Well, what a fab weekend it was weather wise! I played out with my band, gardened and had family over for a meal...good times :-)  Consequently not much crafting got done......

I had a request for a fabric bucket...so here's the makings of it. I found these lovely boys down the bottom of one of my stash boxes!

Someone in band wants a traditionally shaped peg bag but with across body straps..so I'm taking one I made earlier and adapting it. Anything for an easy life, eh?? 
And that's it, as far as crafting is concerned!

But of course, I've got more to show you... grin!!

There's DH at his workdesk! Prepping the garden furniture for a new season. A man at peace there, I think :-)  Look at my tree..he popped his blossom this week! And we got the table tennis out for the first time this year...yay.
I lay on the grass for quite a while...just looking...and listening to the bees...
Sometimes it's just good to stop chasing your tail for a while and appreciate the moment.
My baby apple tree is sprouting forth.....all is fine and dandy...

Hang on....what's that creature marmalising my daffodillies??
It's my tiger! Not content with sunning his top half.....
The derriere obviously needed a little warmth too....don't we all, eh?? Lol

And my final pic was taken at our family meal. I have a similar photo taken a few years back when these lads were considerably smaller.....
Two sons and a nephew! All now well over 6' (even without the help of the tree!!).  It just goes to show eh? Men are just Larger Little Boys at heart :-)

Have a great week!


Deb said...

How lovely you have blossom on your tree already! I love the doggy fabric for the peg bag, so cute! Great kitty pics among the daffs and what a fun pic of the boys. I did that with my eldest son in the theme park this year, I dragged him to the places we took photos of him 11 years ago!
Have a great week!

Anda said...

Love the sunny garden pictures - we've had a day and a half of sun here in Scotland but it's been nice. The grey skies are back, of course!

The picture of your cat made me laugh. My two like to "hide" in the long grass despite being so brightly ginger you can see them from a mile away :)

Happy WOYWW! #44

Hettie said...

Fabulous photos there Miss. Love the cat ones too. However, it has been raining here so the song is not quite right for today! TBH the rain is a blessing today as our garden sure needed it!
Happy Spring and see you in 3.5 weeks. I shall text you though very soon.

Judys Lace Creations said...

Lovely , warm domestic scene.I used to be a table tennis player too.
Our first cat (a stray) was a Tiger.She was such a loving cat because she was a stray.
Judy #50

Annie said...

What fab photos Jan. I esp love the one of the 'little' boys climbing the tree. Lets hope they never grow up. :-)
A x # 53

fairy thoughts said...

Ah fab photos as usual ....the garden is looking great what a difference it makes with some sun.little boys and their toys eh

Belinda Basson said...

Love the fact that they were game to go up the tree again! Great cat posterior shot! You need to scrap that front and back image! #30

Lynn Holland said...

BIG SIGH !!!! Happy days and all recorded to remind us off when it's not so happy. Lovely blog post.
Lynn 54

okienurse said...

Love the bright sunniness of your garden and all the fun antics going on there. I was wondering about the tiger cat under the table and was glad to see other pics here. I used to have a marmalade tiger cat with long hair. When he passed it was sad but my asthma all but disappeared even though I have always had and still do have cats. The boys look like they are having a great time posing for the camera. Thanks for visiting my desk this week and if you do decide to come this way let me know and I will make the bed and make reservations at Joe's...margaritas are awesome! Hope you have a great week. Vickie #36

Helen said...

Are you sure they're allowed up the tree without a risk assessment meeting?! Love the photos of your garden, (shame it's likely to be raining today with you, if it's anything like here!) the blossom is gorgeous - I took a day off on Friday (as the weather was due to be better than on the Saturday) and went to Kew - first time in 3 months) it was fabulous!! Had a lovely walk in the spring sunshine, took loads of photos (on my "other" blog if you're interested) Have a good day, seen you soon... can't believe how soon the WOYWW crop is...! Helen, 5

Jackie said...

What lovely spring photos the ones if the cat are cute great way to start spring
Jackie 6

CraftygasheadZo said...

Such great pics, love the one of your boys in the tree. Looking forward to seeing you at the crop, hope it's still okay to collect the yellow bling bin from you that day and please let me know how much you want for it too. Thank you lovely. Not long now!! Take care Zo xx 65

Karen said...

