I am really enjoying being part of the WOYWW phenomenonomenon - sorry, couldn't stop spelling there! LOL. Thank you, Julia, for the inspiration (and also for being my techy helpdesk when I ring up and ask so many stupid bloggy questions... thanks, mate, you're very patient!) 

My desk, covered with sewing bits and pieces. Here are the makings of a bread basket..
I've made a few items in the same fabric for the fair on Sunday, reasoning that people might want some matching stuff..maybe.. The funny tubey thing is a carrier bag holder that seem to be popular - I've been asked to make these. I just keep my carrier bags stuffed in a cupboard, just like my pegs are in a plastic box!!
I had some oddments of the doggy fabric left, so decided to make a doorstop with some contrast fabric - there's a different pooch on each side!

And here's one I made earlier!! The pink ribbon looks a bit garish in the flash, it's a lot quieter in reality and picks up the pinky tones in the flower centres.

I love making soup! Along with baking, it's my favourite thing to do on a cold winter's day.  My boys like their soup/custard/porridge to be thick enough to stand a spoon up in - anything to oblige... :D

Sweet potato and red lentil soup - yum

And finally....
I was very touched to receive two nominations for the Liebster Blog last week, from Sue H and Sam. Thank you sooo much, girls - I was thrilled silly as it's my first ever bloggy award - yay!!
So, for my part of the bargain, I have to nominate five of my favourite up and coming blogs that have fewer than 200 followers. Blimey, that was hard because I like and follow so many. But a decision had to be made. So here, in no particular order, are my five nominees:

1. Katie   I like Katie's carefree attitude to life and crafting. Her blog makes            me smile a lot!!

2. Mary Ann  I deeply admire the astonishing work and creations that Mary Ann produces. Her Russell Crowe steampunk crow was AMAZING!!  She is very talented :)

3. Princess Judy  A relative newcomer to WOYWW, Princess Judy's wacky, offbeat sense of humour appeals to me - she also does some great crafting! Just don't mention origami...lol!

4. Jaki  So much of what Jaki writes resonates with me; I like her humour and the fact that she's a fabric fiend as well :D

5. Lisa Jane I like the fact that Lisa Jane tells it how it is! Having met her, she has a fab sense of colour and design - AND I like that she has a go at stuff :)

As instructed, I've posted the award on my blog - thanks to ALL you lovely people who comment every week, it means so much to me xx

PS. The lyrics were from the theme tune of The Golden Girls (Dorothy was always my favourite!)


My name is Cindy said...

Yeah WOYWW rocks! Loving that doggy doorstop and congrats on your award. Have a great Wednesday, Cindy

Morti said...

I remember the Golden Girls! Fab TV series. I wanna be just like them when I'm old and grey. And Dorothy was indeed the best, such dry humour....
Love the latest round of fabric, that buff colour spotty stuff is ace. My carrier bags are in a plastic holey tube from Ikea - LOL sounds like something Robin would say - "holey tubes, Batman!"
We're all on the mend now, thanks for asking. Mr B was up till 2am prepping for Parents' Evening today and tomorrow, so is now quite tired. Me too - I was helping up until about 11pm . Hope you guys are all keeping well - we MUST meet up again soon - when can you come round?

Annie said...

Love all your stitchy projects this week Jan. I've still not found the fabric I'm looking for....it appears there isn't any of either of them in the world!....can you believe that?
A x

Bridget Larsen said...

Those blocks look deadly lol. I love Golden Girls. I cant wait for winter so I can make soups too, never seen a spoon stand up in pea soup
Bridget #53

donnalouiserodgers said...

ah I need to make a bread basket, at the moment we just pull out the next clean tea towel and lay it on the side, and then the crumbs fall to the floor when the men folk carelessly pick it up without folding in the edges, what you have there is a man proof bread crumb catcher - clever....


Crafting Queen said...

Love your sewing projects, love visiting your blog. :)

Mary Ann Tate said...

Lovely stuff.... I really like the bread basket idea...I must make one too:)

AND......Thank you so much fot the award. I really appreciate your lovely comments.

jude said...

