Sing the song the bells call, loudly chiming.
Ring out those bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.

Wishing all you lovely WOYWWers a very
Merry Christmas and a happy & healthy 2016.
Thank you for all the support, fun & friendship!

Well, it's been a busy week..playing with band, seeing friends, doing all those last minute things that you forgot about...cough.....

Not much crafting around here but I did pull out all the scraps I had of the furnishing weight cottons in order to make some patchwork totes. That's as far as I got though :-)
I'm making some stuff for the Greyhound charity that WOYWWer Sue supports - it'll give me something to do after Christmas!!
There are some old friends here :-) I'm determined not to waste anything!

Other festive things going on in LLJ Towers are:
The Christmas jigsaw has begun - 's gotta be done!

I stuck together the little church that Neet so kindly sent me and Julia. It's so cute - thank you very much Neet. I enjoyed doing it!! xx

The tree is up and decorated. I love my baubles...some happy memories there :-)

Debbie Rock made me this beautiful picture with a photo of The Terrible Two from the Crop. I love it Debbie, thank you so much...it's so sparkly!! You know me so well....grin!  The beautiful little tree on the right was from Diana Taylor last year and the crochet Korknisse and tree was from Famfa a couple of years ago....I miss Famfa on the desks but these remind me of her.

And that's what I love about WOYWW....the friendship and support should be bottled. It could solve many of the issues facing the world, that's for sure.  Sending hugs and love to everyone - especially thinking about Eliza and Janet Fairythoughts as well. Great friends who were taken too soon.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Krisha said...

Just popping in to wish you a Merry Christmas and the Happiest New Year Jan. I miss WOYWW and will be back after the new year.

Helen said...

Aw, all ready for Christmas!! Wishing you and the family a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. See you soon I hope! Helen xx

HeARTworks said...

I knew I saw the white church somewhere! Yes,on Julia's last post! Wow! that is a fantastic frame!!! And your fabric scraps make me drool! Merry Christmas from my house to yours! patsy

Neet said...

What a lovely post Jan. Got some lovely things there and I love that photo frame.
Have searched everywhere (last minute I might add) for a Thomas Kincade jigsaw - not even sure if Chas would like one but hey ho - ended up with a cheapo one showing Father Christmas - not at all what I wanted - well, here goes, maybe we will finish it for next year!
Have a Wonderful Christmas and my Best Wishes for a Good New Year to follow.
Hugs, Neet 10 xx

Unknown said...

A Christmas jigsaw, what a good idea! Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year!

Lynda B 17

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Firstly thank you so much for making the totes for the Greyhound charity. You are such a lovely lady.

Can't remember the last time I did a puzzle.

The little church is lovely.

Your baubles are beautiful. Do you buy a new one each year? I don't have room for a tree, so love seeing everyone elses:)

The photo frame is fab nd I love your little tree and the knitted decorations.

Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

Sue #20

Annie said...

Good morning. What a fab post Jan.
I'm doing a quick whizz round all my fav blogs before hitting the supermarket for the last minute shop.
I would just like to wish you a very happy Christmas and hope that 2016 comes with all you wish for yourself.
Big hugs,
Annie x #16

sandra de said...

Love the xmas jigsaw tradition ours starts on boxing day and has been known to go till after new year. Only then did we find out the new kitten was helping herself to bits. Have a wonderful xmas and new year.
sandra de @25

J said...

Jan I love all those gorgeous fabrics, festive on their own.
I can¡t remember the last time I did a jigsaw, well apart from ones with giant pieces with the Grandsons!
Have a great Christmas
Jan x no 28

lisa said...

I'll be round to pop a few pieces in your jigsaw, Jan. We have one on the go too, like you say it's gotta be done!!
Love that you are getting organised for after the hols, it's a lovely collection of fabric and I love Neets, church that's really beautiful.
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy, Healthy and Crafty New Year.
Hugs Lisax #30

RosA said...

What a splendid tree! And the little church is gorgeous! AND that pic from Debbie is super!
The lantern die is very easy to do. Isn't it pretty?
Have a very Merry Christmas!

Lisca said...

Your tree is glorious! And the little white house/church. But I particularly love the jigsaw. I haven't seen a panoramic one. Do you leave it out over Christmas s that whoever can add a tile?
I love your photos (and also the frame) and your little thingamajigs.
Wishing you and yours a very lovely and peaceful Christmas,

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Love it all and what great gifts you have received. Have a great Christmas and a very Happy and Crafty New Year x Angela x 21

Christine said...

