My absolute favourite carol EVER!! Hear a particularly beautiful version here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6yevmluq2M

Well, I have been doing some crafting this past week. I had a whole day off on Saturday (whoopdidoo!!) and so I caught up with a couple of things. 
Remember those fabrics I bought last week to make place mats with? Well, my friend chose two completely different ones instead!! Such is life, eh? I shall keep them and use them next year :D
Here are the replacements...
I love these fabrics but haven't got much left. Hmmm, patchwork maybe?  Hahahahahahaha...like THAT'S going to happen. Not enough patience. Even my new mantra for 2013 'Make an Effort' won't be enough to lure me into the giddy world of quilting. I adore the results, just know I'm not meticulous enough...sigh.  However, I digress....
The same friend also asked for four Christmas sacks, lined bags with drawstrings. She wanted one for her lad, so I thought I'd zshuzsh (how DO you spell that??) it up a bit with some Bondaweb.
Not the best applique ever but I enjoyed doing it :)
Do you remember the Santa Grotto snow scenes I painted a couple of weeks back? Well, in the good old tradition of reuse and recycle...
They magically morphed into the scenery for the Infants' Nativity play! Yay, I'm really pleased that all that effort wasn't just for the one night!

So many kind WOYWWers have sent Christmas cards and little treasures and I'm ashamed to say that I haven't done any...but THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for sending them. The latest was this cute little Christmas doll from Wipso and Twiglet. She's gorgeous and so festive and I LOVE her - thank you girls for all the support and camaraderie over the past 12 months. Here she is sitting with Famfa's Korknisse on top of my piano, no less!
So they shall enjoy the festive music when I play my carols!

I felt that I would like to do an e-card on today's post to send Christmas greetings to all the wonderful folk around the world who are part of this amazing, crazy, touching, funny world that my dear mate Julia dreamt up. In the true traditions of Christmas, it's subtle, refined and tasteful......


Happy Christmas, all you gorgeous crafting folk - may 2013 be a good year, filled with love, health and happiness.

Much love, Lunch Lady Jan xxxx


HeARTworks said...

All the best of the Christmas season to you, Jan!!!! You're certainly living it up in your card! What a cute doll!! Patsy

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Lunch lady Jan listening to you tube as type this!! thanks!! and as usal love your crafty sewing! every happy greeting and Gods blessing for Christmas too! lotsa love, Shaz in oz.x

BJ said...

Great reuse of the painted backdrops for the Nativity. Happy Christmas to you - love BJ#1

jill said...

Wishing you a very Merry christmas & New Year jill #16

sandra de said...

Wishing you an absolutely wonderful christmas. Love the christmas pic you both look like you are enjoying yourselves.. Looking forward to seeing what you create in 2013. all the best.
Sandra @17

Spyder said...

Merry Christmas 2012, it looks like you've been busy and still are! Great pic and worth a second look (from Julia's) Great little doll keepsakes too!! Happy WOYWW
((Lyn)) #29

Darnell said...

What a scream your card is, LLJ! You are a hot hoot and a half! Best wishes for a Happy Holiday and blessed New Year to you!! Darnell #32

donnalouiserodgers said...

Bunnie Girls - you rock!

Happy Christmas


Julia Dunnit said...

You really are such a bad influence. But I really loved the photoshoot...please tell Importnat G that nay time he wants a birthday on that beach again,Im there!!!!

Helen said...

I have really enjoyed your Carols atop your posts, and the video link for today was wonderful. I love that photo of you and Julia - hope you have a wonderful happy Christmas, and that we can get together again next year. Much love, Helen 3

Lynn Holland said...

Lovely Christmassy page. Have a lovely time Jan.

MrsC.x said...

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
TFS Happy WOYWW Mrs.C.xx #34

Annie said...

Love the card Jan :-) So glad your little scrapbox dolly arrived safely...she looks really at home on top of your telly :-)
May you have a wonderful Christmas filled with everything that makes you happy.
A x #38

lisa said...

I shall be singing all day now, Jan.
You look as though you are still busy with Christmas makes. Don't work too hard.
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful and Crafty New Year.
Hugs Lisax #44

Sarn said...

