(The Tourists)
After all the decorating, now it's time to put it all back!
Here's my desk under piles of fabric - am loving all the fab Union Jack material that's out there at the moment.  I've got to get a shift on though as a craft fair is looming on 31st March - I'm just going to do loads of tote bags, aprons, carrier bag holders, peg bags - nowt fancy, like.
I've really enjoyed seeing the zentangles and other black and white art that's been shown in recent weeks. I used to draw all the time and decided I had to try again. So here's my Wiltshire inspired 'Barrow Tree'
It's very much a work in progress! I'm fascinated by the way that these clumps of trees grow on Bronze Age round barrows in Wiltshire. You really don't see it much in other parts of the UK. The tree clumps on the horizon just symbolize my home county - this whole area is just so ancient with the earliest traces of human activity.
Some clumps near Avebury, just by the Ridgeway path,
The oldest, continually used pathway in the UK - 5,000 years of human movement, along the edge of the Wiltshire downs eastwards for 70 miles. It gives me great pleasure to walk the same path as our ancestors...

It was just G3 and I for Mother's day as DH is on night shift at the moment. We had a Grand Day Out! Lacock, a really old fashioned place, is about 30 minutes away. You may recognise it from being used as a film/TV location in Pride and Prejudice, Cranfield, War Horse etc. There are no TV aerials or satellite dishes in this first shot!

I love the huge piece of tree involved in the construction of the roofline of the cottage!  Here's G3 in the clink and a steampunky clock in someone's front door!!
Then we paid a visit to Lacock Abbey which was an Augustinian Nunnery

that was converted into a house after the Dissolution of the Monasteries by Henry V111. The cloisters are there - you may recognise them from the Harry Potter films...
It's easy to walk along here and not look up at the roof bosses, they're beautifully carved and very interesting. It was a very wealthy establishment and so no expense was spared.
 I loved this owl, who has caught something tasty..
 And it never ceases to amaze me how many pre-Christian symbols are present in churches and monastories. Here's a very fine Green Man..
And a Mermaid combing her beautiful tresses with mirror in hand. I wonder what the nuns must have thought, looking at this creature, so different to the life they were accustomed too. Jealousy? Who knows...
But my favourite 'find' was nothing posh or high church - it's the mark of someone who built it.
Now that stretches across the centuries to me more than any finery. After all, this person lived a mere 35 generations away, still so close to you and me.
Have a wonderful week xxxx


Bridget Larsen said...

I have not been able to do zentangles to save my life lol.
Bridget #64

okienurse said...

love your tree Jan! I really enjoyed the pictures of the buildings and the monastery. The first time I traveled to England and we went from Dover to Inverness I was so impressed with the history and the sense of time that you get wrapped in. I think I will have to save my pennies and go again. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #48

Neet said...

"Doilies on Steroids" - your comment on my blog - gave me a big big smile. Loved it!
Love your Barrow Tree and thoroughly enjoyed all of your photos, thanks so much for sharing them.
(T'other half tells me Lacock Abbey is where the first photograph was taken. (earliest known surviving example of a photo negative)- think I need to visit as your photos wer stunning)
Hugs, Neet #4 xx
thanks for including your number it does help.

Annie said...

Wow. Really love all your snaps.
A x
ps I've acheived my aim and managed to get both babies down for a nap so I'm managing a bit of blog hopping :-)

Jaki Morris said...

Lucky you living so close to such beauty.
On a more material note (!) Is that owl fabric I spy under you desk?
Check out my post as you may find something you recognise on there!

Jaki #91

SophieNewton said...

Love the Union Jack fabric. Fabulous photos, we're just round the corner from Lacock, gorgeous place to visit x
Sophie no.88

Julia Dunnit said...

I knew you were a closet artist! OOH loving the tree, suggests patience to me! Sight of your desk makes me smile, 'nowt fancy' whaddya mean!

Belinda Basson said...

love living vicariously through your photos. Great desk shot and I love the Union Jacks fabric.

Artyjen said...

Ooh! Thanks for sharing the gorgeous pictures....I get goose bumps thinking about the history there. ;)
xoxo Sioux

Helen said...

