(From Spinal Tap - fab movie!)

On my desk today are stripes and spots!! I've had a commission to make 6 place mats and a long table runner for a friend. She came over and spent a happy half hour rummaging through my fabric and chose this combination. Bright and breezy!!
The craft fair last weekend went reasonably well (given the petrol situation AND a competing fair at Marlborough College). I made some cushions for the first time ever and they went well.
The Union Jack fabric looks good whatever I make in it!
As does the Punky Jack (my nickname for it!) and the stripy. Think I'll make some more of these!
I bought some fabric last week - well, there's shocking! The cupcake fabric is another commission for an apron for a mad keen baker and I just liked the other one. It's the same colourway as the very popular doggy fabric, so we'll see how it makes up. But I still haven't found a cat fabric at all!! Turned up zip, nada, rien, zilch on that score. Definite gap in the market for any textile designers out there :)

Even though the temperatures have fallen this week, my tree has started to show his blowsy, feminine side! The blossoms are just peeking through - I like the faint moon just below the branches.
Other signs of Spring are the daffodils and celandines on our long hazel hedge bank.
The bank is our garden boundary and is a very old hedge line - you can see it on all the old maps of our village. When we bought the house, the hedge was in a right old mess, so DH and I read up about hedge laying and set to. We're really proud of it, must take a bigger pic to show you sometime.

Finally. I'm in the process of setting up a blog shop and was taking some photos of stuff yesterday. I was trying to take an arty shot of one of the cushions when someone felt they could add a certain cuteness to the scene....
He's thinking 'But you couldn't POSSIBLY afford to buy me!'
I'm thinking 'Harry, me dear ol' mate - you're so cheap, you'll be anybody's for a tin of tuna and a tickle under the chin....' !! Sounds like someone else I know!!
Hope you all have a great week :D xx


Lizzybobs said...

what a fab lot of cushions Happy crafting lv Liz #45 :o)

Hettie said...

You wouldnt really sell Harry would you? Surely not! Morning Missey - got to you before you got to me!!
Lovely cushions and like the punkey jack fabric! Of course, the chicken fabric is FABULOUS Darling!! Which reminds me I still haven't used the chicken fabric to make my kitchen cafe curtains yet!! Oops!

Hettie said...

Oops! I think I am #54!!!

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...totally awesome makes yet again...loVe your last piccy he's so handsome...thanks for sharing...Mel :)

Helen said...

Love the cushions and I'm glad the fair went ok last weekend. I am impressed with your hedge-laying expertise, you are obviously a lady of many talents. Helen 18

Kate said...

I love that fabric ....think i said that last week lol...but i really love it as cushions wow they are gorgeous.
Kate x

Di said...

Oh Jan - fabby cushions! Do show what you make with the other beautiful fabrics please.

Harry is adorable - can he be a regular feature on WOYWW perhaps? Smiles here :)

Di xx #12 (how did that happen?!)

Neesie said...

Fabulous Fabric! Those cushions look stunning.
Harry obviously is so handsome he thought he'd help in the modelling ^..^
Happy Easter and WOYWW ~ Neesie #32

Beckyt said...

I love those cushions they are amazing :) Thanks for sharing

Becky @68

Morti said...

"you're so cheap, you'll be anybody's for a tin of tuna and a tickle under the chin" - Hey - I resemble that remark! LOL

Love the cushions you've made, hun!

Jacqueline said...

Soooooo typical of cats!! lol !!

LOVE those cushions! You are right, it doesn't matter WHAT you use that fabric for EVERYTHING looks good in it!

Thanks for the peep!


Jackie x #17

Ann B said...

Great job on the cushions, they look fab made up in the flag fabric. Love blossom trees, although it's so wild and windy here today, with a bit of hail, that next door's magnolia has taken a severe bashing - pity.

Ann B

Annie said...

More fab makes Jan. My beautiful blossom tree that I showed on my blog last week is now very heavily weighed down with snow this morning!!!!
A x

jude said...

