Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau Yn Annwyl i Mi,
Gwlad Beidd a chantorion, enwogion o fri,
Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mad,
Trod ryddid collasand eu gwaed.
(Welsh National Anthem)
I'm away at my mum's again this week (she's doing well for an 86 year old but it's been a lot of work...) so haven't got a desk to show you...but as it's March 1st tomorrow, in honour of the National day of St David, the patron saint of Wales, I thought I'd share this with you to give you a laugh!
Yup, I am soooo old that this is in black and white!! I'm four, all dressed up in my best national costume for the celebrations at school. Awwwww, bless :)
I have been knitting for Wrap up a Kid (see WOYWWer Jackie's blog) and these are the results of my labours all ready to send off to The Kids Company. There's a pair of wristwarmers and beanie hat in each colourway. Hope they're useful.
Thanks to DH, G3 and Ron for modelling! If the cat's looking grumpy, it's because he had two teeth out at the vet's the previous day!
This is where my folks live, just an ordinary small Welsh town, but it's a nice place where everyone knows you and stops to chat :D
As I am incommunicado for another week (the internets can't cross the border, you see, LOL), if you are kind enough to leave a comment on this scheduled post, I can't return the compliment until next week. Sorry....
Hope you have a fab week xx

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BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air! I...

MY HEART BELONGS TO WALES..... It's a short post today - my beloved Dad passed away last Saturday and so I have no desk picture...
LAVENDER'S BLUE, DILLY DILLY, LAVENDER'S GREEN.... I'm hoping for third time lucky this week! Fingers crossed that Mr Lin...
Hi there lunch lady Jan - wow, you know that pickie could almost be me at that age or my sister, except wrong continent and outfit!! we would have our "cozies" on our national dress at that age - ie Cozies are Aussie for swimmers (short for swimming costume). Have great time and enjoy your home town!!
Not playing this week no time, or well enough etc and dont like doing it half baked so not doing it not at all!
Shaz in Oz.x
Love the pic of you....what a cutie. What fab pics of Wales too.
A x
That photo reminds me of me i remember my dad taking photo of my sister and i when we went to wales for holiday we bought the outfits .Taking me back memories...Have lovely time with m,um hope weather is nice for you.Love the knitting youve been doing im sure kids will love it!
Have great week hugs judex10
Hope you have a good time with your Mum. The seaside looks lovely! All my "baby" photos are black and white too... very classy I always think!!!
Great photos. Poor pussy cat, hope he is all better now.
Ah you look great in your costume :o) Love the knitted warmers, they're great. Some lovely scenic shots too, thanks for sharing. x
Enjoyed the photos and the lovely knitting - and what a sweet pic of you (Hazel, WOYWW #5) x
Awww you are so cute at 4 and black and white is cool/retro and classic. Love the helpful family and kitty pics. Your photos of an ordinary small welsh town are GORGEOUS.
Lovely knitting and beautiful cat and I hope he has recovered from his dental work!! Hugs May x x x
Hapus Dydd Gŵyl Dewi ar gyfer yfory.
Ok, so I used Google Translate, but you get the spirit of the greeting! Hope you're having a good time - nice knitting, lady!
Well, this year school has sent no instructions home for March the 1st. I suspect that my 5 year old will go wrapped in her Welsh Flag. I am taking part in the Dolgellau Thursday Market who are holding a special free tasting day if you want to pop along, (I've made lots of daffi stuff to sell), and my blog will be having a St David's Day giveaway. Is that Welsh enough for you? Felly, mae rhaid i mi ymarfer fy nghraeg, achos neb arall yn y marched yn gallu siarad y iath.
I enjoyed reading your post as i am fond of Wales, knitting and cats:)
xxx 104
I too enjoyed reading your post. I would love to visit Wales as it seems to be such a lovely place!
you looked so cute,happy wednesday,x
You look so proud in your national dress, very cute. Enjoy your time with your Mum and how could you not on that beautiful beach. My Sorrel would have the time of her life running on there.
