I'd like to send all who read this blog my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and peaceful 2016.  Let's keep this love and friendship whizzing around the world :-)

I'm starting off with the riot of colour that was one of my Christmas prezzies! A bag of yarns from my fav local wool shop, Miss Lemon's. Perfect for my charity makes - I was chuffed with these!

But feast your eyes on this little lot, my present from Gordon:
Oooooooh....squeeeeee.....aren't they gorgeous. I'm just lost in the glorious colourificity of it all. And it goes without saying that I'll have to keep them in the correct order (yes, I AM that sad.....)

Julia gave me a selection of fab prezzies but one in particular made me hoot:
It's one of those foldaway bags you keep in your handbag (herself calls them my Granny bags....)  This one fails on two important matters: (1) It's too large to actually put in my handbag (2) when you unfold it, the bag itself is miniscule so you can't use it to actually put anything in!!  Epicness abounds :-D

My son's future MiL Lesley gave us these fab boxes filled with nibbles. I've already put my knitting projects in one and the other is destined to hold my fabric scraps. I love 'em!

And finally, the last band engagement I played in was in a Tesco's Supermarket ( I know, it'll be the Royal Albert Hall next!) and thought I'd like to share this pic:
Don't you think that's very cheap for a bass player?  Remarkably good value. You can tell that Suzie (far right) is the class act out of the three of us....grin :-D

And on that happy note, I'd like to wish you all much love and big squishies for the year ahead. 


Nikki said...

Look at all those new pencils I tried to keep mine in order that lasted a little while now I just have them all together with them all mixed up it drives me a little crazy but it works when I carry them all around the house to colour :)
Yep that's pretty cheap for a bass player lol took a 2nd look at the photo to get it :P
hugs Nikki ??
Have a Happy and Safe New Years too

Neet said...

Love and big squishies back! Love those pencils and yes, they are so blendable. Good luck at keeping them in order, I tried (yes I am that too) but failed when I took three out and did not know exactly where they went. Suggest you take a photo so you have the record.
Have a wonderful year ahead, may happiness and love surround you.
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

HeARTworks said...

Hi LLJ! Those pencils make me drool! What a wonderful time you will have using them! In the Philippines, we have an adult coloring craze too- everybody has coloring books it seems! Happy new year! Patsy

Unknown said...

Happy New Year to you to Jan. OOOHH lovely pencils and colouring book… hours of fun with those. Your photo made me laugh!
Lynda B 10

Helen said...

That last photo is just a hoot (or a blast, depending on your instrument!) Happy Happy New Year to you and yours; hope it is a fabulous one. Thanks for your friendship. Helen 5

Inside the artists shed said...

Oh what scrummy crayons - almost too good to use but I know you'll enjoy the colouring in with those. I could do with some of your new wool especially the bright stuff for the knitted necklace I've just started. Have a great new year Jackie x 13

Sue said...

Loving the bright coloured wool.

Did chuckle at the bag that's too small to hold anything:)

At least you weren't BOGOF:)

Sue #12

Diana Taylor said...

Ooh I wanted to stroke the screen when I saw those gorgeous crayons - and yes they definitely need to be kept in that order - that's a huge part of their desirability! I am lured by things being in colour order! Glad you had a good Christmas - I love the box, and laughed about the bag! Love and big squishies to you, and see you next year!
Diana xx

Barb said...

What great colourful pressies. That rainbow wool will be fun to knit and I
really like the look of your coloured pencils. Have lots of fun in 2016. Barbxx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Beautiful colors to wake up too...I'll also enjoy the color craze. Yarn always seems so necessary in winter. I won't pack up Christmas for a few weeks, love the twinkling lights and it all seems to make January go so much faster. Snow arrived in full force on the 24th so there was lots of bad traveled roads. Wishing you and yours the very best for the New Year. May Peace, Love and Good Health come your way.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Colour explosion! I don't blame you wanting to keep the pencils in the right order. If it was me, I wouldn't even use them, LOL! They're just too pretty the way they are. Nothing I could do with them would be anything that pretty! Happy New Year, Jan! May your 2016 be filled with awesome yarns and fabrics! xx zsuzsa #24

Christine said...

Your pencils have left me speechless!

Not for long though .... love the wool, and I presume the band price is per minute!!!

Happy New Year!

Bishopsmate #26

Twiglet said...

Great pressies there Jan! That wool is, what I call, Juicy!! All the very best for 2016 - hope we can get together again soon. Big squishes from me too!!x Jo

Anne said...

Super pressies jan - 'didn't she do well' A very Happy New Year to you and yours. Anne #17

Annie said...

I'm rather late doing my visits today but am feeling rather poorly. I just want to wish all my blogging friends a wonderful New Year and lets hope it's a happy healthy one full of crafty fun for us all.
Annie x #25

CraftygasheadZo said...

