Bethlehem Down is full of the starlight — 
Winds for the spices, and stars for the gold, 
Mary for sleep, and for lullaby music 
Songs of a shepherd by Bethlehem fold.

Sorry folks, it's Carols from now until the Big Day...just cos I adore them! This one, Bethlehem Down by Peter Warlock, is my absolute favourite - minor key, mysterious, gorgeous words. It gives me the Tingly Winglies, it does.
Follow this link -  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yefnj5kvJTw
Turn the volume up, close your eyes and let King's College Choir transport you.

Straight in with my desk this week (bloomin' heck, THAT makes a change....) on which lies a pretend Cath Kidston fabric for a little girl's apron together with some contrasting green spotty for the apron strings. The faux CK fabric was £5.99 a metre, that's a bit better than £20 for the real McCoy. CK is such a rip off, makes me mad...... swiftly moving on :D

I love my storage area, everything is to hand. I don't care that it's not very chi-chi, I know where everything is so don't have to waste time searching for stuff. I like my 'Man Drawers' which are full of buttons, thread etc etc rather than screws and nails. The old doorstop on the top holds down fabric when I'm cutting, that gardening carry tote is perfect for my scissors, rulers and other accoutrements!
My brother commissioned me to make 6 drawstring bags that the tupperware box featured above could fit into. I thought I'd line them because the end product is nicer - so am just having a test to see if the blue goes with the little hearts fabric....
Here's the end result - I'm quite pleased with it. Just hope my brother likes them too...whatever he's going to do with them :D
Someone asked if they could have Christmassy bunting to fit down their stairs and they wanted red and green. So on a recent visit to C&H fabrics in Winchester (Fairythoughts wasn't in that day) I spotted these - they'll go nicely with the stash I already have. I was a good girl and only bought 50cms of each.
I have been trying really hard to resist spending on more goodies but these little tubs of beads were only £1 each in KraftKrazy...sigh..they leapt into my hand, I tell you. Goodness knows what I'm going to do with them! A little bit of Christmas Gorgeousness, no doubt :D

And finally, WOYWWers must be the most generous bunch out there in cyberspace! No sooner had I remarked that my Christmas trees needed some fairy folk peering out, than these fab little Canadian Corknisse gnomes arrived, courtesy of Famfa! Thank you sooooooo much, Sam, they are just brilliant!! Not only are they the perfect scale for the trees, they made us all hoot - I absolutely love 'em, but having seen the minuteness of the stitches, you must have patience to spare! 
They are going to have pride of place on top of my piano this Christmas time - thank you again, it was a lovely thought!

Have a great week, everyone :D


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Lunch lady Jan - happy WOYWW!
And yes am glad for one that you are going to do Christmas carols from here on in as love them too! listening to the one by Kings Carols as tip tap here!!! and how very sweet of Famfa to send you here ultra cute gnomes so amazingly kind WOYWW folk are as you say! Love your drawstring bags indeed could think of lots uses. there! love Shaz in Oz.x (no number yet Julia's not on yet and it midday here :D)

Anonymous said...

I don't know that carol so I'll have a listen to the video. Love those little gnomes, perfick tree partners! Interesting makes for your brother, what on earth does he have planned??? I see traditional Japanese lunch packs at work, where all the items are placed on a large square of material, and it's then tied in a way to allow it to be carried, very nice to see, the materials are often really nice. Your storage is perfect for you and that's what matters, but if you carry on with those beads then you're undoubtedly going to need quite a bit more!

Brenda (no number yet)

Unknown said...

Beautiful music! Your little girl apron is so cute--I am wondering what brother is going to do with such a cute transport for Tupperware! And those little knomes are ridiculously cute!! What is KraftKrazy? That sounds like a fun place! And thank you for your comment Friday on my art journal--I loved reading about your past career soul sister!! Hugs! --Sandy Leigh

Hettie said...

Gosh Miss you have fitted alot in this morning. Those tupperware bags are gorgeous, wish I could have bunting down my stairs and those lickle people are sooo cute.
xx 38

BJ said...

