You may experience a sense of Deja Vu with the desk today....
It's like a flashback to approximately six weeks ago when I first started my WOYWW Caretaker's job. I'd promised to make a bag for a giveaway but it all went to pot following the subsequent events.  But I found it when tidying up my shelves so that is what I shall be making this week!
I still really like the sand/grey combo!  The other squares were left overs from the charm pack, I think they'll end up being a quilt for charity at some point.
How's about this for a study in neutrals, eh?!  The taupe spot was on offer, the linen on the right is going to be used for the raggedy lavender hearts and I spent a happy half hour killing time in Miss Lemon's in Pewsey where I bought the ribbons and bows - I know I'll be making some personalised bunting fairly soon. 

And finally, Mr LLJ and I were strolling around Devizes when we saw this outside a cafe:
This made us hoot!!  Needless to say, that's where we had some lunch :-)

We were doing a spot of househunting there as we have put ours on the market - downsizing calls and a chance for Mr LLJ to pack in work early. We're staying in Wiltshire as I don't think Julia would speak to me again if we moved too far away :-D  My house has never been so tidy..........

Have a great week!


Helen said...

love that cafe sign! good luck with the househunting... no don't move too far away; your skills are needed for crop organising when we get back to having them, lol!! Love the neutrals fabrics, gorgeous!

Neet said...

Fab fabrics on show,, love the last ones. Fun sign you saw, not surprised you had to go in and eat there - brilliant!
Now, house hunting? Are you sure? Just packing my kitchen up has been a major upheaval - put me off downsizing completely. Besides which I would need so much of my present house that I wouldn't really downsize at all.
Good luck with it - but stay close to the area you are in - unless you head north that is!
Hugs, Neet 2 xx (up early for the osteopath visit)

Unknown said...

Hello Jen. That cafe sign loving it and made me giggle as soon as I read it. Always hard to leave a house when friends are so close...good luck with the house hunting and I love the neutral colour fabric they look great together. Have a fantastic week Hugs ~Anne L#3

Nikki said...

Grey and yellows always work fantastic together funny sign for sure in my area it would go over well we have soooooo many hipsters lol even have a barber shop with a bar in it not that I would drink there with all the hair cuts and shaving going on lol have a wonderful wed hugs Nikki 6

Judys Lace Creations said...

Oh dear..don't overdo the stress Jan.House hunting is very tiring.
Sill;y sign!Love those fabrics Jan.

Lynn Holland said...

Our house was a bungalow and 9 years ago we added a first floor extension with an upstairs lounge to make the most of the magnificent views over three counties.
Philip said you do realise that one day we will want/need to downsize and what will we downsize to - something we already had.
Awh well such is life Jan
Lynn X 13

Sue said...

Hi Jan, I love the colour mixes and those neutral colours are fab.

Had a chuckle at the sign:)

Good luck with the house hunting.

Sue #9

misteejay said...

Super fabrics Jan and a pretty tidy/organised desk.
Love the sign - it really made me chuckle.
Oh just the thought of house hunting would make me want to go lie down in a darkened room LOL Hope all goes well and you find what you are looking for.
Toni xx

Annie said...

Oh Jan that sign really made me chuckle....I'd have lunched there too cos they certainly seem to have a sense of humour that suits mine :-) You made me laugh then you started using bad language.....moving houses! I really wish you the very best of luck with that one and hope yours goes rather more smoothly than ours. I do have to add though that although we were put through hell at the time that now our building work is finished we really couldn't be happier. :-)
Huge hugs,
Annie x

Twiglet said...

I love that Jan - No Hamsters!! I didn't see that coming and yes I would have eaten there too. The bag will be gorgeous I am sure and I hope the house hunting works out for you. I agree about the house tidying - we became masters of disguise when we were selling ours! It's amzing how quickly you can tidy up when you have someone coming to view. xx

Inside the artists shed said...

I'm sure I have that spotted taupe fabric - got it from John Lewis it to renovate grandad's chairs. Hope there will be lots of craft space in the new place - happy hunting x Jackie 14

Kathyk said...


best of luck with the baggy project, loving the chalkboard funny too



Ginny Maxam said...

Hi Jan, Gosh I love your sewing today!!! all those neutrals make me so happy and you hampster / Hipster sign is the best!! Have a great week!!

