Sorry, but the raison d'etre of WOYWW, that of showing your desk, has fallen by the wayside this week. My work area has been dismantled and shoved unceremoniously in another room as we fill cracks, sand woodwork, wash down walls with sugar soap and prepare to redecorate! And yes, I AM doing my fair share of this, even though I hate prepping the room prior to painting!!
So instead, for your delectation, here are some pics taken on my phone at the craft fair..
Recognise some of the items?? I did really well - the big sellers were the shopping bags, six went and everything in that beigey doggy fabric as well. Some bunting, carrier bag holders and aprons went as well, so I was pleased. But best of all was being approached by a very smart lady asking if I'd be interested in taking stalls at some country fair events she runs on private country estates!! I was so chuffed :) I don't actually know if I can do any of them until I receive the booking forms and dates as my diary is already booked up with band commitments and craft fairs....but I'm thrilled that she thought my stuff was good enough!
My friend Jenny dipped her toes into the craft fair water for the first time. Here's her stall
She handknits everything from mug hugs to cupcake pincushions to fingerless gloves. The chickens at the back are all handmade from felt that Jenny produced. Their expressions are priceless!
Slightly bonkers, like most chickens are!! She sold a couple of them as well as a good number of other items, so we were both pleased. Start planning for the next one now, 2nd March I think..
It was blooming freezing last week into Saturday. DH and I are still trying to get out every day and we enjoyed the briskness of the walks, even though our breath was taken away when we turned into the wind....Brrrrrrrrrr!
Not huge amounts of snow but enough to make it pretty - and very slippery when it froze later on...
My tree was looking handsome..
A detail of the moss and lichen on his branches..
There must be a few insects still lurking there as the long tailed tits have been having a field day seeking out all the nooks and crannies.
The sparrows, however, have been entertaining us in other ways...
We can see these from our living room. The squabbling that goes on is unbelievable - it's worse than any daytime soap opera!! But they're fun to watch :)
Hope you all have a wonderful week - I shall probably miss posting next week as I'm probably going to be in Wales looking after my mum. Fingers crossed, she goes in for a knee replacement tomorrow, so I'm going back to do what I can.
See you all soon! xx

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BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air! I...

MY HEART BELONGS TO WALES..... It's a short post today - my beloved Dad passed away last Saturday and so I have no desk picture...
LAVENDER'S BLUE, DILLY DILLY, LAVENDER'S GREEN.... I'm hoping for third time lucky this week! Fingers crossed that Mr Lin...
Well done you with the craft fair [I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't think your stuff was lovely]. Good luck to your Mum with her knee op [been there done that and it's so lovely to be ache free after the op....sore/pain yes but that constant dull ache goes].
A x
Oh and if you're coming anywhere near us feel free to shout and call in for a cuppa :-)
A x
I'm really pleased that your craft fayre went well and you sold plenty. Your 'makes' look really lovely.
I looked into doing some of the country house craft fayres that are over a full weekend and they were so blooming expensive that I chickened out :)
Good luck with the painting! xx
Firstly ...what an amazing stall ...glad the sales went well ...and I do hope you can do at least one of the private gigs.
Your tree ..and the photo amazing. I LOVE winter trees ...seeing the structure is magical ...and then all the leaves go and spoil it all. lol.
I think it is so hard to diet when one is cooking and budgeting for 5 ...and all the adults dislike or cant eat, certain foods..but we have agreed that we all need to loose weight. I just need to be focused when I gave up smoking sound as though you are.xx
Your stall looks amazing! I'm doing a craft fair on Sunday but I don't have much to sell! HELP
My son would love one of those chickens, he has a chicken addiction for some reason! Could you give me your friend's contact details please?
Not surprised the doggy fabric items sold well, even non dog lovers love it!
Hope all is well with your mum. Give her a gentle hug from me (just say a crazy crafter sent it).
Love those photos of the crisp snow , lovely.
Great stall, can imagine all that stuff selling well but how chuffed you must be. As you say, even if you don't do it it's the being asked. Well done you.