Wow you have been busy i wish you well hunni with your craft fair on sunday ,hope loads peeps turn up,and have fun
Have fab wednesday and creative week hugs judex 4

Scrappekatten said...

You are realy clever with that swwingmachine , very pretty things you are making.

Jacqueline said...

Wow!! loving all your stitch stuff this week! That fabric is gorgeous! And that doorstep looks a real fun piece! That made me smile! :)

Take care and Congrats on the blog award.

Jackie x

VonnyK said...

What a gorgeous doggy door stop. You are very clever.
Congrats on your award.
Have a great week.
Von #27 :)

Sarn said...

WOW LLY - your projects are superb. Great fabrics and lovely items. Bet they sell well. Good luck,

Happy WOYWW.
Hugs, Sandra Take a peek at MY DESK here

Jaki Morris said...

Wow, is all I can say! I read Lisa-Jane's first and saw your comment and I thought 'I wonder what is on there for LJ' Didn't expect to see my name on there too! Thank you,thank you, thank you

I love the doggy door stops, I had that fabric last year and made some lovely cushions using fleecy dog paw fabric on the back. I was supposed to be making door stops at Christmas but never got round to it! Story of my life really!

Thank you once again and when my husband goes out I'll blog my WOYWW (feels odd blogging when he's in!)

Julia Dunnit said...

Lyrics and music by Andrew Gold I believe, may he RIP...
LOVE the co-ordinations..and shocked and stunned that you don't have a home made peg bag!

sandra de said...

Gorgeous fabric projects and hope you have lots of sales at the markets. The soup looks like a hearty meal I hope you at least keep one of the bread baskets for yourself it would be perfect with the soup.

JoZart Designs said...

Lovely things to share there on your busy desk. I /we too love making and eating soup and it's much needed with this cold weather. Off to Germany in a few ticks so racing round a fe desks. Love JoZarty x

April said...

Congrats on being nominated for the Liebster Blog! How lovely! Love all of your creations again this week! Can't believe you haven't saved any of your wonderful peg bags for yourself!!!! Hope all goes well at the fair for you, although I am sure you will have no problem at all selling your lovely goodies! I'm very suprised not to see any snowy scene pics! Did you get snow?? We went out for a walk in it on sunday and I was anoyed I forgot my camera as I thought of all your lovely scenic piccies! x

Karen said...

Oh I used to love that programme, early girl power girls!!! Slowly getting back to crafting world. Love the doggy bits. Must search your site for kitty bits now! Karen 107

Sue said...

Hi y a
gorgeous makes you have there, i have one of the bag holders my mum made it years ago & a peg bag, lol, congratulations on your award, i luv making home made soup chuck anything in it, yum yum, Thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x (56)

Karen said...

Lots of gorgeous makes and such pretty fabrics you are working with :)

Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Karen #90

Sarah said...

I'm always impressed with your corners - they look so darned neat and square.....I even sewed some birdies myself on Monday and did cute...but with round and raw edges! I'd need a 10m long tube for my bag fetish...Thanks for letting us look in and peek at your desk... Sarah at 7

Helen said...

I have never made homemade soup! It looks yummy though, just the thing on a day like today... though I don't like lumpy soup, I am very fussy! Your spotty bits and bogs are looking good!

Helen said...

bobs. bits and BOBS sorry!!

Inkypinkycraft said...

Great desk, well done onthe award hugs trace x no44

May said...

Congrats on your reward twice!!!! your work is beautiful lovin those door stops, Can I have a bowl of soup please, it looks so yummy, Hugs May x x x x

Elizabeth said...

I love that door stopper - what do you put in it so that it, um, stops the door? Love the rest of your fabric bits too, and soup thick enough to stand a spoon in is awesome, and just how I like my soup. :) Congrats on your award - I too was given that award this week - my first bloggy award and I was chuffed to bits. :)

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Every time I visit your blog I want to start sewing. You are making such wonderful things. I saw the Cathedral pincushion in an earlier post. This one is gorgeous and hope I can find the pattern. Your soup looks delicious... a real one for cold days.

