There are Union Jack products everywhere at the moment - so I'm not going to miss that opportunity!
Hence my desk:
Union Jack shopping/beach bags under construction! A few more handles ready to go as well. There's a production line going on :)
The finished article:
Just a plain ol' bag (bit like me really!!) but hopefully the funky fabric will catch a few eyes next Saturday. I should have used something to pad out the bag to make it look better as it has a gusseted bottom - ooer missus, haven't we all?! It does stand flat when there's shopping etc inside.

I had some old Australian friends come to stay this past weekend. We met 25 years ago on a camping tour around Iceland and learned a life lesson - if you give your address to Australians, they always come to stay!! Mind you, we reciprocated and spent a wonderful month being shown around Queensland staying with Bruce and his family a little later on.
Anyhow, Bruce and his mum, Shirley, came to stay,while Bruce's wife, Erna stayed in Holland with her family. Erna had never sewn in her life until a few years ago and now THIS is what she produces....
I am truly in awe of the skill needed to make this. Erna, you are a true artist, it is just beautiful. It's a single bed quilt and was made for her nephew in Holland. I simply would not have the patience to create something like that - it's astonishing. I thought you'd like to see it.
But I had a prezzy too...
No, it's not some strange feathery migrant...
It's a Dutch Owl!! He is a pin cushion, complete with little pouches for scissors and stands up on cotton reel feet - isn't he gorgeous?? And again, incredibly well made. I wouldn't know where to start.... Here's a real close up...
Erna's got some all singing, computerised machines - but her choice of colours is what makes him such fun. Thank you, Erna - he's a hoot :)

And finally, what a weekend..gorgeous weather, makes you feel so much better in the beautiful sunshine. And it wasn't just me who felt like that!! My two red haired boys catching some rays!!
Hope you have a wonderful week xxxx


Kate said...

That owl is aweseome how cool and how very talented is your friend :0)
And i just love the bags you have made great thinking with the funky fabric.
Kate xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I laughed about the two red haired boys. FUN!! And that owl is awesome. I was truly impressed with your bag, too. It is awesome. Truly AWESOME.

Now Jan, I don't SEW. I use the machine to dabble. I did NOT stamp that quiltlet. I made a paste using various colors of Staz-on reinkers and shaving cream that I spread over a stencil. When that turned out funky, I went over the letters with an ink pen using the stencil as a guide. Then I sewed on the apple that I actually DID stamp using more of the reinkers. Finally, I sewed the backing around the fabric using dress maker tissue that I "sort of" free motion stitched. Since I don't have feed dogs, I just turned the tissue every which way as I sewed, then attached it to the fabric. Hope that makes sense. I'm not much good with stamping and I certainly didn't go around the individual letters with my machine. But thanks for the genuine compliment.

Neet said...

That owl is to die for. What a fab gift. Love the quilt too - wow, some sewer she is - and in two years - hope for me eh?
Good luck with your fabby bags.
Thanks for sharing and don't forget I have candy - thanks for the snoop - Hugs, Neet #5

Helen said...

Cute owl - love it and the quilt - that is a talent! Hope your red haired boys (lol at that!) didn't catch too much sun! Have a great day - and yes, I will go digital one day, when I can stop spending on craft stuff!!!
Helen 9

Di said...

Hi Jan - I adore that bag!! Clever you. If you want to help with the newsletters, feel free :)

Ollie the Owl is super - lucky you!

Hugs, Di xx

jude said...

Hiya Jan loving your bag !and your right everywhere you look union jack stuff to mark the up and coming jubilee.Im sure they will sell realy well you doing union jack aprons too.Should put logo on the apron keep calm carry on eating cupcakes...lol
Have fab wedensday and creative week hugs judex 67

Crafting Queen said...

Love your bag and that owl. Your two ginger boys looks like they are enjoying the sunshine. :)

April said...

LOVING THAT BAG FABRIC!!!! I bet they sell like hot cakes! your friends creations are wonderful too, the owl is such a perfect gift for you, how thoughtful. x April #99

Annie said...