I also took photos of our beautiful apple blosson and plum tree too, so gorgeous at this time of year. I just adore your little tiger, they think they're hiding but quite so! Our Domi goes in her little house and lies with her tail sticking out too! So cute. Happy WOYWW! Karen 68 x

Candace said...

Beautiful photos. My Daughter wants a skirt made from that dog fabric!

Thanks for sharing your crafty space and have a great week

Candace #64

Twiglet said...

A lovely post Jan - don't boys grow really tall these days!! Yes - have seen a Hummingbird Hawk Moth but this was much smaller and happier to pose for me so I think it is probably a Bee fly. x Jo

Diana Taylor said...

Jan, thank you so much for the beautiful bag - I'm so thrilled with it - fantastic fabric and so beautifully made - it's perfect for me - thank you!
Love the blog post - the cat is gorgeous!

Julia Dunnit said...

Happy busy days. Great shot of the boys!

Angie said...

Sounds as though you had a great weekend ...my late husband used to love the begining of the Fete' seanson, when he and his Wind Band played outside ...when I see wood clothes pegs I also think of sheet music blowing in the wind !!! Love the Tiger shots ....so feline.xx

The Taming of the Glue said...

Fantastic photos...love the ones of your tiger! Happy WOYWW. Pam#23

Heathers Inspiration said...

Love seeing your photos, I must get out more with my camera :)
Looks like you have all been having a Great time x
Have a beautiful week WOYWW Heather #74

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Well you really do have a little bit of everything thrown into your lovely post this week :o) Sadly those blue skies were not here to stay in our neck of the woods. It's looking very dismal out my window this morning. But...I have coffee and crafty things to be getting on with so it's not all bad. Have a great week xx

Fiona #77

Eliza said...

Oh how wonderful being able to compare the changes of time with photos like this. I so love your orange boy playing and sunning himself, he really is a handsome man.


ria gall said...

Hi Jan
looks like you are going to be busy again I am trying to think what is going to go in the fabric bucket?
Your garden is looking good and I love the pic of your cat
Thanks for sharing your desk today, Happy WOYWW hope you have a great week
Ria #42

Anonymous said...

great pics! I love 'the boys in the tree' :) ahhh, boys... I love mine too :) (they are still much shorter ;)
Happy WOYWW, Jana #41

Anonymous said...

Ah Spring! Well, YESTERDAY was spring, today...not so sure LOL! Lovely photos and liking the simple peg bag. Every year I end up buying new ones cause I leave them on the line all winter and by spring they are rotten. SO like me....

Happy WOYWW!
MA (20)

MiniOwner said...

Looking forward to seeing the completed bucket, Jan, as sewing is a new addiction for me. :o) I love the photos of your little maramalade tiger. Happy Wednesday :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@101)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, lovely post - so nice to see the blue sky in your pics and love the tiger sunning his derriere. Great pic of the boys - my late mum always said that men remain forever little boys at heart :) Hope you've had a good WOYWW, Elizabeth x #55

lisa said...

What a beautiful post, Jan. I was lying in the grass looking up at the sky through your lovely tree with you!!
Hasn't the sunshine been a welcome visitor, makes all things right with the world! You look as though you are busy as always. I'm loving the little pink roses on the fabric bucket. DD has chosen wallpaper very similar but with a blue background!!
You have such a handsome family.
Hugs Lisax #125

Unknown said...

Soul sister, you are surrounded by boys! I have two nephews though, so I can relate to that. I just love that you are in band--so cool. I am singing that Happy Days Are Here Again song today, because I'm feeling sooo much better! (I was so sick a couple days ago) Like your DH, my DH is in the backyard these days, rebuilding our deck. We are lucky to have those handymen! Hugs to you dearest! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #96

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan- love your Tiger! Ambrose spends all his time on the decking now the suns out, alternating between sun & shade. Can't believe its only 3 & 1/2 weeks till the crop! Panic stations, have to get ATC done too. I'd say I need help, but I don't think theres anyone that qualified. Or crazy.Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #118xx

Jaki Morris said...

Did you just say your husband popped his blossom this week? TMI LLJ!

