Near Bethlehem did shepherds keep
Their flocks of lambs and feeding sheep;
To whom God’s angels did appear
Which put the shepherds in great fear.
“Prepare and go”, the angels said,
“To Bethlehem, be not afraid;
For there you’ll find, this happy morn,
A princely Babe, sweet Jesus born.”

The Wexford Carol is another favourite of mine - check this out. Her voice is truly pure and angelic:  
Completely gorgeous!

Anyway, there's not been much spare time to actually make stuff this week, but that's not to say that I've not been busy...fat chance!!

Here's the finished little girl's apron, complete with heart pocket - hope the 7 year old likes it!!
My friend Sue (of recent wedding fame) asked me to make a couple of tea cosies for her, one to be a Christmassy one. D'ya recognise the fabric?? The gingham ribbon is on straight, it's just the bend of the fabric!! It's testament to our friendship that I made them...after the last Teacosy Debacle of 2011, I swore I'd never make another....

That's it for desk making, I'm afraid.. but this is one I prepared earlier...
We had our Christmas fair in school last week and I got to make the grotto!! Yeehar - I just love doing that sort of stuff. Here are my two snow scenes on the large floor standing notice boards..this was the way in to see Santa...
Give me a pot of paint and I'm a happy girlie!!
Santa was going to be in a small room that is used for group work and storing school detritus! It's amazing what you can do with white bedsheets and silver foil :)

I know that penguins shouldn't be at the North Pole, but four year olds don't care!! It apparently looked beautiful in the evening when it was dark and all the fairy lights were twinkling. I was playing out with my band so didn't get to see it in all its snowy glory... Incidentally, did you know that Penguin may be a Welsh word? One derivation is that the Welsh settlers in Patagonia named it Pen Gwyn, literally meaning White Head...referring to the white stripe around the eyes of some species.

And as I walked home from school after being surrounded by white, I turned the corner to my house and was confronted with this...
An Ice rainbow caused by the refraction of crystals in the freezy atmosphere  (it was perishing last Thursday)  And then it got even better...
There was an angel smiling down at me. It made me very happy.

Blessings to you all :)


Di said...

Oh wow Jan! The grotto turned out absolutely great!! Love your makes this week (as always) and the sky piccies are gorgeous. Happy WOYWW - I'm missing in action again this week, still waaaaay too busy :( Hugs, Di xx

Sandy said...

Wow at your grotto it looks fab and would look wonderful all twinkly.. Clever you.. Wonderful cloud spotting you did there.. Merry Christmas.. Sandy :) #12

MiniOwner said...

Such fab photos on your post today! The grotto is great and those sky pictures are amazing! Happy Wednesday.
Sue x (MiniOwner @1)

Hettie said...

Would have loved to have seen the grotto and yeay for the Welsh naming Pen Gwyns!
Glad I am not the only one who watches clouds and sees shapes! Hubby finks I am slightly mad! But then again I look for shapes in the fire too! You know I am mad!

Apryl said...

All the work you shared this week is really great!

Apryl #11

Inkypinkycraft said...

great snowy scene thanks for sharing.
happy woyww trace x #33
p.s. I have festive candy

Jackie said...

The grotto looks great I am sure the four year olds will love it .... Lovely selection of photos this week enjoyed looking at them
Jackie 31
Http:// scrapbangwallop.blogspot.com

Annie said...

What a fab job you did with Santa's grotto....magical for little ones I'm sure. Isn't nature wonderful....love your snaps.
A x #42

Words and Pictures said...

Wow, fantastic work on the grotto, Jan! Those snowy landscapes are just fabulous... as is the apron. And thank you for another lovely carol. I love this one too, though I always get the place name ones in a muddle (Wexford, Sussex and then mix in The Cherry Tree Carol for good measure...) - much easier when they're just known by their first line!! Happy WOYWW.
Alison x

Helen said...

Love the grotto, well done! Your comment about my floor did make me smile, I don't think I will get to create a desk at home to play on, however much I want one, so floor is safe!! Helen, 5

shazsilverwolf said...

