Well, it's done and I've moved in!
All freshly painted and ready for action! I like my sewing machine to be at the end of the table, because it doesn't bounce around so much (and the sockets are down that end too)

On the opposite wall is the ironing board plus the bookshelves.....

At last there's a place for my boxes of scraps, sewing books, tin of dried lavender etc etc....plus some house files. Well, they had to go somewhere...!

It's quite interesting - I always thought I had a huge stash but actually, I'm quite minimalistic now I come to see it all arranged like this. I need to get my cork board on one wall - that's where I keep ATCs, cards and other favourite bits of stuff that friends send.

And the desk has already seen a bit of action...my new great niece arrived last Wednesday. Her arrival came very fast - so much so that my niece's partner, who is part of the amateur acting groups that are part of the Shakespeare 400th anniversary tour. had to leave his role as Flute in A MIdsummer Night's Dream at the RSC in Stratford upon Avon after the first act! Luckily there was an understudy on standby. The Director of the RSC went front of stage just before the second act to explain why there'd been a change of cast and the reason why....this got a huge round of applause!!  So the arrival of Edith Hettie Molly Skinner made it onto the BBC news.  I think she's destined for a life on the stage with a start like that :-)

Lots of pretty buttons and bows......

Fit for the first girl to be born on our side of the family since her mum arrived thirty years ago....it's been all boys up to now!  Yay, I can buy pink....woohoo!!!

Have a great week!


Nikki said...

Your New space is looking great and it's always fun to realize we tidied up more then we thought we had at least you'll have lots of space to create and now that everything has it's own space I'm sure you'll find it tons easier. The cork board sounds great to give you a place to show off stuff
hugs Nikki ??

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan, the room is looking super fresh and ready for action...you are certainly organised and 'minimalistic'. JJUST love your bunting for little Edith and a lovely story of her arrival. Have a great week RobynO

Helen said...

what a beautiful room - I could mess it up pretty quick... LOVE the sign on the window sill - normal??? great bunting too. Enjoy the pink projects (I watched the clip you posted to FB, go Edith!) Helen #?

Bridget Larsen said...

Ooh I love that new space of yours and that pennant is just adorable
Bridget #8

Sue said...

Your new craft room looks lovely.

Congrats on your new great niece.

Sue #24

Diana Taylor said...

Congratulations on the arrival of Edith - what an entrance! Your bunting is adorable and I love the little pink flowery buttons - how cute are they! Having two nephews I do miss doing the 'pretty and pink' stuff, it's all daleks and monsters! I hope you enjoy your new craft space - it's looking so clear and organised - my big dream is a book shelf with some space left on it!
Have a great week,
Hugs, Diana xx

Lynn Holland said...

Huge congratulations on Edith's safe arrival and a girl yippee.
My friend's granddaughter is called Edith.
The bunting is beautiful and will be loved by all I'm sure.
Bet you are grinning from ear to ear
Lynn 19 X

Twiglet said...

Edith is a lovely old fashioned name and that bunting is perfect Jan. Your sewing room is fab - I can see you having many a happy hour in there - enjoy every minute! x Jo

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Woo-hoo on being able to buy pink!!!
... it is that way after a greet run of boys eh? and love the name, Edith, too Lunch Lady Jan..
...and another wooooohoo!! what great crafty space, totally minimalist .. how nice to be able to have spaces to fill ;)
Thanks so much for sharing.
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #25

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Julia Dunnit said...

That is such a overly start for baby Edith! Loving the new craft room missus, wh'd have taught that empty nesting could cause so much work but be so much fun! Xxxx

Anonymous said...

As usual, for ME, lately, I have to spend so much time looking back on weeks I've missed that it is going to take me AGES to get thru even a handful of visits :) No surprise I love what I see - the banner is very special, such lovely colours, and the softness a nice contrast to the brights that come before. As ever, such a fab visual feast.

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (20)

Crafting Queen said...

What a lovely space to sew. Congrats on the new baby in the family.

jill said...

Happy Crafting in your new Room Jan. Jill #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Fantastic space and so tidy, love it. Have a good day and happy woyww, Angela x 28

Lisca said...

Congratulations on Edith's spectacular arrival! Now you can buy pink! I totally understand your joy as we have 8 grandchildren, all boys. Not a single female child in the family.
Your craftroom looks super!
Thanks for visiting mine,
Happy WOYWW and have a great week.

Caz said...

Congratulations on your new great niece...her bunting is gorgeous.
What a fab looking space - so bright and airy! I like the "normal" reminder on the windowsill....we need one of those in our house!

#31 unless Mr Linky has changed it!

sandra de said...

Now that is a wonderful entrance to the world and so pleased you can use pink to your hearts desire. Love the "name" and the banner and your new space looks perfect. A pretty good week for LLJ :)
sandra de @22

Neet said...

Yeah for the females - and what an entrance she made (news article). Something to look at for years to come.
Love your new space, I love the clean look of it and am striving to make mine look less like a car boot sale than at present.
Have a good week in that new room and with baby Edith.
Hugs, Neet xx (thanks for the earlier visit to me)

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Wow, that was quick work. Enjoy your lovely new space, Jan x

Fiona #32

Jill said...

