Only 6 weeks to go to the Big 8.0.0. of these wonderful weekly desky snoops! I hope we celebrate somehow because it's a real achievement and celebration of crafting and friendship xx

While I am feeling better, there's still not much oomph so I have been doing sewing as that keeps me out of mischief but is as active as I feel like being at the moment.

I made a start on this gorgeous happy sunflower fabric and had just enough of the mellow yellow for the lining!

View from the machine! The bed is proving very useful for laying out works in progress - as you can see, I've progressed onto chickens now. The fabric bag is the equivalent of Angela's famous Exploding Box! All the largest fabric scraps get chucked in there and after a while, I sort them out when it's reached tipping over point.

I saw some new ideas online and bought some equipment to have a go myself.

Some wide ended pliers and hardware to make wrist strap key fobs:

It's something different to put on the stall and uses up scraps and are simple to make - that's a win win win for me, lol!

And finally, something that a friend saw in our nearby town, Llanelli:

Fun huh? I love the seagull and the buoyancy aid, great little details xx

And that's it from me, short and sweet! Hope you're all keeping well and happy, enjoy your crafting xx


Helen said...

Happy WOYWW Jan, glad you are feeling better if not back to full energy. that sunflower fabric is very bright and cheery. Helen #1

Twiglet said...

Glad you're feeling a bit better. Some gentle crafting will help.😃 Those key rings will use up loads of little scraps - I can send you scraps of you need more🤣🤣 xx Jo 🌈

Neet said...

Love that topper for the post box - very RNLI isn't it?
So sorry to hear you are not picking up at all, this covid has really hit you. Is G the same? You know Jan, if that lovely bright yellow sewing didn't lift you you must be really suffering. It looks fab! The new key fobs are brilliant - great for the smaller pieces.
You really are a trouper. Still feeling lousy but still sewing for charity. Most would just curl up with a book.
Take care and don't do too much, sending lots of love with this comment.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad you’re feeling a bit better, Jan. It was good to catch up on Monday. Your key fobs should be very saleable, and since they use up scraps they’re a winner.
Enjoy your YouTube journey through China!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 7 xx

Lynnecrafts said...

And I love the RNLI themed postbox topper! xx

Lisa-Jane said...

That's a great topper! We have a very clever bunch of knitters around here that coordinate their theme and my current favourite is the little ice-cream van! I think they stand up surprising well to our weather too. Love the sunflower fabric - very cheerful and just the lift you need. Have you thought about making pant liners & sanitary towels? They're very popular now. Need some proper lining but could be good for small pieces of fabric. Sending you loads of energetic vibes! Lisa-Jane #12 prettymypage.co.uk

Crafting With Jack said...

Those toppers alway make me smile! It’s a lot of work to leave out unprotected from the weather! Sorry to hear you are not quite back to normal, but glad it’s getting better. Your sewing as always is delightful. I thought your key fobs were bands for Apple Watches at first. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad you are feeling up to sewing again Jan. Those sunflowers are certainly cheerful. Love the post box topper too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Lindart said...

The Sunflower fabric is wonderful - so happy! And works very well with the yellow dotted fabric. Your wrist straps are perfect, and as you say, a great way to use up scraps. Nice for you as well, to be making something different! Have a great week, Lindart #15

BJ said...

So glad to hear you are on the mend and able to do a tad of sewing the yellow is such a cheery colour, my fav for flowers, it's sunshine to me. Ah the bed, I use mine like that too. Put an old table cloth over my quilt and a piece of hardboard makes it a overflow table when I'm scrapping, but then to the tidy up as I have to sleep there LOL. Love the wrist straps and equipment. I use a wrist lanyard for my phone. Super post box topper. Hugs BJ#10

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi, I'm back and loving the exploding bag there is always something you can do with the left-overs. Loving the knitted post box cover, they keep appearing round here too. Wishing you a happy woyww evening. Hugs Angela x9x

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
What a wonderful blog! Full of inspiration! Love it!
I want to make wrist strap key fobs too!
Love the sundflower fabric.
Wow - only 6 weeks for the BIG 800!! Stunning.
Eva from Austria


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...