(Ralph McTell)
It's a patriotic workdesk this week! I've got an apron cut out ready to have the toning neckband and waist ties attached. Also featured, on the left hand side, is a heap of fabric to fold and put away...
I've been making a variety of items for the craft fair (in 10 days time); as I've said before, this doggy fabric usually goes down a treat!   

Do you remember citrus/flower fabric from last week? Well, here's the other colourway which looks more floral, not citrussy at all!! Isn't it amazing how colours deceive the eyes and brain :D 
The ribbon was bought a week later at Shopkeeper Gal's place in Tidworth, Kraft Krazy and very reasonable it was too. It goes really well with the fabric, don't you think?

Now, all this lovely lot was dug out after I visited Mary Ann's blog and started following links. Firstly to Needles and Threads blogspot (like WOYWW but for fabric fiends in Canada) and then onto gogokim.blogspot for her amazing cathedral window pincushion tutorial.
And this is what I made!! I love it and am quite impressed with myself. But, the tutorial was so clear, it was fab and it was easy to follow the stages. Most of it was done by folding and ironing - fabric origami!!
 G3 suggested I do one like a Union Jack - this was the only blue and red fabric anything like. It's turned out nicely but I think the red needs to be where the blue is and vice versa. They took hardly any time to make - I love 'em!!
Thanks again to Mary Ann (Cloth Doll Makers Diary) and GogoKim for the links and tutorial. Brilliant!

I've been walking a lot recently as I'm trying hard to shift some flab, so here's a couple more pictures from where I live...
Seymour Pond is in my village - it's called that for the Seymour family (Jane being the third wife of Henry 8th) who lived at a manor called Wolfhall which is a mile away. You might have read the novel of the same name by Hilary Mantel. The heron in the pond is a decoy by the way, cos we've got loads of the real things around!
Here's some signs of Spring..
I love snowdrops, so pure and white! Unlike these chaps...
 A smallholder keeps old British breed pigs! I'm not sure what the one above is - looks like a wild boar to me!! It was fast asleep and dreaming, twitching just like my cats do :)
I know this one is a Gloucester Old Spot..it was so enjoying riffling through the mud, snorting away!
But this Berkshire Black is my favourite...
'Can't a girl get ANY peace around here??' 
Porky heaven.....

Hope you all have a fab week!


SueH said...

No time to stop and read your blog now but please pop across to mine, I've left something there for you.

I'll be back later to catch up.


jude said...

Love the fabric origami makes they are beautiful as for the doggie tote thats to die for i want that!...lol wheres your craft fair i will be there..lol
Happy wednesday and have creative week hugs judex55

Annie said...

Love the pincushions and will be back for a closer look.
I'm just doing a quick dash round to see what everyone is up to this week before my daughter comes out with the twins. We are doing a fitting for her Wedding dress and making a start with the Wedding invites....I can see a busy day ahead of me :-)
A x

Morti said...

Oh, those pincushions are FAB - nice work, especially if they're quick and easy, because they SO don't look it! Now, if you could find hot pink, and black, and some fabric along the lines of Pink Cookie brand, then I'd deffo have one for Lil Miss B!

Yup Edith was definitely a naughty girl under her tweed - should be interesting!

And on the extra walks front, time to dig out the Geocaching supplies - at least then you can have another aim to your meanderings...... LOL



Rightly proud of your pin cushions I think. I love the generosity of people on blogs - from fabric providers ;) to pattern writers :). Well done on getting out and about, between potty training and the cold T and I have taken to hibernating in the day aside from popping to the shopossite (or shopanpossite as T calls it). Oh and Thursdays when I do do a lot of walking........Nice looking piggies!

Helen said...

Fab things abound here today - as always - it as a good day for us all when Julia got you to join the clan!! Even though i can barely thread a needle I always enjoy looking. Have a great week. Helen, 42

Crafting Queen said...

Love seeing all your wonderful sewing creations. Great place to find inspiration. :)

Tuire Flemming said...

Lovely fabrics and creations again! Nice pics - we have now a heavy coat of snow. Cute piggies :)
Have a nice week!
Tuire #62

April said...

Love the apron, the fabric is great! and same goes for the doggie bag! and those super cute pin cushions are fabby! you never fail to impress with your great taste for fabrics and talent for turning them into something wonderful! thanks for sharing your scenic piccies too. x

Jaki Morris said...

