(Pocahontas, Disney)
After three weeks away, it's great to be back for a fortnight. Then maybe back to Wales again, we'll have to see how my mum improves...
But I'm really looking forward to cruising the desks today - I've missed you all. The fun, laughter, creativity, mess, crafting - and that's just Julia :)
DH and I are in the midst of decorating our long room, which is a combination of spare room, office and sewing area; here is my desk in all its Un-glory.
An action shot of DH fixing the curtain poles back up. It all looks a bit stark! I'm going to buy some new curtains (I know I could make them but just haven't got the time or inclination at the moment..) That's MY green tool box on the desk btw - I got fed up of never finding tools in the chaos of the garage, so bought my own set that's kept in the house. DH can use it....IF he's been very, VERY good... ;)
Blimey - what a tip! Next task is to sort this lot out. Aprons, peg bags, band jackets/puffas, the Big O's cosplay costume, wadding, cushions, spare hangers - I may be some time....
This is the route of a regular walk around our village - we call it the Yellow Brick Road - DH took a great pic of these chooks rummaging in the woodland..
*Cue the Bee Gees*
'Well you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man, no time to talk!'
What a fine wattle...
And birdie pic No 2 taken at sunset in our garden,
This little chap, singing his heart out - simply beautiful.
And finally, I know there's no blatant advertising allowed on WOYWW, and so I hope I'm not bending the rules here, but before I put these on Ebay, is there anyone interested in three Candace Bahouth 'Klimt' needlepoint kits? They are for cushion fronts, about 15X15". Two are unopened, all yarns etc untouched.

This Klimt 'Taupe' kit was opened. but again all present and correct, everything is in its virgin state. They were between £30 -£40 new (in fact, still are on the Ehrman website) but I'm asking £15 each plus p+p. Email me if you're interested!
Ah, it's good to be back :)
Have a great, crafty week!
Good to see you back Jan! What a fraught start to the day for Julia with Mr Linky - here's hoping it improves at High Noon! Di xx
It's improved already! Great to see you back, songbirds, chooks and all! That fresh new room looks marvellous...can I book you to do some for us?!
Nice to see you back hunni.Hope all is well.Looks like your back and straight into decorating mode...when finished i could put you up for week if you wanna come do all you need is ask!
Have lovely wedensday and creative week ahead hugs
judex 17
It is good to see you back too, hope you can stick around! the photos - all of them - are great, but I love those chooks!! if you fancy some more decorating, my brother and I could do with some help at mum's.... lol!!
Morning Jan!
As I'm around this weekend (huzzah) and it would appear, for now, so are you, methinks t'would be a good time for a girly meet up and a celebratory tipple. Hows about it?
On the desky front - I love your long room! You might think it's stark, but oh, what lovely light!
Sorry I can't take you up on the offer of the kits at a fab price, sadly I don't have the time, and they don't quite match the fleur de lys/goth theme we have going on!
Missed you!
You've been missed. What a fab room you've got. So clean and fresh. Have fun setting it all back up with your machines and stash.
A x
ps I buy my curtains too :-) :-)
I am so glad to see you back, I've missed your lovely desk.
I wish I had a handy husband. At the weekend he finally put his Christmas present from me on the wall. We were looking at our other walls and he said that one of them could do with a nice big mirror. This is a little joke as my Mum gave us a huge mirror in 1997 and it has never been put up!
Maybe this weekend? Lend me your husband, will you?
what a lovely blank canvas you have to play with, no doubt you will soon have it festooned with fabric and lookng very colourful, have a great week and hope your Mum continues her recovery.
janet #25 just beat you he! he!
Oooh the possibilities!! What a wonderful for you to dress up. Glad to see you are back, I've been thinking of you and your Mum. I can't recall where in Wales you were but I think it was near us on the Western side? I hope she is doing well now and that you don't have to make too many more trips xx
Hi there; just thought I'd pop my head in to say hi! Your room will be lovely when it's finished!
Neil #8
Thanks for that peep around and the 'rare' photo of a man doing some work - oops!
Hugs Joanne xx
What a smart craft room and some colourful curtains will finish it off a treat. Beautiful photos of the chickens and the one of the robin is a stunner - I would enlarge it and put it on the wall if it was mine.
Ann B
The craft room is taking shape. Beautiful photo of the robin, these are on oof my favorate birds.
Happy crafting
Aww Jan, I’m pleased to hear that your mum is well enough for you to return home for a while and I hope she continues to make progress.
