
*sighs happily*

Right, where was I??

Oh yes, the desk is sadly lacking this week...too many other things going on!
I can show you what's on my table though.
This placemat is part of a set of four plus table runner that my friend bought for Christmas - she then found out that four more people were coming...and I've run out of that fabric. Ooops. So, a trip to Winchester was in order to seek out an alternative! I popped into C&H, gave Janet (Fairythoughts) a shock when I popped out from behind the embroidery threads and said hello to Lucy, a new Desker! I bought these two quilting cottons to make the other mats so there can be alternate settings on the festive table...
Similar yet different....
I've also been knitting - something for me this time! It's a Noro knock off (Noro is a very expensive yarn!) and is gorgeous. I love the colours...
I'm going to make a very very long scarf, then join the ends to make a snood that you can wrap twice around your neck. And even better, I got two balls out of the bargain bin in my local yarn shop for £2!! Yeehar :)

Now, many folk have said that this blog is a load of old bollards...well, here's proof...

These are in Winchester, in the streets all around the Cathedral Close!! Aren't they awesome?? Such a fun idea - DH and I had a great time identifying all the artists featured. It has been DH's Big Birthday this weekend, and there's been celebrations for three days.
Well, ya gotta do it large when the Bus Pass is in the post :)
Love you loads, G !!


Shoshi said...

Wow! What fabby colours Jan, and yes, it's a load of old bollards lol lol!! gorgeous. What a super idea.

Sorry I haven't visited for a while - actually I've been pretty bad about WOYWW in general because there's been a lot else going on in my life and I'm trying to make sure I carve out enough time simply to create something in my ARTHaven! I'm just composing my WOYWW post at the moment and putting a link to your blog because your gorgeous pincushion is in evidence on my desk this week!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi (no number yet)

Shoshi said...

PS LOVE the Muppets clip!


Inkypinkycraft said...

amazing bollards! trace x #9

Helen said...

Thanks for the link - I've not seen that before, where have I been.... LOVE the bollards, they are gorgeous and how wonderful to decorate them like that. Have a good day, and hope DH enjoyed his birthday. Helen, 4

Annie said...

Happy BIG birthday to G. Love those bollards and your wool is just my sort of colours.
A x #38

Eliza said...


Thanks for sharing and giving me a smile.

Eliza 12

lisa said...

Those place mats are going to look gorgeous on the Christmas table, Jan. I love the designs you've chosen.
What brilliant bollards too, why can't they do something like this to all of them, it would make the world a much brighter place wouldn't it.
A very Happy Birthday to DH. It sounds like he's had a great time. I hope you spoilt him rotten!!
Hugs Lisax #45

Jaki Morris said...

Lovely fabric, I was a very good girl and resisted C&H Fabrics in Brighton on Monday.

Lovely bollards


Julia Dunnit said...

Your photos of the bollards are stacks better than the ones I've been meaning to scrapbook for about a year..can I lift them? Just the photos....
Love the fabrics, there's just too much to choose from isn't there. Off to You Tube. Set me up for a day of dark humour at mum's!!

JoZart Designs said...

Bollards! they're fabulous. Love the Muppets and I've added a carol specially for you on my blog this week. Great fabrics and like your choice for the extra mats they'll look good together.
Jo x

JoZart Designs said...

Meant to add ... Hippy Burpday to DH... bus passes are the magic ticket to everywhere!!
Also take a look at Black Sheep Wools where real Noro is bargain price as are all their yarns. I can visit the craft barn ( drem palceto go) but their postage is VERY reasonable and until 13th(tomorrow) there's a special.. postage FREE!
Jo x

Anonymous said...

Love the bollards. Fab. DD is off to Winchester for one of her Challengers trips on Saturday. If I didn't have so many holiday things to do while she is away I would spend the day there myself. I love art in unexpected places!

Glad you liked the Snorfs :) Will be interested to see what you do with them....I wonder. Printing them on fabric might fun, and maybe stuffing them? DOH! NO MORE PROJECTS, NO TIME! Drat.



MA (15)

Ann B said...

Beautiful Bollards (why doesthat sound a bit rude). Love the placemats and how lucky to live near a decent fabric shop. not only that but knock-of Noro as well, and I love Noro.
Ann B

Karen said...

Very pretty Christmas table goodies there! I think I've seen some of those bollards before...aren't they cute! Happy WOYWW! Karen 66 x

Caro said...

I love the Christmas place mats...the entire set will look amazing on a table. The wool is gorgeous and those bollards are fantastic!

shazsilverwolf said...

Those bollards are amazing- I love it when someone has such a great way to use everyday things. It is so annoying when you can't get more of a thing I agree, but your additional fabric does blend extremely well.Have a great week,hugs, Shaz #67

Diana Taylor said...

Wow, I love those bollards - they must really brighten the place up. I love the wool - that is going to be one stunning scarf!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful bollards! What a fun idea they look great. I like those placemats too, very festive. Reminds me I haven't put our table runner and Christmas placemats out either, they're still on a chair in the other room! That's very pretty wool too, I keep oohing and ahhing over new yars I spot, some of them are really expensive! Belated birthday wishes to G too.

Brenda 73

Twiglet said...

Never seen bollards like those before!! Doesn't it brighten the place up to have a bit of well thought out art around! Just a quick trip round the desks today - I should really be finishing off my Christmas picture gifts. Enjoy the fun x Jo

BJ said...

