I have really enjoyed researching carols on Youtube, discovering some artists of whom I'd not previously heard. Check out this Acapella group, Chanticleer - what amazing voices:
There is something very sexy about a bloke singing his heart out!! 

I ran out of the hearts material for my brother's bags  so am using this fabric that I bought in The Cotton Angel in Monmouth last year. I am ashamed to say that I had forgotten about it until I was rootling around in my boxes of stash...

And here's the finished article - it's a pretty, fresh fabric. I must make more stuff with it in the New Year!

And here's a message from my brother...
LunchladyJan's brother here - there are rather a lot of you who want to know what the tupperware boxes are for. First of all I have a surplus of little tupperware boxes - its a long story - so I thought that this Christmas everyone will get a little present (or set of), and the defining rule is that they must all fit in the box, and rather than wrapping it up, I asked little sis to make a bag or 6. So if you have any ideas what can go into the box, both male and female versions, I will only be too pleased to receive your thoughts. Bath Xmas Fair starts soon, and I'm sure lots of little prezzies will soon be winging their way into my little shopping bag.

Happy Xmas (if I can say that in November) to you all around the world

LLJ's big bro Steve

Well, there you go - now you know (and me as well!!)

Here's something else I've made this week - black satin, black lace and dark teal silk....what do they add up to??

A Goth Evening bag for my eldest son's girlfriend. I cut out rough trapezoid shapes, didn't measure the handles, no pattern or tacking was involved and the detachable Corsage brooch was thrown together. My old Sewing Teacher at school would be horrified....... *grin*  Once a rebel.......
WOYWWers, that's the end of Desk News. Proceed at your own peril :)

What else has been happening then?
Here's a neat little machine. Kate swapped it with me at the WOYWW crop - I made her a beading mat. You put seed beads in it and turn the spindle with your other hand and the beads magically whizz up the needle. There's an eye through which you can thread some cotton/tigertail and the beads travel up the needle and onto the thread. It's brilliant and no batteries are required!! It was an object of fascination in our house.....

I'll make crafters of them yet! Actually G3 was the best of us all, he really had the knack of getting the needle at just the right angle for the beads to whizz up. Thank you to Morti who gave me an excellent tutorial on it.

Julia, Di (PIxie) and I went for a girly day out last Friday. Di enjoyed herself Very Much in KraftKrazy. My Jeep could hardly move afterwards cos of the weight of new stash in the boot *grin* I bought these in a fab wool shop we found..
OOOhh, look at that rainbow of colours. Yum. It was quite pricey so I just bought a couple of balls, enough to make a snood for me or maybe a little cardigan if I can bear to give it away!

And finally....my angels for the swap have probably reached their destinations by now, so I can show them to you...
Serena (left) because she looked serene and Gloria (right) because she looks as if she was a bit of a good time girl before she joined the Choirs Invisible, lol!! I hope they make their new owners Twiglet and JoZart smile!!

Have a great week :D xxxx


Chloe grice said...

So refreshing to see someone else who just charges at a project with nary a rule in sight :-) Love both those bags and that wool - oooh, pretty pretty! And how on earth does that gizmo work? looks like magic to me.... enjoy the rest of your week x Chloe -no number, just hopping today-

Annie said...

You're my sort of gal Jan. I attact most of my work without planning or patterns cos I keep those in my head hehehe. Love the finished bag you made too so who needed a pattern? :-)
I've already seen your gorgeous angels in their new homes....so beautiful.
A #42
ps hope you 'like' me :-) [see my blog for more info]

Twiglet said...

Wow Jan - your bags are wonderful - esp the black/teal lacy one-best to be a rebel I say - you are too creative to be anything else!! My little Serena is just perfect - I will show her off on fun day Monday - thanks lots. x Jo

Anonymous said...

More angels! and looking lovely too. But that blue and white swirly fabric - yum yum yum! Very dresden plate. Nice of your bro to drop in and answer the question an everyone's mind.... :)

MA (9)

Rita said...

