You know how I've been doing so well and really busting that ol' stash of mine?  And how I wasn't going to buy any more fabric??  Cough......

Well, it's own-up time :-)  I was in Winchester visiting my son at uni and just popped in to C&H fabrics to buy some thread (3 km in fact! That's 3x1000m reels) and just thought I'd saunter around the furnishing fabric dept. Bad move!

I fell in love with these two new Clarke & Clarke prints - I couldn't choose between the two so got a metre of both!  And when I dumped the roll onto the counter to be measured, there was that duck egg blue fabric already there from a previous customer. The colours just went - it was too serendipitous to ignore, so I got some of that too! Yummy, aren't they? Not quite sure what I'm going to do with them yet.

The other thing you can see on my desk are the makings of some more bunting, for the new granddaughter of some friends in band.

I was just deciding which buttons, bows or butterflies to use...I had a very happy fifteen minutes playing with various options :-)

And this is what was left....
Disgraceful!!  I wonder what the collective noun is for lots of ribbons? A Medusa maybe?!  I think some sorting out is in order :-D

Have a great crafty week everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Nikki said...

What pretty new fabric and that is a big box of ribbon hugs Nikki? ?

Helen said...

Love that new fabric, the duck egg blue is such a gorgeous colour! Don't blame you for splurging, sometimes you just have to! (have been doing the same myself....) Great bunting too; and despite the mess, I love your box of ribbon too! Helen #?

Lynn Holland said...

You've made me giggle this morning with your confessional and don't worry about the ribbon stash I've got a matching one. Glad I'm not near that fabric shop, the rabbit piece would have been coming home with me too Jan.
Have a good week
Lynn 10 xx

Annie said...

I'm doing a whistle stop tour of all my fav blogs before the painter arrives this morning.
Don't you just love it when new fabrics jump into your hands? I love your choice Jan and am certain you will enjoy creating with it.
Annie x # 15

Sue said...

I am in love with the new fabrics. It would have been so rude not to buy all three:)

Lovely banner and I am drooling over all the ribbons. Somewhere I remember seeing a 'rapture of ribbons', but it could have just been someone making that up.

Sue #21

Inside the artists shed said...

Ooh naughty but nice. I really love the butterfly one but not as much as the clock - I have an old 1930s one on my mantelpiece. Have a good week with those fabrics and ribbons x Jackie 22

Diana Taylor said...

I would have bought that fabric too Jan, it's totally gorgeous! I love your clock - how stylish - it evokes childhood memories of visiting grandparents! I hope you get your ribbons under control - I have mine colour co-ordinated in little glass jars - it helps me to see what I've got so I can rummage in the right place!
Happy sorting,
Diana xx

Judys Lace Creations said...

I actually like the look of those ribbons Jan.Makes me want to pick them up! Love the bunting, and the decorative bits to go on all lined up.

Julia Dunnit said...

A shameful mess - that's what the collective noun is!! When you've finished yours, come and do mine would ya. Those fabrics are gorgeous, good choices I agree, but the Duck Egg is the winner for me..just lovely to handle, and so uch is about the handling!

Jill said...

Love the rabbit fabric. My new sewing machine arrived today so I can see my stash growing. Ribbon has a will of it's own , no matter how you store it you get a tangle eventually. Enjoy your crafting

glitterandglue said...

Gorgeous fabrics, Jan. Well, it would have been rude to go in and out of a shop like that without staying and buying a little something, now wouldn't it??
Collective noun? Possibly a "wonder" - they just look great together!!!
Not playing today - still trying to get my head around new routines now John is home.
Take care. God bless.

Sue Jones said...

Ha Ha - who could not buy that gorgeous fabric ! Enjoy . The banner is lovely and I too have a box of ribbons like that - I do have some all wrapped nicely in jars but its the box i go to first :) Have a great week xx Soojay

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

A fun post. I needed color this AM...Your awesome purchase makes me think of SPRING. I know you'll have fun with these pieces. Lovely fun ribbons and trim, put it in a BIG JAR and enjoy the colors. Always love to visit, you inspire my day. Enjoy a great week.

Neet said...

Of course it would have been rude not to buy so much - and you are right, the duck egg blue was perfect as an accompaniment.
Love the bunting, perfect for a a little girl and the ribbons look fantastic as they are.
Hugs, a very late Neet who is in the Lounge at Heathrow right now 34 xx.

jill said...

Lovely fabric Jan. With Easter just around the corner the Bunny fabric would be good for some little bags
Happy woyww Jill #16

J said...

Lovely fabric Jan, the bunny one is my favourite. Pleased to see you have more ribbon than I have, especially as I don't even sew, LOL
Jan no 38

Christine said...

Didn't you use up all the doggy fabric and the Union Flag one as well? Surely they had to be replaced? and they need a plain one to show them off!!!
Feel better now ........... I can always justify retail therapy!!!

Have a good week
Bishopsmate #31

Elizabeth said...

I can't see how you could possibly resist those fabrics, Jan. One even has hares on it, for goodness sake!!! Serendipity is one of my all-time favourite words ... sad, I know, I collect words like you collect ribbons. What am I talking about, I'm also a self-confessed ribbonaholic. I've been admiring/slavering over your box of trims ... got my eye on that mint green bobble trim that's peaking out of the bottom corner :) Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #39

Sharon said...

