I started this little quilt a week or so ago and then got sidetracked...that's what comes of having a butterfly mind!
But now I've decided to send a parcel of blankets away for a charity I support, then I'd better get a move on.  The blue spotty fabric was used for Father Christmas's chair in the grotto I decorated last December and now it's going to be a fleecy backing :-)  Yay for multi-purpose fabric!!

Not a perfect match but it'll do...and that means more stash has been busted. Yee Haar!!

I finished the second blanket made out of that bl674y splitty cotton, so have two to send off to the outreach project in Denbighshire who contacted me two weeks ago. It may be a pig to work with but the result is soft, heavy and snuggly. So, it's an ill wind, eh?!

I like this treble (US Double) stitch in the space very much...it's super speedy and makes the yarn go quite far. I know the V stitch is popular but I've never enjoyed it that much. I made up the bobbly edging on the top blanket - it was 1 double, 1 chain, 1 double into the same stitch, slip stitch into the next stitch and then repeat.  Quite effective without being too lacy!

Have fun this week - I'm liking the lighter evenings and the arrival of Spring. Might even get out into my garden...steady on there ;-)


Nikki said...

Ok I didn't look closed my eyes and scrolled to the comment I have no idea what's on your desk but thought to say hello LOL
hugs Nikki so early

HeARTworks said...

I love that little hold all on your top picture. If you lived near me, I'd buy one! Soo cute! Of course I'd have to find a space for me on my table! Wow! If I make a blanket like that it will take me forever and a half! Happy WOYWW! patsy

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

My paternal nanna who was from Yorkshire, always used that same stitch on all her blankets and so have I too, Lunch lady Jan.

Well done on making up splitty wool it is right pain as we all know.. but persistence was well worth it in end result!
Look forward to seeing other blankies being made up too!
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x # no number yet

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Helen said...

Love the blankets, well done for getting them done and the yarn finished! Your quilts will all be gorgeous I know - and stash busting means you can go and buy more; you know!! Helen waiting for a no. #?!

Neet said...

I am liking your blankets at the bottom - great projects, great usage.
Great use of that blue fabric - Santa will be pleased and it will be reflected in your stocking come Christmas I am sure.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Looking forward to seeing the finished quilt. I love the two crocheted blankets.

I absolutely adore your Hares. What is it about Hares?

Sue #19

buterfliecrafter said...

Hello jan, butterfly mind hihi. Love the fact that you donate so much of your work to charity. Happy WOYWW Vicky #3

Crafting Queen said...

Lovely blankets, you have been busy.

Annie Claxton said...

They really do look snuggly Jan, I could do with one of those of an evening - it's really gone a bit parky here at the moment, although as you say it's nice to see the days beginning to stretch out at last. Have a lovely crafty week :o) Annie C ~25

Annie said...

From one butterfly to another :-) I love your finished blankets and the patchwork will grow quickly I'm sure when you set your heart to it :-) I don't know about Spring....I got snowed on while walking home from school this morning! Brrrrrrr
Have a great week my friend,
Annie x # 7

Barb said...

Your crochet blankets look beautiful and I'm sure will be very well received.
What pretty material. I look forward to seeing that finished too. Have a lovely day. Barbxx #16

Twiglet said...

Oh so cosy blankets there Jan. They will be glad of those in this chilly weather. I have made a few twiddle mitts to send them too. x Jo

J said...

Jan those blankets are lovely, they really look snuggly so someone will be very happy to receive one of them.
Jan no 33

Christine said...

Butterfly mind - I like that a lot, must try to remember ......
What a great border for the blanket, I love the way that patterns can be created with crochet. So much better than knitting (spit, spit!) The colours are beautiful.
Have a good week
Christine aka Bishopsmate #29

judith@poppy cottage said...

Love the look of your blankets, it's great to recycle some of your stash. My current crochet project is using trebles, and it is working up so much quicker than the previous blanket! Happy WOYWW, Judith xx #32

Caz said...

Love the blankets! And the stash busting - I must do some of that......
I did do a little bit of sewing this week and made a bag....then forgot to put a photo up...I'll do it later for you as I know you like sewing photos rather than paper ones! LOL!
xx #37

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

You do keep busy. Lovely blankets and pretty colors you are working with. Spring..it's almost here too. Have a lovely week.

Unknown said...

Your blankets are so beautiful. You know when I first saw the chair I thought for a second that you had knitted a new upholstery for it! That would have been cute too, but then I looked closely and realized it was two gorgeous blankets, knitted with love. I am so proud your stash busting. You go girl! I repainted my craft desk, instead of buying a new one...does that count as upcycling a little? I am drinking coffee and getting ready to go to the office...but I'm really in a mood to knit a rug. Isn't that weird? I want to take four balls of yarn to start a little kitchen rug so it will be really thick. Guess it will have to wait until this afternoon for me to start it. Hugs! Sandy Leigh #36

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

It's great when our supplies can be recycled for different projects once they've served their initial purpose. For me, it's usually repainting canvases or reusing metal embellishments. LOVE the stripy blanket - would like to snuggle up in it. Great staging with the piano in the background! HAppy WOYWW! zsuzsa #34

ToadilyDiane said...