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Yummmy that soup looks so good! I love all the things you made. That doorstop is just too cute!!

-heather #19

Hettie said...

Always lovely stuff on your desk Jan and I am sooo jealous of Lisa as she has met you!! I have a good excuse to come to see you now though don't I?!!
I will send you an e-mail with the link to my knitting pattern. It is one of those freebie ones from Garn Studio which I believe I told you about. I am using their wool too. The sleeves are only very short so easy to cope with and I do them in my lunch breaks!!

Anonymous said...

I love all the coordinated goodies all ready for the fair, hope it goes well. And what is it they say about the cobblers children always running around with bare feet!! That's real stick to your ribs soup! Looks mighty tasty!


Sarah said...

Those doorstops are so cute!! The soup looks yummy!! Your blog is fabby so I'm follwing you now!! Oh and great to see my lovely crafty friend Lisa- Jane nominated!! Happy WOYWW! Sarah x #114

Trish Latimer said...

Love the doorstop! So cool!! xx

Stephanie said...

Oooh, I really love the doorstop. I have a cupboard that my cats have figured out how to open and I'm a bit tired of finding the door to it open. A cute doorstop like that would be perfect!

l00pyscraftcreations said...

Absoluetley NOTHING wrong with soup you can stand a spoon in!! Its I served that watery mush they'd throw it at me, so yours is a proper nutritious, tasty soup!!
Oh and I love the sewing bits aswell, lol

Happy WOYWW hun, have a good one, xx

Lou #7

famfa said...

gorgeous stuff from you again. lovely post. well done for the award. you deserve it. new the song instantly and am now singing it - probably for the rest of the day! we have a carrier bag holder and we call it a BAGbag - obviously! x

Debs Willis said...

Great song lyric as always! And ncie doggy doorstop - now you need to find fabric to appeal to us cat people!


Debs #132

SueH said...

Thanks for the peak of your desk on this WOYWW.

You’re always so busy Jan.
Despite that fact that the doggie doorstop is made from off cuts it looks as if it would be very expensive. Love the Grey and Pink matching bits too.

Happy Crafting!

Can't stop singing now, lol!

lisa said...

That soup made me laugh, I like my tea like that. Soup is perfect for this weather isn't it. I made spicy bean on Monday and have just finished the last of it for my lunch, yum!!
You look as busy as ever, I love all the matching things, you just need a very coordinated customer to arrive and you'll be laughing.
My plastic bags are stuffed in another plastic bag in the cupboard, it makes me so mad when hubby doesn't use the same method and just pushes them in said cupboard so that they fall out everytime you open the door. He can't understand me gnashing my teeth!!
I don't think DD would ever forgive me if I used her special whizzy toothbrush for spattering ink!!!
Hope the fair goes well on Sunday and the snow stays away.
Hugs Lisax

Angie said...

Now thats what I call a hearty soup ..like the sound of that combination ...yum. I like you always kept carriers in a drawer/cupboard in another carrier but the holder was a revelation ..not sure how I lived with out one ...brilliant.xx

C said...

Darling projects...you're making me want to in the sewing room and get something stitched up! #133

SueH said...

I didn’t realise that you knit for Kid’s Company too.
I was only talking to Jackie on the phone the other day because she sent me a cross stitch chart that she thought I might be able to use.
Jackie, Nicki (who I mention on my blog) and I were all on the same Craft forum , that’s how I got to know them both. It was Nicki who introduced us to the project called Sharing Colour and Comfort and the cushion project is an off shoot of that. It’s a small world.

Elizabeth said...

That soup sure is thick but it's making my water now :) Love all your makes and like the Blue Peter (here's one I made earlier) basket - pretty colour combination. Congratulations on the Leibster award. Thanks for your much appreciated visit earlier today and I hope you are having a great day. Elizabeth x #2

CraftygasheadZo said...

Yummy soup and your stitching is fa, I can't sew for toffee. Thanks for sharing & enjoy this WOYWW, I'm off to be nosey, & peek at some more desks! Zo x 83, well I was when last looked, it keeps changing!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I'm so flattered! Thank you so much! I'm seeing a therapist for my fear of ori... ori... well, I can't quite say it yet, but we're working on it and soon I'll be a folding fool.