I'm just enjoying a coffee break while my little munchkins take their nap so thought I'd catch up with a few of my blogging friends and check out what you've been up to this week. So lovely to see the sunshine this week.
I'm chuckling cos we made the same 'mistake' with some Dutch friends we me in France. We said 'if you're ever over in England then call in'. That was in 2000 and we have seen them every year since [we meet up and share a cottage for a week ususlly] :-)
A x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Yes! The sunshine makes everything feel better. Love your funky union jack tote bag. I'm sure they will be a best seller :o)

Fiona xx #100

JoZart Designs said...

love your patriotic bag and the owl is such a great idea. Lovely gift! I agree with you how good sunshine makes life, I'm just hoping now that the petrol crisis doesn't stop the next batch of grandees coming up North from Brighton.
Love joZarty

voodoo vixen said...

Love the bags you are making with the union jack material, they should go down a treat. Thank you for the offer of posting some off to me... I think the postage would be a killer but I have found some cushions online (which means I don't have to learn how to put a zipper in) which I will be getting very soon!! Love your owl, such a cutie and practical too! Annette #22

Karen said...

I love the Union Jack bag, what a great idea and I just adore the Owl, he is so cute!

Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen #91

Lisa-Jane said...

LOL! You said gusset!!! I really love that bag but yes it would look amazing at the sale stuffed with something, just the one on display. That owl is amazing - I love his scissor eyes!

VonnyK said...

Love your Union Jack bag, my friend in England just sent me a tea towel with the Union Jack and Keep calm and drink up written on it, just love it. Erna is very clever to make that quilt and I love the owl, so cute.
You have some wonderful friends and Aussies to boot.
Have a great week.
Von #49

Laura said...

Oh, I do love that union jack bag! Lovely.
desk 118

Sarn said...

Fab pictures.

Happy WOYWW.

Hugs, Sarn #79 ish!

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Your bag looks perfect. On this picture you can't see anything wrong :-). But that's part of the game, just what you say. Love your fabric owl too. He's so cute, especially when you store your scissors in it. Thanks for sharing and hope you have a wonderful and sunny WOYWW. xFranka

Gabrielle said...

Oh I love that bag! It's perfect for a Jubilee/Olympic year! AN the owl is soooooo cute perched in the tree! I've really enjoyed my visit this week! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW x

CraftygasheadZo said...

I absolutely love that union jack bag, so me! Lol Fab pics too. Take care & enjoy this weeks snoop of WOYWW desks. Zo xx 77

Polly Polkadot said...

No clues this week then? Lovely fun owl, is it a sew-ers reaction to start wondering if you can make something similar?

May said...

The bag is gorgeous """ I want one..... love the owl so cute, and lovely pic of your two boys, Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x No14

okienurse said...

Love the Union Jack bag and that little owl is so cute. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #138

Jaki Morris said...

OMG Jan, I love that fabric! I've given up with my patriotic plans! Don't know where to sell them and I'll only end up festooning my house with them.

What pattern do you use for your bag? I would love that as my next project!!

As for meeting up, yes please. Email me and we'll arrange something

Jakix #149(i know tres tardy)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Beautiful pictures, as usual, especially your two red haired boys relaxing as only boys can. Thank you for your visit this week, and I think you are right about them being masonry bees, we have had them for years outside. I just want to know why they have suddenly decided to come inside - not good for them or me. Have a great week with all your Union flags. xx Maggie #7

Laura said...

Hi LLJ, you asked what I was going to do with the paisley patterned paper... I don't know. Right now I'm just colouring a little at a time to de-stress! I find colouring in very theraputic!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I love the Union Jack tote bag! The pattern is whimsical and fun. I prefer my bags to have the gusseted bottom and sit flat when full. It makes it so much easier to set down and fill up! What a fun little owl gift!

505whimsygirl said...


I sure do love that tote bag! Actually, all the Union Jack fabric I've seen here I love - the color combinations are so cool!

Thanks for your kind words. I'm feeling all kinds of love from wonderful WOYWWers.


Danielle said...

Those bags are great! I know you said it was just a plain old bag, but to me, that is what makes the fabric stand out. dani42

Jacqueline said...

LOL Jan, Yeah I gotta lotta Gesso!! LOL it was under a fiver so i nabbed it!! It's quite thin so i sometimes need to use two coats depending on the project!

Adore that gorgeous owl!! Isn't he sweet! I bet you were chuffed to bits to get that as a gift!! And as for that quilt....wow!

Love those tote bags too... very funky and they are really 'in' just now!!

The lawyer is doing ok, it's the soon to be ex hubby that's being a pain! But nothing a good pair of "Tackety boots" won't cure!! LOL

Take care and Happy WOYWW

Jackie x

Twiglet said...