I either have to a) come and live with you or b) stop looking at your blog!!

I want everything on it and the pigs I LOVE PIGS I feel bad now because I have bacon and split pea soup on my cooker and left over gammon in the fridge, just thinking they may be related to the pigs on your page :-(

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there LLJ, ah as always lovely makings on your tidy desk! and think the citrus still looks citrus in new colourway. And yes think those pin-cushions are awesome, beautiful colours and design and agree on red blue swap too - great work! thanks so much for sharing. Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #21

sandra de said...

OMG I love the pigs ... sewing creations are great ... but I love the pigs. Good on you for fighting the flab. I'm thinking about the flab but that is as far as i got. You live amongst the most incredible countryside.

JoZart Designs said...

Loved our country walk an visit to the piggies.I go to the home farm at nearby Croxteth Hall to see their rare breeds... and you reminded me... .the snowdrops there too.
Love your fabrics and I'd love the link to the pincushions please, if it's possible. Good luck with the craft fair and you should do so well with all things patriotic!
Thanks for visiting...
JoZarty x

CraftygasheadZo said...

Love union jacks, fab cushions too. Enjoy this WOYWW. Zo x 89

JoZart Designs said...

Thanks Jan!!
lv Jo x

Julia Dunnit said...

Well,if Jaki's moving in, better set up another table! Lovely pics of the village inmates. The pincushions are fabby...and Ive seen them for real. Coz I is speshal.

Polly Polkadot said...

Love the pin cushions I'm off to check out that link (well, when i get the time! #110

Jacqueline said...

How cute are those pin cushions!! And as for those piggies?... don't they look happy !! lol!


Jackie x

Cardarian said...

Ha, ha love you porky photos, your pin cushions are so cute and I just love the "Britania" apron! Well done Lunch Lady Jan!
Lots of hugs,

Lisa-Jane said...

Those pincushions look great! I love the red, white and blue one - perfect for this year indeed. I totally forgot to answer you last week about the wet-wipes (I'm so sorry!) I use the Tesco own brand ones (not the Value ones) which I think are the same size as the Pampers etc. They all seem to fit in the same plastic box anyway. Does that help? Don't forget to tell me how much and what material you need for the inner etc, but AFTER your next craft fair! Have a great week xx

Belinda Basson said...

Interesting projects as always and your walks look full of adventure.

Trish Latimer said...

LOVE those pincushions! so cute! Trish #76

Karen said...

Oooh I love those pincushions, they look amazing! Lovely photos from your walk, I especially love the snowdrops :)

Have a fab WOYWW and a great week, Karen #108

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ooh those pincushions are fab!
Fiona xx #123

l00pyscraftcreations said...

everyones gone patriotic!! must admit, I am waiting for postie to bring my latest disk.....................yep Patriotic!! lol
lovely creative area, xx Happy WOYWW hun, hoping to get to post on blogs this week, as it didnt let me last week!!

Lou P

Stephanie said...

Oh my! I just love all of your projects and the fabrics are all just so cool!

Di said...

Fantastic photos - and I love the pincushions. They should sell like hot cakes if you're making them for the craft fayre!

Happy WOYWW :

Di xx

Deb said...

your makes are amazing, wish I could come to the craft fairs you go to! love the piggy pics!
Happy WOYWW Debxx #8

famfa said...

Love your pain cushions. Fab. Apron is gorgeous. Just lovely stuff from you all the time.

My PIF giveaway is : you enter a comment on the post called giveaway. I draw three names at the end of feb. three people get a handmade gift from me and then you then host your own giveaway

judith@poppy cottage said...

Wow, your pincushions are lovely! The apron looks like it is going to be fabulous too. I love the pictures of the pigs, they look full of character. Happy WOYWW to you, Judith xx

505whimsygirl said...

Oh, I LOVE that apron!! Love the colors. Those pincushios are so adorable too. Yep, you can sew a good seam, my dear!

Love the photos of your walk. I always enjoy seeing where other people live.


lisa said...

Love those pincushions, Jan and the union jack apron is great fun. Your photos are gorgeous. The flowers are all haywire aren't they. We had crocuses in full flower in the sunshine in amongst the snowdrops.
It's a pigs life me thinks!!
Hugs Lisax

Sue said...