Ann B
My blog candy ends Thursday if you are interested
I think the cat is grumpy because he wants a hat. lol. the sets. You looked so cute back then ....not that you dont know....and the place looks wonderful in your photos.
No worries on the return post. Enjoy the time with your mom! The scenery is SO beautiful over there! You are adorable as a wee one! Goodness! The gloves and caps rock too! Hope the kitty is feeling better now... Enjoy! -Amanda 80
Your photo' brought back such memories! We always holidayed in Wales as children and each year we got our little Welsh hats to wear ... and how me and my sister loved them. Oh, and our photo's of those hats are black and white too! Happy WOYWWing. Debbie #89
Wow, I want to paint the picture with the light house. Nice to have you post, must ask how you link it up when you are not home to do it, I can do a scheduled one, but cant figure the link thing...
What wonderful pictures, great knits and that B/W pic of you is so cute. Hope you enjoy your time away. Happy Wednesday to you, enjoy your snoop around the oh so creative desks and take care. Zo xx 83
Cute photo of you and love the pictures of where your folks live it looks beautiful
Anne-marie no 18
ahhhh you're so cute.
As you have a note from your mum you are forgiven for not showing your desk this week. Especially as you are visiting such a beautiful part of the country, it looks very idyllic
janet #36
oh! I forgot what is the song in English?
That's so sweet. I used to manage a big nursery/preschool just four miles on the English side of the Welsh border,(Oswestry, in Shropshire), and on 1st March I used to get a welsh speaking mum (or nain)to come in and show the children the national costume and teach the names of some of it. Welsh is such a difficult language, but I love hearing it spoken. Kate 153 xx
Lovely knitted wristwarmers and beanies. What a beautiful place to be. Good excuse not to show your desk this week.
Have a great time.
Von #45
Wonderful photos. Cute little 4 yr old!!! Enjoy your visit, and I hope you are having wonderful weather and safe travels.
Hi there, I'm a bit behind but wanted to pop my head round the door and say hello. Hoping you have a good and creative rest of the week. Even though you're not home I'm sure you'll find something!
I wondered why I hadn't heard from you. You are always so good about visiting! That costume is a hoot and you are a real cutie. Of course, I always love it when you show parts of your world I will probably never see. I would have been here earlier, but I got caught in a tornado early Wed morning. Here's to a belated WOYWW from #3.
Bless you in that picture! I'm jealous of you being across the boarder so I am. I hope you enjoyed St David's Day and hope your Mum is okay xx
I know I've spoken to you about this post, bunt did I say how lovely the photos are? Nothing ordinary about living there!!
What a beautiful place and fantastic photos to show us. I do need to get to the sea very soon. I am suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms for wind and waves. Those wrist warmers are great, I would not have thought of extending them to the thumb as well. Have a good week. See younext week. xx Maggie #9
My sister moved to LLandod - the kids are fluent in Welsh and she can mange yes please!!! Love the picture - it's a beauty. Great views there - enjoy the sun as much as the cat is...and you are welcome in loverly Ludlow anytime (bring a paintbrush...) Sarah at 1 having a late WOYWW peek and blog nose on Friday!
Lovely spot of Cymru, enjoy it! I hope you wore your daffodil and partook of the honourable leek.
Love your very worthwhile knitting.
Love JoZarty x
Happy Belated St David's Day!!! The cat's face is so funny...poor thing.
Happy belated St Davids Day. I was to busy having my own birthday yesterday so didn't learn of St David till today! Hope you are having a lovely visit with your Mum and Dad.
My Mum lives in a village of around 7000 and pretty well everyone knows each other too. You are right it is a nice feeling to walk down the main street there or to pop into the bank of coffee shop. Always a friendly word!
Lovely photos Jan, that one of you aged four is just precious! Well done on the knitting front, I haven't managed a single stitch all week. Hope Mum is doing ok, and a happy, if belated, St Davids Day.
I love the photos! I hope you are having a good time with your mom. Happy St. David's Day!
I just tagged you in an 11 Things post. You can do it if you want to, but no big deal if you don't!
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