What a fab little owl - I am sure we could make something similar couldn't we?? Your bag is ideal - I am sure they will be very popular this year. Have a great week. x Jo

trisha too said...

What a fun bag, and that owl is adorable!


Julia Dunnit said...

Ow I like this colour way of the fabric even more! Yur gift is gorgeous, my word what a clever pair of hands, I love how the scissors give him a pair of pince-nez, and how the cotton reel males him stand, so clever!

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...Jan these are just wonderful, you are so clever I really loVe the things you make...do you sell them??...have a fab week...Mel :)

SandeeNC said...

Plain old bag with a gussetted bottom, lol you are too funny! That pin cushioned owl she made is DARLING!! Love it and I don't even sew, but I want one! lol Great picture of your 2 red haired boys outside enjoying the sun! waving hi from my balcony in the hills of North Carolina :)

BJ said...

Oh Jan the bag has Certainly caught my eye - where could I see them on Saturday then? BJ #71

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Fun post..love the bag and those two cute redheads!! I always enjoy faraway friends and all the catching up. Have a wonderful week and Happy WOYWW. I've a list a mile long so on short missions today.

fairy thoughts said...

yep, red, white and blue everywhere, great bag.
It took me a while to work out what your comment on my tassel ment. I think I got there in the end... it certainly would give him a surprise, not that he needs any encouragement!!!!
janet #16

Caz said...

Those bags are great!! Love your owl present and your friend's quilt is amazing - all beautiful things.
Happy WOYWWing
#163 Caz

fairy thoughts said...

hi jan
dont worry about it, all this early spring sunshine has made us all a bit crazzzzzy! anyway I'd have to have some rings fitted first . . and that ain#t happ'nin. ouch!
janet #16

Barb King said...

Love the flag bag, that's a cute idea. That owl is adorable, how fun for you to get such a fun gift. Barb # 160 something, I've got to go look again!

Shoshi said...

Oooh Jan, all that gorgeous patriotic sewing!! How cool is that? Love it!!

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I've never had an Art journal before - I'm not doing consecutive pages because it tends to show through a bit, but I'm dating every page I do, and trying to keep a log of what I do so I don't forget!

The DeviantArt site is brilliant, but it's so huge that I can imagine my stuff being totally lost on there - like it is on Etsy. Shame really.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #12

Angie said...

That owl is so cute.
I tried the apleton email which I have used before and the post master thingy sent me a failure notice?????

famfa said...

I love your union jack stuff. Bag is fab. Your owl is amazing. That's the second owl so far on woyww. Too wit towooooooo x

Tuire Flemming said...

The bag is great - I so love those junion jack fabrics! And the owl is just fabulous!
Have a great day!
Tuire xx

Unknown said...

Lovely bag! I've just spent the last 15mins going through your lovely bog whilst eating my breakfast. I should have been going through the WOYWW list as I'm only up to 50!!(How do people get through the whole list?!!!) We seem to have the same love of fabrics, buttons (I too find them hard to use), and hares. Bit random, I know!! Off to work now...SuzanneX 88

SueH said...

How cute is that little Owl……and very useful too. I’m always losing my scissors when I’m cross stitching, so something like that would be perfect to sit beside me on the arm of the chair.
I’m loving the funky bag too Jan, I recon you’ll make a real killing with those at the weekend.

Thanks for stopping by this week.
Happy Crafting!

Erika said...

Oh Jan I am LOVING your bag and so "in" just now. The owl is pretty neat too and that quilt your friend made must have taking ages. Enjoy your visitors...we had friends from Austrailia do the same too! Just got my MIL and FIL coming over Easter, gulp, yaah!
Thanks for sharing, Erika.

Ann B said...

I adore the owl, but then I am partial to birds and owls in particular. Love your union jack bag as well, in fact the different colours remind me of the Stella McCartney design for the Olympic athlete uniform.
Thanks for visiting.

Ann B

Peggy said...

Good Morning! Still trying to make all the rounds to the desks. I absolutely love the owl pin cushion! Great tote too.

Spyder said...

It's alllll gorgeous, love the owl and bag, If I had a sewing machine I think my 'fear' of sewing would vanish!!Thank you for my snoop! HaPpY late WoYwW! I'm a very slow reader! Have a great crafty week

Mary Jo said...

All such amazing projects!! :)
Mary Jo #125

Morti said...