Welcome back - and with lovely photos - I have been to Lacock many years ago on a family holiday - didn't realise they were Lacock cloisters in Harry Potter! Helen 21, though you've already stopped by!

Anonymous said...

Wow Jan your drawing is amazing! Love all the Flag fabric too! Fantastic photos of Lacock, I've seen a number of tv shows where it's been heavily featured, lovely place. There's a lot of Pagan and pre-Christian elements widely celebrated in the Christian calendar, most people don't have a clue! But they turn their pious noses up at the old ways without realising how hypercritical they are! I love it!!! Wiltshire is a fascinating county, really sorry I never spent much time there before I left England.

Brenda 2

donnalouiserodgers said...

ah but what is art if not to leave your own unique mark?

thank goodness you picked up your pencils for otherwise all your marks might have be lost,

tis a beautiful tree

Morti said...

Fab photo fest this week Jan, as always... Your room is looking nice and fresh too. T'was lovely to see you on Saturday... <3

Morti 123

May said...

Gorgeous pics .. Beautiful! That tree is amazing piece of work you clever girl... Have a good week, Hugs May x x x No9

Sarn said...

Good afternoon LLJ . . . thanks for coming to visit me.

WOW . . . I love your "day out" and tree pictures. That long and windy ancient pathway is an amazing piece of history. TFS. You live in a wonderful place.

Your desk is a bit buried, but never mind. Congrats on feeling EPIC . . . you're SOOO Moneysaving Expert (or whatever it is!)! LOL!

Jacqueline said...

And yet again you come up with some stunning photos ! :D all suitably 'spooky' too. Love that 'Gothic spooky' stuff.

Adore your tree too. Very striking!

I have got some clamps for the altered book...don't really care too much what they look like as long as they do what they are supposed to lol.

Take care and great to have you back


Jackie x

505whimsygirl said...

I love your tree! All the detail is amazing; I like the roots - very cool!

As always, I enjoy the photos that you share. Those are places that I'll probably never get to but I so enjoy seeing them. Thank you!


Lisa-Jane said...

Great photos Jan! Can you tell me more about that path - its just my cup of tea! Loving the zentangle as much as the fabric this week. xx #77

April said...

Loving all that lovely fabric. Your tree sketch is great, so much detail. Lovely scenic shots from your day out. Looks like you had a lovely day. April #96 x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Wow! Great post today. I don't know where to start. I love the photos from out and about. I think we need to get that mermaid some support, you know what I mean. Those clumps of trees are fascinating. They must like each others company. Your zentangle inspired tree is fun. All that fabric-wow! The Union Jack and all things British are big this year, even here across the pond. Judy #134

Peggy Cain said...

Wednesday’s sure do come around quick! Trying again to make “All” the rounds. Love seeing all the pictures and what a talented artist you are the tree is fab! Have a great day!

SandeeNC said...

Loving all those old architectual elements, and the tree used in the cottage roof is my favorite. I alos love that someone put a clock on their front door, unusual isn't it? Thanks for giving us a look around! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Redanne said...

Love your zentangled tree and all your lovely pics too. Thanks for the snoop. Anne #66

dix said...

Howdy from Texas! I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see all of your wonderful pics of your "homeland" especially since I've never visited nor probably will ever. Thanks so much for sharing. Love your tree, by the way! dix---

Twiglet said...

Great photos - I love those carved bosses - especially the owl.

lisa said...

What a lovely post, Jan. Your day out sounds wonderful and so interesting. You have such a great way of expressing things. You are so right about the builders mark.
I reckon there's a paper crafter hiding in you somewhere just waiting to burst out. Your tree is stunning, I never knew you were such a talented artist with a pencil as well as a needle!!
Hope your Mum continues to do well.
Hugs Lisax

fairy thoughts said...

glad you are back in your workroom amongst your fab fabric. loving all the union jack/ good old blighty stuff too.
looks like you had a fab day
janet #13

Dragon said...

I am glad to see you back.. love the backing to your blog - like fabric - so I guess that's why you chose it!!?? the zentangling is fabulous... I must get back to it myself. You might be interested to visit here http://leeanniszentangleiing.weebly.com/index.html
This lady is well worth a visit and her gallery is inspirational

famfa said...