Loving the cushion but especially the cupcake apron would love one for my 14yr old as she cupcake mad alsways baking.So if you have your shop up and ready give me the wink i shall be there or can i pre order one?
Glad the fair went ok even with the stupid people panic buyng fuel ...lol just are goverment would say go fill...lol
Have fab wednesday and great week hugs judex 16

Karen said...

Oh such gorgeous fabric and makes you've got there. Also the very cute kitty too. Now why are there NO cat fabrics for us to enjoy??? Take note manufacturers!!!! Karen 89 x

shazsilverwolf said...

Gorgeous images today Jan, and Harry is stupendous! What a handsome fella! Happy Wednesday, Shaz #93 xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Punky Jack, what a great name for it! I love the alternate colourway, nice to have a change from red white and blue. Happy making!
Fiona xx #91

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh what beautiful work! Lovely spring photos as well,

Unknown said...

Fabric, yummy!I'm really loving the spots and stripes together. Suzanne #100

sandra de said...

Gorgeous pics of the cat, punky pillow and flowers. Looks like you are looking forward to spring. Sandra #103

Miriam said...

Gorgeous cushions!!

Miriam #107

Kyla said...

Yep, I am in love with the union jack fabric, lovely cushions.
thanks for sharing

kyla #104

CraftygasheadZo said...

Glad your fair went well, I do love your cushions. Take care, & enjoy peeking at the WOYWW desks this week. Zo xx 78

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Lunch Lady Jan, MM so love those cushions just gorgeous and think puss is saying "this 'ere Union Jacky cushion is mine, all mine, no-one else!! eyes off!" :D happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #63

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Gotta LOVE those Union Jack cushions and that cupcake fabric is adorable. You are a real fabric lover, I can tell (started to say fabric whore, but thought you might get offended). Some day you will have to check out this post (not today, because you are probably busy visiting desks) for a big laugh as I try to SEW a book in exchange for winning 1/2 yard of fabric:


talk about MISTAKES. This is an example of what NOT to do (grin).

Polly Polkadot said...

So that will be Burbage then eh? I did spend the week going bu-gub-bru! My chest of drawers came from Calne via ebay, you could have collected them for me! I see you are a big prestigious fabric fan. My Westward ho fabric (you spotted last week) is on lone from the fabric shop - you pay a deposit and he sends you home with a hanger!

Lynn Holland said...

Hello to Harry the cat who looks resplendent on the chair. He is definitely an asset to your shop. Hope he doesn't go anywhere near my Doodly Birds though.
Happy Easter.
Lynn #14
One I Made Earlier Today

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh love the cushions! Thanks for sharing. Have a great Easter - Sunshine Girl No. 57

Jo Capper-Sandon said...

haha awwwwwwwwww he's not cheap lol ...well, maybe TWO tins perhaps if he's anything like my old cat used to be lol

Thanks for the persuasion to join in with WOYWW, I think lol(oh no, what have I let myself in for)
......you really won't believe it, I work 5 layers deep at least!! lol
LOVING those place mats! And those UJ cushions are fab. Very 'on trend' as they say. What you should do is follow the torch up and down the country and sell cushions to the spectators! They will be desperate to sit down I bet! :0)
Jo x

Unknown said...

wow gorjuss cushion, loves it - thanks for the peep

Judie no 121

famfa said...

Lovely cushions. Like the new material, especially the chicken one. Wouldn't we all love a tickle under the chin? X. Famfa #23

famfa said...

Lovely cushions. Like the new material, especially the chicken one. Wouldn't we all love a tickle under the chin? X. Famfa #23

Mary Ann Tate said...

Love the cushions and the new fabric you bought:) You're right...even here I haven't seen any cat fabric at all and I'm someone who would buy it.

Danielle said...

Great fabrics-you definately are one busy lady. I love the color combo on the placemats and the two different patterns. dani133

Mary Jo said...

Love your projects!!!
Spring is here, too.
Lots of flowers and beautiful blooming trees make me happy :)

April said...

Wow! you're high up on the list this week :o) Glad the fair went well, the whole fuel thing has just been a pain in the ass! I like the sound of your blog shop! Something tells me you will be busy once that gets around!! lovely piccies again x April #87

voodoo vixen said...