You have some lovely pictures to share this week, especially that cute little Robin, how sweet is he…….I can almost hear him singing from here.
Love the beautiful cushion kits you have there too. I’ve only ever done needlepoint once and promised myself that I would never be tempted again…..I found it so hard on my fingers.
Happy Sewing!
Sue H #41
Glad to hear your Mum is getting better, it's not easy. Gorgeous pictures of your walk and what's going on in your world. A new space, how great, I'd love to have it! Enjoy WOYWW Karen 78 x
Morning LLJ . . . TERRIFIC pictures . . . I (of course) particularly like the chook one!
Your long room looks fab to me . . . very minimalist and perfect.
Have a great day out today.
Thanks for dropping by.
Hugs, Sarn xxx
Craft room coming together, so glad to hear your mum is doing better, love the pics the wee chooks & the robin are great, Have a good week, Hugs May x x x
Nice to see you back! Hope you get the room sorted out soon. Lovely piccies, especially the robbin one! x
Ohhhhh lucky you having your own handy man. Love the chookie.
Welcome home! Glad your mom is improving! That is a stark crafting space :D. Love the toolset, and it looks like a lovely walk. Lovely chooks, and wonderful they have their own theme song to strut too lol. #86
The picture of the robin is gorgeous. Hope the room is ready to go soon!
Welcome home. lovely pictures and what a very white room you have. Ready to add all your favourite things. Thanks for my snoop! Have a great crafting week.
HaPpY wOyWw!!
That's one hell of a long thin room! Windows at both ends too by the look of it! It's nice to be home again isn't it? Hope your mum keeps recovering so you don't have to be subjected to too much day time tv! I've just had an email from Sarn saying she just got a call from Julia on Di's phone! Ladies who lunch no less!! And ladies who cause trouble no doubt! Beautiful photos from your walk again, lovely to have you back.
Lovely to see you back LLJ and I'm glad your Mum is progressing nicely. That's one white room, you'd be no good in our house. We decorated one of our bedroom room walls cream and I nearly had a breakdown it was so plain!!
Good on you for buying your own tools. My SIL bought a set of pink ones, she lives with 4 men (1 Hubby and 3 grown up boys I hasten to add) and could never find any tools.
Have fun today, wish I could join you all.
Hugs Lisax
Oh what a cute little path and having chooks roaming around must be so cute! you are doing a fabulous job with your room, it looks so lovely and bright, just what you need in your workroom!
Happy WOYWW, Debxx #112
That is a long room indeed! It is nice to have a dedicated space for an office, sewing, crafting, making a mess, etc. How nice you let hubby use your tools, he must have been very nice indeed. Great wildlife photos.
Oh that little robin photo looks like a picture post card! Happy curtain shopping!
Nice to have back in action again and your long room is going to be lovely and light and airy!! I had to laugh at your toolbox... cos I have one too! (I was single till I was 40+ and did all my own DIY around the house) and where does Dh head when ever he wants a tool? Yep, straight to my PINK toolbox with PINK hammer etc... I got a complete PINK set to ensure they stayed mine!!
I love how light your room is! I hope your mom is doing well :)
Your room will be lovely when you are finished. That robin pic is stunning - my favourite bird. x Jo
Quickly watching all those lovely desks!!
Have a happy WOYWW Wednesday :)))
Watch mine too, I've an awesome announcement on my BLOG(click)
Hugs Marleen ;-)
What a great room will be fab. Great pics too. Take care, enjoy snooping around the wonderful desks & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 33
Your room will look fabulous when finished. Crafting time shall return soon. So nice to see pictures of sunshine we never seem to have any here!
it's always inspiring to get your studio refreshed and this looks like it will be awesome. enjoyed the outdoors pictures very refreshing! Have a fun WOYWW.
Thanks for popping in Jan, A clean white slate, Oh, the possibilities!! You make me laugh with the tools tale. My DH will take my hammer right out of my hands...because he forgets where he put his down....{brave man}
Love your pathway photo, I pinned it to my pinterest board.
Hope that is okay, thanks for sharing
Your room will look lush when its finished and you can use it all again
thanks for the snoop
Judie xx
Hi Jan, nice to see you back albeit for a short while. My DH has been totting a drill this week and doing his action man thing too - you'll love your freshened up room once it's done. Lovely photos, the one of the hen's is terrific but the winner for me is the one of the robin - it's gorgeous. Hope you had a great day out with the girls. Have a good week. Elizabeth x #11
The room is looking good. I am glad to hear that you will be buying the curtains. It makes me feel less guilty about the things that I buy that I know I can make. Sometimes, just to have that pressure off is worth it.