Wow Jan you have been a busy bee, good luck with the Craft Fair, love your apron and those pin cushions look great! Happy Crafting, Sue xx

Kath Stewart said...

thanks for this week's crafty snoop..looks like a fun creative space...gorgeous makes and love those beautiful porkers...happy WOYWW...hugs kath (63)

Anonymous said...

What an obtuse post!! Patriotism, pigs and pin cushions!! Love it all, especially those lovely pin cushions, how fab are they? Glad Spring is on it's way, isn't it supposed to be snowing in your neck of the woods soon??

Brenda 115

dianneo said...

I love those pincushions, so adorable. They would be really pretty as pillows too. Have a super week!

Lou said...

Fabulous Photo's again Jan, and wow those little pin cushions are gorgeous, and the bag looks wonderful, I spend far too long looking at your creations and am kind of glad that the craft fair won't be near me because i think i would spend a fortune because i would 'need' one of everything! Hope you have a great week Lou x @#26

May said...

PINCUSHIONS Adorable, bags stunning, you clever girl x x Hugs May x x x

Anne-marie said...

Lovely photo's and your pin cushions are stunning
Anne-marie x no 136

SueH said...

OH I so love piggy’s …..they are so cute!
I think that if I lived in something bigger than my maisonette with a bigger garden I would have one as a pet. Not sure that BoJangles would approve though, Lol!

You’ve certainly had a busy week again and I love the dog bag but what steals the show for me this week are the pin cushions……….…really pretty!

Happy Crafting!

BumbleVee said...

hahah... cute piggies....

hmmm... I bet I couldn't just fold and get such nice origami pillows... there is still sewing...but, maybe I'll check out the tutorial....

Anne said...

Love the pin cushions. I know a lot of folks who'd love the doggy fabric bag. Last Saturday we went to nature reserve with grand children. They were fascinated by a pig called a Kune kune (I think that was it) meant round and fat!!!! My new name. The children were particularly fascinated when it poohed- whay are they (the kids) so fascinated by pooh? My eldest GS aged 6 decided he would call it Snorty Pig. Thanks for sharing your desk and photos. Anne x

okienurse said...

great pics of the finished projects! Love those pin cushions. I used to have a pet pig...actually my grandfather did but Red (pigs name) loved me and I loved him. Followed me around like a dog and would come when you called his name. Grandpa let and a couple other more domesticated run wild on the land and they were so smart! I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #90

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Neat pincushions, but the term "fabric origami" gave me the chills. Paper origami gives me fits so I can't imagine fiddling with fabric! Your other projects are lovely as well. Thanks for sharing photos from your walk. It looks like a great place to take a stroll.

...the yorkshire fox... said...

Jan your such a clever lady...the things you make are awesome...i'm in love with the cute pin cushions!...snow drops are so delicate yet they stand majestic...have a wonderful week...Mel :)

Nicky said...

Love the pin cushions they are fab and the apron you are making - we have wild boars in the wood near where I live in Kent and every now and then they make the kids late home as they walk in front of the school bus lol - kids think it funny

Hettie said...

Aw Jan. I have a pincushion like that. It was one of the first things I made when I started at the quilting and patchwork class ......soooo long ago. I still use it too!
Love those piggies.
As for your pond - I need to visit you. Do you know I have a "thing" about Henry VIII? I don't know what the fascination is but I have had it for a very long long long time. I have made it my mission to visit where the wives came from. Looking forward to a trip to Aragon!!

Angie said...

Those pin cushions are brilliant ...mind you I love everything you make.
Great photos ...I too love snowdrops ...they say that spring is on its way ...and the pigs ...well ...such expression on the last ones face.
Re your comment ...love the band, with added brass, set up and I quite like the sound ..but I'm not sure about her ..there is something that doesn't quite work for me....mind you it would be sad if we all loved the same stuff ...I loved Amy Winehouse.

Debs Willis said...

Hi Jan, love those pincushions! Missed postnig on woyww this week cos been frantic busy, but thought I'd visit a few before I start the next round of nuttiness today!


Debs x

Ann B said...

Fabric Wolf Hall and pigs, what more could I ask for. Bit late getting round the desks this week as I started with a stinking cold yesterday and had a rough night so am staying in today - much to Sorrel's disgust. Had a great time at Strictly - thanks for asking - love the glitz and the glam
Ann B
PS Love that pincushion - has given me an idea to use some of the japanese silk I got at Christmas

Mary Ann Tate said...