Oh the essence of Christmas has surely arrived on your blog, love it, makes me all tingly too. Not a great carol lover myself but I await to be changed this year by your clips. Men's drawers are always cool to me - LOL and the weight for holding down fabric for cutting out is a brilliant idea. The little bag is just right, can't believe you haven't enquired as to what for exactly!! Oh and the beads go nice on the tree - I use the plastic hanger hooks to secure them. I did a purple tree a few years ago, (it was my Cadbury's tree), turquoise last year for DS and have lime green all lined up for this year one of DH's favourite colours. I mix the new colour with gold, silver and white too btw. Oh look I'm getting all Christmassy..... BJ#5

JoZart Designs said...

now that was a nice mooch through your storage solutions, gorgeous fabrics and makes.I love the tiny gnomes but I'm worried about my angel... She was posted with a dozen or so last Friday and most have already landed in their new homes... hope your's isn't lost!
Love Jo x
love that carol and amazingly, despite singing in a choir plus a group for years and years (I don't now), that's one I've never sung!
One of my fave's is the Chinese Carol... do you know it? Calm and clear the night, I think it starts with.

okienurse said...

beautiful music today! I love Christmas and all the sounds and smells! My son is stationed in Virginia this year but every year he sends me a CD of the music his band has created for that year! I hope one comes this year. Chad just graduated from his training program and will hopefully pass muster for getting a band of his own somewhere in the US! My son a bandleader in the army! Played tattoos in England and Scotland while he was over seas. Okay enough of that. Love your crafting space and new projects. I can always count on color when I come to your blog...I "luvs" color! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #2

Annie said...

Such a lovely post today. Fab fabrics, beautiful music and gorgeous new buys.
A x #48

donnalouiserodgers said...

Love the heart fabric and what a super way to jazz up tupperware, must go see if famfa has a patten for those tiny treats,

oh check out a book called Granny Chic on amazon - you'll love it - i have to get me one of those Gladys Caravans....

dx 58

CraftygasheadZo said...

Gorgeous material as always you seem to find such lush-ness with without the not so lush prices! CK is such a rip off I agree. Great storage too, we all need our buttons to hand. Mine are all in jars, love using them on cards etc. Take care Zo xx 59

Ann B said...

Love the drawstring bag, always get such good ideas from your desk so I can see some of those on mine in the future.

Ann B

Neesie said...

Oh thank you for that beautiful Christmas musical clip...if that doesn't inspire you to get festive then nothing will!
The fabric looks gorgeous and I think you were very restrained really when there's so many goodies to be had. ;D
I wasn't sure about peeking into men's drawers but then I realised men don't have drawers really...well not those kind of drawers!
What a lucky lady having gifts arrive especially such cute fairy folk.

Thanks for visiting me earlier and giving me such a laugh.
Have a great WOYWW :D

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh those little corky characters are just fab! What a marvellous surprise. Next, you need a ski slope and a lodge with a log fire.....
I wonder what your brother has planned. I kinda need to know because even though I don't know, it seems like a good idea!! See you Fri..won't it be nice. x

Words and Pictures said...

Firstly, thank you so much for the carol link. I must have heard it, as we listen to Kings every year, but I certainly don't know it, and you're right, it's an absolutely beautiful carol.

Love your bags, and the material for the bunting looks yummy. No point resisting when those fab beads were only £1 each... Oh, and hurrah for Famfa! Happy WOYWW.
Alison x

Anonymous said...

I missed retuning your visit last week so you are on my list for this week!

I have to say I have never heard of that particular carol - I've always been partial to my FIL singing Lord of the Dance - he has such a rich, deep, yet mellow voice and the fiddle always appeals. But I'll def. check it out cause the lyrics are fab.

I love the combo of blue with the hearts fabric, but then you always match things up and they work beautifully. You should never doubt yourself : )

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (16)

MrsC.x said...

i am so with you on CK fabric being a rip off i love it but cant afford it
the blue and hearts fabric looks fab together - i wonder is they mayb christmas pressies i could see biscuits or homemade sweets in the boxes they'd look fab in your bags
Happy WOYWW-ing! TFS Mrs.C
craftylittlemoos.blogspot.com #62

Joanne said...

Sewing fun at your house. Makes me want to get my machine out. Love those little elves. Happy woyww.

Helen said...

Love your makes - the hearts fabric bags are so quite. I really think I must find a desk I can work at, working on the floor has been ruined for me now!!! Helen, 9

famfa said...

