !! We do a jigsaw every winter too!!!

StampinCarol said...

Seems like pockets in many articles of clothing require mending! And I just LOVE your Christmas trees decoration!! Great looking kinitting, love the colors! What a fun tradition, the jig saw puzzle. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week with your family!
Carol N #20

Ellie said...

That's a huuuge jigsaw! Good luck hahah!
Adorable baby clothes.
Have a good week
Ellie #25

Pam said...

I love that fabric but have managed to resist it,so far, we had another knit and natter yesterday and the noise level was off the scale with laughter. We had quite a bit of snow here but the rain washed it all away last night.

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier - no more decs across the road, all snow gone!!! It has done nothing but rain since lunchtime but I am pleased to say this enabled me and gs to go to playgroup!!!
I used to love leaving out the jigsaw for everyone to do .....
Enjoy your week
Christine #13

Felicia said...

Jan, I don't sew, so good on you for restoring those pockets....got to have them!!! And saving a perfectly good coat, to boot! Love your knitting project, just precious! And I want your tree decoration, it so pretty! Happy first Christmas in your new home! We too are a puzzle family at holiday time! Love doing them!! Blessings for the rest of your week! Felicia #29

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, a busy week! I love the Christmas tree decoration. I have a new jigsaw for Christmas, but not sure if will get finished. It's on my downstairs desk, so I'll have some help from my grandchildren no doubt. Have a lovely week, and thanks for stopping by earlier. Heather #6

Bubbles said...

No snow in Wales?? I thought only us way down here in Southampton had a severe lack of the white stuff :)
Do you find that every time someone - anyone - walks past the jigsaw, tgey have to stop and try to fit a piece? lol
My nan always said that it doesn't matter what it looks like on the inside - as long as the outside looks pretty and its strong enough, then a mend is done right - and I am all for the 'make-do-and-mend' pilosophy... only it does mean that nothing ever gets thrown away and my cupboards are chocker! lol
Have a wonderful week,

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, I had to miss last week so I've just had the pleasure of reading two of your posts. Looks like you & Julia had as much fun as usual with your time together. I heard that Wales was under snow but I guess that like us you live too close to the sea for that. I'd find the jigsaw very distracting too. Have a wonderful week ahead. Hugs, Elizabeth x #23

BJ said...

Oh a jigsaw, now I fancy doing one this year now... and the decs are lovely, so too the knitting. I helped make a few banners many years ago, look forward to seeing that. And if I didn't know better that is MY sewing machine, together with mending job..... Bought a party dress and the straps really need shortening so I ought to get my machine out this week. Thanks for the visit. BJ#10

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Don't worry Jan, the desk will soon be messy again. That is one large jigsaw! Looks like you've been busy and still more to do! Have a lovely and creative woyww, Angela x12x

Cara said...

I love that you got volunteered, you forgot to take a step back whe they asked for volunteers didn't you! How lovely to have your first Christmas in your new home, I'm sure you'll create many happy memories. Thank you so much for the lovely Christmas card, please let me know your address via my comment form so I can return the love x

misteejay said...

Love the knitting Jan.
I haven't done a puzzle in years - it was certainly a family event over the Christmas period when I was growing up and we always looked forward to the new ones that Santa brought.
Toni xx

Lindart said...

A jigsaw is a great idea for keeping company (and yourself) entertained over the holidays - might just pull one out myself! I love the trees with the glowing light - would be beautiful in the hallway. Isn't it fun - first Christmas in a new house, new traditions, new ideas to explore, have a wonderful time! Lindart #27

Stacy Sheldon said...

I laughed and laughed over burnt dinners to come until the puzzle is done Jan. ( that is totally what my husband would do) and that is cool that your whole family is allowed to work on it together too. ~Stacy #26

Mrs.D said...

Hi Jan, sorry I am late as always, but thank you for dropping in to my 'desk' and your nice comments, Yes I really do need my space and a craft room.
And there is so much on your 'desk' to comment on, darning has do be done, and much as I hate doing it, it is satisfying when the mending pile has all gone.
And I do like that knitting, I don't knit much these days, but something that produces really good results like that, with limited effort is really my kind of knitting.
I like the table runner, and the mention of C&H fabrics took me back 50 years, when I used to work in the Tunbridge Wells store for a few years when I left school,
Well thhis has become an essay instead of a comment on a blog so I better go and hide for another few weeks before I get round to blogging again.
chris #8

sandra de said...

Oh yes, I know the feeling of completing a section of the jigsaw puzzle while dinner burns. Lovely to see your chrissy decorations. Have a wonderful christmas.
sandra de @18

Dorlene Durham said...

I love family puzzles. We haven't done that in years. The holidays are a great time to start! Sorry for such a late visit. I actually brought out my sewing machine for a quick sewing project for my DD. Dorlene #28


 CHICK CHICK CHICK CHICK CHICKEN, LAY A LITTLE EGG FOR ME....... Another week has whizzed past, a cold one too here in South Wales. The wind...