Hello folks, hope you've had a good week - I swear Wednesdays come round quicker than ever! Sharing my makes with the lovely Deskers on WOYWW over at Sarah's Craft Shed where there is inspiration galore xx

There's a little bit of everything from my crafting week on show today:

Bees, ducks and dragons on the JanCave desk.

I've been adding to my pile of crochet squares ready for making a blanket. I just chuck them onto the bookshelves as I go along.

A couple of shelves below is my yarn stash (well, a part of it, lol!)  You can see that we're map geeks, I did a BA Hons in Archaeology and Geography many moons ago and even now will pull out a map at random and just read it, I love seeing different names of places and features - proper Nerd! *grin*

I've been knitting as well using up some yarn that was a bit coarse for baby hats and squares so I'm making a dog or cat blanket for the Battersea Dogs Home, I'll make a couple of others and then post them off:

I can watch the Paralympics without looking at what I'm knitting - I can't do that with crochet! I've really enjoyed the coverage and have been yelling support in many events.

I did have time to catch up with Julia, she wants you to know that she's doing ok but there's been a lot to do after her mother in law passed away, she's hardly crafted at all but will definitely be getting back to it at some point:

Knitting, mug of tea and chatting to a mate - there's happiness right there!

I saw another pic of a postbox topper in Llanelli so I swiped it to share with you:

The Clangers are a real favourite of mine but look at the Soup Dragon, the maker has really nailed that perfectly!! Love it.

Hope you have a cracking week, only four to go to the big 800!!



Helen said...

Great to see Julia, even if via a screen, glad she is doing ok and hope to see her back on the desks soon. Love that postbox topper, the Clangers were great! My dad had loads of maps too, when we cleared the house I kept a few for collaging etc with. not that I have used many yet! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

Those Clangers are ace Jan. Glad to see Julia - if only virtually please send our love! Love the map containers for the yarn! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

Fab post and so lovely to know Julia is doing ok. Those Clangera are great - I have the pattern and knitted two for Ben when he was tiny. They are still in his toy cupboard here 😃 Well done on your knitting and yes it's perfect activity for keeping you busy whilst you watch the Paralympics. It really has been amazing with so many brilliant athletes. The swimmers are awesome. Hope you are both feeling better now x x Jo 🌈

BJ said...

Love the Clangers and Soup Dragon and great to see Julia is doing OK. My take away from your post today is the vibrant lime green, love that colour. Hugs BJ#9

Annie said...

It's so good to see Julia....missing her lots. You have so much going on today....gorgeous fabrics, love the bookshelf full of knitted squares and I love the Clangers [I've got a toy one that makes a clanger noise when you press his tummy :-)].
Annie x #6

Lynnecrafts said...

I’m glad Julia is ok. Do send her hugs from me when you’re next in touch. You’ve done so much this week! Lots of squares, some sewing of items for your stall and it’s nice to do a cat blanket for Battersea! I loved the Clangers! That’s an amazing postbox topper.
Take care and happy WOYWW
hugs Lynnecrafts 10 xx

Mary Anne said...

Oh I do love a good mailbox topper. There is one right outside the local Scope Shop where darling daughter volunteers. Never think to snap a photo. Glad to see Julia, and know she is well. Love your idea of stashing squares. They look lovely all in a stack. Have fun making them up into blankets, Winter is coming, as they say in the North... :D
Happy desk-hop day!
Mary Anne (3)

Crafting With Jack said...

I don’t remember the soup dragon as well as I do the clangers and that funny noise they used to make. I took a little detour and checked them out. I don’t remember the modern version at all, but Oliver Postgate’s version was a trip down memory lane. Thank you for that this morning. I do like those pale blue squares, is that the same variegated wool you are knitting the blanket with?
I I was good to see Julia, I have been thinking of her and wondering how she is doing. I was also thinking about Christine, do you know how she is?
I hope all traces of Covid have gone now, happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Neet said...

Great topper, not familiar with the animals but still enjoyable.
Lovely to see Julia and your knitting that you obviously got on with whilst chatting.
You would get on with Chas - give him a map if he is annoyed and it calms him down (not that he gets annoyed much, he never does but it would). Great collection there Jan.
Fab fabric ready to go under the needle (as opposed to knife) and cor blimey matey, that's a lot of squares ready for the blanket.
Glad you are feeling better, this covid took it out of you two.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, loving the crochet collection and I'm sure you have something in mind for them. Love the Clangers too. You are so right about the Shingles Vaccine, better to have it but I did feel rubbish for a couple of days. it affects people differently, hubby wasn't so bad and I sometimes wonder considering he's way bigger than me but gets the same dosage. Missing Julia but I know what it's like, it took us ages to clear out the house and that's just one job that needs doing. Have a good woyww, hugs Angela x12x

Lisa-Jane said...

Loving the clangers topper - people are so talented aren't they?! I do so admire people who can do anything without looking at it and I'm sure the dogs will love those blankets! Lovely to see Julia through the screens and I hope she's doing okay. Its a tough job clearing out a elderly person's home. Best wishes, Lisa-Jane #11 https://www.prettymypage.co.uk

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Thanks for sharing your new crafty and busy week!
So many different projects - so many lovely work is done!
The postbox toppers are a new experience for me, we don't have them in Austria. I love it! So cool!
Hope, the little dragon will survive, when weather is not so fine!
Best wishes, Eva

Kyla said...

wow, knitting whilst watching telly, thats proper skills! Fair play for doing the dog blankets for battersea too, a lovely idea. Great to see Julia too, hopefully she can get some downtime soon. Also, LOVE that post box topper, brilliant.


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...