Great job!!
Diane WOYWW #31

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Those blankets look so comfy. I could curl up in one right now! Warm and happy colored fabrics you are working with as well. Good job busing that stash! PJ #47

Lisca said...

Those blankets look so comfy. I remember when I worked at the hospice, my patients would feel cold even with a duvet, so we would wrap them in one of those blankets that people crochet, like yours. And the smaller blankets are good for wrapping cold feet in.I'm sure yours will be put to good use wherever it goes.
The quilt is going to look cute too even though it doesn't all match. So what?
Thanks for visiting,
Have a good week,

Sharon said...

Those blankets look lovely and warm. I like the material you've chosen for your quilt. It looks very retro. Where do you find such fabric?

Have a great week
Sharon K #42

Inside the artists shed said...

Nothing wrong with a butterfly mind - it just means you are multi talented and have a very busy mind. Keep up the good works and thanks for popping by earlier x Jackie 23

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

That's going to be a lovely cheerful quilt and yay for repurposing. What caught my eye today though was the fabulous hares on the piano. I love them.

Fiona #54

Julia Dunnit said...

Do you mean that Santa's bottom has been upon that fabric? What a honour!! Great blankets, good job gal.

Shoshi said...

That's going to be a lovely quilt, Jan, and what a good idea backing it with fleecy material. I've never seen that done before. The splitty cotton blankets are fabulous and thank you for the crochet lesson! I must write that down - a useful tip for a simple border. I love seeing the piano in the background with that amazing leaping hare on top as well - nice to be reminded that there is music going on in your house, and that your cats also support the playing of musical instruments (by sleeping in the case lol!). Phoebe has adopted my guitar case! I am really enjoying getting back into it but my poor fingertips are suffering and I now have what look like blisters... First step on the way to achieving some decent callouses to protect them. The only way through, is through...

Having the port removed will really mark the end of that particular journey but I feel a bit strange about it - it's sort of part of me now and it will be odd not to have it any more. I don't suppose they'll let me keep it as a souvenir lol!! Perhaps I could recycle it into a piece of art.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #28

Unknown said...

I can relate to your "butterfly mind". LOL! Great definition! Love the fabrics for the quilt! And with using up your stash you can replenish it soon! And the crocheted blankets are so cheerful! Hope you have a wonderful week!
Carol N #40

Kim said...

Lovely pieces!! Someday I'll learn to knit...but I'll leave sewing/quilting to you and Hettie! Have a great week.
K #59

glitterandglue said...

Hi Jan. Gorgeous fabric out, as usual. Those blankets you have crocheted are lovely. Must try the fancy edging - if I can work it out - I'm not very crochet-savvy. But... I am working on a hexagon blanket at the moment. It's great 'cos it tessellates so nicely. Should be able to show it off soon.
The hares on your piano are gorgeous. And how lovely to see a piano open and ready for playing!!! Definitely two staves of music there on the stand - must be for the piano not the horn..
Thanks for the visit - so... you were in the homeland last Saturday? Sorry it wasn't this end - you could have joined us for a panad!!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #55

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Jan! Just popping back to say thank you for heartwarming comment you left on my blog! I usually reply to comments there, but due to a Google glitch, I couldn't. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your visits and thoughtful comments! Thank you! :)

Morti said...

Yo Lady! Tis me! Don't often get around to commenting but I'm forcing a lunchbreak on myself today... heheheh

You'd have been so proud of me a couple of weeks ago. I made a makeup bag for Lil Miss B - from scratch! I followed a pattern, and broke out the sewing machine and put in a zip and lined it with proper wipe clean gubbins and it had a flap for a brush roll and everything. The stitching was wonky, and my cutting out was lamentable, and it took three attempts to add bias binding but she loves it. I need to get a photo now!

Hope you're keeping well, love the crochet you've been doing...

love, Morti #61

Ali H said...

Great rugs but lost the thread when you broke into stitch speak or was it Swahili! I'm excited about the lighter mornings and evenings too! I'm easily pleased ! Love Ali #63

Bernice said...

Lovely blankets Jan. I like the way crochet grows so quickly - and it's a great project for this time of year - it keeps you warm as you work! I wouldn't plan too much for the garden just yet as the forecast says there will be snow!! It's really bright and sunny today here in N. Ireland, but very cold.

okienurse said...

beautiful blankets! What size hook are you using with the double crochet? I need to make up some blankets for my grand daughters. Sorry I didn't make it around last week. I am tired of winter weather changes it makes my disorders flare. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Vickie #58

Kyla said...

Hurrah for stash busting, but it's like you are talking in code with stitch this, v that...!!!! I am only jealous as I am rubbish at crotchet and knitting :-)
Thanks for visiting my desk already
kyla #17

Clair said...

Ooh, that crochet blanket looks so inviting. Perfect for the weather we've been having recently. I've been craving blankets, books and biscuits!

Thanks for visiting earlier in the week x

Clair #8

Lindart said...

Wow - your garden is awesome!!! I wish I had the room for veggies! The colors in that afghan are glorious! What a way to welcome spring! Lindart #67


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...