It's Christmas time, there's no need to be afraid
At christmas time, we let in light and we banish shade

But in our world of plenty, we should spread a smile of joy!
Throw your arms around the world at christmas time

Hello everyone...hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas!

It has been a bitter sweet one for me, the first one without my mum has been hard. My dad is here and we've all been keeping ourselves going.  But Mum wouldn't have wanted us to mope and there have been a lot of laughs and some fabby prezzies too.

For example, 3 from a wonderful gift box from Julia:

A kaleidoscope of pretty beads - I think I might have to keep them as a display for now. They're too nice to use!

A red charger plate with flecks of silver bling...I LOVE it. Note how my turkey is doing the can-can dance, lol!
But Julia, being her wonderful Kitsch self, also gave me a wobbly snowman on a spring bottle stopper. Believe me, that's restrained!!! I love it too but don't let on, will you??  *grin*

And I'll leave you with a pic of my festive What's On Your Dining Table pic...

A beautiful table arrangement from my niece Emma, atop the blingy red plate from my best mate Julia on top of a table runner I made last year. All together as a whole. I love it when serendipity strikes...I'm one lucky gal.

Sending bloggy love and hugs around the world to you all.



Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Had to come over and say Hi Jan after you doing the in the bleak midwinter last week, our dear Queen referred to it - you musta knowed! helped her write the speech maybe :D

...or even snoop on conducting the eo choir who sang it for her... just did a post on it and showed our weather here...

...take care and thinking of you with your mum too, lost ours a few years ago now they are very, very precious, still miss her so... hugs and God bless, Shaz.xx

BJ said...

Loving those bottles with beads. I have the bottles, now I know what I can put in them. Happy New Year to you BJ#15

okienurse said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Awesome looking beads in those bottles. Great looking table decorations. I love the serendipity when gifts come together! Have a great week. Vickie #4

Di said...

Hi Jan, a quick hello as we're off out for the day. My heart was so sad for you about yesterday and your Mum - but I just bet she was watching over you and checking that no-one cheated if you played games after lunch. Hugs, Di xx

Anonymous said...

Love the wobbly snowman but especially the bokeh effect of the tree lights. Do not let me forget to share the iPad beanbag I got with you. Totally doable by your skillful sewing self. My turkey is still uncooked but today is the day! Hard to have the first Christmas without a loved one, but hopefully you will weather it well and future ones will include the warm glow of rememberance without the sense of loss.

Happy happy boxing day

MA (14)

Tertia said...

Those beads are just gorgeous, I would leave them and just look at them and stroke them every now and then for a while, but thats just crazy me, practical me says you should use them.
LOVE the wobbly snowman.
Happy WOYWW and may the New Year bring you lots of good health, happiness and blessings.
Tertia #6

Cardarian said...

Oh what lovely presents - I forgot to show mine - how silly! Love your turkey's can can! I lost my dad about 10 years ago but we still miss him...as we sang yesterday we knew he was with us - as he just loved our christmas carols!
He, he - nice snowman and lovely beads too!
Have a lovely rest of the holidays and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Lots of hugs,

Sandy said...

Oh what wonderful pressies and how wonderful that your centre piece all matches perfectly but all from different people..
Happy new crafting year for 2013..
Sandy :)

Sunshine Girl said...

Didnt realise it was your first Christmas without your Mum - hope you are ok - it was my first without my Grandma too but you are right they wouldnt want us to mope - Hope you had a good day despite it all. Hope you have a lovely New Year too. Sunshine Girl no.13

Glenda said...

I love the way your table looks. Just so pretty. Happy WOYWW!
Glenda #21

Belinda Basson said...

I think I need a wobbly snow man on a cork now too! It is always hard to celebrate Christmas when you have lost a loved one.

Annie said...

I'd forgotten it was Wednesday til I switched the computer on but of course I wouldn't miss out our fun for all the world even if life is pretty manic at ours today :-)
I've done the early prep that I can do for the party later[quiche, icing of buns, cooking of mini sausages etc] so there is just the last minute bits to go in the oven now. Now enjoying a quick bit of blog hopping and a coffee :-)
I so love your wobbly snowman :-)
Biggest hugs,
Annie x

JoZart Designs said...

Fun post and I love your decs and gifts. We just managed to see one of your lovely "makes" too... even if it was last year's table runner and hidden under other things.
As for the turkey, trust you to find one that, cocks it's leg and can Can Can !!!!
Love to all, especially your dear Dad, and it is so nice he is surrounded by the love of his family. Your Mum would approve and smile. I bet you all had a good few laughs too!
Take care and enjoy the rest to come.
Love Jo x

KatzElbows said...

The snowman bottle stopper looks as if he's had a bit too much wine himself. A really sweet present. I hope you have a very good new year,

Rachel #26

Kyla said...

ooh, lovely gifts I especially like the bottle stopper (presume the bottle is empty now its boxing day ;-)

Kyla #31

fairy thoughts said...

A Can Can-ing turkey. . . . the mind boggles. Sounds like fun at your place, I'm sure your mum would be happy for you all . . . enjoy

MiniOwner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MiniOwner said...

Thinking of you on your first Christmas without your mum. We lost our dear day 3 years ago and the first Christmas was a quiet and reflective time for us. Yesterday we mentioned him often sharing wonderful memories which keep him close.
Sue x (MiniOwner@34)
(Sorry about the deleted post, fixed the typo.)

Words and Pictures said...

