Did someone just steal the past seven days?? I can't believe it's been a week since I was last sitting here thinking of a lyric with which to head the post.  Today's is a special one however because I'm very pleased to announce that....

...DRUM ROLL......

Julia will be the main headline act next week!! Woohoo!! Yep, the original (and best) Keeper of the Desks will be back in the driving seat from 20th July. I can't tell you how relieved and pleased I am that she feels able to take the reins once more :-D So the Mr Linky list will be back at Stamping Ground.

It's just as well really as I have no desk to show you - no sewing at all...zip...nada...nothing...
Life's just been too full on. So I thought I'd show you my shelves instead!
Patterns books, both sewing and knitting, baskets of fat quarters, boxes with 'useful stuff', a tin full of lavender, a purse kit that Julia gave me, train/flight simulator manuals...hang on...how did they get there?? Mr LLJ is sneaking his stuff in quietly...I'll forgive him!  The tiny little trophy on the top shelf is when I won the Best Baby in Show many, many years ago. I peaked too soon, I think lol!!!

I have been doing some crafting downstairs - I had some tinsel yarn leftover and am making a couple of Hooters for charity (stop sniggering Twiglet, I can hear you....!). The little zippy bag is now in use, filled with odds and sods.

I leave you with something that Mr LLJ spotted in our walk around Salisbury yesterday....
Appealing to the sweet toothed history buffs eh?!  Made me smile!

Julia and I are back in Salisbury next Wednesday when we meet up with Darnell, who is on a UK tour! How exciting will that be? I'm really looking forward to some hugs, lots of laughter and a chance to meet another desker in real life. There may well be some pics the week after.

So, thank you all for supporting me while I ran WOYWW for a few weeks - it has meant a lot that while numbers dipped a bit, I can hand back to Julia knowing that continuity was maintained. Love ya.....

Over and out.....


HeARTworks said...

Hi LLJ, you did your stewardship of WOYWW very well! I'm glad Julia is well enough to take the reigns again so to speak! Thanks for the Fudgehenge picture! I do so love people with a sense of humor! And those shelves of yours!!! ALL my shelves are filled to the brim, and my husband daren't smuggle anything in it- he can't, no space!!!! Happy WOYWW! patsy

Unknown said...

Hello Jan. Well I know how time gets away from us at time to time but it is great looking at your shelf in your craft room so neat and organized. Oh my I see the book with a peek of those owls and they are to adorable for words and the colours in the box are going to work out perfectly and how sweet of you to take time to make for charity to. Glad Julia is well enough to take back the lead chair and it was so great of you to keep it going while she was recovering what a kindred friend you are. Oh yes and I love fudge henge will have to show it to my DH as he will love it. Have a super fantastic week. Hugs ~Anne L #1

Nikki said...

Hi Jan the fudge looks so yummy have fun with your hooter lol that sounds wrong somehow to say lol. Julia is sure having a speedy recovery so glad for her
Have a wonderful day Hugs Nikki 3

Helen said...

I love the pics of your shelves, and good luck with the hooters. Love Fudgehenge, glad that not everyone has lost their sense of humour. Thank you Jan (always best in show) for holding the reins so efficiently these last weeks; whilst it will be good to see Julia able to take things back on, it is wonderful that she has you to have looked after us all. xx

jill said...

The fudge shelve made me smile , who would have though stone henge in fudge. Have a good day Jill # 7

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Thank you for hosting WOYWW for the last few weeks. You have been a gracious host and an excellent friend to Julia during here recuperation. Blessings, my friend!
PS - I love the fudgehenge.

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Well you have done a lovely job of holding down the fort, until Julia was able to take over.

I did smile at your trophy (could it have been any smaller?:)) and you peaking too soon:)

Busy shelves with all your stash and some of your hubbys:)

Fudgehenge....good enough to eat:)

Have a lovely time meeting up with Darnell next Wednesday. Hugs Sue

craftyani said...

Funny I thought the same where do the days go? Being a newbi I have only really known you so congratulations on doing a good job and look forward to meeting Julia next week.

craftyani said...

Funny I thought the same where do the days go? Being a newbi I have only really known you so congratulations on doing a good job and look forward to meeting Julia next week.

Annie said...

That's got to be the best news for a while....Julia's wellness not your stopping I must add. You will still be getting my visits so nothing will change there. Best baby....they spotted your potential early then :-) How could they have missed it cos your personality just shines through. Thanks so much for holding us all together during Julia's absence....you're a gem.
Biggest hugs,
Annie x

lisa said...

It's great news to hear Julia is up to handling the deskers again. What a great recovery she has made. You steered the ship though very well and kept us out of choppy waters. It's funny how a hubbys things sneak into our rooms completely by themselves isn't it. I have a model ship in mine in a half finished state, not sure when it sailed in but it's now moored very happily amongst my paper and paints.
I hope your house moving is moving along nicely, see even if i don't join in I do keep up with the news!! Hope you find a few minutes to relax.
Take care
Hugs Lisax #14

Kathyk said...