You are number 36 by the way, not 68 (not sure how you got that number).
The fabrics go beautifully well together. You have an eye for fabrics that go so I wouldn't question yourself.
Thank you for e lovely comments about the Korknisse. I had no idea how big your trees were but they do seem to be the right size. Glad you enjoyed. You are thoughtful and generous, looked my lovely bunting!
FAMFA (86)

Kim said...

Ok, I was going to comment on your freakishly clean desk (but working with fabric, and not messy paper, I suppose thats a must) but I ran out of time, as your link lead to another, then Michael Praetorous, them more early music, and I've now been at YouTube for 30 minutes..while at work...and have the urge to find all my gregoriam chant albums I had while in college, of which I no longer have a turn table, which means I'll be on Amazon all lunch hour getting modernized on the IPad...

mamapez5 said...

A beautiful piece of music. I wasn't familiar with it. I preferred the version by Utah Un i choir as their diction was clearer, but the one you linked to, took me back to when my first two sons were choir boys. the annual carol concert was the best time ever! My own choir are all geared up for our concerts next month. Only our leader is a trained singer, so we are not perfect, but we have a good following now, and the concerts will all be sell outs. Our most ambitious piece to date is El Nacimiento. It will sound lovely even if we aren't note perfect.

By the way, I think the blue was spot on with the heart fabric. Your brother certainly should be pleased.
Love the tree fairies. What a great gift.
Kate x #54

shazsilverwolf said...

Those little bags are fabulous, and the fabrics do go so well together. Those little tree fairies are ace too. I hear you about paying through the nose for a 'name'- really annoys me too.Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #107

Unknown said...

Beautiful fabrics and the little bag looks fabulous - hope your brother likes them.

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan - I love the carols too and I was indeed transported for a while there but back to WOYWW now. I like your 'Man Drawers' - they do the job. I've been out gallivanting, as you know, looking for the perfect storage for my scraps. Saw some lovely 'chi-chi' items but turned pale at the price and headed over to B&Q for something more in my price range. Now I have the fun of sorting out those scraps - I think I must have been a squirrel in a former life :)) The blue spot fabric looks perfect with the heart fabric ... my mind is racing with ideas on why your brother wants to put a tupperware box in each one :)) Famfa's little folk are indeed perfect with your trees - making a unique Christmas tableau that will be brought out year after year :) Hope you've had a great WOYWW. Elizabeth x #112

Deb said...

The draw string bag is so cute and I love that Christmassy fabric, going to be gorgeous as bunting! How sweet are those little peeps!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan, lovely creations again, your Christmas material is very festive. I LOVE the pretend CK material as its the same as my desk tidy :)

Funny how crafting goodies have the ability to fly into our shopping baskets! It's another one of those unanswerable questions isn't it?

Happy WOYWW xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

LOL! I caught myself singing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen in the shower this morning... I couldn't remember most of the words though... comfort and joy? Is that part of it? Kibbles and bits? I'm pretty sure that isn't part of it, but the cat approved. I love your man drawers. I often eye those when I'm in the hardware stores but not having a place to put such a thing none of them ever come home with me. I think your brother is a smart man, I can see those drawstring bags that fit the Tupperware container being very useful. Everyone will want one (perhaps that is why he asked for 6?!) Cute gnomes!

Nan G said...

The little gnomes are adorable! Your trees are pretty cute too! Happy WOYWW! Nan 93

fairy thoughts said...

hi jan
Sorry far too early for carols for me, love them at the right time..... Christmas. I walk out of shops that are playing 'Christmas music'... bah humbug.
I do however love your fabric combinations, the bags are gorgeous but what is he going to do with them?
have a great week

Laurart said...

Love the drawstring bags! They are wonderful - Happy WOYWW xxx Laura #51

JoZart Designs said...

So pleased you like her and she has landed in her new home. I hope she brought lots of happiness with her too.
What is her name... let me know which one was drawn by you for my post, please.
Lots of love Jo x

Erika said...

More super materials, makes and gifts to you Jan. Happy Wednesday and enjoy your crafting, what will you do with all those beads, can't wait to see.
Hugs Erika. 73

Lisa-Jane said...