Good Morning Jan, I love that bag, the colours and fabric are gorgeous. Tell Steve, its lovely to meet him or at least say Hello. He's the lucky one having a sister like you. The goth bag looks so lush. Have a good Day. Hugs Rita xx

Helen said...

The bags look great, but I will have enough trouble thinking up my own gifts... sorry Steve! Thanks for your lovely comments about the journal page. Helen, 8

Helen said...

forgot to say, yes, what great singing!!

Neet said...

First the beading tool - I have one of those - bought years ago at a Fair and I paid over £30 for it so you have a treasure there.
Love the Goth bag, love the brother bag and the corsage pin looks fabulous to me.
I think a sugar mouse (or chocolate one) should go in the boxes - mum used to put one in the toe of our socks - a chocolate one from Thorntons. You could help him f;ill a sewing one for a lady - glass headed pin box, unpicked, tape measure etc. Maybe one of those tiny screwdriver sets in another for a man. Of course he could always fill up with things from a pound shop.
Happy hunting bro!
Hugs, Neet xx 29

lisa said...

As always, it's a joy to visit you on a Wednesday, Jan. Love Love Love the blue bag. How fresh and lovely.
Mum has one of those beading tools, it's fascinating how they all suddenly whizz up the needle isn't it. Boys with their toys I see!!
You look as though you are well on your way with the old xmas pressies!!! I'm starting to get going now, there is a vicious rumour flying round that the big day is only 4 weeks away!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!
Love the message from your baby bro. What a brilliant idea. What about things like tape measures, mens and ladies of course, would an ipod fit in one or is that being cheeky!!!
Have a great Wednesday. Happy WOYWW#
Hugs Lisax #59

Julia Dunnit said...

Am impressed by Steve's idea..and that beautiful fabric....and have absolutely no idea how he can fill the boxes. Well, not true, but naturally, my first thought is for food! I'm destined to be back at the Wool shop this friday...I am seriously considering buying some and asking you to make me one too. Maybe I should ask first!!

CraftygasheadZo said...

I enjoyed reading your post today, full of fab things and even your bro got in on the act, what a great idea! Love your angels, and your bags are super fab. I use mine I bought from you at the crop all the time, it's such a perfect size for so many things! Looks like you'll have the boys beading soon! Ha ha. I have coffee & I'm off to snoop! Take care Zo xx 45

Andrea said...

what a fab idea and your bags are ace love the fabrics and will make great storage afterwards .im sure he will come up trumps with gifts to fit. as wit the 'goth' bag its beautiful my you are talented ,there are going to be some very happy people at christmas . The bead tool looks ace what a fab idea !...Have a wonderful week x #63

Kate said...

Ah, groups of men scaring people with their close harmony singing!

Glad your brother explained the need for frilly bags, I was beginning to wonder about him! If I was getting Tupperware for Christmas it would need to have something luxurious in it - I'm sure some of your lovely jewellery would fit?

The black and teal look amazing together.

And I'm glad the spinning whatsit has provided some amusement!!!

** Kate **

Eliza said...

Love the bags and the material from the stash beautiful. Good colour combination to for the black and teal, smashing. As for BB, made me giggle, you could fill them with art supplies, lollies, toiletries, makeup, office supplies gosh the list can go on. Great post today and fun reading.

Eliza 39

HeARTworks said...

Nice to get to know your brother! And that he took the trouble to tell us about the mysterious boxes. When I saw the black bag and had not read what it was I thought it wasn't your usual! And so it isn't! Cute angels! Patsy

Jacqui Chimes said...

Lovely bags in gorgeous colours Jacqui #79

Words and Pictures said...

Love the blue and white fabric - it's gorgeous (I'm a blue and white china freak, so it works for me!)... and the Goth evening bag is lush! Most of all I want to thank you for sharing Chanticleer's carol - what a great choir... now making my way through the rest of their videos! Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Karen said...