Hugs, Neet 29 (don't forget my blog candy closes tonight)
Oooh your stall looked fab!!! how exciting to be approached too! Glad it went well for you, although we all knew it would!!! Your friends knitted items look fun. Lovely scenic piccies, gave me the shivers :o) Hope all goes well for your Mum x
glad to hear you did well at the craft fair and I love the look of your stall. I am ready for winter to be over here too. We got some snow this week and it is all gone now. YAY! Doesn't hang around too long in Okieland! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Don't forget my blog candy is still up for grabs so drop by and leave a comment and make sure you are a follower. Vickie #64
The stall looks fabulous and good to see you made a number of sales. Love the chickens and their expressions. Best of luck with the country fairs ..... you could go international eventually.
What a beautiful place you live at! I do so miss the trees and proper winter. We too are going to start redecorating - I'll be picking up paint this afternoon and will be getting on with the redecorating asap. Your stall looks great - very inviting!
I'm glad that you had a good time at the craft fair. The pictures of the birds look so sweet. - Happy WOYWW, Helen T No. 89
I was given one of those chickens for Christmas!!! Lovely tables of crafted goodies - wish I could have a closer look and buy!!! Karen 96 x
You are so lucky having sparrows. Did you know they are now on the endangered list, so need looking after. Well done for your craft stall and being asked for the other craft events. You and your friend look so professional and welcoming. Have a good week. xx Maggie
Oh lovely seeing your stall...hope your mum's surgery goes well:)
Your stall looks brilliant and I'm not at all surprised you were approached like that. I love the first two snowy shots, fantastic composition.
In answer to your question last week. Yes, I have a pattern, it's called Pandora's Box. I thought it looked straightforward enough for my first full size quilt. Fingers crossed!
Fiona xx #103
HI there Lunch lady Jan - happy WOYWW and well done on the show - great things indeed no wonder you were asked and pray every blessing on mums op - my mum had a number of Shaz in oz.x
Glad you had a good showing at the craft show. Your stall is as good as your desk. I hope your mother's surgery goes well and you can return home sooner than later. Happy WOYWW from #3.
The stall looks fab, love your pics of your walks and wildlife, Hope all goes well with mum's surgery, Hugs May x x x
Not surprised you sold a lot of stuff, it is beautiful work and well done on being invited to do the country house fairs - will we have to curtsy to you now?
Love your friends chicks, always wanted to keep real ones (like my Grandma) and these look almost as good as the real thing - without the mess.
Your comment on my blog last week about Marvy Le Plume, the famous hollywood smoozer made me giggle, but I think she is more likely to be a gangster's Moll who is inot a bit of fan dancing on the side.
Ann B
Love your pictures - I can almost feel the wind now! Glad the fair went well, and of course your things are good enough to sell on posh country estates - hope you can make it happen!
You are right, it was lovely to meet up with some bloggy friends in person - makes visiting the blogs so much more "real" knowing them now.
Fabulous pictures - love what you and your friend made! Wondering if you'll still speak to us when you're a craft exhibitor in grand Country Houses?! Will remember to mind my 'p's and 'q's in comments in the future! Happy Wednesday!
...lots of well stocked stalls, it's always great to see other peoples work...gorgeous wintery piccy's...have a lovely week...Mel :)
Just seen what Maggie said and having read your blog, I'm not surprised they're endangered when they squabble so much! Joking aside, it is sad that one of our once most common birds is in danger of being wiped out completely.
Well done on the craft fair front - and gorgeous piccy's as usual!
Looks like uve been very busy x
I'm glad that you and your friend both did so well at the craft fair! Nice stuff, you both have!
Your stall looks fantastic, LLJ, I'm not surprised you did well and that lady should snap you up, your stuff rocks!! I'm glad your friend did well too, it's so daunting going out for the first time isn't it?
What beautiful photos. It was so cold last weekend wasn't it but much better now. Hopefully Spring is on the way at last.
Hope all goes well with your Mum's OP.
Hugs Lisax
Good to hear your craft show was so successful. But your stall looks wonderful, so it doesn't surprise me. Your winter pictures are fabulous. It's cold, but it looks better than a lot of rain. Hope everything goes fine with your mum. xFranka
What a great achievement your craft stall is and you should be proud of yourself! Just go for those country fairs it should be a winner for you. So pleased you did so well. Love your photos too. I was so cold in Germany that I've bought a longer warm coat and a pair of fur lined boots... talk about after the event!
lv JoZarty x
Ooh love your craft stall, great news that things sold and even better that you got an invite to do more, hope you can fit some in. Love those wintry shots, making me homesick as per usual! Good luck for next week with your mum, hope everything is OK.