The room is going to be wonderful! Love the pictures of where you get to walk. If I had a place like that I'd walk everyday!
My dad has his tools hanging in the garage on a pegboard. We could use his tool as long as we put them back. If there was blank space on the pegboard watch out! How nice of you to let your DH use YOUR tools - as long as he's careful.
You made me laugh with the roosters and the Bee Gees song -yes! I could just imagine it!
Not participating this week but wanted to stop in and take a peek.
...what a fab room and gorgeous piccy's...thanks for sharing...Mel :)
I know how you are fixed at present as we are in the midst of changing the small bedroom/office into a bedroom for the grandees... oh, the stuff we've thrown out and moved and Freecycled. It must be Spring! Well the birds are singing and the roosters well.... nuff said! Your BGs link gave me a larf!
Hope your Mum will be OK and that you can relax a bit.
Thanks for your message re my lovely tree!
JoZarty x
loving your photos,and your room looks fresh and raring to go,x
Janet! I cannot believe you have such an untidy cupboard - get it sorted girl! I just saw your picture on the previous posting - how did I miss that? Bless ya! But, what do you mean that internet doesn't cross the border??!!! Ddu Ddu!!
Definately let me know when you are coming over so we can meet!! Hope you had fun at the Harvester with Julia and Di and that you won't have a hangover tomorrow from the hangover!!
You lucky girl! You get to start fresh!
Love your outdoor pics!
My DH is terrible about leaving tools out, especially in the oddest places. I have my own box too. I hide it so he has to ask to use it. Then I keep tabs on him, ha!!!
Hope all goes well with your mum!
It is good to have you back. Hope Mum stays well. The long room looks like it is begining to come together. I always love the pics that you take! The yellow brick road looks like an inviting place to walk! Have a fabulous WOYWW! -Amanda #39
of course I am interested - but I have no time or that Blue Klimt would be MINE i say MINE,
so sorry it is a sad reason for your recent absence from the desk muster,
I do hope that things pan out well,
keep your chin up,
Such a variety of things going on. It made me want to go on the walk and to see those chooks!
That photo of the chickens and the thought of the music, made me laugh out loud. I managed to resist the wool ...but I regret it a little ...but as Arnold would say 'I'll be back' xx
Your room is all fresh and clean! Will be nice to have it back up and running I am sure!
That is a beautiful picture of the songbird! It would make a lovely card!
xoxo Karen #175
Lovely to see you back again on the desk hop. Great photos and I can't wait to see your finished room. I also can't wait for mine to be finished!
Fiona xx
Great to see you back... Loving your photos. Your blog is always so exciting... good luck with mum
Nice to have you back. Buy curtains? Actually I changed a zip for a friend the other day, when only last year I paid someone to do it on my skirt! I hear you are coming to Wales again soon on a WOYWW trip!
I was *gone* by the time I got to the Bee Gees 'Chook'!! lol LOVE the photo of that little Robin though ! They are gorgeous little birds aren't they! I get loads of them in my garden!
Sorry to hear the news about your mum, I do hope things start looking up for you all soon.
Yep! If I get a place on this art course at college then I'll be your proverbial *mature student* in more ways than one!! lol...not going to let that stop me from causing trouble though ;)
Take care and good to see you back....I'll keep you updated on how the interview goes!
Jackie x
It's good to see you back. That desk is not stark, neither is your room. I don't "do" curtains, so I understand. I hope your mom gets better soon. That's always a bit of a fright.
I think disco died before I ever knew it was around. Did enjoy the photos, though! Have a great belated WOYWW.
I envy you of having a spare room! The birdie pics are fab!
Have a lovely weekend!
Tuire xx
Always love your pics, but the lyric this week is new to me! That looks like a lot of sorting to be doing......have fun lol!!
thanks for visiting and the cogs will be 'moving' soon - start a new job next week, so they may have to wait a while!
Debs #166
Wow, the photo of the robin is stunning. I love the work room, I bet you can't wait to get it fully up and running. Thanks for letting me peek!
Been MIA myself but great to catch up with you Jan and pray mum is on the mend soon great post and do love the nature shots at the end. love Shaz in oz.x
First time visiting you but really loved your blog.
The photo of the robin is brilliant...I really miss them here in Oz.
That long room is going to be a great light airy area for your creations too.
I hope your Mum continues to improve.
Enjoy your weeked :D #177
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