Sorry I couldn't get back to you, but my PC died on me bigtime. At least it's back again now though! Love the black/teal creations - you are so clever with the sewing machine! Happy WOYWW! Karen 90 x

Erika said...

Loving your fabric again Jan and the beautiful black bag with teal. I'm intrigued with your beader and fab little angels too. Another great post, happy crafty Wednesday, hugs Erika.

Morti said...

Am lusting over the goth bag. Actually, lusting is the wrong word, as although I love teal, purple would be the colour to get me REALLY giddy. Best not show it to Lil Miss B or she'll be knocking on your door demanding one for herself. Actually - could you please make one as a gift for her and I'll buy it from you?

Happy WOYWW! Looks like the bead spinner has been a complete hit - keeps people occupied for hours!

famfa said...

Gorgeous angels. Great names. Love your new beady thingamygig - what fun. Bag is amazing

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What do sewing teachers know anyway?! Mine failed me and yet I made my own wedding outfit and those of my 4 bridesmaids. So glad to have the mystery of the tupperware solved :o)
Fiona xx #92

Unknown said...

Beautiful words--I love your Christmas carols! Your brother's note is wonderful--and I think I'm most fascinated by the idea of a craft fair in beautiful Bath. Ahhh...I can only imagine. I'm so happy my soul sister had a wonderful girly day, shopping at the craft store, and gorgeous yarn! Life is good! Hugs to you sweetie! Happy WOYWW! --Sandy Leigh #100

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh lots on here today! I think I need one of those whizzy things - looks such fun! There was a whole range of Dr Seuss material when I went to the States in june - here is quilt I made within a week http://sunshinegirlnicola.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/another-quick-quilt.html (not my pattern - just followed some instructions!). Have a great week and thanks for following me.

Laura said...

Gorgeous goth bag.
I love my bead whizzer. When I first got it every one had to have a good :)
Happy Wednesday,

Darnell said...

Fab post, as ever, LLJ! First, we're lucky to have Chanticleer be from our area. They are incredible. We first saw them live when they started a couple decades ago now I bet. I'm happy you discovered them.

Your bag fabric for Steve's boxes is so yummy, can't believe you forgot about it! I vote for Christmas cookies.

Goth is not my c.o.t., but you've done a bangup job with those colors and that fun detachable brooch!

I'm not surprised to hear that Di was outta control. We are all slowly driving her round the bend over at the playground, all the while acting like little innocents.

I must look into getting one of those odd little beadclimbingupneedlespinners. Looks like something to keep the Mister occupedo and out of my hair.

And, finally, delicious balls and spectacular angels! I still can't tell how big they are but see they are not life-size. I think. I flunked "spacial ability" in school. I thought it just meant "act spacey," so I spent the hour staring out the window.

Thanks for visiting me already! Have a great week if I don't 'see' you before! Happy WOYWWing! Darnell #54

okienurse said...

Almost forgot to leave a comment post because over 30 minutes ago I followed your link to the Chanticleer post and have been listening ever since and god knows I can't miss watching a second of a man pouring his heart out in his music... Tell your brother that a friend of mine did a similar thing with just boxes a few years ago and filled them full of different items(same box), chocolates, smell goods, ie candles, bath salts, chapstik, little toys etc. Leslie had a lot of fun doing that for different folks. Love the bag and the angels. You have lots of talent lady! Thanks for visiting my desk and leaving such a nice comment. Have a great week! Vickie #3

fairy thoughts said...

great post as usual. So much to see Love the blue and white fabric and gorgeous bag. But best of all, the note from Big Buv, brilliant.
happy WOYWW
(note to Steve fat quarters would fit in a tupperware box)

Anne said...

Great angels- just seen good time Gloria over at Jozarty's. Really like the blue fabric. I just wish I could make things without having to have patterns/plans etc I envy you ladies that can do that. Happy WOYWW. Anne x #124

505whimsygirl said...

