I like that track by the Kaiser Chiefs very much and it was the first song that popped into my mind today for reasons that will become apparent...

My neighbour has a new grand daughter and so some bunting was called for! I've become quite adept at drawing out letters back to front over the years, I think I might be challenging Julia on the scissors front in this pic *grin*

I always enjoy picking out pretty trims and ribbons...

Just seeing what looks right and swapping if necessary....

Spots seem to be the theme for little Ruby, hope she and the family like it!

I also had a session of cutting out more strips of fabric leftovers ready to start a string quilt:

It really does please me that the little pile by the rotary cutter is all that's left of a couple of metres of fabric which has yielded a fair few items for sale. I've got an old white sheet to cut into squares as a base to sew the strips onto and we'll see whether this is a form of quilting that won't make me want to throw my machine out of the window........

Short and sweet this week - hope you're all keeping well and enjoying your crafting!



Helen said...

Ruby's bunting is gorgeous, we'll all be singing along now.... Look forward to seeing the quilt emerge! Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

Fabulous bunting Jan - perfect I am sure. Can't wait to see what a string quilt looks like. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

Sue said...

Hi Jan, They'll love Rubys bunting.

Looking forward to seeing your quilt.


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I love that song, you've got me going now. Look forward to seeing the results of those gorgeous strips. Sending WOYWW hugs Angela x7x

Tracy said...

🎵☺️Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby dooo do do do do dooo 🎵😆☺️ singing with yooou Jan,beautiful start to the day with a favourite song of mine too 🥰 the bunting is gorrrrrgeous⭐️ Looking forward to hearing about your next adventure creating the quilt 🪡 Thank yooou so much for stopping by last week 😊 and your lovely words 🤗 the shows with Leonie went really well, so happy my wee anes found forever homes 🤸‍♀️💕🥰😊🙏💟 Wishing you much joy in your days with love and hugs Tracy #9 xxxx

Christine said...

Great bunting as always, if you get the chance . . . give her a cuddle from me. . . thanks.
had to look up string quilts . . . . good idea. I have lots of African fabrics I was gifted when out there . . . hhmmmm
Christine #12

Annie said...

That bunting is so pretty....I enjoyed making the basket full of bunting for the charity but it was nothing as pretty and personal as yours.
The Wedding dress is going well [I've worked on it for 4 hours so far!] I still need to have another fitting [fingers crossed!!], sew on about 30 buttons and if the bodice fits to perfection I then need to shorten it....phew!! It's been a mammoth job and I wouldn't have taken it on for anyone else but the bride is Lexi's dance teacher [she's really lovely] and she had already been told by one alterations lady that what she wanted couldn't be done!!!....of course it can but it's a lot of work.
Annie x #8

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Jan, my first thought was “Ruby, don’t take your love to town”! The bunting is fabulous. Gave the canvas away to the lady that gave me the bag of scraps a while ago. She was pleased with it and I was pleased to let her have it! Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, Ruby's bunting is beautiful and I do like that Kaiser Chief number too. I've also tried strip quilting and have a table runner for my pains. Mine went a bit skewed, probably because I should have split it into smaller parts instead of the continuous long strip I made. Lesson learned. Have a lovely day. Hugs, Elizabeth x #15

My name is Cindy said...

I love that Kaiser Chief's song as well - haven't heard it for ages but in my head now. The bunting looks lovely, I'm sure it will be much appreciated! Isn't it weird how much pleasure we get from using up scraps? Oh well, I suppose we were the tail end of the waste not generation (Well maybe me, but you are younger!!). Chelsey is really getting big now, and the photo is front facing - she looks pretty huge from the side and she's only diddy. I feel for you with the glasses - I have used Asda for the last 8 years or so, this time I got 3 pairs with varifocals, extra thin lens and one with reactolite as well for £235. Well pleased!! Happy WOYWW, have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx

Lindart said...

What a lucky Ruby to receive such a beautiful bunting! My Stepmother's name is Ruby, but I don't remember ever meeting her. You have been very busy cutting all those strips, I look forward to see what magic you create with them! Have a great week, Lindart #16

Catriona said...

Lovely bunting and I am really looking forward to seeing the quilt emerge from the pile of offcuts-my favourite kind of sewing!

Twiglet said...

Can't wait to see that quilting. I just don't want have the patience and accuracy gor the normal quilts. Your Ruby bunting is lovely. x x Jo

Neet said...

What on earth is a string quilt? The mind boggles.
Love the bunting for Ruby, Jan. You are a whizz at making this but why all the scissors at once?
Struggling with my neck which is why I am so late visiting, sorry, hope all is well with you and yours,
hugs, Neet 6 xx

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
What a nice bunting to say "Hello" to Ruby!
Well done!
I'm curiouse about the quilt.
Wish you a wonderful weekend.
Eva from Austria

Mary Anne said...

Love the bunting but ooooh the idea of a string quilt is exciting. I ill love to see what you produce. Sorry for the late visit, but fighting with the NHS over the random cancellation (apparently a twitchy finger in Central booking) and getting a new appointment for 3 days. Ugh. So tired of being on the phone if I'm honest :) But here I am and inspired as always.
Worry not, honestly, string quilts are the easiest ever and your fabric is pretty so it will be a win for sure.
Best intentions, total fail!
Mary Anne (2)


  WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? Another week has whipped by! It seems no time at all that I was noseying around all your desks last week, I don&#...