It's not been the easiest week really. Not only did the country seem to explode last Friday after the referendum, the rhetoric and vitriol got worse over the weekend. I have unfriended people on Facebook in the past couple of days because I did not like what I was reading. 

It's more important than ever to foster respect and kindness.  I wish we could bottle the generosity of spirit, the support, love and friendship that WOYWW engenders.  This has been brought home to me by the wonderful comments and beautiful sympathy cards I've received from deskers over the past two weeks.

My first desk:
A hotel table in Wales, where my niece Emma and I created the floral spray for Dad's funeral. We both gained comfort from just sharing in the creation of something for someone we loved.
The music came from a very old book of Welsh hymns that I bought from Oxfam, where I volunteer and was perfect for a man who loved music. The Male Voice Choir he used to sing with came to the funeral - I can't tell you how sublime the singing was. Dad was there in spirit, belting out in the bass section :-)

So, we got home yesterday and this was the craft desk how I left it at the weekend:
I bought a sewing pattern for soft toys last week - it's simple but that's ok for me at the moment. I also bought a Moda charm pack in the sale, the colours were too lovely to resist! And on the machine is a small zipped bag I'm making for myself in which to store my tape measure, stitch markers, small scissors etc etc in my knitting basket downstairs.
I was top stitching the zip here before sewing the bag up. I love this mad cat fabric, it was a present from Julia a while back!

Last week, we had no Linky issues at all - hoo-blooming-ray!! Fingers crossed it stays clear today as well.....


Helen said...

I can only imagine the wonderful sound of the Welsh male voice choir, there is nothing better! your flowers look amazing, what a wonderful thing to be able to do. You are right about the hatred and nonsense that is being spouted since Friday, it makes me ashamed to be English; I hope people come to their senses soon and everything settles down. Take care lovely Jan.

Helen said...

p.s that cat fabric is fantastic!

Nikki said...

Beautiful arrangement Jan that you had for your dad there, shame about unfriending people on Facebook your country has a rough go of things the last week may it get better soon :)
I love that bright kitty print that Julia gave you it just makes you smile when you look at it have a wonderful day
Hugs Nikki 1

Sofie V said...

Thank you very much for organizing this blog party today! Your flower arrangement looks beautiful! Thank choir must have sounded great. And that colorful kitty fabric is very pretty! Love it!

Greetings, Sofie

Neet said...

Fingers crossed indeed.
What a beautiful floral tribute you made - the addition of the music certainly meant it was so different and so personal to your dad - bet he was smiling down and saying "That's my girl", as you and Emma put your love into its creation.
On a brighter note, love your cat fabric.
Sending lots of love
Neet xxx

Unknown said...

Hello Jan. That is such a beautiful arrangement made for your dad and I love the music sheet
S that are rolled up inside. Sorry to hear you had to befriend a few people on Facebook and I do hope things get better soon in England. I love the kitty fabric Julia sent you and how fun it always is to make something for yourself. Have a wonderful day.. Hugs always ~Anne L#4

Annie said...

Hi Jan. I'm so glad all went well on Monday....I was thinking of you. The Welsh sure know how to sing so I can imagine they lifted the roof for him. The flowers are just perfect....so much love will have gone into making them I'm sure.
Sending you the biggest hugs now to help you recover.
Annie x

Sue said...

Hi Jan, What a lovely floral display for your dad. How lovely that his choir was also there.

I love the cat fabric, but not tell my girls I said that:) LOL

Sending huge hugs (((Jan))). Sue

Lynn Holland said...

The flower arrangement is so beautiful and appropriate. I can imagine that you were very proud of your dad and I hope the good memories help. You are to be congratulated on your strength dear Jan
Lynn xx 13

Twiglet said...

As usual my little sis put into words exactly what I was thinking! You are a treasure and I am sure he was a very proud Dad.
I can see you are keeping busy - (the best and only way). That kitty fabric is fab - show us the purse whan its done. x Jo

Lisca said...

I'm glad the funreal went well. The male voice choir must have been awesome. I love male voice choirs singing hymns. It gives me goose flesh just thinking about it.
What a beautiful bouquet! Just perfect for your dad. (I read the article about him last week).
Yes, that cat fabric is so sweet.
We did not notice much of the aftermath of the Brexit election, being in Spain and not having television, which was probably a good thing in this case. I hadn't realized people felt so strongly about it. We'll see what happens.
Big hugs,

misteejay said...