Brenda 6
Love all your sewing and your crAFT TABLE, i'D BUY SOMETHING! wE HAVE A PLASTIC BAG HOLDER THAT LOOKS LIKE A CAT.. Sorry...caps lock keeps coming on...we also have one...three of tose bird feeders The magpies first took out those plastic bit and then learnt to tip them up and empty them! And as for the coconuts, they few off with them!Have a very Crafty Week,
Happy WOyWw
Oh Jan, your post made me smile today! Lovely, lovely photos - well done at the craft show, and I adore the winter photos, and the wee birdies on the feeder! My hubby has fixed our feeders up outside the patio doors so I can watch their antics, and those of the acrobatic squirrel who hangs on by his feet and has a go at getting the seeds!! Decorating... what a nightmare, having your craft room dismantled! Still, it will be great when it's finished. Thanks for popping over to my blog and I'm glad you like the butterflies! In answer to your question, since the bodies of these butterflies are not cut out, there is no card left over to use as it's part of the finished project. When I do cut things out completely, though, yes, the bit that's left is often used! Thank you for your awesome comment about my hubby's Valentine's card - I did enjoy making that! I love making things with small bits on acetate strips so they move - I've done several projects using them (explosion boxes etc.) - nice to have a bit of movement. Left over from that card, I've got 3 hearts in different sizes and shades of red, and a nice little "hugs" sentiment ready to stick onto something else lol! Not much waste Chez Shosh. Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #35
I hope the painting goes well! I'm glad to hear the craft fair was a success!
Walking in the cold can be difficult, but it is wonderful that you still get out and walk! I usually chicken out...oops!
Thank you for your lovely comment! Supposedly, we are getting the flowers today AND a refund! I'll believe it when I see the flowers on my desk and the refund on his credit card bill, but I can hope they tried to do the right thing :)
Happy WOYWW!
Katie #21
Love the craft fair stall pics and glad you did well,,,the photo of the birds is fantastic, have a great week, hope your mums op goes ok! Hugs tracex
I'm actually drooling! Your stall looks fabulous and quite right that people should want you at their fairs too. I hope everything goes okay in wonderful Wales. I will think of you over there and wish both you and I were there under happier circumstances. Don't forget to let me know what else you need for the bag and how much I owe you etc. Take care over there xx
brrrrrr for your wintry scences but I am bathing in the heat of your fabulous craft stall and it gives me a warm fuzzy glow just looking at all of you creations. Xx Sharne ( fresh as a daisy)
That's great that your sale was successful. The country fair estate sales sound really cool! I always like to see how people set up their booths and yours look wonderful!
Not participating today - boring desk.
Looks fab! Great stall! Thanks for the peek. Kim
i hope you get your workspace back, looks fab, Great workspace, Happy WOYWW 141, thank you for sharing,# 52
Oh your stall looks wonderful, i am a tiny bit glad you don't live near me, between your stall and your friends, i would have spent a future, hehe but i am so glad you did well, your items look so well made, so i am not surprised. The chickens look very cute on your friends stall. And well done, the news about the country fairs is great. Hope your Mum's knee op goes well, my Mum had one last October, she has done really well but said it was much more painful then she expected. Lovely photo's again. Take Care, Lou xxx @#91
Brisk walking...for me that's a bloomin' jog...and the cold in me little under worked lungs too...nah, I'dve clllapsed!
Your craft table looked wondrous...I wonder if the filled and lush presentation is what drew em in....apart of curse, from the fab fabric choices and useful product....naturally!
Lovely winter photos Jan. I am glad your craft fair was a success. I think we must make a real effort to take our stuff to a few this year. x Jo
Love the snowy pictures, although I don't actually like the snow - glad it's gone. Glad the fair went well and that you've got the offer of going to others (Hazel, WOYW #138) x
love those chicks!sure glad that snow is there and not here it's pretty but in pictures LOL
Sugar soap? haven't a clue....and "chuffed"...does that excited? I need a translation site even though your speaking English! lol Love the snowy pictures and you gotta love the entertainment you get from birds, they are silly creatures! Thanks for letting me take a peek at your desk, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
opps...."does that mean excited"?
