I've had a proper butterfly head on this week regarding my projects - I'd settle to one thing and then something else would flag up! Flit flit flittery flit….

This was from last week when I quickly ran up some items from this new dog fabric so I could take it down to the cafe where I was meeting my friend Kim for a coffee.

It's fantastic quality furnishing weight cotton with a lovely feel to it, hopefully these should sell well! There's a lot of dog owners round here so fingers crossed.

Then Rhys' boss had a new Grandson arrive as well:

Love the name, it's not that common these days - needless to say I had to get all my buttons out...(stop sniggering Twiglet!)

But this is my complete trim stash, I think I need to get a few more in...oh dear, what a shame….. 😉

This morning, two ladies from the local hospice are coming to pick up crochet blankets, the string quilts I made, some purses and bags etc. I thought I'd add a couple of zippy bags in as well and while the cotton strips were still out...

I sewed a few random lengths together onto a batting background, found a couple of zips and:

I don't know what the ladies will want to take for their stall in the hospital foyer so they can have fun choosing!

Lastly I treated myself to some flowers about ten days ago and they're still flowering amazingly well:

Aren't those colours gorgeous? I quite fancy a top in those shades...so good old Lidl, they were very reasonable and have lasted ages!

Hope you're having a good week, may your crafting go smoothly and without cursing *grin*



Helen said...

I am sure the ladies will have fun picking what to take. the doggie fabric is lovely! Your Lidl flowers are going well - tulips don't often last well. Happy WOYWW Helen#?

Sarah Brennan said...

Looks like you have managed to get a lot done this week Jan. Hope they all sell well. Beautiful flowers! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Loving your various makes, although the doggy fabric is faulty.....I cannot see a greyhound:)

The flowers are beautiful.


Neet said...

Your flowers are beautiful and what great quality.
Love the doggy fabric, it has made up into some lovely things - should go like hot cakes!
What a brilliant idea with the last minute bag, it looks good striped like that.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Lynn Holland said...

Out of all the goodies you’ve shown us today Jan, I have to say I got scooped in by your wallpaper, it’s gorgeous.
Such a cheery pattern and colour and a perfect foil for your tulips
Lynn xx 8

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

For ever busy! I love the dog fabric and believe I can see a Schnauzer on there. The flowers are gorgeous too. Good luck and hope everything sells well. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x6x. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x6x.

Julia Dunnit said...

“- needless to say I had to get all my buttons out...(stop sniggering Twiglet!) “ I can’t decide which part of this sentence made me laugh more!!!
I think the hospice ladies will be rendered speechless(well, technically) by your work and generosity, the zipped bags are absolutely a brilliant idea, and they look amazing. The flitting thing only comes to those who have so many good ideas knocking around their noggins, I am full of admiration!

Lynnecrafts said...

You may have been flitting between projects but you’ve had a productive week, Missus! Your doggy peg bags will sell well, your striped bags, too and your present for Rhys’s boss’s family is lovely.
Our Welsh banner peg bag waves proudly from the line, among all the Inion jacks in our village ( apart from Reg and Pam, next door but one towards the shop, who’ve put up a saltire. )
Glad you like the old woman cartoon, funny I’ve always had that skill 😉
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 13

My name is Cindy said...

That doggy fabric stuff will go like hot cakes!! You are so good, all you do for good causes. I think I have some cute buttons I will never use - I will see what I can find. Tulips are amazing this year - I have load in my garden and they look fab (would look better if there weren't so many weeds but it keeps raining!!). Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #14

Tracy said...

If I were the ladies ... I'd pick them all Jan 😍🥰🤩🤸‍♀️ I'm in awe every week at what beauties you conjure ⭐️ they're all going to sell like hotcakes⭐️🤸‍♀️🤩 Tooo your gorgeous gift for Isaac 😍 my youngest Kane has Isaac as his middle name 😘 Yoooou keep on flit flit flittering as what comes out is gorgeous 💘 Wishing you much joy in the days ahead 🤗 with love and hugs Tracy #10 xxx Thank yooou so much for the beautiful words you left over on mine 🤗😊🙏

Annie said...

I'm doing a quick catch up of my favourite blogs in a brief break from my sewing...I'd had 4 customers before 9.30 this morning [crazy!!!].
Such lovely makes Jan and your flowers are gorgeous.''''see you soon wahoooooo
Annie x # 9

Twiglet said...

Gorgeous makes Jan. That doggy fabric is just perfect - you always find the nicest stuff. I see you keep your buttons handy for quick access! The ladies will be spoilt for choice for their stall. That little zippy purse is fab - perfect stash buster too. x x Jo

Crafting With Jack said...

Love those doggy peg bag and your zippered bags. I love the idea of you just whipping them up. They look great! I can’t open Julia’s site for some reason so I can’t post, hence no number. Happy WOYWW. Angela CWJ

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, I've sent you my address. I thought I'd got yours but can't find it so if you use the email address that I've used you should be able to send it to me as a reply if you like. Hugs, Angela x6x

Mary Anne said...

How fab that bag-from-strings is! Lovely indeed. And the banner too - Fab. Funny I posted recently about an old Primer and one of the names was Zerlina! Kinda doubt that one will be making a comeback LOL! Amazed your flowers remain perky and bright. You must be feeding them - I always forger and mine droop and wilt far too soon.
Happy WOYWW ( just a day late :D )
Mary Anne (4)

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. I love that dog fabric. It will definitely sell. I used my doggy bag from you in the Forest of Dean this past week, and had a few people admire it. So much creativity happening in Burry Port. Are you still doing any papercrafting and your wonderful watercolour too? Gorgeous flowers. I love those colours too. Ali x #18

Lindart said...

Gorgeous projects - the ladies might just want them all! I love the little patchwork bag! Have a great week, Lindart #20

Spyder said...

ohooooo, yes, love them! Those dogs are just toooo cute! Lovely flowers too. Another late visit, but at least I'm slowly getting there! Have a great week Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) I was #6 but I'm now #7 !

Susan Renshaw said...

I love tulips!
What a great set of makes this week!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #12

BJ said...

Gorgeous flowers and yes I agree wholeheartedly a top would be smashing in those colours. Love love love the little zippy strip bag, especially the bee fabric too. Adore all you buttons and bows but your tubs do seem a little empty don't they!! Super Isaac banner too.

Boots called me and agreed my experience was appalling and will be sending me a gift card as an apology, found out they don't currently have a manager which might account for it, I was called by a manager from a nearby branch, she was lovely. Not heard from my reglazer yet....Hugs BJ#15

Eva said...

Dear JAN!
After one week with hubby (parachuting in Italy), I'm back again and after turning on the washing machine I have a look to your blog post!
The new dog fabric ist so pretty. Oh of course, it sells!!
Nice bunting!
You have a big spender heart. Gave crochet blankets, string quilts and zippy bags. I love the colors of the shown zippy bag. (Bees and bumbles...)
Take care, stay well.
Eva from Austria


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...