Hi Jan

You did an amazing job on those pincushions. I tried it too and mine was a total disaster...LOL

I love those pigs...:)

Charlene said...

Jan, I love all the color you have used in your bags/apron. And the history of Seymor was great! Must be cool to live near something with such a past. Thanks for sharing. This is my first WOYWW & I was so surprised by all the gals response/visits. It was great! As for the pigs............ I like the snowdrops better. :) Have a wonderful weekend.

The Artful Diva said...

Good luck at the craft fair - I hope you sell everything!

Clare with paint in her hair said...

Ohh ohhh I LOVE that apron

Pam said...

Waving back from Swindon(a week behind!!) Everytime I come by your blog I get so jealous of all the beautiful fabric you have n love the pincushions.

thanks for visiting me I'm a day behind in my return visits!

Hugs Pam x

Danielle said...

Your pincushions are adorable! It was nice to see some sewing in this post. Danielle #22

Bridget Larsen said...

Love all your projects especially the pin cushions.
Bridget #72

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

My favourite would be the Gloucester Old Spot, partly because it is a more local breed to us. I do really like those pincushions though, really pretty and practical too. I might have to copy that design for future use. xx Maggie #112

SandeeNC said...

lmao....ok the pigs are a hoot...love the snow drops, they look so pretty and the pin cushions turned out awesome!! waving hi from the hills of NC :)

Katie said...

I love the apron and especially the doggie bag! That citrus/flower fabric had me totally fooled last week, and this week, all I can see is flowers! I love optical illusions like that, its so interesting how our minds work!

Happy WOYWW (on Thursday!)
Katie #31

Elizabeth said...

Gorgeous makes, Jan. Love the pincushions, perfect for the using up your bits and bobs leftover from other projects too. Great photos from your walk too ... the DH went looking down in the grounds of Culzean Castle for snowdrops to photograph on Tuesday only to be told he was too late and they have gone over already. The gardeners are putting it down to the mild winter we've had ... have they forgotten the storms and howling gales we had last month!!! Hope you have a wonderful and productive week ready for your upcoming craft fair. Elizabeth x #78

VonnyK said...

Love your pincushions and those piggies are gorgeous.
Von :) #40

fairy thoughts said...

lots going on as usual
the pincushions are great, I think i like the blue /red one best, very 2012!
the pigs look as if they are having fun in the mud.
thanks for sharing
janet #6 thanks to julia for posting early LOL (or rather, late)

voodoo vixen said...

OK... I am back to try again... my first attempt on wednesday was a dismal failure as the entire computer hung up on me!!
Love those pin cushions, they are fabulous and way to pretty to have pins stuck in them... unless it was pretty hat pins or something similar!!

Unknown said...

Ooo, those pin cushions are gorgeous - I wonder if a novice would be able to make them? Probably not, but I'll have a look a the tutorial anyway cos I just bought some stampin' up material which would look lovely like that.
Doing the woyww rounds, looks like it's gonna take a while!


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I stopped by Wednesday to say hello, started writing a message, and my computer froze up on me. I had to restart it, and lost where I had been, since no one's name was darkened anymore. I have to confess. Even after enlarging the photo, I still had trouble finding the heron. Guess I'm better at finding rocking horses!

Love your crafty items, especially the pin cushions. If I were you, I'd sell those, too. Thanks for dropping by earlier in the week.

shazsilverwolf said...

Great pics of pigs,Speaking of wild boars, my stepbrother in Scotland was one of the farmers in the breeding programme for the wild boars they have released up there. Saw one when we visited years ago. They are HUGE!!!!! Your pincushions are truly ace too.Have a great week( whats left of it, lol) Shaz

Spyder said...

Love those pin cushions, think I could even make one! Lovely colouirs too. Love the pic of the pigs, they look happy!!Wish I was home crafting too, aw well, maybe next week! Happy Late WoYww

Kathryn said...

Thanks for popping by my blog last week! Sorry, I'm just getting back to you, *sigh* You know how it can be?
So inspired, amazed and jealous of your handiwork!!!!
Absolutely LOVE the piggy pics!! And your captions of them!
Until next WOYWW


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...