Also I think "phenomenonomenon" sounds like a great happening where there will be munchies--nom nom nom!


scrappymo! said...

Love your sewing! Do you ever think of making the old fashioned draft stoppers? I never see them when I go to the craft fairs., but I do see them on etsy. Jut an idea for your sales.

Your colour choices on these ones are so lovely and muted and would go with any decor. Good luck with your sale.

Katie said...

Thank you so much for the blog award! It is my first one :) I am soooo excited!

Also I wanted to tell you, tomorrow morning the post is scheduled with the pictures of my crafty tote (As soon as I saw your comment bells went off in my head that I'd forgotten to post the craft tote for you! That's what I get for not writing things down, they just disappear from my head!)

I love how your doggie door stop has a dog on each side! That is one of my favorite fabrics that you use! Those tubey things for the plastic bags are great, my mom has one, although my plastic bags are just shoved inside one big plastic bag in my closet :)

Happy WOYWW!!

Deb said...

so funny, my soup is always that thick too, I reckon anyone wanting it thinner can always add water! love your doggy door stops, so very cute!
Happy WOYWW, Debxx #159

Danielle said...

love the doorstop! my dad likes his soups and stews really thick. we usually take his out then add more broth for everyone else. dani13

Lisa said...

Wow your work is fantastic! what is the doorstop stuffed with? They are so cute.

Sherry said...

Oooh, all your fabric makes are so wonderful! I love the doggy doorstop and the bread basket.

You asked what I was going to do with the free fabric from the Quilt mag - definitely not a quilt, but I'm not sure what yet. I think I'll be sure to get some ideas from you blog!

Sherry (8) :)

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Love the doggy door stop. I've got a peg bag on my to do list, but mine are in a plastic box at the moment too!

Fiona xx #168

Twiglet said...

What fab makes - I really do need to make a door stop cos I am using a big reel of thread at the mo - what do they say about the cobbler's wife going barefoot!!

Emily said...

I love all your matching items, and the doorstops are lovely. My Mum also keeps her pegs in a plastic box!! You have inspired me - one day when I'm organised I'll make a co-ordinated ironing board cover and peg bag. And plastic bag bag!!

Lisa-Jane said...

Oh my! Thank you so much Jan! Is telling it like it is a good thing or a bad thing I wonder?! I love those matching items and those bread baskets are gorgeous! I bet they go down well.

Anne-marie said...

hi, you have been a busy bee love the door stop.
Anne-marie x no 141

505whimsygirl said...

Congrats on the award!! Very cool, indeed!!!

You've been quite busy also. I have one of those thingys that I stick my plastic bags in. It does come in handy.

Love all your sewing projects - I have fabric envy. I just never do any sewing.....

WOYWW #129

fairy thoughts said...

you seem in a very up beat mood this week, must be the soup. . . made me smile, I make soup like that too. had to laugh at bridgets comment about wanting winter, where's she been the last few months!!
Anyway great sewing , you always make me want to get the machine out and make something
janet #176

fairy thoughts said...

Nope! not that late, I am 167 not 176 what can I say... it's late

Maggie's Crafts said...

Stunning creations! Wish I could sew.:)

Thank you for sharing. :)

Maggie xx

Anonymous said...

The doorstop with the dog fabric is cuter than cute -- love the design of the item overall, too.

Spyder said...

Love your sewing. I'm quite sure if i had a sewing machine I would love it too! Fabulous things you've made,they look real! (if you know what I mean) They'd look a bit wonky if I did them!! Happy WOYWW!
ps,yes our 'lodger cat Jinksy (One day I hope to know his real name!) only needs the odd 'ah ah'and a hand pointing him away, just when he thinks about climbing up, and straight away he gets down or stops, he's probably allowed to jump on surfaces and scratch on chairs at home. So cats can learn very quickly! I'll be teaching him to do my blog posts soon!