Lovely Christmassy sights - Thank you for sharing.
Have a wonderful Christmas
Bishopsmate #36

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Those scraps of fabric look very promising, Jan. I'm sure you're going to make something wonderful out of them. What a wonderful Christmas tree! We just have a small ready-decorated fibreoptic one, which has been up since November! That is a fantastic card from Debbie in the vein of Finnabair, whose style I admire but never tried myself. Best wishes for the holidays! zsuzsa #38

Anne said...

Hello Jan. Lovely photos. Had hoped to send you a card ( and Julia) but time ran away - again :-) Anyway A very very Happy Christmas to you and your family. Anne x #27

Anne said...

Hello Jan. Lovely photos. Had hoped to send you a card ( and Julia) but time ran away - again :-) Anyway A very very Happy Christmas to you and your family. Anne x #27

Diana Taylor said...

Ooh what a lovely Christmassy blog post Jan! You have some fab pieces of fabric there, I know I'd get a bit precious about some of those designs and not be able to use them all up. I love doing a Christmas jigsaw each year and have just finished this years, which is a relief otherwise it was going to have to turn into a rather fancy table mat for Boxing Day!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and I really hope we can meet up in the New Year - it was lovely seeing you and you make being part of WOYWW a real pleasure each week!

Unknown said...

Fun fabrics, great decorations, memories, and traditions! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Carol N #34

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh Jan! You sure know what to include in your post to make me smile! Thank you for sharing everything! Wishing you a very Happy Christmas! Hugs, Chrisx 31

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, hope you are all organised for Christmas now. I've literally just finished wrapping my pressies- I really should have started weeks ago, but it always seemed like I had loads of time! Sending lots of love and hugs to you all and Christmas wishes from us both. We are so glad we met you too, you know!xxxx

Sue Jones said...

Lovig that fabric especialy the cute owls. love your tree - have a Wonderful Christmas xx soojay 32

Debbie Rock said...

Have I commented yet today I wonder? I certainly visited but did I comment? Alas, the mince pie, triple choc mousse making frenzy has addled my wee grey cells and I have not a clue what is going on! Shall just wish you the very merriest of little Christmasses and send you lots and lots of love. From Debbie xXx

glitterandglue said...

Hello Jan. What great photos - SO glad I'm not the only one who loves doing jigsaws! I had one started, as I had no energy each evening after coming home from hospital visiting for anything else - the family have arrived - and finished it!! Oh well, I'm sure I can find another!!!
Thanks for your visit and comments. John is being let out for good behaviour tomorrow. He's coming home in style via ambulance, and comes with care packages in place and Oxygen. We will be glad to be together for this Christmas. A precious time together.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #1

505whimsygirl said...

Merry Christmas Jan! Your decorations look wonderful. Unfortunately I didn't put up anything except the cards I received. Bad me. I should have done it before the cruise. Live and Learn.

Love the scraps of material!

Kay (41)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, lovely post. Time to take a few days off from sewing, methinks. I'm calling it done for a few days but planning to do a bit of baking next week in readiness for Hogmanay :) I love making up jigsaws but somehow never think to buy myself one ... I'll put it on my wish list :) Your tree is beautiful and so is the frame from Debbie - I like that photo of the two of you. Merry Christmas - I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Hugs, Elizabeth x #40

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Loving your tree. Thanks for sharing all the great photos. I got out 2 Christmas puzzles and found a totally new one unopened (must have been a last year sale item) We all love working on them. Leave a table set up just for that. Thanks for the visit and I am wondering where did this year go. We still are having beautiful weather and I will not be saddened by a no snow Christmas. I surprised myself with being ahead of the game with prep work for the next 3 days for all my company coming. Good feeling and the weather is to be nice for travel. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas. I've so much enjoyed your friendship thru WOYWW

Sharon said...

It's lovely to see all the goodies on your desk! Love the fabrics! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas

Twiglet said...

Such a lovely post Jan. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your lovely family and friends. Thanks too for all your fun and friendship - it really is what life is about isn't it. x Jo

http://www.freelancehouse.co.uk/ said...
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Nikki said...

Sending late Christmas hugs and looks like your going to be busy in the new year and lovely treasures your sharing hugs Nikki 4

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

You are so right, friends are so important. We lost some great ones this year. Happy new year to you. Thanks for stopping by. Oh that gifted church is great. 😊


 WHO PUT THE COLOURS IN THE RAINBOW? Another week has whizzed past and it's been full of crafting, selling, playing keyboards and enjoyi...