What a wonderful post this week. Must go back and read some others instead of only coming here on a Wednesday. You write so well and are always interesting. Your photography is good too. Hope G3got out of jail.

Danielle said...

Lovely post today. The pictures of your day out are beautiful-love the trees and the monastery.

Thanks for visiting my blog and wishing me well with the antibiotics. A month is a long course and I am also concerned about how they will effect me. Dani32

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Thank you for sharing that trip around your countryside. It was fascinating, and I agree with your thought on that tiny builders mark. Things like that do bring you in touch with the real people of those days. Thank you for your visit today and you lovely comment on our new stamp. Have a great week with your zentangle and your union flag material. xx Maggie #5

Hettie said...

Fabulous pictures Jan. You and I seem to like similar things when it comes to historical things! Lovely fabrics you have there. Fancying a Union Jack Bunting! Pity your craft fair is too far away!
You know me far too well by the way - yes I have been twirling on my chair!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

ScrappnBee said...

Great barrow tree drawing. Love all the pics today! I too love how the Catholics/ Christians bring in so much pagan imagry in their places (the Cathedral in Washington DC has a darth vader gargoyle...seriously!). Keep walking those well worn roads!...and sharing! -Amanda 57

Lavinia said...

Wow what great pic's you showed us this week! Love the Union Jack fabric, bags & aprons sound great made form that! And I am liking you day out pic's too! What fab buildings & the nunnery looks stunning! Its great having a day out eh! Makes you feel so much better about things! My day in Harrogate at the show was brill, loved it! Came home inspired!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

So glad your back!! Thanks for sharing all the lovely pictures. Other lands fascinate me. I didn't get many visits in last week so busy with "Life" I guess. Tonight having trouble with some posting as our computers are acting up. Kinda weird weather here. The fabric is so pretty. I guess I just lite the red, white and blue. Have a great week and Happy WOYWW.

CraftygasheadZo said...

Gorgeous material! I visited Avebury for a school trip once! Thanks for sharing for this weeks WOYWW, it's Thursday now but I'm still snooping my way through the list. Take care Zo xx 22

Gabrielle said...

Loving the fabric and all those photos! What a fab day out! You kindly visited and asked where I got my pens from - it was Sainsburys (they're on offer at £3.36!) Bargain! Happy WOYWW (even though I'm late and it's Thursday!) xxx

Polly Polkadot said...

I may dedicate a map to your blog, drawing circles from everywhere you mention until I finally figure out where you live (I was a Geography graduate you know!). Union Jack bunting should be selling well this year.

Ann B said...

Some lovely eye-candy on your blog this week, from fab fabric to beautiful photos of stunning countryside and villages. I visited Laycock a few years ago now, didn't go in the Abbey, just squashed my nose against the gate. If I remember rightly the oriel window (the sticky out one) you can see in the photo was on the first ever photograph taken by Fox Talbot.
Oh, and can you go back and nick that owl of the wall please - would look good in my AB.

Ann B
and thanks for visiting me earlier.

Di said...

Fabulous photos Jan - I adore your barrow tree too! Yesterday was awfully quiet compared to last week :) Belated Happy WOYWW! , hugs, Di xx

Craftychris said...

Your tree is fab and the material is so bright and cheerful! I hope you get everything made in time for your craft fair. Thank you for visiting my desk and have a good week xx

My name is Cindy said...

Hi Jan, loving all that UJ home decor stuff that's about, it's funky! Great drawing of the barrow tree (would make a good stamp) and the pictures of your day out are great. Love a bit of history! Thanks for popping in to see me and my chicks Cindy #17

Kyla said...

I am off to Lacock this weekend (I grew up about 5 mins away from there!!)...did you go to the scrapstore? Ooh...if not, I feel a visit!

Kyla #58

fairyrocks said...

Love your Barrow tree. I too take the tree photos everywhere I go, Wonderful post all the way around.
Thanks for sharing, and BTW I am pinning some of your gorgeous photos.
Keep smiling and creating

trisha too said...

Wow, thank you for sharing all those fabulous photos!!