What wonderful presents - so glad you got that colouring book. I tis gorgeous. I have it too and all those pencils. Wowsers. I must end this by thanking you for all your support and charity makes you have done for me this year. I will be sharing the final amount tomorrow. But it wouldn't be as much if you didn't support me. Wishing you & yours a very happy New Year. Take care Zo xx 30

Julia Dunnit said...

I'll take those squishes, that you. And the pencils. You can keep the bag!!

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, how are you all doing? You got yourself some fab pressies there, so much colour to feast your eyes on.Lolled at the bag! Great picture of your band,and in front of choccie biccies and coke! What more could you want?Have a great week, and a Happy, peaceful New Year from us to you & yours. Hugs and big squishies to all of you, Shaz #28 xxxx

Robyn Oliver said...

Such gorgeous, cheery, colour on your post today Jan and lots of super projects there will no doubt be. Have a fab week, HNY Cheers RobynO#27

Carole said...

It delights me to hear the joy you expressed with your gifts. So sweet and cheerful. Happy New Year! Carole 33

Sharon said...

I love the colours of the wool! You must be into colouring. I got my daughter a huge collection of colouring pencils and adult colouring books for Christmas. She finds it very relaxing and wanted pencils so she could shade. She was really pleased when she received her gifts.
Hope you have a Happy New Year!

buterfliecrafter said...

I have pencil envy lol. Wishing you a very happy and creative New Year. Vicky#11

Unknown said...

Wow! That is quite the collection of colored pencils! And what a hoot about the bag! Your gifts are wonderful! Hope you have a fantastic New Year! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #34

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Oh those pencils...I would certainly enjoy keeping those in rainbow colour order! All the best for 2016. Happy crafting, Max #32 :-)

Elizabeth said...

Lovely, lovely post, Jan! The colours in your wool and pencil is just a riot - definitely cheering on a stormy day :) Here's wishing you a Healthy, Wealthy and Happy New Year - may 2016 bring you all you wish for you and yours! Hugs, Elizabeth x #37

glitterandglue said...

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda I ti, Jan. Hoping you don't mind the familiar form, but you do feel like a friend even though we have never met:-)
Wow - those colours! What lovely presents you have received - enjoy each one of them - even that bag which just looks gorgeous!
Thanks for the visit - and the best wishes for John. It has been very precious to have him home, joining in with all the mayhem, then fading out when he needed to. He's been up and dressed every day over the Christmas period - but completely exhausted himself so spent today tucked up snoozing!
Have a very special 2016 - all these new skills you are learning - colouring, papercrafting.... ENJOY.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #6

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Lovely, lovely pencils. My girl was delighted to receive a huge tin of them too. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family and all the very best for 2016 xx

Morti said...

Big squishies and love to you and yours m'dear! Love the riotous colour, always knew you were cheap (and I'm peeved cos I paid a fiver for those biscuits!) and yes, you absolutely must keep those pencils in colour order!!!!!

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Lovely colorful post. I would have a hard time choosing what to use first . Happy holidays and a wonderful blessed new year. Peg38

Lynn Holland said...

Haha I laughed at your ocd with the crayons, I think we can all own up to that in some form or other.
You've got some lovely goodies Jan.
Happy new year to you and yours.
Lynn Xxx

Sofie V said...

I love your new set of coloring pencils! Happy New Year!
Greetings, Sofie

Kyla said...

Ah another fabulous gift from Julia!!! She has a talent for them :-)
Some wonderful pencil's and love the fact you have already repurposed a box from Christmas!

Kyla said...

Ah another fabulous gift from Julia!!! She has a talent for them :-)
Some wonderful pencil's and love the fact you have already repurposed a box from Christmas!

okienurse said...

love the colors! It is eye candy on a bad day! Gordon did a good job picking the pencils out! I got that same coloring book this Christmas...it has some awesome pages in it! Sorry I am so late getting around but forgot to post the posting till yesterday! Happy New Year! Vickie #46

A Place for Kia said...

A wonderful blog with fabric, colours, pencils and Band - all the things I love. Happy New Year to you and yours.

JoZart Designs said...

Happy happy New Year, Jan.
Have a wonderful 2016.
love Jo x

Jackie said...

Sorry for the late revisit .... Wow your tin of beautiful pencils was a fabulous gift! Amazing how we up cycle all the boxes things and gifts come in , it's the crafter in us I guess
I bet you and the band have been very busy over the festive period, i do enjoy hearing them at this time of year so much, thank you as I'm sure you have so much else you could be doing
Lara still has the lovely banner you made up in the front room I will send you a picture
Jackie xx

freelancehouse.co.uk said...

Wow! The collection is so impressive! I've no words. I love all the colours! I hope your New Year started well. Hope to hear about the celebrations a bit.
xo, Roxie


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