Of course now you have to tell us what he plans to do with those bags when you find out - I'm certainly intrigued! I thought of you yesterday as I saw a Christmas Pudding doorstop and I thought it would be a perfect thing for your craft fairs (next year maybe!)

VonnyK said...

Argh not the carols, not yet!!! I have to get through my daughters 21st birthday and party first. No Christmas until after dec 1, please!!!! Gotta wonder what your brother is going to do with those tupperware containers and bags. Those little fairy folk are gorgeous, she is so clever.
Have a great week, still planning the party.
Von #44

Mary Ann Tate said...

As always lots of lovely stuff being made. You must let us know what your brother is going to do with the bags...which are adorable by the way:)

trisha too said...

Thank you so much for the youtube link--as if I ever would have found that one by myself! Gorgeous.

What on earth does your brother want those bags for? Christmas gifties?

And those little gnomes, perfect with your trees!

#122ish this week

sandra de said...

Love the drawstring bags reminds me of my little toiletry bag taken on camp when I was a youngen. Although the fabrics in the 60's were never as pretty as the combinations you put together.
Enjoy your week. Sandra @18

Renee B. said...

Thanks for the welcome to WOYWW...I can see how it will become very addictive!! Love your drawstring bags. I can't sew for the life of me, so I'm very impressed with anyone who can. Great Christmas fabric & I agree...those little bobbles just couldn't be left in the shop! Have a wonderful week.
Hugs, Renee

Twiglet said...

I love all your fabricy gorgeousness! The little "tupperware" bag is fab. x Jo

Ali H said...

Thanks for stopping by - how funny you are from right down this way ! Love your fun bags ! Have a great week Ali #21

Anonymous said...

Happy belated WOYWW. Lots going on in your craft room at the moment! The little gnomes have to be my favourite. Ali x #19

HeARTworks said...

The blue went perfectly with the hearts fabric! Maybe your brother will fill the tupperware with something yummy and give it away for Christmas! Such a great gift!! And what a sweet lady Famfa is! Those gnomes are too cute!!! patsy

JoZart Designs said...

Hi Jan... just call her Aggie for short!
Look forward to your angels landing... I've already got a little collection flying over the fireplace!
Have a great weekend.. I go Wednesday.. woo hoo!
love Jo x

Caro said...

I love your 'Man drawers' so sensible for all those little bits and pieces. I wonder what your brother is using the tupperware for...the bags are perfect, thats for sure, and those gnomes are adorable. Thanks for sharing. Caro #60

Lucy said...

What a lovely blog you have! The drawstring bags are so special. Maybe your brother is making foody gifts for Xmas? Great to see you mention C+H for their Fabric, I work there with FairyThoughts. I refuse to shop at Cath Kidston's in Winchester on account of her ludicrous pricing. There's no way it costs that much to produce. Anyway, enough garbling. I shall be subscribing to your blog. All the best! x

Bernice said...

Great little drawstring bags and I really like the fake CK fabric - really girlie!
Bernice #123

JoZart Designs said...

Thank you!! TYTYTYTY!
Just came home to find Gloria had squashed herself through my letter box and fluttered onto the hall mat!! Woo hoo .. I'm so thrilled and will post her for WOYWW before I leave for Germany.
Just wanted you to know she is safely settled in her new home and already up to some trouble... you'll see.
Jo x

Cardarian said...

Hi Jan!
Sorry I am soooo late - Alan was visiting this weekend and my daughter so it was a busy week...Love all your makes and the fabric for the bunting is wonderful! Thank you for sharing! I am a big fan of choir music so the link was visited and enjoyed!
Lots of hugs,

Cefnsidanwalker said...

LunchladyJan's brother here - there are rather a lot of you who want to know what the tupperware boxes are for. First of all I have a surplus of little tupperware boxes - its a long story - so I thought that this Christmas everyone will get a little present (or set of), and the defining rule is that they must all fit in the box, and rather than wrapping it up, I asked little sis to make a bag or 6. So if you have any ideas what can go into the box, both male and female versions, I will only be too pleased to receive your thoughts. Bath Xmas Fair starts soon, and I'm sure lots of little prezzies will soon be winging their way into my little shopping bag.

Happy Xmas (if I can say that in November) to you all around the world

LLJ's big bro Steve


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...