Oh my, your Union Jack cushions are fabulous and I am sure they will go like the proverbial hot cakes (or if they are hot cakes do they also now get wacked with 20% VAT like the pasties)??
Home is Aberdeenshire in Scotland... but I am English... born and partially bred in Hampshire. It will be nice to be home for a while... we are hoping for three months... it has never panned out on previous occasions so I won't be holding my breath on this one either!! My sea shipment will take 10 -12 to arrive so if I want to be around for it turning up I have to make it leave here a month before I do!! Annette #15

Belinda Basson said...

Glad your cushions sold well. Always hard to know what people will want...

Bellaidea said...

Very ccol pillows! Can you tell me, it`s easy to saw with paper?

Twiglet said...

Glad your cushions sold well. Those double daffs are so pretty. Such a cold snowy day here - I have been happily sewing and watching the snowflakes fall.

Hels Sheridan said...

those cushions are awesome, love love love that union jack fabric, and I love love love Harry, he is just so cute! x

Julia Dunnit said...

That's a slur, I'm not even that fond of tuna. Really happy to hear about the shop. Really makes me smile to see the jacks fabrics and your super creations. I like the thought of a mission for cat material...makes you sound very erm, touched.

lisa said...

I'm not surprised your cushions sold well, Jan, they are stunning. I love that funky Union Jack material, it's gorgeous stuff.
I've been looking out of the window at all the beautiful blossom and tulips being blown flat by the howling gale we've had all day after the snow last night. What happened to Summer is it over????
Love Harry, what a poser. We have two of them. Get a camera out and they're in front of it like a shot!!!
Hope you have a lovely Easter.
hugs Lisax

fairy thoughts said...

I'm loveing the union jack stuff at the moment too, at work we have some fab jubilee themed ribbons, I just want to buy them all. your garden looks idyllic in the sunshine
happy WOYWW
janet #56

okienurse said...

gorgeous post Jan! Love the placemats and pillows. Wish I lived closer I would commission you to make me a set. Wonder how much it would cost to have them shipped? Have a great week. Vickie @60

Princess Judy Palmer said...

So, Pins McCurtain, is it? I am glad to see that you and the rest of your notorious Sewing Machine Gang are behaving themselves today. Harry looks quite affronted... "So it wasn't me you wanted a photo of then? Well... we'll see about that." Maybe he can swing by and help Poppy with her paperwork. The cupcake fabric will make a wonderful apron indeed and the chicken and duck fabric is fun and funky.

Debs Willis said...

Great projects Jan, but Harry steals the show! He looks so superior, he's wonderful!

Happy woyww

Debs #160 x

Emily said...

Those cushions are brilliant, I love the union jack one! I do have a new appreciation for our flag - must be the imminent Jubilee celebrations and Olympic Games! And the fabric with the hens and ducks on it - gorgeous!! emily, no. 157

My name is Cindy said...

Fab stuff Jan - loving that union Jack cushion (and the puddy tat is cute too, reminds me of my lovely dingbat, now long departed). Thanks for popping by to see me, Cindy #67

Lisa-Jane said...

Fabby fabrics Jan! I love the offset pattern to the Union Jack cushions - it makes them stand out from the crowd. Your garden looks wonderful too.

Bridget Larsen said...

You have been busy with your sewing, love the colours and flag cushion is always my favourite. Sending tuna over to the cheap cat, I love tuna with chilli
Bridget #84

Erika said...

Jan I love your Union Jack cushions, fabulous. The poem at the beginning made me smile too...winter has come back this week to bite us on the a***!
Have a good Easter,

Emily said...

Thanks for your comment, coptic binding is a bookbinding stitch thats visible on the spine of the book. I have another post showing pictures of a book i made using coptic stitch, called 'all my best memories'. Must remember to check out the egypt connection tomorrow!! xx

Elizabeth said...

Lovely post, Jan. Love all the bright fabrics, especially the one with hens on it, and your cushions are fab. Noticed the celandines out round our way too - your photographs are gorgeous, including the one of Harry who is definitely a model in the making :) Hope you have a wonderful Easter. Elizabeth x #147

Shoshi said...