What a load of bollards! How cool are those? BJ#36

SandeeNC said...

OK, I'm just enjoying writing and saying the word "bollards"...funny to say but pretty to look at. Great idea to alternate the material since you ran out of the orginal! You're so smart! waving the #92 from the hills of North Carolina :)

Unknown said...

Those are absolutely fabulous! Thank you for sharing pics of them!! How are you this week soul sister? It sounds like hubby's birthday was fab too--I LOVE LOVE LOVE that yarn! I have some knitting time coming up. My Christmas break starts Monday--three beautiful weeks!! It's a staycation, but I like those. I'm going to be a housewife, an artist, and lady of leisure. Hugs to you dearest! I think of you everytime I look at my beautiful holiday bunting hanging in my great room! Happy Christmas and WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #94

Sandi McLean said...

Love your post today! What a creative idea for your community - we have had whales and spirit bears done the last several years, icons of our province. The placemats will be fabby and I love the colours of your scarf. Thanks for coming my way, Sandi 5

Nadia (WithGlitteringEyes.blogspot.com) said...

Love the bollards and the Nora knockoff even more--- beautiful knitting!!

Happy Wednesday,
Nadia (WOYWW #58)

Bernice said...

Great placemats and a great bargain with the wool - it will make a lovely scarf.
Bernice #104

Laura said...

Fabby placemats LLJ.
What fun bollards, wish they were all like that!

fairy thoughts said...

yes you did give me a fright, such is my concentration when playing with my stock :)
Bollards to you too. I have seen afew but didnt know there were as many as this .... fab
janet #24

okienurse said...

Bollards? Wow I wondered what those things were called when I was visiting the first time...I thought bollards was a dirty word! ;-) love the yarn and the new fabrics! I had a great time on my cruise but now I am so feeling the crunch of the holiday season. I plan on getting the tree and decorations up by Friday and leaving them till...?? I hope you have your holiday plans more in control then I do! Thanks for visiting my desk and leaving such a nice comment! Have a great week! Vickie #3

Anne said...

Happy Big Birthday to DH had mine last year and the buss pass this year. Love the table decoration and mats/fabric. The bollards are fabulous - somewhere else I would like to visit. Yarn - a bargain!!!!! Anne x #110

MiniOwner said...

Oooh thanks for the heads up about the bollards - a trip to Winchester is due methinks. Hapy Wednesday :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@64)

Andrea said...

what a fab post I loved the bollards and must visit sound like you had a great time and your christmas table is going to look lovely my you are creative... have a great week Andrea x #28

Neet said...

Hi Jan, love the bollards - how fabulous to be able to go and see them all. What a brilliant idea!
Love the mats and I think it will make for a very festive table, one set for the men and one for the ladies (if they sit alternate).
Thanks for the share and hope we get to see this scarf.
Hugs, Neet xx

Nan G said...

Great yarn colors! Love the bollards even tho I don't know what they are..... Happy WOYWW! Nan 14

Di said...

Wow, love that yarn Jan! Need to have a trip to Winchester to see those bollards too.

Belated Happy WOYWW, Di (also a Sloggis fan) xx

Lucy said...

Hey Jan!

Thanks for stopping by on my bog and in the shop! Lovely to see what you look like! Good news you were able to find extra Christmassey fabric. Shows how often I venture into the patchwork/quilting area at work, i've never seen those designs before! The bollards are great, aren't they? They've been decorating them for at least 10 years now, but never anything this classy until now. I shall endeavour to find the Mona Lisa one next time I'm round that way:) Lucy #16

trisha too said...

That yarn is amazing, what a great effect--the finished piece is going to be stunning! Wonderful work on those bollards, what a fun thing to see. Thank you for sharing the pics!

late this week!

Tertia said...

That yarn is just wonderful! Even converted to South African Rand, it was still a bargain!
Happy belated birthday to DH and a happy belated WOYWW!
Tertia #11

sandra de said...

Ohhhh love the painting of those bollards.... knitting fab I don't know how you get around to doing so much. I made the cards then fell in a heap exhausted. The thought of writing is enough to send me screaming from the room.

Kyla said...

wow, those bollards are amazing! I have never seen them decorated before.

love the wool too, looks like it will make a fabulous scarf


505whimsygirl said...


You are SMART not to get into pinterest! Although you should check out my "Hey Girl" board! tee hee

The placemats look great. The fabric you found to make four more will work nicely with the ones you've already made. Love the knitting too! A woman asked me about an infinity scarf and I thought of just sewing the ends of one of my long ones together! Don't forget to show us your scarf when you are done.

Those bollards are GREAT! I don't know what a bollard is -- maybe something that out of control cars bounce off of?

My realtor came over on Friday and took photos. I now have a flyer and the house is listed on craigslist! Woo hoo. Now to keep it tidy until it sells!!


famfa said...

Love those bollards and your knitting is super. Happy senior years to hubby

505whimsygirl said...


Thanks for visiting me. I do love where I live. I enjoy showing off the beautiful New Mexico mountains as most people think of New Mexico as a desert landscape. We are actually at 7,000 feet in Los Alamos.


Spyder said...

sorry for late visit!!! Love those posts...I'm going to have to come and see them. Daughter is going to be having her Christmas baby at Winchester Hospital. Happy VERY late woyww


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...