It has been a crazy week!  Moving my son and his fiancee into their new flat took up quite a bit of time (and energy...I'm not as young as I used to be!) plus going to a concert and...well, you get the picture.

Consequently, my desk...eet ees bare!
Except for a freebie pattern downloaded from the Bustle and Sew website. I'm going to make a pooch pin cushion. That's a first for me!  I still haven't moved the clock from my desk - I'm not entirely sure how it ended up there. Probably when we were sorting out stuff for Owen's move!  The vintage tablecloth was used to wrap up something fragile when we cleared my parents' bungalow. I'm just wondering how I can re-purpose it.

Interestingly, you sew the pieces with their wrong sides together, so you end up with a raised raggy seam. Hmmmm, I'm not sure if my OCD can cope with that. But there's a first time for everything :-)

I have been crocheting away whilst watching TV though. I had some cheapo Drops cotton yarn in my stash and am making a blanket.
Lovely, fresh colours but the yarn is a b%$£*r to use, it splits like crazy so I'm having to loosen my tension in order to get the hook through.  I'll cobble together some sort of border at the end!

Now when someone leaves home, there's a vacuum in the house, isn't there? It's amazing how much longer a loaf of bread and pint of milk lasts....but the biggest difference is there's now a spare room:
My hubby was thinking about it as an office but it would involve a whole lot of computer cable/wireless internet shenanigans and he can't be bothered. So I'm claiming it in the name of Crafting Sisterhood!  My next job is to redecorate (look at that yellowing woodwork - shameful!!) and then move all my stash in. I have warned my hubby that he won't see me much in the future!!! Now, where's my worktable going......?

Have a crafty week!


Nikki said...

Have Fun Redoing your new space I see you might end up painting that unit or covering it with paper :)
and guys never have a problem where we are until we have to feed them lol
hugs Nikki ???

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh another really fun project...ENJOY Yes with only the 2 of us eating habits have changed. I'm fortunate to have a DH that likes soups, leftovers and whatever's around. He'll even cook a good meal now and then. Made cookies and bread during the snow blizzard cause I tend not to...as I eat so much more when it is on the counter. Hope you visit, I've a video on a fabric project you might like. Love the colors in your blanket, and the carpet in this room looks almost identical to the new we just layed. I love it.

Helen said...

ooh how wonderful you can re-purpose that room.... love the blanket, the splitting cotton is worth it, it sure looks gorgeous. Helen #?

Lynn Holland said...

I could see which way your mind was going regarding the room, yes it's a must. I use every possible space there is haha
You could pretend the new pincushion doggie is a Hungarian Ridgeback. I think that's the breed.
Have a great week Jan
Lynn 12 x

Sue said...

Hi Jan, That doggy pincushion looks so cute. Wonder why they thinka ridge along the top works better.

My mum and dad had a clock similar to that. It was a wedding present from an aunt. I always liked it, but when it stopped working, a clock chappy said it wasn't worth getting it going.

Looking forward to see what you do with the tablecloth. You could cover a lampshade and those fabric circles with beads around the edge that you use to cover things with.

Sue #20

Twiglet said...

Brilliant Jan - you will love having your own little crafting room!! x Jo

Neet said...

Ooh how exciting! There has to be a perk somewhere for moving a child out and most seem to be that mum claims the room. You will have a great time planning it and then executing the plan and then changing things around and then ... and then ... Happy Days Ahead Jan!
The little dog looks interesting.
Hugs & Thanks for the visit
Neet 1 xx

buterfliecrafter said...

have fun redecorating. Vicky#19

Inside the artists shed said...

I wouldn't know about the empty room - both of my girls have gone but the last one has been in Oz for 7 years and we still have her room full of the stuff she can't take - she collected a lot of wooden stuff which is not allowed. I would like that room for me - so claim that empty room NOW. PS thanks for info on Bustle and sew. Have a good week Jackie 28

Annie said...

I'm sure you will fill that space soon and I really hope they are very happy in their new home.....they will be back when they need you I'me sure :-)
Hope you have a great week.
Annie x # 10

Lisca said...

