Hello lovely deskers, thanks for all the great comments last week, it's really lovely to be back!

I don't know if my machine feels the same way though, he's been going nonstop since he got back from the service. Laura from the cafe contacted me and let me know that the baskets were depleted!

All the peg bags had gone so here are some cut out, the Welsh dragon is a good seller!

And here I am getting things labelled and ready for taking to the cafe this morning.

Totes and pegbags...

Cases and purses....

It's been very enjoyable being back in the JanCave, I've been listening to the new Penguin audio books of Terry Pratchett's novels, they're fantastic versions.

I had depleted my stash somewhat and my SiL Jill messaged that Doughty's was having a sale...

The 60" wide cottons were on sale for £5.80 a metre! I bought a few metres either to cut up for bags or use as backs for the string quilts I'll be making soon. Bargain!

I was happy to hear that the last total from the cafe was £401 bringing my total this year to £1200, very pleasing indeed!

Hope you are keeping well and enjoying your crafting - see you on the desks later xxxxxx


Helen said...

wow, you have been busy with your machine back! I am amazed that so many people need peg bags (not being able to dry clothes outside you get out of habits) Glad you snagged some fabric bargains. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh well done on your fabulous fund raising efforts Jan. No wonder your stuff sells so well. Hope the machine doesn't run out of steam! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

Twiglet said...

Your fabric choices are gorgeous Jan and the lovely items will fly off the shelves. So glad you got your machine back ok too. I think Annie will be sharing some of her latest stock so that we can make a few more items for charity. (keeps us out of mischief 🤣) x x Jo

Mary Anne said...

I always say you are a star at the fundraising and now it's confirmed. Lovely new stash and some real winners in the pile. No wonder the bins are depleted LOL!Enjoy having your machine back in working order.
Happy miserably wet WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)

Julia Dunnit said...

I expect your machined is still in shock from sudden overuse! It has proved a marvel hasn't it, worth the cost of an annual service for sure. All the stock looks so good fresh and ready to go in the basket. Still loving the feathers most, and the liberty type print on the bottom of your new pile of fabrics. As I said on Facebook, I hope you're feeling a bit proud of your massive contributions to the RNLI, we all think you are a splendid person.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the collection of new produce. If the machine wasn't happy it would soon tell you Lol! Have a lovely woyww. Hugs, Angela x9x

Christine said...

So pleased you have your machine back . . . it must have felt like part of you was missing.
Love all the new fabrics . . must say it makes me want to sort out my machine as I have lots of fabrics that were gifted to me when in Africa . . promised myself I will make some dresses, just throw ons to wear while crafting.
Have a great week and congrats on so much help for the lifeboats.
Christine #14

Catriona said...

New stock all looks lovely and th new stash looks delicious. Well done on the amount raised for the Lifeboats. Catriona

Annie said...

Hi there gorgeous gal. As Jo said, when I get a minute, I plan to put you a box together of fabrics.....there is far too much here just for the two of us and it's beautiful fabric. I shared the first delivery on my desk but what I haven't mentioned is that he's been back with even more than the first time and hasn't finished yet....Jo and I have sorted it into colours so please shout if you have any requests :-)
Annie x #7A

Crafting With Jack said...

Well done on your contribution to the RNLI. All your makes look lovely and a sale bargain is always welcome. If the shop was nearer I would buy two peg bags. The one at home is getting tatty and we could do with one for the caravan. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Such beautiful fabric, Love those totes, pegbags, cases and purses Fun when you can get that great profit !! Glad you also had family time away. Here I am hoping July/August have a bit more laughter and fun. Just got a much needed rain. ENJOY Summer.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You give so much back to your community. I am truly impressed. Between you, Annie, and Jo, I feel like a slacker when I take a few cans of food to my food bank. My thing is food insecurity, yours is helping the RNLI, both worthy causes.

I swear, some days I am very dense. I had NO idea what a peg bag was until I read Helen's comment. I have a clothes pin bag, which obviously is the same thing. Yours are lovely, Happy WOYWW from # 2.

Neet said...

Congratulations on your total this year - well done to you, you really are a treasure and I bet they are all so glad to have you in their midst. Not just for your sewing but your lovely smile and loving friendship too. And that's not counting the band!
Such a lot of goodies on show for us, each picture a delight to see and I saw my little Oliver featured in the doggy fabric (King Charles Cavalier - and a Blenheim too).
Enjoy the sunshine
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

BJ said...

Oh my full pelt at the sewing I see, nice to see your machine back the Welsh Dragon fabric sure is a winner. Curious as to what hangers you use in the peg bags, do you buy them in or repurpose from clothes shopping? Ever curious me! Hugs BJ#10

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, just got back from mum's, nearly finished. Your question about the shrink plastic. It is the real thing. It's called Shrinkles and you can get it from Amazon but craft stores will sell it too. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x9x

My name is Cindy said...

Hello my lovely, as always a super busy desk for us to drrol over. Your stuff always looks so professional, no wonder it sells like hot cakes (you're pretty good at cakes as well I seem to remember!). Loving all that gorgeous fabric!!
Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #15

Eva said...

Welcome back dear sewing machine!
Oh, the machine was glowing and your cheeks must have been too.
You have surpassed yourself again in diligence.
No suprise for your friends.....
Congrats to the handsome amount of donations you have raised.
Wish you a wonderful weekend.
Eva from Austria


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...