FUDGEHENGE?!?! Made me chuckle! Fab "desk" pix today .. Happy WOYWW


misteejay said...

What a fun photo - "Fudgehenge" and a super window display for the shop.
Wonderful news that Julia is feeling sufficiently recovered to take back the host seat for WOYWW. Time really has flown and you have done a fabulous job Jan. Hopefully this will give you a bit more breathing space to deal with your move.
BIG (((hugs)))
Toni xx

Diana Taylor said...

That's great news about Julia, and you've done a fab job keeping it all going for her - thank you so much - I do enjoy our Wednesdays!
That would make me buy fudge! Not that I need much encouragement! I love it!
Have a wonderful day next Wednesday and I look forward to seeing you soon,
Diana xxx

ToadilyDiane said...

Jan you have done such a great job as our leader while Julia has been healing. I'm super excited that Julua is taking back over only because it means she feels well enough to do so. May God continue to put his healing hands on her. Thank you Jan for keeping us going!!
Diane #18

Neet said...

Love fudge, and that looks extra delicious! Is that a Billy bookcase you have? Looks like the one in the study that we bought the other week and which is full of all kitchen stuff at the moment. Brill idea of mine to get it for storage now. Love how you have those baskets - looks great!
Good to hear Julia is back next week but you have done a superb job and you will be missed - the best deputy ever.
Hugs, Neet 10 xxxxxx
ps enjoy seeing Darnell

Twiglet said...

Fudge henge is brilliant - such a simple idea too. Congrats on your cup - no you didn't peak too soon - it was just a sign of things to come!!
Now titter ye not when you visit my desk today!!!

Christine said...

Great news - sad to leave you but ..... great news of Julia's impending takeover (or is that 'takeback'?)
I love fudgehenge..... PJ would love it as well so I'm not letting him see it!
I shan't be able to meet up at the weekend - wish I lived nearer or knew how to drive a vehicle .... too far for a push bike these days!
Enjoy the meet up
Have a good week
aka Bishopsmate #22

lilian said...

Jan have just entered this weeks work desk and for some reason last weeks is still there so could you please delete 20 for me, i would be gratful Lilian B # 24 this week

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

And lovely shelves they are too Jan. Hope you have a nice weekend and many thanks for being a super host these last few weeks. Happy woyww, Angela 23 x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Nearly forgot to link over, Lunch lady Jan! I do wonder sometimes where my brains go... finished the post an hour ago, and was doing some housework!! der!
I do love yourselves and the hooters too they are cute plus so kind to make some more for various folks..
So glad to read that Julia is back have just edited my post with the update.. answered prayer..

... mind you, Jan you really truly have done a Stirling job... are you watching le tour??
I think you were a fan too! put a pickie of by brother riding over there today hes the grey headed rider :D he had many more shots I could have shared.. loving the scenery but boy they had some rain and hail the 9th stage at the end you really have to dip your lid to their tenacity.
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #24

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Marit said...

Thank YOU so much for keeping WOYWW rollin' these last weeks Jan! I wasn't around every week but that had certainly nothing to do with you (just my life moving in hard!) I'm glad to be part of it again this week... have a great day!!!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thank You dear Jan..a true friend you are to help out and keep us all Wow-ing. That tinsel will make adorable Hooters, they are the cutest. How the weeks fly by, only about a month and school starts over here for the kids. We don't have many Fudge shops around, but the "Fairs" are popping up all over and the theme parks always have displays and Yummy treats. I've been limiting my sugars so some things don't taste as good as they use too. Have a great week. And thanks again for the fun you have kept us going with your hosting.

Glenda said...

I'm so glad to hear Julia is feeling like dealing with us once again. I have really enjoyed getting to visit with you and of course I'll still get to run through each and every Wednesday, but it will be different. I too have had my life just totally get in my way for a couple of weeks now. But things are getting back on track so I'm very happy! Glenda #27

Kyla said...

Ah the baton of power is being handed over in No 10 and here too. You have done a sterling job (considering everything you have had going on also).
Must admit I now have a vision of you sporting blue hooters!!!!
LOVE Fudgehenge-brilliant idea :-)

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Thanks so much for holding the reins for us these past few weeks, Jan! Love to see that zippy pouch from last week in action! You made me chuckle with the flight simulator manual! Me and hubby and also very stereotypically male and female! His idea of heaven is B&Q, while mine is Hobbycraft. There should always be one built right next to the other to make everyone happy! Love fudgehenge! So funny! Wishing you a happy week! zsuzsa #30

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, it has indeed been fab that WOYWW has continued while Julia wasn't up to it.Love the shelves, and the 'how did that get there?' moment. Have those all the time, along with 'so thats where I put it' ones, lol.
Fudgehenge did make me laugh- thats another of my weaknesses, I have to admit. Makes me drool just thinking about it. Go Hooters!
Lots of love and squishy hugs to you all, be seeing you soon, Shaz xxx

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking care of us <3

Kelly said...