Love the grotto, and your photo's are wonderful.Have a great week, Shaz #48

Andrea said...

my you have been busy love the apron especially the cute pocket .sound like the tea cosy was a labour of love thanks for sharing your fab pics isn't nature wonderful i've never heard of an ice rainbow. have a wonderful week hugs x #25

Neet said...

What a grotto - you put so much work into making it and it paid off - it is beautiful. Think what joy you gave. I could picture it in the dark too.
Lovely makes you have been doing and what lovely photographs of the sky, had never heard of an ice rainbow before, now will look out for them.
Thanks so much for sharing - love your post.
Hugs, Neet 46 xx

sandra de said...

OMGoodness you are the queen of fabric ... is there nothing you can do with a yard of cloth?? I only draw flowers the ones that actually grow in my garden are tough if they can't survive an Australian summer there gone. I always thought cyclamens were a once a year plant i.e. it flowers and then it dies. Well that's what they do at my place.
Sandra @27

Julia Dunnit said...

The grotto was fab...such a shame tha tit had to revert to store room so soon afterwards! Love the idea of havig all that foil to cascade and generally sculpt with! And I'm going to guess that me and at least 100% of your other readers had absolutely no vague idea of the penguins being at the wrong Pole!!
I nearly spat coffee at the sight of the tea cosy. You taught me bad words when describing how you weren't going to make more. My word that teacher gal is a good friend of yours!

Redanne said...

Oh the grotto looks absolutely amazing! Love the penguins too, they are so cute. The apron and tea cosy are fabulous, you are so very clever with your sewing machine! Happy WOYWW, Anne x #49

Ann B said...

Grotto looks super cool - but then it would if it was at the North Pole wouldn't it. Love the trees you painted - obviously a talented painter as well as a sewer and musician.
Thanks for dropping by this morning, and for your very flattering comments on my angel - muchly appreciated. Just doing a quick sweep round the tables before I wrap up warm and take Sorrel out for a walk.
Ann B

JoZart Designs said...

Oh, what a fab post with all the joy and lovliness. The beautiful Carol, and well doe to you for the grotto which must have brought such joy to so many tinies and grown ups alike. I love the fascinating ice rainbow and have only ever seen them on TV documentaries. Super snoop!
Jo x

Sarn said...

Lovely pictures Jan. Happy WOYWW to you xxx

Karen said...

Love the grotto, and you always need penguins at Christmas time....!!! The little apron is cute and I'm sure the recipient will love it! Happy WOYWW! Karen 72 x

KatzElbows said...

Your paintings are fabulous. You should do miniature ones as cards. Just gorgeous. And the photos are a great reminder that this is a beautiful season. Thank you.

cheers, rachel #50

Anonymous said...

Love your grotto. I think the kids with crafty mums are a joy for teachers :) And that apron! what 7 yo wouldn't love it, and their mom too for the washing it will save. Do people still make tea in pots, requiring a cosy? It's all by the mug round here :)


MA (no idea my number...20 something :))

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh your own angel there how fabulous! Love the grotto - for the past 7 years I have been on the school pa and have done numerous grottos and my favourite was always the igloo and we had penguins too! Have a great week. Sunshine Girl - no 21.

famfa said...

fabulous post. made me smile. lovely craftiness. beautiful material. love your ice rainbow and clouds. one of the packages arrived. thank you so much, they are itching to open them
famfa (80)

Bernice said...

A lovely wee apron and some great photos this week.
Bernice #52

Unknown said...

Well done on the set, it is beautiful! And catching a snap of that angel in the sky is awesome! I hope you are doing well soul sister and managing to get some things done--why is it so difficult when December hits? I feel like so many things are suddenly piling up on me, and I'm trying to dig out! Fortunately, I will have a three-week Christmas/New Year's break coming up, and I'm very excited looking forward to it. Your stitching is beautiful too, by the way. Hugs from Missouri! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #84

Jaki Morris said...

Oh my word. The pictures just got better and better the further down I scrolled.

How beautiful the sky is, we are truly lucky sometimes

Jakix #68

Caro said...