Wow, as if the fabulous Union Flag bags weren't amazing enough to look at, you treat us to photos of other needlework just as good. Madame, you are spoiling us!

Thanks for stopping by, hun! xx

Amy said...

I bought some of that same fabric at the NEC last weekend, still not sure what I am going to do with it but I had to have it. Fab bag. x Amy #128

Eliza said...

I love the union jack bags and really love that owl what tallent you have, I cant sew for peanuts.

Happy crafting

Anonymous said...

Your bag came out really nice. I am a complete non-sewer, so like to see what others can make. :)
Happy Thursday from #151.

mamapez5 said...

Wow. That's some pretty fine sewing between you. I love the owl, but your bags are great too. I am filled with admiration for folk who sew. I know how to, but am not inspired. My machine only comes out when there is something I really need to do. I love the variety of things we see on WOYWW. Kate x

Sherry said...

I never tire of seeing red white and blue - your bag looks great!

Erna's quilt and owl are truly wonderful too.

Sherry (number 3)

Bridget Larsen said...

No sunshine for us as we are going into winter, I'll just grab some off your desk. flag bag is a looker and can see it being used often
Bridget #79

Sara S. said...

I love that bag! The collage effect is great!

Sara S. #22

Nancy McCarroll said...

Great looking bag!! I am following you now so I won't miss updates.

Miriam said...

Lovely bag and owl. Thanks for sharing.


lisa said...

Hi Jan
Bit of a slow coach visiting this week, it's the weather's fault!!!!!
Love your Union Jacks, bet they do a roaring trade for you. We all need big bags and not just under our eyes!!!
Sounds like you had fun with your Visitors, love the Owl. And what luck that the sun shined for them.
I had to smile at how you got your Greenhouse. Mine came from three doors up. We spent a day dismantling it, walking it down the street and rebuilding it in our garden, bet we entertained the rest of the neighbours royally but it's the best bit of recycling I've ever done. I love it.
Lets hope the sunshine lasts.
Hugs Lisax

Minxy said...

Totally loving your union jack tote, Wish I could sew but just manage a few straight lines on my machine lol Guess I should practice more!
Sorry i'm late, you know how it is!!
Minxy #10

SophieNewton said...

Always garunteed a giggle on your blog, thank you. Only just stopped tittering after your suggestions for Tim's new distress ink colours last week x
Sophie no.183

Sue from Oregon said...

Hey LL Cool J :) Ha! (a famous rapper name too)
Great post. Fun stuff on your post...and sunny weather...OH HOW Lucky! Great sewing projects too! Love that quilt your friend made! Happy WOYWW! Sue 53

Debs Willis said...

Hi Jan, fab pics of your red heads! and your owl is jsut lovely, what a great pressie!

happy woyww

Debs #129

Katie said...

I love the bag, and the fabulous present you got! It is so cool!

JB said...

That owl is sooo cute. I like your zentangle tree too. I must try Zentangle too as was an avid doodler as a child. Jane x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

HMMM!! I think I saw this post LAST week. No wonder you are number 7 (grin)! Let's see, I'm number 6!

Anonymous said...

I didn't get round many people last week so this is new to me, although obviously a week old! Love the plain bags from the plain bag! Well you said it!! Beautiful sewing from your friend too and a great little gift for you, absolutely perfect.

Brenda 13

Anonymous said...

We Australians are like that!!We are a friendly lot. Hope they didn't outstay their welcome!!

Spyder said...

I was here...I remember! Can't find this weeks, so will pop back later!
(Lyn) 22 this week...or as you read this ...it'll be next week!

Unknown said...

72 comments and counting! I'm glad I am not at the top of this list as I am afraid of heights!! I love your bag and I am sure you will have lots of shoppers happy to take it home with them. Cute owl - nifty design too. Helen

505whimsygirl said...

i do love your bags. even though I'm not english i love the captain jack fabric (is that what it's called?). good luck at the sale.

not participating this week but wanted to come and say hi!


HeARTworks said...

Yes the owl is a Hoot! Very cute, and sooo useful too! :^) patsy #20

peggy aplSEEDS said...

love the bag and the owl is so cute!
happy WOYWW, happy Easter and thanks for sharing!
blessings and hugs from #19
peggy aplSEEDS

Joynana said...

Love bag and the owl is just perfect hanging out in the tree. #26. Have a good week.

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 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...