Hi Jan - I made up the pattern for the bags - once I perfect it I will send you details. x Jo
LOL, me again too, as you were so kind to cross back over the pond to explain something for me, the very least I could do was to venture back over and tell you that action wobbles are little springs that you place behind an embellishment to give it some bounce, or movement. I'll try and remember to have one to show next Wed.!! Your such a sweetie traveling back to the hills of North Carolina :)
Your table looks great, well done for selling soooo much, but then so you should as your stuff always looks gorgeous.
Love the snowy pictures, but glad it's gone anfd getting warmer. to answer your question, the yellow feet were a label from some trainers (from years ago) i keep stuff like this, drives the handyman mad (probably why i do it he he )cant remember what I was going to do with them . . . again
janet #60
Brr it looks cold with you Jan. I love your craft stall especially the bunting and bags. Loving your friends felt chickens too. Good luck getting your crafting space sorted.
Thanks for sharing,
your stall looks amazing, also really like your friend's chickens, very cute! Hope to see the before and after of your crafty space!
happy WOYWW Debxx#9
Yes! Yes! Yes! I did indeed recognize many of the items in your craft fair stall. I'm so pleased that your items sold really well. There were fabulous! I love your friend's bonker chickers, how whimsical and fun. Your photos tell me it is much too chilly there for me to venture outside. I'd be hiding under the covers whimpering. I just do not like cold. I don't even drink cold water!
Your stall looks fantastic I would have bought something if I was there, love the bunting. Tell your friend I love the chickens they ould have been another purchase. I admire anyone who can sew because i can't.
Love Amanda x
It looks a bit chilly where you are...:) Congrats on your craft fair success and I can wait to see your newly redecorated craft room! Happy WOYWW! Hugs, Joanna x
Hello LLJ! Congrats on your success! I LOVE craft fairs and would love to shop your table girl!
So glad to hear about your success at the craft fair. great news about being approached for the country homes fairs. Your booth looks great!
Looking forward to seeing the new painted and decorated craft room...
Wow some stunning pictures. Glad you did well at the fair, I only do one a year, but enjoy the experience all the same. Take care, thanks for sharing & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 86
Excellent that your work area is getting a makeover:) I hate that preparation too, but I have learned (from my boyfriend who is/was a time-served painter/decorator) that 75% of the job is preparation. And the results will be phenomenally better than if prep was half hearted. Looking forward to seeing it when its finished.
It looks as though you and your friend Jenny did well at the craft fair - I love both the stalls!
I hope everything goes well for your mum, take care,
PS, Thank you so much for the offer of your pin cushion, but are you sure? That would be really lovely:)
gorgeous fabrics on displace very jealous, thank you for the visit to my blog
Well done on your fair. Not surprised you sold, your stuff is lovely. Chickens great, I knit them too. Great photos x
A late visit from me this WOYWW - brilliant news about the craft fayre and also the approach for some 'posh ones' :) Hope your Mum's op went well too. Di xx
Fab news about the country house craft shows - go Jan!!!
And I;m with you on the decorating prep - hate it - so I make hubby do it, and I play with the paint :-)
debs #150
Yes, you were right, I did mean to send little PS to Jo but I must have got confused, I'm sorry:)
Lovely looking craft stalls, glad it went well! Good luck with the decorating :)
Apologies for my lateness in visiting... life got in the way but I am here now!! Good luck with the decorating and I hope your Mum's knee surgery goes well.
Happy belated WOYWW what a great space you have, thanks for sharing,
hugs sandra xxx
It might be cold to you but it looks glorious from here. Hope your mums operation goes well
Bridget #53
Hello and sorry I am rather late with my return visit to your WOYWW. Since last Wed I have been busy and away from last Thurs until last night. Lovely goodies on your stall and your friends. Well done. Anne x
I'm missing you this week! I hope you are okay xx
Award on my blog for you. :)
Lovely pictures of your craft stall there and your friend's chooks look cute. Lovely chilly photos too.
I too have bird feeders which I can see from my lounge and also more from the kitchen. Love watching the wildlife! Tits are my favourites and the black and white woodpeckers which frequent the feeders!
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