Must be hard to do your first Christmas without your mum. I'm sure she would be happy to see the festive cheerfulness you're surrounded by... the wobbly snowman is hilarious, and I love your turkey with arms akimbo! Continuing good wishes for the festive season, and happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Hettie said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family Jan. I am sure your Mum is smiling down at you all. Love the wobbly snowman and that table runner looks great. A little quilting??
Hugs to you.
Hettie #41

Julia Dunnit said...

Actually. It does look fab with Emma's arrangement and your runner doesn't it...I knew that when I bought it, I really did. And love the focus in that shot too, the tree lights look wonderful! Turkey can can is a new one on me, but I guess as long as it stays on the plate.....!

voodoo vixen said...

I too would have to display the beads and I love the wobbly snowman!! I am sure you helped your Dad and he helped you to enjoy the day without your Mum. Hugs Annette #19

SandeeNC said...

LOVE all of Julia's gifts! Glad you're there to be with your dad! Waving hi from the rainy, but wishing it was snowing hills of North Carolina for the last WOYWW of 2012!!

Helen said...

Some wonderful gifts! Glad that you were able to enjoy your Christmas with your Dad, I am sure you were all a big support to one another. Much love, and hope to see you soon. Helen 40

Caz said...

Love those beads - too pretty to use!! And that arrangement is just gorgeous!
Good that you and your Dad can support each other at a sad time.
Season's greetings

Krisha said...

Next year I am going to find a dancing turkey......LOL What pretty beads!

Neet said...

Love your can can turkey. Surprising what birds can get up to! Sorry your celebrations were tinged with sadness but you certainly made up for it with all the lovely things you shared with us. Am sure your mum was smiling down on you and happy to see your dad with you for the holiday.
Take care
Hugs, Neet xx 3

The House of Bears said...

We love your snowman, just our sort of things. Thanks for visiting the bears today and Hapoy Boxing Day

Anne said...

Sorry about your mum. Love the pressies. Best Wishes for the New Year. Anne x #54

Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, I made such a mess of my comment that I had to delete it twice ... and I've not been on the falling down stuff, I promise :) Just wanted to say that the first Christmas without your mum must have been sad but I'm sure she would have wanted you to have a good day, especially with your dad there. The presents are lovely and the bottle stopper is so Julia. Happy WOYWW and happy New Year too. Hugs, Elizabeth x #30

Nan G said...

OMG! A can can-ing turkey! What a hoot! Love the decorations and the wobbly snowman. Blessings and Happy New Year! Nan 44

Darnell said...

Thanks, LLJ, for coming by the Playhouse and leaving me your Welsh wishes! I LMAO because it truly looked like words that came right out of my jibbering blog. I can't help but love a people that said "Oh, the heck with the vowels! Who needs them anyway? We could be crafting instead!" I'm not sure about that last part, but maybe!

I have to say that Julia did you proper with the pressies! You have, perhaps, some lovely blackmail photos of her?! JK, I delight in the friendship between you two nutcakes! What a blessing!

And, last, that turkey. What can I say about that turkey. It's too hysterically funny. It looks to me like he was leading a breakout at the hatchery. He was just vaulting over the electrical fence, when ... too late, he didn't know it was electrical!

May your new year be amusing as heck! And healthy. Darnell #53

Angie said...

Everything looks so festive ...I remember how hard the first Christmas after we lost Pete and my Mum ...it was difficult but we just remembered all the good times.
Take Care ...I send you all my good wishes ...heres hoping I will be back on track in the New Year. xx

Kim said...

I agree, the beads are a great display. And your turkey was pretty darn funny! At first I couldn't place what looked different until I read the post. Your table is beautiful, and I'm sure your Mum was with you all in spirit. Have a very Happy New Years!

505whimsygirl said...

Hi there LLJ,

My heart goes out to you. My mother passed in 1991 and it's still hard around the holidays. She actually passed on New Years Eve so it's like a doubly whammy for me. It sounds as if you have a lovely family that is there for eachother. That's so important.

The beads look yummy - like a little spice rack of beads! I found some more of my beadwork from long ago and there's a few pieces that only need fringe and a necklace. Who knows - maybe I'll get them finished this coming year!

I feel so blessed this year. I've met some very special people through blogging (you being amongst them). Meeting Di and Len was a highlight for sure. And who knows, maybe I'll get over to your side of the Pond and have a whole lot of fun!!


Eliza said...

I fully understand how you feel, my mum passed away 5 and a half years ago and I still miss her. Dad has moved on and has himself a wonderful girlfriend and I am blessed to see him happy again.

I do love your pressies especially that cork stopper but one thing I don't understand is why you would need one as the bottle should be empty. LOL

Your table decoration is just devine and such a pleasure to grace your table thanks for the tour.

Belated Christmas Greetings and Happy New Year

Eliza #63

Twiglet said...

Thanks for sharing your Christmas bits and bobs. Hope you had a fab time. I am a bit late visiting desks due to festive fun! Happy New Year. x Jo

Unknown said...

I agree dearest, those beads are too pretty to use!! Well, I missed WOYWW 186--but I hope to be back for the new year! I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas holiday, in the meantime, and I'm quite sure that you have not eaten too many sweets--like I have!! Oh dear, I'm already contemplating the New Year's much sparser food plan...but for now, I'm having some hot tea and watching Downton Abbey, and thinking of my sweet crafty friends across the world, like my soul sister! Crafty hugs! See you this Wednesday! --Sandy


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...