That doggie pincushion looks fun.
And a spare room! What a blessing! Lucky you. Claim it fast! The desk can go under the window (lots of natural light), The yellow wood is ready for an Annie Sloan treatment and bob's your uncle.
Thank you for your visit and have a good week,

Shoshi said...

Oooh Jan, a new creative space! Who could resist? You'll soon have it ship-shape I'm sure. Post some nice photos of its progress! The crochet is gorgeous despite the awful splitting yarn. Love the colours. It's always good to use up stash, isn't it. It's my mission for this year, I think!

Thanks for your lovely comment, and for your kind words Yes, it's quite a feather in my cap to get published, and it's great to be back in the creative zone again.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #21

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Oooo, q spare room! I'm almost looking forward to my son moving out too, in about 10-15 years time, or who knows if he's ever want to leave! Your crocheting is stitch perfect despite the trouble some yarn! Looking forward to seeing the pin cushion - it looks so cute in the picture! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #37

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

troublesome was meant to be one word!

Mary Ann Tate said...

When my youngest son moved out for good I moved in to his old room. That was 8 years ago and no one is moving me out....LOL

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, I haven't blogged today- completely lost track of what day of the week it was! You are going to have so much fun getting your new room sorted! By the way, and I'm sure you probably already know this, I saw a FB post the other day on making pincushions, and it said to stuff them with wire wool, as this keeps them sharp and shiny. Have fun with your decorating, love and hugs to you all, Shaz xxxxx

Sharon said...

I vote for claiming it as a craft room! I have recently done that myself! We've had two kids move in the last six months. Phew. Reminds me why I'm staying put lol. That pooch looks like a fun project (not that I'm a great sewer). Those crochet blankets are SO warm. My MIL made a bunch. My middle son loves them. He doesn't like the fuzzy fleece ones (that the rest of us have) as they bother his skin (he's on the Autism Spectrum) and the crochet ones are a great alternative.
Sharon K #44

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ooh yes, I'd be grabbing that space for myself given half the chance. It'll be fabulous to have a lovely sewing room. I hope your boy is very happy in his new home.

SusanLotus said...

Thank you for visiting me.
I wish I had the talent to create with fabrics
but it´s almost impossible for me to even make one or two

Happy creative week!

Diana Taylor said...

Ooh how exciting - a new work space - how lovely to be able to start from scratch, you can get it exactly as you want it. I love the pooch, although I'm with you on the seams - what about French seams where you do it the right way then the wrong way then the right way again (I'm travelling back to A level needlework in the 70's, so I might have got that wrong but hopefully you know what I mean!!).
Have a great week,
Diana xx

Stacy Sheldon said...

woo-hoo a new craft room :) (is this bigger than where your table is now? ) is this in addition to that space or do you get to you know have the whole new cleaned out room to your self? Fun times at your house ~Stacy #55

Sue said...

Jan, You asked on my blog what I thought to the Greyhound charity liking the doggy. I think it would be very popular. Sue

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Jan - you claim that room girl! I've just moved all my sewing stuff in to our "study" now that No.1 Son has vacated it during term time - no point having redundant rooms eh?

Love your cute pooch pattern - don't think I could cope with inside out seams either!

Have a great week. Hugs MMx #32

505whimsygirl said...

Hi LLJ, Oh what I'd give to have a craft room! I can't wait to see the transformation. Your crochet blanket looks great. I really need to learn how to crochet.
I give you credit for staying out late enough to go to a concert! Ted hee.

505whimsygirl said...

Hi LLJ, Oh what I'd give to have a craft room! I can't wait to see the transformation. Your crochet blanket looks great. I really need to learn how to crochet.
I give you credit for staying out late enough to go to a concert! Ted hee.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Oh Ms. LLJ, since you are fresh off the moving truck, can you come move my stuff? We get the keys this weekend so plenty of time for you to hop a jet and get here. I get a craft room too but unlike you I feel more banished than joyful. I'm sure I'll come around. And if case you wonder why the "M" word (moving) isn't going to be on my blog until it is said and done that is summed up in one sentence: helpful relatives are anything but. Meanwhile, back at the sewing desk.. that pincushion dog is a cutie. I can see with the right fabric it can look fab with a raggedy seam. Your blanket looks nice and soft. Sorry to hear that it is a bear to work with. Take care my friend! PJ #53

Unknown said...