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...oh my gosh your creations are wonderful what a clever lady you are...love your doorstops...all your friends and family must get yummy gifts on special occassions...have a fab week...Mel :)

Jackie said...

Hi Jan, I am totally in awe of what you can do with a sewing machine, your projects are brilliant.

I thought I had emailed you but I obviously didn't. I will fish the address out tomorrow and drop you a line with it. There's no point in you sending stuff to me for me to send it to London!

Jackie said...

I forgot to say, thank you for all you are doing for the Kids Co, your work will be gratefully received.

RosA said...

Love that grey fabric! And the soup is making me hungry, even though it's the middle of summer here!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Always like your fun creations. My mother gave me one of the Bread Baskets, and it is 10x10 and I use it for my small 9x9 casserole easy to pass around the hot dish around the table.
Have a great week

HeARTworks said...

Wow! That is THICK soup! Reminds me of the Dairy Queen icecream which doesn't drip even if upside down! Whata cute doorstopper! Patsy from

BumbleVee said...

soup is one of my fav things to make too.... this week it was curried sweet potato/carrot soup.... with cocoanut milk in it...

peggy aplSEEDS said...

congratulations on your blog award! your projects are so well sewn. you should get a sewing award too together with twiglet and wipso!
happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS

Sue said...

Ooh love all your creations Jan, my fav this week though has to be those pooches on the door stop, they look great, love that soup, warms your cockles looking at it :0) Happy WOYWW Sue xx

voodoo vixen said...

Love that doggy fabric, they are so cute and I am sure will sell very fast!! I have to admit that my carrier bags are all folded into neat little squares and placed in a carrier bag holder... a tad OCD perhaps but they don't take up so much room that way!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, what a busy busy desk, the doggy doorstop is great, I have a tartan bag holder, which is so useful, my son made it in primary school 12 years ago. Have a great day and the soup looks so yummy, Laura

Raven's Rest Studio, Jennifer Conway said...

I could eat soup every day, no problem! I like it thick like that, but I also like the brothy one's too! Love your fabric creations - nice palette - and those "tube things" for holding bags are GREAT! They work really, really well (and with one like yours there, looks good too!). *smiles* ~Jen

Shashi Nayagam said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your kind comments. I love that doorstop it is so cool. Had a little browse around and love your sewing projects. The fabrics you choose are so lovely and bright. Congratulations on your blog award.

Angie said...

Just dropped by again as i saw a comment you made on another blog about spelt flour. Is it better than nomal GF flour ...tried baking with GF and it was awful ...no even my trusty scones were pleasant...we all are affected by gluten in varying degrees so it would be great to make afew bits that reduced our intake of gluten xx

Lou said...

Every single week i look at your work space and 'ohhh and ahh' over the creations, you are very talented, I might have said before but i can't sew a straight line, but oh how i wish i could. i love seeing what you have created and i bet you have a sell out at the fair. Hope you have a great weekend Lou

Angie said...

Have just given my bread machine away ...grrrr ...found that it needed so much sugar per loaf. Thanks in advance for anything you find. xx

Cardarian said...

Oh your projects are lovely! That bread basket and doggie doorstop are my favourite! I am also a big fan of soups! Especially in the winter - today I will have vegetable soup on my plate!
Have a lovely week!

Neet said...

What fabulous makes you have on your blog again. I do love the doorstop! Good idea to have matching things, hopefully that way you will sell more. Good luck anyway.
Thanks so much for sharing - Hugs, Neet 195 (very late this week)xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Thank you for your visit earlier, and your lovely comments. Yes, the flourishes did flatten out beautifully, and are in place on the card. All I have to do now is to find something light enough to finish the card. I love the soft colours of those makes this week, the soft grey and the pink - so pretty. Have a good week. xx Maggie #89

okienurse said...

awesome door stops. Congrats on the award! Sorry I am so late getting around but it was such a busy week in my life!
Just a reminder about the blog candy...I have had such a favorable response that I have decided to increase the number of possible winners of prizes! Everyone is eligible cause I will ship overseas too! Vickie #50


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...