What a lovely read, Edith made quite an entrance. Your work room looks lovely and fresh and tidy ready for work, and your bunting is very pretty

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

That's wonderful news Jan, both the arrival of your great niece as well as your new art space! You've got so much room now! Enjoy making pink things and hopefully you can share a photo of the new arrival soon! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #38

glitterandglue said...

Congratulations to all!! A great start in life - and what a celebration on stage! Your room looks really good - well done on getting in there.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #40

Mrs.D said...

Hi Jan, what a fabulous new cave you have there, light and cheerful, and the bunting for little Edith is very special for a very special baby.
Thanks for visiting my page, yes I am still here, crafting away, but somehow Wednesday is not usually an easy day to post or visit which is why I am not here as often as I would like to be.
Chris #29

J said...

Hi Jan, love the new room and how tidy it is. How lovely to be able to buy pink, we are all boys here, sons, grandsons.
I also share my room with the ironing board although it doesn't see as much action as it should!
Jan n0 46

ToadilyDiane said...

What a great room. And pretty banner.

Have a great day!

Diane WOYWW #44

Sharon said...

Congrats on the new room and the new baby! A lovely week filled with surprises.

I like your bunting - it's gorgeous!

Happy WoYWW
Sharon K #47

pearshapedcrafting said...

Great room you've got there! Love the tale of Edith's fame! I can tell you now - it's great having a girl in the family! Hugs, Chrisx 39,

Unknown said...

Your room photos brought back great memories when I used to do lots of textile crafts...now I paint which I love but I think after seeing your workspace I need to get my machine out and start combining the two :-)
Dawn #45

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, happy to see you're in the Jan cave, lol. Looks like you have loads of natural light in there. Lovely bunting, and I saw the news about baby Edith. What a lovely name they've chosen.You can justifiably add pink fabric to the stash now, lol. Lots of love and huge hugs, Shaz xxxx

Unknown said...

A true diva is born! I do love that story of her birth - amazing. And look at you go - your sewing room is fantabulous. I need a stitching party with you immediately. I think you could teach me a thing or two about minimizing. I keep thinking I don't have enough storage, but the problem is I need to minimize to fit the storage I have. *sigh* I just can't accomplish it in a weekend. I need a several days at home...maybe sometime this spring I'll get my act together. Your room just looks so organized, yet clean and spacious!! Hugs. Happy Wednesday! Sandy Leigh #51

Kim said...

Congrats on your JanCave! You need to put up your own bunting! And bigger congrats on your Great-Niece!!! Definitely destined for greatness! Enjoy!

Bubbles said...

I was the first girl for several generations on my fathers side of the family - and the only girl of this generation too. It's nice to be spoilt lol
Congratulations on the safe arrival of the little one. And on the utter serene tidiness of your craft room :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday
Bubbles #36 WOYWW

Annie said...

I'm just in from my afternoon school run and having done the morning school run and a full day of sewing in between I'm feeling rather jaded but as you can imagine those little ones never fail to put a smile on my face so it's all worth it.
Thanks for dropping by at mine earlier.
Your new room looks wonderful Jan and I can see you spending many happy hours in there. I love the new bunting and the tale of the little person it has been made for.....what an entrance into the world.
Annie x # 10

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Pinks and purples and all things frilly and girly--woo hoo! Your room looks great! You'll enjoy playing there so much. And yes, not so much stash now that it has room to spread out. C'mon, fess up! We know you have an entire basement full stashed about! PJ #63

Christine said...

Wonderful news - a little girl! I love 'em so much I had four!!!
your room looks beautiful.... but very bare .... needs more material on those shelves!!!!
Have a good week
Christine aka Bishopsmate #64

Patrink said...

Edith is one lucky little girl. I'm sure you will shower her with so many wonderful gifts.

Pat #61

Clair said...

Your room is looking fabulous, almost as fabulous as that button collection :)

Clair #11

Ali H said...

Hi Jan I just wanted to say thanks for the tip about the fabric shop in Winchester which I went to on Saturday! Great stuff but I was pretty restrained!I seem to be travelling constantly at the moment - in Llandudno tonight for a Welsh Government meeting tomorrow so not crafting or blogging! Take care Ali xx

Sue Jones said...

A change is as good as a rest. It all looks lovely and very productive.Thanks for the visit earlier today . Have a great week. Soojay xx

RosA said...

Oooh, I am SO in awe (and envious) of your lovely neat and tidy sewing room! And all that floor! I can only dream of seeing that much floor space! Enjoy!
RosA # 35

Kelly said...

Thanks for visiting me this week. Congrats on getting all moved in. What an adorable banner for a lucky new niece. Creative Blessings! Kelly #62

Kyla said...

Hurrah for moving in.....but there does appear to be a lack of fabric? I am not sure, but have you created a tardis for storing it?!!
Loved seeing the story about your new Great Niece on FB etc-a future star in the making :-)
Thanks for visiting my desk already
Kyla #6

Hettie said...

Well done on moving in, but I am wondering where I am sleeping now!!
Love the bunting and of course I love the name!
I can see some pink fabrics being bought now!!

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan, sorry to be so late visiting this week, time got away frame again! I love your new workspace, it all looks so light and bright and organised, do you have to keep going in for another look!? Have a lovely weekend xxx Annie C #73


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...