What a beautiful flower arrangement Jan. It must have been lovely hearing the choir in tribute to your dad.
That fabric is so "happy" - it will be a super addition to your work basket.
Toni xx

Inside the artists shed said...

I'm almost in tears thinking about the singing - what a lovely spray and so personal. Its strange what you do following bereavement - I could only paint cats when mum died - she loved them. Talking of which what gorgeous cat fabric - bet you are glad you haven't got Sewing Bee Esme checking that zip. Have a good week - love and hugs x Jackie #14

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, pleased everything went well for the funeral. The flower arrangement looked perfect. I understand how you feel following the referendum and I feared this sort of thing might happen if we came out. Your cat fabric is lovely, hope to see the finished bag. Have a nice woyww my friend and a good week, Angela x 15

Kathyk said...

Fab flowers, I hope the funeral went off as well as these things ever do. Lovely looking desk and sewing project too

All the best



Judys Lace Creations said...

Oh Jan, I would have wept buckets hearing that wonderful Welsh choir! What a lovely tribute.Love your floral spray, and that fabric is so cheery.
yes, even over here in Australia, we have heard such vitriol with splits in families...so sad.
Take care and have some happy moments as you come to terms with your sad loss.

Chidkid said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Dad..wonderful flowers and I'm sure the choir would have been amazing. How fortunate to know how loved he was. Great crafting too but it pales into insignificance compared to the lovely tribute to your Dad.xx

Kyla said...

What a lovely idea for the arrangement and pleased the day went as well as it could x

sandra de said...

I can only imagine how beautiful the flowers and singing were at the funeral. Lovely that you can feel it was all such a tribute to a very loved man.
sandra de @ 21

BJ said...

Morning Jan, the music scrolls in the flowers looks divine what a wonderful thought. Loving the cat fabric too, that will surely bring a smile to your face despite the sadness within. Gentle Hugs. BJ#24

Tilly Tea Dance said...

There's something so very stirring about listening to a male voice choir. I suspect your Dad will always be there listening with you whenever you hear one. The sheet music in the floral arrangement is a lovely touch and I'm glad the day went as well as it possibly could.

I too have de-friended people on Facebook - sadly some of my aquaintances have taken last week's events as an 'ok' to share some very unpleasant racist views.

On a brighter note - that cat fabric is gorgeous, I love it! You do have some lovely fabrics in your arsenal. I'm interested to see what you do with the toy pattern. I've been saving some of Ben's old sleepsuits in the hope of making a keepsake teddy.

Here's to a brighter week ahead. Happy crafting, Max #23

Diana Taylor said...

Those flowers are beautiful Jan, and I love the rolls of music, such a wonderful touch - the most amazing singing I have ever heard was at a funeral in North Wales, the singing made me cry more than the funeral did! I am so glad the day went well for you, you did your Dad proud by the sound of it.
I love the cat fabric - the only way it could be improved upon is by being dog fabric!! (I'm losing a long running battle with the cat over the back of us - he plays mind games with me, I'm sure of it, so I'm a bit 'off' cats at the moment!).
I hope this high level of fear and anxiety over the EU soon calms itself down - it's sad that you've had to unfriend people. I think they feel they can be more extreme on social media than they would face to face, as I would never credit some of the things I've seen on FB with the people sharing it - surprising isn't it.
Have a good week and enjoy your toy making,
Diana xx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiys Jan, what an awesome floral display. Love the music sheets included, what a wonderfully personal idea. Hope you are getting along ok, sending you big hugs.
Love that cat fabric- so very you, lol.
As this CT was only 4 months from my last, I'll be very surprised if it is anything to worry about, but again, that's the advantage of having so many, whatever does show up can't have got very far! Gets a bit stressy, as you are sort of living from one scan to the next, but reassuring too. Lots of love and huge hugs to all of you, Shaz xxx

Marit said...

Oh Jan, so sorry to hear that your dad passed away... the flowers you show and the Welsh hymns that you talk about must have given you and your family a bit of comfort, knowing it was so perfect for your dad. I wish you strength and many good memories to think back on in the time to come.
On another topic: your 'mad cat' bag looks fun. Creating on a 'small level' is perfect in times like this (I know, my mum got very ill some weeks ago and I could only handle 'little and simple' creating.) Big hug from Holland, Marit #27

CraftygasheadZo said...

Aw Jan those flowers are amazing and I can only imagine the music at your dad's funeral. I have been thinking of you. Your other desk looks vibrant with that cat material! Much love and hugs Zo xx

RosA said...