Wishing you a very MERRY Christmas too LLJ!

Happy WOYWW too.

Sarn xxx

Joanne said...

A very, very happy Christmas to you too.

CraftygasheadZo said...

Oh your card made me giggle! Super effort there! Hope you had a drink for me! Ha ha. Lovely fabric as always and great work going on. No desk from me today as I've got DT projects on there and I can't share them yet! So Merry Christmas lovely and take care. Zo xx

Kyla said...

I am sure you will find something super to make out of the material (you always do hun) and I love those scenery boards, they must have been a real hit when they saw them.

As to the card...... ;-)
Kyla #50

April said...

Hi, sorry I haven't stopped by for sooo long! Loving the Christmas fabric! And the scenery you painted is just fantastic! Great E-Card! loving it!!! Have a Great Christmas x April #53

Di said...

Bwahahahaha - I lurve the card, you busy little bee. Merry Christmas Jan! Hugs, Di xx

Words and Pictures said...

My absolutely favourite carol too, but I'm a bit more of a traditionalist - not the Holst, but the arrangement by Darke - there's a link to it on this post of mine .. great minds think alike, eh?! Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy WOYWW too!
Alison x

Anonymous said...

That's my sister's favourite carol too, I'm not sure I've got a favourite, I'll have to put my thinking cap on. "Subtle, refined and tasteful" would have shocked me more, that one's spot on!! Lovely gifts from lovely friends. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and try and keep off the hard stuff!

Brenda 69

Unknown said...

I love that verse! And, as I told Julia, how I wish I could insert my face in that card with you two!! Some people know how to celebrate! I hope you are having fun, and I hope Santa brings you everything you wish for. Hugs soul sister! Merry Christmas and Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh--now at #82

famfa said...

Gorgeous post again today. Love your card - wonderful. Thanks for mention again today, feel famous!!! Hope you have a fabulous time. Merry Christmas
FAMFA (87) xxx

Krisha said...

Mery Christmas! Love the snow poem
Krisha #78

MiniOwner said...

Hiya Jan! My favourite carol, too. Love your so very tasteful card! Happy Wednesday and Happy Christmas, too. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@45)

Antonia said...

Happy Christmas, love you fabrics I have only just started to appreciate the wonders of beautful fat quarter s in mlocal store
Toni # 52

JoZart Designs said...

Fab fun post and I love your ecard... you pair of trollops! ooops! I meant party gals!
Thanks so much for all your friendship and fun through the year and hope we can meet up again in 2013.
I spent ages looking at more youtube videos of Sisselfan and DH now wants one of her albums. Why oh why, have wenever ever heard of her previously? Beautiful and thanks for the link.
Have a really special Christmas,
lots of love Jo x

505whimsygirl said...

Dear LLJ,

Oh, I just had to laugh - no silly, not at the photo (although that gave me a big chuckle) but of your friend choosing different fabrics. Your Christmas applique looks great to me!

As for the photo -- oh, I wish I were there to join in, bunny ears and all!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Kay #84

Laura said...

Love that the dolly is sat there with her legs crossed, very cute.
Happy Christmas to you and yours

fairy thoughts said...

Hey cheers girls!..... hope you have a good one

Twiglet said...

Little Jan has settled in well and looks very happy sitting on your piano!! Have a wonderful Christmas. x Jo

Kim said...

Too funny about your feeling of quilting...but to me if you can use a needle for one thing, then it's all the same, but I don't have the patience for even sewing a button! I may need to use your 2013 resolution though...
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!

Redanne said...

I am not sure the spelling is right either but I did understand the word and knew what you meant straight away so that can't be bad! Love the e-card - too funny for words..... gave me such a giggle. Thanks for your visit and you are right, you and I have some amazing blog friends out there - so kind and generous. Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season! Hugs, Anne x #20

Anne said...

I love that carol as well Jan. great photo. Hope you have a Wonderful Christmas. Anne x #97

Elizabeth said...