I always love visiting your page to see what fabrics you have lying out and what you've been up to with your sewing. I like that new fabric - looks fun. Can't wait to see what you end up using it for!

Have a great week
Sharon K #45

buterfliecrafter said...

Well, how could you resist? I must confess I even can't when I see a beautiful piece of fabric, and I can't even sew!!! I buy it for maybe one day...Vicky #9

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, lolled at the Medusa of ribbons- probably the most apt collective noun! Lovely fabric, and the duck egg blue already on the counter was a definite sign from the fabric fairies. Hope you are all well, will text you soon. Love and hugs to you all, Shaz xxx

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Oh my goodness..the bunnies. NO ONE could resist that fabric! I laughed so hard at your idea for a group of ribbons..a medusa..so perfect! Thanks for sharing :) Shel C #47

Mary Ann Tate said...

I would not be able to resists the butterfly fabric or the bunnies:)

Laura said...

Those fabrics are gorgeous... and Mum might be going to C&H this week :D
I will from now on call my ribbon hanger my medusa!
Happy Wednesday!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

A Medusa of ribbon... I love it! I hope it catches on. Great fabrics and of course you had to bring some of it home with you. Fun bunting!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh, I love that hare fabric and the duck egg looks a perfect match.

Fiona #51

Lisca said...

That fabric is so lovely, no wonder you cold not resist that. And the duck egg is just perfect. Don't feel so guilty. I think I would have done the same. I will confess that i have bought some fabric too today (photo next week) but then it is my first piece of fabric and not my 300th, lol.
Bunting is lovely.And i giggled at the idea of a medusa of ribbons. Very apt.
Thanks for the visit and the encouragement,
Happy WOYWWednesday,

Twiglet said...

Aw now that fabric is so gorgeous no wonder you couldn't resist it - I guess it was calling to you across the shop! Your tangle of ribbons needs a friend to rifle through them for you! x jo

Shoshi said...

Oh Jan what fabulous new fabrics and what a lovely tangle of ribbons and trims! Just mouthwatering! I know what you mean about good intentions being broken when you spot something you know you just HAVE to have lol! I think we are all guilty of this! Your bunting is fabulous too - so pretty, and will be so appreciated, I know.

Thank you for your lovely comment - I should say you put ME to shame with your sewing. I have done so little in recent years, but after yesterday's experience I feel a lot more confident with my new machine now and fully intend to do more.

Thank you for your kind words. Don't you just love that about WOYWW - we all inspire each other to try new things!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #28

Kim said...

You've been good using up stash; I'm sure you are out of any pieces large enough for a project...and they do go so perfectly, so there: Justified.
Hmmm, a rout of ribbon?

Ali H said...

Ooh love the fabric - bunnies especially ! I get to Winchester a bit now my MIL has moved not so far away - where abouts is the fabric shop ?
Thanks for visiting Ali xx

Unknown said...

Love the fabrics!!! Those bunnies are just adorable! And that bunch of ribbons... amazing! Thanks for visiting and Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #38

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

3km of thread! Oh, my! Of course, to our American friends this means nothing, LOL! Like when they talk in Fahrenheit, I have no idea what they mean. When someone said cook the chicken at 500 degrees, I was like what? That would incinerate it! Those fabrics would be lovely for an Easter themed project. Beautiful bunting too - I know what you mean about enjoying mixing and matching elements! It will take quite a while to sort out those ribbons! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #32

sandra de said...

Well of course you had to buy the fabric you have 3km of thread to sew. What about a reunion of ribbons....they all look pretty good together. Thanks for lovely comments and yes I think I have found a teacher with a style that just resonates with me.
sandra de @27

dottielottie said...

Love those fabrics Jan,I can NEVER go into a craft store just to look! wish I could. The personalised bunting is so sweet and I'm sure bound to be a hit, and all those happy coloured buttons look good enough to eat. Good luck sorting the ribbons I find them awkward to store in a neat way but my (slight) OCD compels me to try.They look much prettier gathered together with abandon though.
Hugs Lottie #60

Sofie V said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I love the bunting you made! I wish I could make such a thing. Your bunny fabric is so cute!

Greetings, Sofie

okienurse said...

I find it interesting that I get into the drawers and boxes looking for something and hours pass! I used to do that as a child too...I would paw through the button box and line them up by size, color, sparkle etc. Love the new fabric. I am a little late getting around but I made it! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great week. Vickie #71

Hettie said...

If you had left those fabrics there you would have been committing an arrestable offence!!!! Well done for avoiding jail!!
Loving all three but the bunny one is just divine. I cannot wait to see what you do with it.
Happy Weekend!!

Annie Claxton said...

hehehee a "medusa" of ribbons, like it :o)- now you've got me finding collective nouns for all my piles of stash ... a "wallow" of paint?? An "Killimanjaro" of paper (I can't spell that) ... ooooh I totally could not have resisted that fabric either! Happy late WOYWW day, see you next week. Annie C #47

Kelly said...

Yeah, I can't pass up cute fabric either LOL And those bunnies are adorable! Would love to paw through that ribbon stash.. not that I need anymore LOL Creative Blessings! Kelly #43

Morti said...

Ohhhhhhh Hare fabric.....

If you have any wee scraps left over at the end, enough to make a pretty tissue packet cover....? (Flutters eyelashes madly with a butter wouldn't melt in her mouth look)


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...