Hi Jan, Your flower arrangement with the music is so creative. Along with the choir, a lovely touch. I think you must have some lovely memories of your Dad.
RosA #30 xx

Susanne said...

I am so sorry for your loss. That bouquet with the music is just splendid, and such a sweet tender tribute. Hoping you find comfort from friendships and crafting in the days ahead.

Kelly said...

The spray is lovely. Your father was a very special man. Thank you for sharing a bit of him with us through the article link. We are here for you. That cat fabric just makes me smile. Once I'm organized, I have a pattern to send you. The animals are quite large but I'm sure you'd have a use for them. LOL Creative Blessings and tender hugs. Kelly #32

Unknown said...

Jan, that floral arrangement entwined with the music brought tears--so beautiful! I loved that photo of your dad I saw. To me he looked just like what I would want my adorable English dad to look like! Now I wish I had made something special like that for my mom's funeral. You are the best. Oh, and let me tell you how bad FB gets in the U.S. when it's an election year. Ridiculous, like people think a FB post is suddenly going to change other people's minds. But when I heard about the vote going on in your country I thought of you guys and I hope things certainly work out for the best. Love and hugs soul sister. Sandy Leigh #31

Christine said...

Thanks Jan for hosting at such an emotive time, you're the best.
Thank you for sharing your flowers etc. Such lovely thoughtful arrangements.
I don't watch much TV or mix with Facebook so I have by passed the awfulness, the World News on the radio during the night is my bag and has been really informative with views from around the world. Other Countries thoughts are interesting to say the least.
Hope this week is better for you.
Love and hugs
aka Bishopsmate #35 ish

pearshapedcrafting said...

I love the flowers you did for your Dad and the choir must have been wonderful - a good send off!! The cat fabric is such fun - hope you can forget the nastiness of Facebook - I have always been wary of it - now I know why I don't FB! Take care, wishing you a good week! Hugs, Chrisx 37

Shoshi said...

I haven't been around much recently so I missed your news - I am so sorry to hear about your dad, Jan. I know what you are going through, having been through it myself two years ago with my dad. The flowers you have done are just gorgeous - Dad would have appreciated those too because like yours he was very musical! You hae done a beautiful job with them.

I was recently given a fabric bag for my birthday, and it has cats on it! I love it, and it's very useful indeed.

Shoshi #38

dmgarafalo said...

I am sorry to hear you lost your dad, I know how painful that can be. I used to call my dad every day & when he passed it took me over 2 years before I stopped picking up the phone & dialing his number. Love the cat fabric & I'm not a cat person! blessings Donna #9

Ginny Maxam said...

Hi JAn, So sorry to read of your fathers passing! Your arrangement is so beautiful. Prayers for you and your country, the whole world is a little crazy I think.
Ginny M

Claire Grantham said...

Hi Jan, It sounds like the funeral went as well as it could, glad that you felt your Dad was there singing along. The flower arrangement is stunning, nice touch with the music sheets. I love that crazy cat fabric..you are making that bag look easy. I LOATHE zips..I live in NYC, but take all my zip work home to my Momma :) I hear you about the FB thing. It hasn't been the referendum, more some of the things that people said about the Orlando shooting for me..disgraceful. I'm just glad for WOYWW happiness in these crazy times. Cx #39

Mariane said...

I wish one could have kindness, peace and good spirit bottled up and being able to buy it every time you need it;) - Wow - What a weekend you had? - I love the way your desk looks like this time - Flowers has a strange character at my home, they are dying after a day or two. Strange. Thank you ever so much for hosting again this time.
Kind regards

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for sharing such precious memories. I bet the music was awesome. My dad was an old time polka/waltz musician and singer for over 40 some years, so I kind relate..I now listen to a LOT of that music and a tear or two because of the memories. Best Wishes....that fabric is adorable and is making up as a really cute project. Hugs

Felicia said...

Jan simply loved your creation for your Father, how beautiful is that??? I wold have loved to hear that choir and yes I am sure you felt your father's spirit there....how comforting! Love your "kitty" fabric, so cute! Thank you so much for sharing your personal heart with us! Blessings, Felicia #36

Kim said...

I absolutely love the arrangement you made with your Niece. The music is such a lovely, personal touch. And the funeral sounded beautiful. I so agree with your comments of respect and kindness. I used to blame it on the anonymity of social media; but that's just not the case. I hope you have a good week.

Annie Claxton said...