I love that carol too - it sure beats the tinky-tonky ones that I'm hearing just about everywhere ... they are giving me major earworm problems! The top of your piano is looking really festive and I chuckled at the card on Julia's and still chuckling now :)) Wishing you and yours much happiness throughout the festive period, happy holidays. Elizabeth x #46

Nikki said...

LOL Getting your Christmas Cheer on with Julia have a Merry Christmas hugs Nikki #5

Renee B. said...

Have a holly, jolly Christmas (oh wait...it looks like you already are! LOL)
Hugs, Renee #92

Caro said...

I love the idea of those sacks...may have to brave needles and thread myself next year! The little ornaments on top of your piano are adorable...can I come and sing some carols please? Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a very Happy Christmas. Caro (#65)

Nan G said...

Second person who loves that carol. Didn't know it was a carol....so I'll have to pop over to YouTube for a listen! Happy Holidays! Nan 75

Ann B said...

You obviously don't so subtle Jan (photo) but what the heck, it is Christmas (my excuse for everything this week).
Thanks for dropping in yesterday - just catching up now. Beautiful table mats on your desk and so much 'Christmas' on display this week.
Best wishes for Christmas and for a happy and peaceful New Year.
Ann B

Cardarian said...

Love all your Christmas makes and the Christmas carol - oh I can hardly type with all these tears in my eyes! Thank you for being so nice and commenting on my blog, I don't always come around - I don't know where does the time go??
I hope I see you soon again as our time together at the crop was so much fun!
Have a lovely Christmas!
Lots of hugs and love

Jaki Morris said...

How strange! I am planning on making new sacks for my boys tomorrow. I bought a plain white sheet from Tesco and am going to give it a go. I'll pretty up the front somehow too and I'll try to work out how to do a drawstring thingy. If all else fails I'll check Youtube, if not I'll have only wasted £5!

Take care and Happy Christmas

Shoshi said...

Lovely Christmas projects you've made, Jan. Thanks for sharing your favourite version of "In the Bleak Midwinter" - Here's my absolute favourite version - the Harold Darke version sung by the choir of King's College Chapel, Cambridge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-9yB6t8Vl4 - it makes me cry every time I hear it! Heart-rendingly beautiful.

Thanks for your lovely comment - yes, I enjoy sorting stuff and getting organised, too, but I do find it very exhausting, and it's frustrating not being that mobile, and my balance is poor, and I'm also really likely to trip over the stuff all over the floor! This all makes the whole thing much more of an effort.

The Rev. Ernest Bear now has one repaired paw, and a second one half done. I'm trying to make the "skin grafts" from fabric cut on the cross but it's quite difficult even so to avoid puckering! Hopefully there will be some photos soon.

Happy belated WOYWW, and you have a great Christmas too,
Shoshi #47

Neet said...

Love all of your makes and love that doll from the sisters. My favourite thing though is the morphed scenery - I think that is beautiful, you are so talented. Wish I was at your house for Christmas (no not angling an invite) just the thought of you all standing around the piano singing carols, sounds bliss!
Have a lovely time.
Hugs, Neet xx 12

Karen said...

Bit late, but better late than never! Happy WOYWW! Karen 109 x

Tertia said...

I must admit, I LOVE the new fabric your friend chose. In fact everything you posted today is lovely, including the backdrop for the nativity. So glad I got to see it, I must have missed it the first time around.
Happy very belated WOYWW and may you and your family have a very blessed Christmas.
Tertia #15

shazsilverwolf said...

Lovely pressies, great to see the scenery in use again,Have a great Christmas, Hugs, Shaz #79

okienurse said...

Awesome lot of makes you have made. Love the Christmas fabrics. A little late getting around but just stopping by to say I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Blessings to you and your family in the coming year. Vickie #100

SueH said...

Hi Jan!
I know I’ve not joined in with WOYWW just recently but I’ll be back in the new year for sure.

I just wanted to pop by to say thanks for all the fun you’ve shared over the last year and to wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Hettie said...

Great photo of you and Julia there. Wish I could have been there to have seen that! How uncouth of you Jan!
Merry Christmas to you and don't lose the quilting thoughts. It is a lovely satisfying feeling when you snuggle under a quilt you have made!


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...