We've had a couple of days of Not Rain this past week, though it's struck again with a vengeance this morning. So whilst there has been quite a lot of sewing in the JanCave on the off days, we have actually got out and got some fresh sea air on the others...marvellous!

I have been making odds and sods from the fabric that Annie donated to me - there's not enough for sets of things but I can make a few single items so that's ok.

I got a couple of bags and glasses cases out of this beauty though, it reminds me of Klimt, absolutely gorgeous. The spot lining is an olivey-browny-sludgy colour which looks better in reality than in this pic.  

I used up some of my bits and pieces too:

Enough for three cases and purses!

And I've finally run out of this funky Welsh Flag fabric too.

I found this fab retro floral at the bottom of a box, it's extra wide so I managed to get lots cut out of this one. I wasn't sure about the linings so put them all out to help me decide - I ended up doing two sets with the green (as that's all I had) and three with the orange which is my favourite.

I love putting the snap fastenings in, choosing the right colour makes me happy.

And a shot of the desk! I've been having a strip cutting blitz just to get things sorted and out of the way:

All ready to appear in a string quilt coming sometime in the future!

But we have had time to walk on our beautiful beach, listen to the waves and oyster catchers:

And relax..........

Hope you have a great week and may your crafting go smoothly xx


Helen said...

that Klimt style fabric is beautiful! you've been very productive. the beach looks amazing in your last photo, so lucky you have hat on your doorstep. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

Looks like you have been plenty busy creativity wise Jan even if the weather has been mostly good. It's chucking it down here too this morning. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Twiglet said...

You make such a a great job of all those lovely items Jan. You always manage to transform a simple fabric combo into a beautiful little item. 🥰

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

The doggie fabric was a distraction for me and I can see a very sweet little Schnauzer amongst them though they are not always so well behaved lol! Gorgeous beach photo too. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x11x

Diana Taylor said...

Oh I love that Klimt fabric, it's stunning and I love how you've paired it with the sludgy spotty one. Your creations are beautiful and I love how you match your fabrics together so well.
Your beach photo looks so calm and peaceful, just like a summers evening.
Have a great week,
Hugs, Diana xx #15

Julia Dunnit said...

OOh when it isn't actually raining, the weather has been nice hasnt it...even I ventured into the garden with my slippers yesterday to try to get some sunny air! Today is a shock after yesterday I must say! The welsh flag fabric has done you proud hasnt it, I bet you'll is seeing that in your piles. Ahem. I love the Klimt-like fabric too, very rich and goes with everything. Perfecto!

Mary Anne said...

The Klimt fabric is stunning. I'd stretch it over a huge frame and hang it on the wall! And that beach...oh my. I am singing "Oh I do love to be beside the seaside..." in my head and would LOVE to have that on my doorstep. Just stunning. As is all your charity sewing, of course. You know me, a sucker for dotty fabric in any colour...
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (6)

Annie said...

Well done you with using the fabrics Jan…you have a way with colours. How lovely to have been able to make the best of the fine weather too.
Annie x #8

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks Jan for your visit. Oh I envy your stitching. Grew up with 4-H and did so much of it. I need to get back to it need I say FABRIC! Oh yes.
Love the outdoor photo and wish I could be near the water also So peaceful
Enjoy a good week and WOYWW

Crafting With Jack said...

How lovely to walk along the beach and listen to the waves and birds. The top fabric is lovely, shame there is not more. I sense a fabric shop spree on the cards! Happy WOYWW Angela #14

Lisa-Jane said...

Oh those colours against that floral! I would have had a hard time choosing too. I know we need rain but it does make me twitch when it's heavy or prolonged as we have regular flooding in our garage and garden - hence the raised beds! Lisa-Jane #9

BJ said...

Just looking at your snap fastenings box is delightful for me. It's something I don't have in my haberdashery stash and some how feel I need - LOL. Super fabrics and gorgeous seascape. Just a shame that I don't think I'll ever go back to Wales again after Mother disowning me. My old school friend's Mum's funeral is tomorrow in Newton near Langland/Caswell but I'm not going. Sigh. Maybe one day.... Hugs BJ#12

Chana Malkah said...

Your work is always so pristine! You have an amazing eye for color! Beautiful work!
Chana Malkah, WOYWW #19

Neet said...

Straight away my eyes were drawn to that brown/gold fabric and I said Klimt! Oh it is gorgeous. I wonder where she got it from. I can see a lovely kimono jacket made from that fabric. I'd even drag my machine out to make it, it is beautiful.
I do hope you find some more of the Welsh flag fabric, to me that is a great seller in your little shop. Am i right?
Lobve the retro flower fabric too.
Hope you are well and so glad you got out on that beach for a nice blow.
Hugs, Neet 13 xx

Chana Malkah said...

Hi, Jan,

Yes, we do get to choose what we review. They drop recommendations, in our private boxes, that align with our interests and our past selections. But we can choose from all available items.

I was surprised when I received the invitation to join the program. I can request up to 8 products per day. I generally request an average of 4 per day!

I try to create videos for all my review and that takes time.

Chana, WOYWW #19

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
The fabric with a touch of Klimt is nice. The doggie one too!
You were so busy in the JanCave!
I love the colors on your blog. They look like spring.
I feel a great longing when looking at your photo from the beach.
What a wonderful mood.
Best wishes to you and your husband.
Eva from Austria.

Spyder said...

I love all the fabrics. Lovely beach picture too, makes me wanna go for a walk on our nearesr beach. If I get a dog to walk that's where I'll go, hate going on my own. Did walk two dogs today, in the rain, so it was just a quick walk and the beach was too far away (probably very windy too) to do that...Have a great week. Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#17

Lindart said...

You have been busy! I love the KLIMT fabric! That was exactly what I thought of when I saw it! How nice to go for a walk by the ocean, but it still must be pretty chilly? You asked about whether I would use all the fodder I've been making, the answer is I will probably use a lot of it for the ATC project, but I will also probably have a lot left over or other projects! I usually do...Have a great week, Lindart #20

Kyla said...

ooh lovely fabrics and bet those dog ones sell quickly too. Lovely sun over the beach too.
thanks for visiting my desk already

Kelly said...

Hi Jan.
Beautiful fabrics. That blue dot is my favorite, I think. I want to do a strip quilt but I must get other things out of the way first. Like find the studio LOL.
Enjoy those walks and know I wish I were by your side.
Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #18


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