What do you do when you need a couple of 'thank you's' quickly? Raid the scraps box, that's what!
I wanted to say thanks to a couple of mates and as we don't do Christmas presents, thought a couple of decorations might be acceptable.

You can't go wrong with a bit of lace and gingham...

...and some green felt leaves together with a red button!

There you go..quick to make and easy to give :-)

This was the scrappy bag that I couldn't show last week as it was for a birthday prezzy...it looks very lop sided in this pic but everything was straight - honest!

This is the window of a charity shop in Pewsey..an advent calendar made out of cardboard boxes and decorated prettily. There are gifts inside each and you can buy a ticket and win the whole lot. What a great idea and it looks really festive and lovely. There are some clever people in the world!

Shortish today because I've got a raging sore throat and am fighting off a cold. I can't have one now. there's too much to do! Maybe brandy will help :-D

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   HiC.........


Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Your idea of a quick and easy pressie - well, those are absolutely gorgeous and would take me ages to make! Loving the bright and breezy bag too. Ali x #13

Helen said...

Don't you hate it when germs strike at the most inappropriate moments! Hope the brandy kills it.... love the hearts, and also the advent in the shop. Talented people about for sure. Have a great day. Helen 4

glitterandglue said...

Undoubtedly!!!! Just stay upright so no-one notices.... Hope your sore throat and cold disappear really quickly so you can get all done that needs doing, and you can then relax and enjoy family time. Great hearts - wish I could think of things like that when I need a thank you gift.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #7

Annie said...

I love the little hearts Jan. What gorgeous thank you gifts and your bag is fab....love the fabrics you've used.
Have a good week and get well really quickly....keep drinking the brandy :-)
Annie x # 18

Unknown said...

OOh Jan those little hearts are so pretty. That shop window is lovely to, how clever. Hoe you feel better soon. I have a chest infection but I suppose better now than next week! that's what I keep telling myself anyway!
Lynda B 22

sandra de said...

Gorgeous little heart decorations and of course Brandy will help .. it's medicinal.
sandra de @24

Judys Lace Creations said...

Oh No..you can't get a cold now!!Yes brandy, honey and lemon..works every time.Love those pretty hearts, and fab shop window.

Sue said...

Sending you loads of positive healing thoughts and hugs (((LLJ))). Hope you feel much better soon.

I love the hearts. Your friends will love them.

The bag is so bright and cheerful.

Sue #26

RosA said...

Clever little gifts! I'm sure the recipients will like them!
Ha, I'm just getting over the raging cold, cough, cough, cough and blocked sinuses, and it's summer here :( (Last week was a total misery!)
Hope things will improve real quick!

Diana Taylor said...

You definitely won't get anything done if you hit the brandy!! Your little hearts are gorgeous and such a lovely idea as a quick thank you - I love gingham and lace together. I do hope you feel better soon, and on the bright side if you get it now you'll be over it by Christmas itself - you'll have to delegate from your sick bed!
Keep warm and well dosed up - lots of love,
Diana xxx

Glenda said...

I really hope you skip the cold! Love all the pretties you have been making! Such lovely pieces. Glenda #23

Twiglet said...

Oh Jan - that was me over the weekend - it's horrible - hope you shake it off quickly. Your little hearts are the perfect gift - you have an eye for combining colours and textures! x Jo

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

You were very clever yourself when creating those charming heart ornaments. I'm sure your friends will love getting them, as much as I would love getting one too. Happy WOYWW, my friend! #32

Sofie V said...

I love the hearts you made! They look so cute!

P.S.: don't forget to enter my giveaway to win a bracelet and earrings jewelry set!

Greetings, Sofie # 31

Unknown said...

The ornaments and bag are so pretty! Hope you get to feeling better soon! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #33

Unknown said...

Your hearts are so happy! I don't know what it is about red and white that lifts the spirits, but I think I'm going to have to copy off of you and make a few of those! But first I'm off to the dentist for a checkup, and then I might brave the mall for a minute to use a candle coupon. I love that window! I would enter that contest for sure. And by the way, you find the most fun stuff on FB! Anyhoo, I hope to finally have some sewing time this week, and I've got an itch to reorganize a little more. I bet you are having fun with family home right now, and I hope your dad is doing well. Hugs soul sister! Sandy Leigh #34

Christine said...

