Please can someone slow down time a bit? It's mad the way days are whizzing past! I am trying to keep to a bit of a schedule regarding the order of what to make in accordance of what event is happening first but between you and me, that went out of the window at the very beginning *grin*

It's looking very Christmassy (sorry, I said the C word....) as I was sorting out kits from my stash to give to some RNLI friends who are knitting small items for our event in December. 

I also made a runner for a windowsill in the Harbour Lights Tearoom:

I cheated a bit with the printed patchwork fabric...

I've also been cutting out hearts from Christmas leftovers:

The three layer cake piles were an online bargain and are destined for a New Year baby quilt - it's always a risk getting these online but the choice is good, there's only a couple of duff ones.

I'm doing two stalls in Dunelm in Llanelli in November and needed some more professional pics of my stuff for the online ads - where's a professional when you need one?

He's a good lad, doing stunt high level pics as well!

A gorgeous little surprise turned up yesterday:

Cedric the Hare!! Isn't he fab? It was a lovely gift from Neet and Chas, I just love him and will put him in prime position in the JanCave. Thanks so much Neet, you're so kind thinking of me like that *hugs*  I've just noticed that one set of whiskers is crooked though - that's Cedric's not G's - so they'll need a straighten out! Though the curly side makes him look quite dashing! Again, Cedric's.... *grin*

Such a thoughtful little gift but it really made my day xx

Hope you all have a cracking (and hopefully slightly slower) week! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Helen said...

if you could slow down the weekends that would be fine. no need to slow down the days at work... they seem long enough already even if they do fly!! Love Cedric that Neet sent - how cute is he!! Glad G is earning his keep with his photography skills! good luck with the stalls. Happy WOYWW Helen #3

Sarah Brennan said...

Best of luck with the event at Dunelm Jan. It's always good when you know a great photographer!! Love Cedric the hare. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

I agree time is flying and I really don't know where this year has gone. Well done on all your efforts Jan. The patchwork fabric has made a fab runner and saved a lot of cutting and stitching. Little hare is so sweet. What thoughtful buddies we have.😀 Keep stitching.x x Jo 🌈

Mary Anne said...

Eek. Christmas. I have even done some tags, and well before my usual Post-Thanksgiving timeline. What's up with that?? Life is rocketing along for sure and it feels like it will never slow down.The hare is adorable and what a thoughtful gift! Best of luck with the fair and well done to the stunt photographer! He's a star.

Before I crash…
Happy WOYWW.
Mary Anne (1)

Annie said...

Well done you with all your makes…I love the patchwork runner. What a thoughtful gift….we are so lucky to have made such good friends.
Annie x #11

Lynnecrafts said...

I hope you do really well at the Dunelm fairs. Your makes are such good quality. Well done G for your promotional photos. And Cedric is such a lovely present! Well done Neet! Not sure of the figures in the Kings game chess set; I reckon the Lewis chess pieces have more character.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 8 xx

Anonymous said...

I nearly punched the air thinking that you’d succumbed to a timeline list!! Of course I should know better, we’re not in the stage of our lives to be changing, huh! Love the windowsill runner, great idea. I haven’t done a post yet but do intend to, currently at the little bungalow waiting for the insulation man. Glamour. I’m excited for you about the Dunelm days, even if they turn out to be an exercise in people watching it will be fun! Lovely pic of G doing the at height work, you’ll be needing a cherry picker for the outdoor shots! Xxx

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Jan, I love the patchwork runner - what a great idea getting it printed like that - I think that's the only way I'd do patchwork now! I was sorry to miss the big 800 and only realised I'd forgotten about when it was too late - so annoying. I have been missing in action for a while and need to get back into the routine of creating a little bit every day. I think Cedric is adorable, what a lovely thoughtful gift from Neet. Good luck with your stall at Dunelm - that's an exciting venue, and a busy one I'll bet.
Have a great week,
Hugs, Diana xx #12

Susan Renshaw said...

There is always so much to see on your blog! Some beautiful Christmassy things going on! Cedric is just gorgeous! Happy WOYWW Susan #4

Crafting With Jack said...

Cedric is very cute! Love the windowsill runner. It would look nice going down the middle of the table too. Just sent you an email, I noticed I had two email addresses for you so I hope I picked the right one. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Neet said...

Cedric was from Chas not me really. I just mentioned you would love him and he bought it for you. Glad you like him.
So much wonderful stuff on your table today. I love all the little bits ready and waiting to be used (by you or someone else) and that runner is gorgeous.
The hearts are lovely - remind me of my trip to Denmark once, to me they are Nordic or Scandi - which should it be? Whatever, they are lovely and I look forward to seeing what you use them for.
G is proving he will go to great heights for you - such a wonderful husband.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I know how you feel, time just goes too fast. I need to get started properly on my C. cards and I have a baby journal to make for February and I just know the time is not on my side. I love the hare, he's gorgeous. Wishing you a happy and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x9x

Eva said...

Thank you for the many impressions on this week blog. You and your hubby did a great job. And the little felted hare makes me happy. I wish you all the best for the stalls.
The table runner is fab.
Eva from Austria

Morti said...

I totally agree that time is flying far too fast. How is it more than halfway through October??? Are the stalls at Dunelm for the RNLI, or for yourself?

Cedric is indeed rather dashing with his curly whiskers - very sweet!

Lindart said...

I guess it is that time of year when we start thinking Christmas. I love the runner! And Cedric the Hare is wonderful! Did Neet make it? What a lovely surprise! Have a great week, Lindart #14

Kyla said...

ooh the stalls at Dunelm sound good, some fab makes and love the daffodil fabric on a previous post too. How lovely to get Cedric in the post too, lovely.


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...