HI Jan, I don't have time to link up today but just wanted to come say hi anyway. The floral arrangement you created for your Dad looks so beautiful and totally unique, such a personal touch with the sheet music. Just don't look at all the negative stuff on FB for a while, give yourself some quiet time. Take care of yourself and see you next week xxx Annie C

Sharon Madson said...

I do love the kitty cat fabric!n I did my post today from a mini iPad, and couldn't figure out how to put your link on my Blog. Sorry. #45

Victoria said...

Wishing you and your family comfort, love and peace. deep sympathies for the loss of your father. Wishing you many happy memories to cherish.

Beautiful creations and tributes, gorgeous and inspiring! Beautifully done!
Lovely desk and creative space as always!
Happy woyww
Victoria #46

Unknown said...

I found a picture of my mom a year before she passed yesterday and it brought back so many memories, both happy and sad. Still praying for God's comfort for you and your family. The flowers for your Dad are gorgeous. And I really like the mad cat fabric! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #28

Julia Dunnit said...

I am lucky to have seen you today. I wasn't aware fully that it was Wednesday, so didn't bother to thank you again for hosting. Loving the sight of a paper pattern on your desk. See you v soon, have a restful couple days if you can. Xx

Dorlene Durham said...

The flowers are so beautiful and so glad that your father's services were lovely. It's so good to have a peaceful final memory of your father. I know what you mean about unfriending FB "friends". I have had to do a lot of that during our political race in the US. It's surprising to read so many negative points no matter which political party you are on. Oh well. Thanks again for hosting the link. I'm truly enjoying all the peeks!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I am sorry for the passing of your Dad, but it sounds like you had a blessed funeral service for him. The bouquet you put together is simply beautiful, and very appropriate for a man who loved music. Have fun finishing your colorful art bag.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that Mr Linky has been behaving himself. Beautiful arrangements for your dear Dad's funeral. I always love a Male Voice Choir - really touches the heart. The cat fabric is fantastic. You will not lose that bag! Ali x #48

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have good feelings about your dads funeral. Saying goodbye is sad enough. The flowers are beautiful and it's good to share these moments with people that feel your loss.

Shoshi said...

Thank you for your visit, Jan, and you have understood very well what it is like at the end of cancer treatment - this course is very helpful. I am doing very well in the aftermath but still very glad of it. Yes, I am having great fun getting Sheba going sgain snd did enjoy making that card!

How lovely to see Julia commenting on here. I must hop over and visit her.

Shoshi #38

Stacy Sheldon said...

Jan, that is one of the most thoughtful and beautiful arrangements of flowers I have ever come across. ~Stacy #51

April said...

The flowers are lovely. I stink at arranging flowers. :-) I hope the week gets better. This too shall pass.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Love your "pick myself up and dust myself off and start all over again!" Lunch Lady Jan
.. kinda feels like that downunder, even with no post-Brexit.. we have national elections tomorrow which I will be glad when they are over.. as I did not make it for WOYWW at all last week figured a day late was better than not at all.
... this has been topsy turvy week cos family member not well in hospital etc etc.

Wonderful flowers you've shared and brilliant idea of adding the music in memory of your darling dad. I do love the bag you are making too wodnerful material from Julia such great taste! I am replacing zips at moment .. they've worn out, (the material around them) in my laundry delicates bag and too much of stinge to throw them away when all they need is resewing a bit lower!

I'll be late getting around but will do my best ..
happy belated WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #52

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Sue Jones said...

Sorry not able to join in for a few weeks but still visiting one or two desks when I can. Your flowers look BEAUTIFUL!! Sending you my love xx

Cara said...

What a wonderful spray you created for your father, just beautiful. Take good care of yourself. Hugs, Cara x

Anne said...

Hello Jan. The floral tribute for your dad is so beautiful. Not able to join in this week but thinking of everyone. Anne x

Anne said...

Hello Jan. The floral tribute for your dad is so beautiful. Not able to join in this week but thinking of everyone. Anne x

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

So sorry, I missed this last week, Jan! The flower arrangement looks beautiful - understated and simple - so very touching with the music notes for your dad. I've been meaning to look up how to do those zip pouches - great tip to start with the zip - I would have probably left that for last, but now that I think about it - I'm not sure it would work that way! Must look it up on YT! The cat fabric looks adorable!

okienurse said...

sorry to hear about your Dad! It is a tough time. I lost my Mom and Dad same year and it can still be tough at times. Beautiful flowers and the music was an awesome idea. I am sure he was looking down thinking…my girls, I raised them well! Vickie


  WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? Another week has whipped by! It seems no time at all that I was noseying around all your desks last week, I don&#...