Oh my! And almost nekked desk! But once you get moved into the "room" I bet it'll get very busy! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #41

Unknown said...

Oh dear...I can't imagine that day when her room will be empty of her things! I know she's old enough, but I am nowhere near ready. So my heart goes out to you, but he does sound like a great boy. But in other news, your crochet skills rock. That blanket is gorgeous. And I can't wait to see how the doggy turns out. Literally, turns out! He hee! So, the seeds are going to be started on my greenhouse...trust me, there will be no outside planting around here for months...even though I am over winter and this time of year I am wanting my spring and summer back. Hugs! Sandy Leigh #54

Bernice said...

Ohh - that doggy pincushion looks cute! Have fun getting your new craft room kitted out - I think mine needs an extension!
Bernice #22

Christine said...

To start over again! Many of us have that wish I am sure - I keep hinting that the southfacing back office would be much better for me than the northfacing room I am in at the moment..... look forward to seeing the puppy made up.
have a good week
Christine #61

Elizabeth said...

Yippee! You are going to have your very own, dedicated, craft room ... I'd feel bad about saying that because your son has moved out but he's starting a new, and hopefully wonderful, phase in his life so it's a double reason to celebrate. And I'm sure you will have fun decorating the room too. The little pooch looks adorable though I'm not sure I could stick pins in his back, ouch! Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #64

Julia Dunnit said...

I saw somewhere that if you stuff the pincushion with wire wool it will keep your pins nice and er, pin sharp. I don't know how it will feel though. Ugh. The pattern is sweet, good luck with it!

Patrink said...

I thought they should take their vacuum with them...LOL This will be a wonderful craft room for you. I can hardly wait until we see what you do with it.

ENJOY Pat #60

Anne said...

Can't wait to see your craft room set up. That pin cushion will be cute :-) Blanket looks fab.
I'm rushing round to visit as I'm very late - photo issues - again!!!!
Anne x #65

HeARTworks said...

Oh that pooch is soo cute! The problem with me is I pin so many patterns, but do I use it? No! I am sure you'll make a wonderful little doggy! I think I will go and hunt up the pattern now..... patsy

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Lunch Lday Jan,
Mmm indeed a nice clean palette is in that room, great fun ahead!

And that clock I really love it so very much, wonderful indeedy!!! Have been trying to find one I like, can afford that goes well like that but it seems to be stretch too far here where I live...
A.cute doggie indeedy. Am with you on the OCD edges.
Happy WOYWW, thanks for popping over!
Shaz in Oz.x #15

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Kelly said...

Nice space, Jan. I have no doubt you'll fill the space fast. Hubby's lack of motivation is your gain ;-) pretty afghan and that pincushion is going to be adorable. Can't wait to see what you choose. Creative Blessings! Kelly #42

Unknown said...

Oh the possibilities! How exciting to plan a new space. Beautiful blanket. I like how the white brings out the colors. Thank you for the visit earlier. Diane 33

Barb said...

Sounds as if you've had a busy week. Now you're going to decorate. You'll have fun in your new craft room no doubt about that. I love the look of your doggie pin cushion but will you really want to put pins in him when it's finished. Wishing you a happy week. Barbxx

Hettie said...

Awww there was me thinking I now have my own room when I visit!!!!
Do you need a hand moving your stash?

Unknown said...
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CraftygasheadZo said...

Hee hee good plan there. I'm sure you'll turn it into a craft/sewing haven. I did threaten Keagan that I would move my craft room into his bedroom as it's bigger, but altas I need to keep it as a bedroom (bed won't go in craft room, I measured!!)for when he visits and also his best friend Hannah now stays here on Wednesdays after college as her work placement is out here. Though I am definitely having my menfolk in to decorate downstairs and I may reorganise the downstairs room. But the Craft room will remain where it is. Take care Zo xx 31


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...