Brandy definitely helps!!!
Hoping your feeling better soon, I find a good curry helps the soreness - sortof numbs from mouth to stomach!!!

Have a good week

Bishopsmate #36

Lisca said...

Oh those little hearts are so lovely. The recipients will absolutely love them! Clever you!
I'm sorry you have a sore throat. Have you finished all the 'gigs' with the band? I hope so.
Yes, brandy and honey (in hot water) will do the trick! I hope you get better soon.
Have a great week and don't get too stressed,

J said...

oh poor you Jan, nothing worse than a sore throat, I think the same as Lisca, brandy, hot water and lemon will do the trick.
Love your little decorations, so cute, just wish I could make stuff like that.
Thanks for your visit last week.
Jan x

Twiglet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Jan! The hearts are awesome - they have this homespun feel to them. The bag is gorgeous too - I can tell those sew lines are dead straight! Something I would struggle to achieve, LOL. Love the idea of the advent calendar - I was going to do something similar for my son, but ran out of time. There's always next year! Hope your throat gets better soon - you don't want to get ill just before Christmas! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #35

Tilly Tea Dance said...

The decorations are fabulous and I love your bag. You really do make wonderful things with your scrap stash. Just don't use those pinking sheers for too long... remember my case of 'bunting maker's finger' in the summer?!! Hope you are feeling much better after the brandy. Happy crafting, max #16 :-)

Tertia said...

LOVE those decorations, I think even I could manage to make some of them, not as beautifully as you, but passable I think.
That Advent calendar is lovely and the bag does not look lopsided at all.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #8

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Loving the hearts...pretty bag and the cute idea for the boxes. Use some honey and ginger for that sore throat, maybe some Brandy in the Eggnog, nothing more miserable than a cold. Enjoy a happy WOYWW day

Sue Jones said...

Feel better soon (((hug))) the hearts are so pretty and that bag looks fab too. Have a great week xxx Soojay 15

Sue said...

Jan, I have emailed you re your very kind offer on my blog. Sue

Julia Dunnit said...

What time did you hit the brandy then?! Hope you're feeling better as the day goes on, more so, I hope this is a flash in the pan! Love those decorations, what a great idea, such a lovely gesture. As usual!

505whimsygirl said...

Hello lovely LLJ,

The hearts are absolutely beautiful! Love them and they will look great on the Christmas tree. The tote is beautiful too!

Oh, I'm glad you liked that photo of me..... I swear there were four or five cameras pointed at me as I'm so "fluffy looking." tee hee I just had to show my WOYWW family the view I had the last few weeks. I took my knitting and a journal but did very little in the journal. I've learned what I'll do on my next vacation as far as that goes.

Thank you for your lovely comment and visiting me already!

Hugs, Kay (14)

Kim said...

Oh, yes! Hit that Brandy now to kill that cold! Love those hearts! Feel better and have a great weekend.

Bubbles said...

Your hearts are so lovely! I wish I had that sort of talent :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Bubbles #38

Sharon said...

Very nice ornaments. I also like the bag. The bright fabric colours are just what is needed at this time of year though things have been unusually warm here in Michigan!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I would have been by sooner, but my life took a major meltdown today when my washing machine hose broke. After I got all the water and mess cleaned up, I was off to buy a new hose and install it.

These may have been easy for YOU, but I am not that good at sewing, so to me they look very well made, precise, and of course, thoughtful.

That charity shop advent calendar is very clever!

Happy belated WOYWW from #1.

Neet said...

Oh dear, hope you are not coming down with a cold or anything remotely like one. Rest and hot drinks are the order of the day but I bet you haven't time for resting. Drat! And I have sent you more work. Sorry but it was the only way I could think of.
Love your hearts and the bag is gorgeous. You are so clever.
Hugs & Thanks for visiting me, Neet 11 xx

lisa said...

Oh no, poor you. I hope you feel better very soon, it's no fun being poorly at this time of year when there's so much to enjoy...and to do1!! Hope the brandy is helping!!
Love your pretty hearts and the bag, that certainly zings on these dark days.
Hope all is good with you
Hugs Lisa xx

CraftygasheadZo said...

Hope you are feeling better today? Those decorations are gorgeous, but then what did I expect everything you make is fabulous! Take care Zo xx 40

Stacy Sheldon said...

the ornaments are fabulous Jan :) ~Stacy #51


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...