VonnyK said...

Your tree is amazing, I made it bigger and the detail is just fabulous. I wouldn't have the patience for that.
Love the good old Union Jack fabric (I might be an Aussie now but I still have the Pom in me).
The photos are really interesting, I love the architecture and old buildings.
Have a great week.
Von #43

Darnell said...

Great drawing, Jan, and thanks so much for the interesting history and tour!!

RosA said...

I like your Barrow Tree drawing! Very cool! RosA#29

Angie said...

I missed woyww this week but had to drop by and have a read of a few desks. I love your zentangle ...must get back to doing them again ...I got out of the zone. What an amazing place for a day out ...I would have been snapping all day ...you took some wonderful shots.
Just thought i would add that i didn't ignore you over the tapastry ... my computer said you did not exist any more ??? when I sent you an email. I had finally decided not to buy one ...for loads of reasons which I talked about...so I hope I am forgiven xx

Shoshi said...

Oh Jan, what a truly lovely post! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! Great patriotic fabric there in time for the Jubilee lol!!

Lacock... brings back lots of lovely memories of my visit there with my mum donkey's years ago - it was there that I first joined the National Trust and we are still members, all these years on. I love photographing things like you did - bosses, interesting timbers etc. There is so much fascinating detail all around us, if we only take the trouble to look, and so many people just walk by, and never look up, or down!

Have you read "Sarum" by Edward Rutherford? A wonderful historical novel all about Salisbury from the end of the ice age to the present. I went to school in Salisbury and love Wiltshire!

Your tree drawing is just gorgeous... Yes, there's been quite a bit of this style of drawing around lately, making me think that maybe I should give it a try! It's so decorative and striking.

Thanks again for a lovely post! Have a great weekend.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #14

Sarah said...

A really great post and so good to see your zentangles! Great stuff....looks like a fabulous day all round and methinks you would luuuurve Ludlow! I do like the shot of the trees....okay - back to the dust mine.... Thanks for sharing your desk and a bit of your life! Sarah (a late WOYWWer at no.1)

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your lovely response to my comment, Jan. I must look out for Edward Rutherford's other books - I didn't know he'd written any more! I also very much enjoy those by James Mitchener, too. I love taking books like that on holiday because you know they'll keep you going for ages and you can get really stuck in!

My hubby always laughs at the things I photograph - window catches, paving stones, bits of old rope etc., and most of all, anything rusty and decayed! I don't get out very often but so enjoy snapping away with my camera whenever I can! I think it's taught me to be more observant, too.

Have a great weekend!

Shoshi said...

Hi Jan, me yet again... (3 comments on one blog post has to be a record lol!) I've been inspired by your Zentangle tree to have a go myself, and after watching some Youtube videos, I've made my first attempts! They are on my blog if you want to hop over and have a look.

I think you might have started something... This is HIGHLY addictive!


Shoshi said...

Jan, thanks for your awesome comment on my blog! I'm so glad you like my Zentangles! I did think I might print them off and use them for cards - I shall do some more as time goes on. Then pens I use are a mixture of different makes - they are all permanent black fibre-tip pens of varying thickness - I used a fine one for the patterns and some outlines, and a thicker one for the outlines I wanted more prominent, and for filling in. You will notice on the round one that the filling in ins't completely solid - just scribbled in - but that is sufficient (saving ink!). As for the shading, this was done with an ordinary black crayon. This is something I learnt on Youtube, and I think it gives real dimension to the designs. Regarding the lettering, I've always enjoyed messing about with letters and words, and fitting them into shapes etc. Another form of doodling I suppose!

I'm definitely going to do more of this - what potential for expressing one's creativity! Filling basic shapes like butterflies, flowers, letters... the possibilities are endless. Thanks for getting me started! Your tree is soooo gorgeous...


voodoo vixen said...

Love your tree zentangly thing but oh I am jealous of the union jack fabric!! I won't be seeing any of that on my shopping trips and it is gorgeous. I would make a cushion cover for it just to compete with the American flag trunk I bought!! ;)

Angie said...

Love all of it! The pictures, the fabrics I mean all of it. Thank you so much for sharing them.


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...