Tertia said...

I love the combo too! The study in neutrals? well now thats my kind if colours, LOVE!
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #10

Tertia said...

I love the combo too! The study in neutrals? well now thats my kind if colours, LOVE!
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #10

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Nice bit of fabric you have there, tasty!!! Good luck with the house hunting, loving the sign too I can relate to that Lol! Happy woyww, Angela x 15

lilian said...

Great work desk, Loving what you are doing. colours are great.

Lilian B #16

Diana Taylor said...

Oh that sign is so funny - and yes, I would have had lunch there too! I hope the house-hunting goes well, I love looking round other people's houses!
I'm loving the sand and grey colour combo, definitely one of my favourites, and the neutrals are gorgeous.
Have a lovely week, and I would love to meet up soon,
Hugs, Diana xxx

Christine said...

What marvellous food they must sell at that eatery to care enough to make passers by smile .... or in my case fall about laughing!! Thank you so much for sharing.
Thanks for hosting again this week, have a good one
aka Bishopsmate #19

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Love the neutrals with the spot of yellow - and even the pub sign coordinates with those colours! We've put our house move on the back burner for now (it's been there for the past 10 years, LOL!) Best of luck with yours! Since you're downsizing, it's probably best to sell asap while prices are still high. We're hoping for a price fall, as we feel we've been priced out of the market just in the past couple of years.

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Your colour combinations are fabulous, the personalised neutral bunting will no doubt be lovely. Hope you are sucessful in your house selling and hunting. Make sure that there's sufficient space for your Jan cave won't you?! Happy crafting, Max #22 :-)

ToadilyDiane said...

What pretty material. I love the flowers they look like big daisies. Funny sign. I think I would have had to stop and eat there Good luck house hunting.
Have a great day.
Diane #24

Julia Dunnit said...

I love the way you just drop in the house hunting....a huge major thing whilst you're still doing all this for me, and you're wrong, I would forgive you if you moved away. But I'd prolly have to come with you. Love ya. Thanks for linking me too...late start this morning!

BJ said...

Just about managed to crawl onto WOYWW this week, love the sign and adore the grey sand combo. BJ#25

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya, Jan, that made me laugh! Ant did a 3 month stint in London before Christmas, just coming home weekends, and he was VERY disparaging about being surrounded by hipsters,lol. Looks like the August weekend is a go, Beloved Hublet is fine with the plan. Love and hugs to you all, XXXX

LisaDV said...

Have fun house hunting. Funny sign, I would have eaten there too. I'm going to have some time this weekend and am actually psyching myself up to attempt quilt pieces for a day. Happy Wednesday! LisaDV #28

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sorry I'm actually 16 x

Sharon said...

That fabric is very nice. The colours go together well.

Good luck with the house selling/hunting. I don't think I want to do that again. We've thought about it, but I don't think I'd want to do it again. I grew up in one house, no moving, but when husband and I got married we moved a LOT. He was in US military so there is all kind of housing involved when you move one place to another - we stayed in ten different places within a two year period (most temporary housing/rentals). Yuck.

I love that sign - what a great laugh!

Have a good week
Sharon K #27

Unknown said...

Ummm...can I steal that sign and post it on my FB? I LOVE it!!! And look at you go girl with your study in neutrals. Gorgeous. And look at me go. I am busier than ever (doing the food for Lauren's webseries shoot this month) and yet my crafting bug has taken me over! I hope you are doing well this week and feeling good, and I keep sending healing prayers Julia's way, and you are doing an amazing job with the desker hosting duties! You deserve a prize for this! Hugs soul sister! Sandy Leigh #29 or somewhere around there

Felicia said...

Jan....tooo funny! I love, love the sand/grey combo and I want in on that bag my friend! LOLOLOL I don't sew, AT ALL, so these look like great projects and can't wait to see the finished products!!! Blessings and favor as you house hunt and have yours on the market...I can't imagine! :) Blessings!

HeARTworks said...

Thank you for sharing the joke! May I share it on my Facebook? I think a lot of people would like a laugh ...or two or three!!!! Happy WOYWW! patsy

Kelly said...