Great seeing another part of your space, Jan. You have done a fab job filling in for Julia. We've loved having you at the helm. The two of you are so lucky to get to meet up with another desker. Fudgehenge did make me smile. Would that be sacrilege to eat any? Hmm. Creative Blessings on your week! Kelly #33

Sharon said...

I love the fudgehenge, how funny. Nice to see your shelves, they look a lot tidier than mine. I hope you and Julia have fun meeting Darnell.

Thank you SO much for hosting WOYWW while Julia has been out. You've been a great host!

Sharon K #34

LisaDV said...

We like shelving just as much as we like desks! I really like your metal wall hook that looks like a sewing machine. Fudgehenge is brilliant. You've done a fabulous job taking over the reins for us deskers. I appreciate it very much. Have a happy Wednesday and a terrific week! Lisa DV #35

Julia Dunnit said...

Now that's the sort of fudge I was trying to describe. Not the shape, you understand, but the flaky crispy edges and ooooooooh. Nice baskets missus!

Julia Dunnit said...

Totes forgot to say thank you for linking me. And liking me. And doing everything for me.

Kim said...

Hey Now! Watch those hooters!! Thank you Jan, for keeping us going! And I LOVE that Fungdehenge!! How fun! Have a great week.

Unknown said...

That sounds wonderful! So happy that Julia's doing well and her recovery is making such progress... and thank you Jan for "putting up with all of us";-) You are a great hostess! ♥
WOYWW what a Wednesday!!!!
MiSchra ♥

BJ said...

Better late than never, BJ#39

Dorlene Durham said...

Jan, your post cracked me up. And I love the fudge recreation. LOL You're a wonderful host and since I'm a newbie, I can't imagine that the numbers went down recently because there are a lot of linkers. Have a great rest of the week. I agree that the days are flying by. Summer is almost over.

Felicia said...

Jan, I know you will be happy to give the "Keeper of the Desks," (made me think of Harry Potter) back her lofty position because that means....she is healing up fantastically and back in the saddle....YAY JULIA!! You have done a brilliant job...high five! :)
LOVED, LOVED the "hedge" fudge display...how clever!!! And...I LOVE all your "stuff!" Many wonderful projects in the making! Thanks for your leadership in Julia's stead! :) Blessings for the rest of this week! :) Felicia #41

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Hi Jan, The fudge looks good but that blue yarn is interesting. Thanks for being captain of the ship with Julia away. Such good news she is getting better. Sounds like you and some other deskers have some fun ahead.Peg R 43

Unknown said...

Oh dear...please let me post the fudgehenge pic on my FB! I'll give you credit and all...but you know how I love stonehenge! So yes, I'm just now showing up. Maybe I'm bottom of the list today! I love all the yarn you've shown too. Why are we so busy this month! I don't know. Our desks tell the story. Love and hugs to you...I have more food to make for the cast and crew tonight. Sandy Leigh #44

okienurse said...

Woot! I made it back two weeks in a row. I love the fudgehenge! Really fun post! Have a great week!
Vickie #46

SusanLotus said...

Thank you for hosting WOYWW while Julia was away.
Sussie nr 47

Sharon Madson said...

Great find Fudgehenge! Now, of course I am hungry for chocolate! It is ok to show us your shelves. I am thinking sometime of showing different parts of my room other than my desk. Great news about Julia! #48

Lynne Mizera said...

What a Sweet moment... Sweet because YEAAAAH Julia (and so quickly too!) but oh how I will miss you! (But I forget... YOU ARE A DESKER!) so will be seeing you every week!! Jan, I just don't have words to express how glad I am that you are now a part of my tribe, you have touched me soooo much these past few weeks... Kindo of like Darrnell!!! I cannot BELIEVE you get to hang out with this OTHER person in my tribe that has brought so much to my life and yet we have never met.... I am Envious and at the same time HOPEFUL that we too will meet one day... THANK YOU will have to do for now... And I will be seeing you again SOON! Scrapbooking Artist Lynne Mizera WOYWW #39

Unknown said...

I stopped reading for a moment when you mentioned the manuals on your craft shelves! What a hoot! But Fudgehenge! That made me drool! And I have no chocolate in the house! How dreadful! I want to thank you for taking over while Julia recovered! That was so very sweet of you and you have done a great job! Hope you have most fab time with Julia and Darnel!
Carol N #31

505whimsygirl said...


Oh, love the fudge display! The little cat bag is adorable. I've hid most of my crafty goodness. I had a looker that is interested in buying my condo! Quite unexpected but things look to be falling in place. If all things go well I will actually have a spare bedroom AND a craft room! What more could a person ask for!!

How cool that you are meeting up with Darnell. I wondered if she was going to meet any WOYWWers.


Cara said...

Loved nosing around your shelves. The fudge display is fab. I still miss working in Salisbury and mooching round the shops on my lunch break or picnicking in cathedral close for lunch. Cara x


  WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? Another week has whipped by! It seems no time at all that I was noseying around all your desks last week, I don&#...