Lovely bright fabrics, Jan! I'm sure they will do really well on your new shop. Gorgeous photos on your post this week - such variety - love Punky Jack!! As for Harry, he's only doing a spot of photobombing - what kitties do SOOO well lol!!

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. There's a first time for anything I suppose - plankton, whatever!! My favourite embroidery teacher who taught us how to do wonderful 3-D beetles, butterflies and other insects, and exquisite embroidered boxes, had a marvellous display she used to set up for her courses, with inspirational images etc., and she said she was the only embroiderer who got her inspiration from a Rentokil poster lol lol!! (I think a large flea might be a fun thing to zentangle...)

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #25

SandeeNC said...

Great post today, love the opening all the way to the end! #44, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina and wishing you a Happy Easter :)

Hardwick Creations said...

Love the pillows...looks like Harry likes them too. Happy Easter.

Karen said...

A fab post and great photos, I especially love those gorgeous cushions :)

Sorry I am a bit late this week!! Have a fab WOYWW and a lovely Easter, Luv Karen xx #173

Diana Taylor said...

Wow, the fabrics are gorgeous - I love the Union Jack cushions and also the cupcake fabric, as I am an avid cupcake maker and decorator! Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a good Easter break.

SophieNewton said...

Fabulous fabrics, those cushions are superb, so clever...wish I could sew!!
Sophie no.71

Artyjen said...

Fabulous cushions ;) Yes a can of tuna and a tickled chin does sound cheap but he looks so worth it! LOL
xoxo Sioux

Cardarian said...

Your cushions are beautiful! I love the ones with the Union Jack! I should get one for my terrace - it would look really good there during the Olimpic games! Ha, ha....I think we might be doing some business!
Lots of hugs,

Cardarian said...

PS: After I posted I noticed the poem on top - Oh I had a good laugh! Thanks for that!

Peggy Cain said...

Just hopping by to check out your desk. Love your cushions! congrats on a good fair. Have a Happy Easter
Peggy #122

Anonymous said...

Your cushions are lovely -- I like the stripey one particularly. Glad you have a peek of blossoms and flowers even though your weather has grown colder again. Ours here (upstate NY) has done the same -- we were in shorts on St. Patrick's Day and this morning I clutched my winter jacket to me. Thanks for visiting over at my blog. For the moment I've painted on some white clouds . . . if I don't use the musical clouds on this project, they'll definitely show up somewhere. :) Happy WOYWW. ~ Laura #118

Peggy said...

Hey there thanks for stopping by... I am a Xray Technologist going on 31 years honey please I should be close to retiring LOL (2 more years) Peggy

donnalouiserodgers said...

sorry I'm late - took me ages to trim the keyboard with bling....and you know how important it was to do that first....


BumbleVee said...

hahahah ....Harry is so cute...maybe he should be in the shop photo too.... why not?

What fun to rummage through somebody's fabrics..... I would like some potholders and an oven mitt that actually fits my hand please.....most of them are so big and bulky they are downright dangerous...


MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I found these two suppliers online. Not sure if it is what you want but it might be worth looking. http://www.abentleycushions.co.uk/

Thanks for your visit this week, and for your good wishes for Flash. By the way, I cannot see any of my desk now - major tidy up tomorrow - again. Have a good Easter. xx Maggie #9

Deb said...

just love your union jack cushions and your cupcake fabric is so very cute! Gorgeous daffodils too, ours aren't out yet!
thanks for sharing, Happy Easter, Debxx

Neet said...

Now Jan, I am interested to know who else would be available for a tickle under the chin and a tin of tuna.
Love your shots of the garden and the fabrics you have are lovely. Sewing must be a pleasure with those. Went to Abakan the other day - I don't sew but can imagine how much stuff I would buy if I did. Fab!
Sorry I am so late, things got in the way. Thanks for sharing, stopping by me and putting your number (so appreciated.) Happy Easter - Hugs, Neet #10 xx


 IT AIN'T WHAT YOU DO, IT'S THE WAY THAT YOU DO IT! Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope you've had a good week and are raring to do s...