That sign is hilarious! Definitely great advertising, serving the purpose of getting your attention. LOL I remember the house hunting and how tidy the house was for viewings. Hmmm wonder if I can pretend we're putting this one on the market. Motivating to deep clean? Nawww LOL Happy House Hunting! Creative Blessings! Kelly #30

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Cute sign ! Love the neutrals. A small post but a big impact, house hunting I can't imagine getting ready for that once again. Best wishes though when it's time, it's time. I think you were lucky to find the bag for the giveaway, I'd have buried it too deep and found it next year. Enjoy a great week.

Claire Grantham said...

Ha ha ha ha I love the sign..I am not a fan of Hipsters either, I think the pub landlord and I could be friends Jan. I always love your projects. I love Moda Charm packs..I am trying to finish the quilt for Hubby and I..but I was so daunted after the one I made for my Dad (queen size) that I just cannot face it LOL. Love the neutrals. Cx #33

Dorlene Durham said...

First of all, that sign is HILARIOUS! I love running into signs like that. Some people are so clever. The fabric you have on your desk is wonderful. I love the yellow/gray combo and those little bows...adorable! Have a great week Dorlene #35

Stacy Sheldon said...

that sign is so fun, I hope your lunch was totally yummy Jan. I bet this banner is going to be gorgeous when its done, I love the neutral colors. :) ~Stacy #36 (Holy Cow, I linked it again :) )

Shoshi said...

I love your fabric colour combo, Jan, and what an absolute hoot that sign is!! I bet the place was packed after people had read that!!

You are doing stirling work, covering for Julia, espeially losing your dad too. I hope you find the house of your dreams and that the move goes really smoothly for you, with no hitches (and no hamsters either lol!).

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #38

Kim said...

Good luck house hunting and selling! And I also love those color combos, and the sign. Have a great week.
-K #39

Laura (Bookworm) said...

That grey and yellow fabric is so pretty -- I love that color combination. Funny cafe sign! Reminds me of a similarly-tongue-in-cheek one I've only ever seen online, useful in places like bookstores or libraries: "Unattended children will be given espresso and a puppy." :-) ~ Laura #41

StampedbyChris said...

I really like the sand & grey combo! The hamster sign is a hoot!

Unknown said...

Love your color combination! And that sign is just a hoot! Love the sense of humor! Hope the house hunting goes well and a great sale of your current house! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #26

okienurse said...

I think your color combo is awesome…summery shimmer! That sign for no hamsters made me giggle! Words are important! Have a great day! Vickie #43

Sofie V said...

Good luck with the house hunting! Your color combo works great!

Greetings, Sofie

Darnell said...

Oh, boo hoo, I'm weeping, Jan! Seriously, no hamsters?! Has this aversion spread to Salisbury? Will my Hammy be confiscated at the hotel? Oh, help!!! (Beautiful fabrics and good luck with the house sale/buy adventure and the new chapter in your lives!) Lots of hugs, Darnell

Hazel said...

For various reasons (one of the main ones was because we moved in September and had to have various things done) I hadn't visited WOYWW for ages and ages and was totally unaware of Julia's illness, surgery etc. I've just left a message for her. I was hoping to join in this week, but Wednesday is almost over, so it will probably be next week now. xx

Sharon Madson said...

No Hamsters! Too funny! Thanks for hostessing again! "Rip it up and start again" is all I whenever I attempt to sew! Although, I have finished a few quilts. I should do a post some day with photos of my finished quilts. Can you tell I am glad of that accomplishment! :) 46

Beverley Baird said...

Got a chuckle with the no hamsters. Lovely quilted piece.

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your visit,Jan, and I'm glad you enjoyed my baking lol! If I don't watch out I can see myself getting roped in left right and centre as Provider of Cakes! I am indeed having fun just playing with the Infusions - usually I have to make something partiular to meet a deadline or something, but occasionally it's nice just to play and really enjoy it.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #38

Cara said...

I forgot to tell you that your wonderful gifts arrived safely and that I love them. Thank you so much. That cafe sign is hilarious, glad you are finding some time to chil and relax. Fingers crossed for your house sale. Mine is going on the market soon, just need to clear a load of stuff so people can tell there is actually a floor! Take care, Cara x

Sanna said...

Thanks for hostessing! :) I haven't took part in these for years. I don't know why.


  WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? Another week has whipped by! It seems no time at all that I was noseying around all your desks last week, I don&#...