Hello LLJ,

Oh, I'm envious you had a day out! How nice. I look forward to the day that I meet more of my WOYWW family! The Union Jack bag came from Donna (http://www.adonnathing.com/doings-of-doone-blog/) candy that I won. It was filled with little flags for cupcakes, some lovely ribbon, my first bit of twine, and a rubber stamp of her design). I wrote a post about it but I never published.... and now it's been so long I wonder if I should.

The bag for your brother looks great - and I'm not sure exactly what he's asking - he wants to fill tupperware with little treasures for gifts? If that's the case maybe some good chocolates would be in order -- and some nuts? The purse for your son's girlfriend is great too!!!

Glad to be back!

Kay (108)

Ali H said...

Hi LLJ - family participation on WOYWW - a new departure for us !!
I'm sure that BBS will find jewellery would fit fine & dandy in the tupperwares !! Just steer him away from making his own bath salts with soda crystals & food die (had a very nasty experience back in the day turning an Aunt purple !!!). Great bag - I stitched whole quilts with scarcely a pin - so expect my needlework teacher would be throwing a fit too !! You are right Carmarthen is a great little place now - we only moved to Wales in 2007 but can see how it has changed in that short time ! have a fun week Ali x

Spyder said...

wow fab post! I used to do Tupperware, so I too, have loads of little boxes!! back then, they were guaranteed for ten years...that was 30 years ago!
Love those angels! Thank you for my snoop, lots to see!! (Great bags too!) Happy WoyWW!
((Lyn)) #21

mamapez5 said...

Hi. I have just met Gloria in her new home! I love that bead machine. How clever is that! I have a goth grand daughter who would appreciate the bag. I shall have a listen to your singers in a minute. Our choir has it's first concert on Monday. I love all the Christmas music. Kate x #116

Apryl said...

Oh I LOOOVE the evening bag! Magnificent job.

#17 Apryl

Unknown said...

Hi Jan - I love the blue and white - I am always drawn to it whether its dutch or willow or in arabic tiles its fab. Everyone is so busy this week. The bead gadget is cool - do you remember love beads - I was always breaking mine - I could have done with that little gizmo! Thanks for popping by. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 37

Nan G said...

Love the blue/white fabric bag! And the Goth is to die for! She'll love it, I'm sure! Cool little gizmo that bead thingy! Happy WOYWW! Nan 114 p.s. I'd say Gloria has a few secrets from the look on her face.

Di said...

I'm late Jan, although I did quickly peek yesterday. I do love the evening bag, it surely will be totally loved. And isn't that wool absolutely fabulous - are you going to save it for the pleasure of kniting with it over the festive break? Ha, I did go a bit OTT in the craft shop - but even then I wished I'd bought more plain card :)

Belated Happy WOYWW and hugs, Di xx

shazsilverwolf said...

Love this post Jan- the beading thingy is awesome! The goth bag is wonderful, she will love it, I'm sure. Nice to have the mystery of the little bags solved, and I love the unique gift idea. How about some little semi-precious stone figures, like tiny Amethyst/rose quartz etc angels?There's an online store called Higher Heart that has loads of that type of thing. You can tell my collecting interest can't you, lol.Loving the angels, still working on mine,Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #98

Ann B said...

Thought I had already visited you Jan but it must be that I saw your angel on Jo's desk. Another great collection of goodies again this week - love the Goth bag, it is beautiful.

Ann B

Kim said...

Sorry about the delay, I couldn't post from home. I love your bags, but that bead thingy has me intrigued!! Thaks for stopping by, and how did the Santa Grotto go?

Lindsay Weirich said...

That bead thing is awesome! Must see if I can make one! Happy woyww - lindsay#86

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Lunch lady Jan - ah just love your bag there all best to big bro Steve not much ideas here struggling with own pressie list! and love the other creations too!:D Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #1

Unknown said...

Very interesting stuff my friend ! Cool

Victoria said...

I love those angels and the expressions on their faces! I've just been showing my husband your blog as he's just bought himself a sewing machine and he's very excited by the projects he's got planned. He's currently making us a Christmas table cloth and runner. :)


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...