I love that rendition of the Carol, she really does have a beautiful voice. The santa's grotto was wonderful, well done you. The sky shots are wonderful, especially the Angel. Have a happy WOYWW and Advent. Thanks for sharing. Caro #60

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the Wexford Carol but had NO idea that it had lyrics!! My favourite though is the Galician Carol, especially the version by Carlos NUnez, I put that track on repeat until my husbands head explodes!! Love the apron and the tea cozy, but that set is stunning, such a lot of fun to set it all up, shame you couldn't see it, but that ice rainbow and your own personal fairy really made up for it.

Brenda 79

Kate said...

Blessing to you too! Love your grotto.

** Kate **

Twiglet said...

What a fantastic grotto - I do miss all the fun of Christmas in school. You are quite a "Rolf Harris" I think!!!! x Jo

Unknown said...

Fabulous stitching and gorgeous photos - enjoy the rest of your week.

fairy thoughts said...

hi Jan another fab post is there nothing this woman cant do.... I mean santa's grotto!!! and pen gwyn's too have a great week
janet #28

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I love the new Christmas title, and your background looks so luxurious and cosy. Your grotto painting is so impressive. Have a good week. xx Maggie #62

Anne said...

Love your make and the grotto is fab. Lovely photos as well. I look for pics in the clouds as well. :-) Happy WOYWW Anne x #112

Caz said...

That Santa's grotto is just beautiful!! Loved the little girl's apron too - didn't realise anyone still used teacosies in this age of the tea bag!!
You are one super talented lady

Unknown said...

Love the apron. have a great weekend.

Darnell said...

Beautiful photos of the angel (!) and the ice rainbow, which I've never even heard of before, so that made it super cool! TFS. Your sewing projects are always a delight, LLJ, and it's obvious you also have a real knack for stage design and execution! Well done! Have a wonderful week and thanks for coming to visit me! Darnell #58

Erika said...

Hi Jan, you always have such a beautiful post, love the apron and tea cosie, great photographs too. Santa's grotto looks amazing too I'm sure the kids will all love it.
Have a super crafty weekend and thanks for the visit, hugs Erika.

Kim said...

Love your grotto!! And, me, not being a proper tea drinker...or prepper for that matter am very intrigued there can even be a teacozy debacle...my little brain is going to be mulling that over all morning! Have a great week.

505whimsygirl said...

Hi there LLJ,

I know a 53 year old that LOVES that apron! tee hee. You've been busy, as usual!

Kay #100

lisa said...

I bet that cloud angel was winging her way to Jozarty's!!!! You've got some beautiful photos there, Jan. I've never heard of an ice rainbow before let alone seen one.
Love the little girls apron, what gorgeous fabric. I know a few not so little girls who'd like that.
You must have breathed a sigh of relief after your last craft fair. Get your feet up girl, you deserve it. Santa's grottos, tea cosies, bet you are up to ears in Nativities too!!!!!! Sit down, have a cuppa and have a rest.
Hugs Lisax #56

trisha too said...

That was an enchanting post, Jan. This is why I woyww!!!

Thank you for sharing!

(I have to finish up those nests today, and will be sure to take pics and show finished ones sometime--thank you for stopping by!)

#100 this week
and making my woyww rounds a little late!

Nan G said...

Wow! I've never seen an ice rainbow before! How cool is that?! A beaut of an angel too. Love all decorations for the school. You did quite a nice job! A late happy WOYWW! Nan 85

Carmen said...

What a gorgeous post. I love your ice rainbow and cloud Angel. The grotto is fabulous!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a gorgeous apron. I love the heart shaped pocket and I would have been very happy to own such an apron when I was a little girl. Heck I would wear it now. I thought of you earlier, when I got an email with a link to an 'easy hostess apron'! lol
Fiona xx

Cardarian said...

Love all your makes of the week - and your lovely sky photos - I think winter skies can be really wonderful! Sorry I am soo late - time does not like me - keeps running away from me! Oh and it is almost Christmas and I have sooo much to do!
Lots of hugs,

Lisa-Jane said...

Well I never did! Penguin being Welsh eh, how funny is that. Loving the sky pics and of course that delicious apron!


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...