I'm back
Jakix #104

Caro said...

Wonderful photos...I especially like your tiger with the daffs! The fabrics look great together and I look forward to seeing the finished product. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#133)

Ginny Maxam said...

Great pictures!! I'm enjoying our new spring too!!Thanks for sharing!Have a great week! Ginny #120

Lisa-Jane said...

What a beautiful cat and a beautiful garden! I have to say that the top pic is my favourite combination of fabrics ever! Shame about the weather huh?!

Neet said...

What a fabulous post. Love your cat and he looks such a character. I really enjoyed the photographs of the garden and how it has sprouted this past week or so.
Thanks for sharing and thanks for offering to host Flat Susan, am sure she will love to visit. Can you email me your address lease.
Hugs, Neet 17 xx

Anne said...

Hi Jan really love your garden!!! Been out in ours - though it's a tad smaller than yours. Great photos and I especially liked ones of the 'Tiger' :-) Thanks for viiting me already. Anne x #70

donnalouiserodgers said...

spotted the table tennis table

OH OHO H OH - I HAVE to warn you LLJ - ping pong should not be played without the precaution of a tena lady tool - ask me for the story - but be sure to be wearing large rubber safety pants when I tell you...

it is DEFINITELY a high risk sport - parachute etc required

dxx 142

Debs Willis said...

Great pics Jan. love the kitty fore & aft - mine kept disappearing into the border when he got hot!
Thanks for your visit
Debs #134


G'day Jan
I usually don't get around for WOYWW till Friday as when Julia posts the link I am at work in the evening here in Oz. My day off isn't till Friday then but I'm home sick all this week so here I am just one day late(I couldn't type yesterday due to sore hands and why I am home!!). Oh your garden looks divine...I too love listening to bees on blossoms. Hope the peg bag making goes to plan.
Annette In Oz #39

Lisa Richards said...

Here's to less tail chasing and more enjoying the moment! :)
Have a great WOYWW!

Nan G said...

Cool kitty! What a fab color he is too! Love the 'family tree'. :) A peg bucket? Would that be clothespins? Happy WOYWW! Nan G #87

Queenie Jeannie said...

Fabulous photos to share this week!!! Spring has finally arrived here too, with all the flowers and budding trees. It's one of my favorite times of year, especially after the cold, cold winter we had!!!!

Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #15

sandra de said...

Lovely family photos from DH at work, kitty in flower and kids up a tree. It could only be on woyww. Have a lovely week.

JoZart Designs said...

Lovely post Jan! good to be thankful for the little things in life which are really quite important to us all.
Lovely fabrics for your makes and super family photos too. Spring has Sprung!
lots of love Jo x
Didn't join in this week as I'm made busy and will be off to stay with Dolores at the weekend.. .woo hoo!

airing cupboard crafts said...

Jan your garden is gorgeous I am very jealous! The fabric your are working with is just lovely.

See ya tomorrow x x

Kelly said...

What great pics, Jan! You sound like me.. always reinventing the wheel hehe. Love the 'tiger' Such a sweetie. His jungle is in full splendor and he's loving it. Cya next week! Creative Blessings! Kelly #103

sara j said...

What a wonderful post....the pictures of your "lads", the flowering trees, the SUNSHINE, and Tiger in the grass and flowers! What a fabulous pix - he must be yours indeed to let you get so close. LOVE IT. And I laughed when i read your post about one of my quirky birds being John Travolta, because it was so true...he does have a definite cockiness to him! Thanks for an all around great WOYWW exchange!
x hugs

Anonymous said...

Happy Very Belated WOYWW. Great pictures. The spell of good weather seems like a distant memory here now - it is cold/windy/wet in Pembrokeshire. Ali x #25

Kyla said...

Love the idea of the replicated photo years later...would make a great scrapbook page.

As for 'fairy buckets'....think I need to scour your blog to see these, they sound great!

Thanks for visiting my WOYWW already


Lucy said...

You have a really big and busy garden! Love the tree and your tiger. We've been planting beans in our patio in a bid to cover up the front trellis which all the neighbours can see in through. I keep meaning to make a traditional peg bag, I keep getting asked for them. Another thing that slips in and out of fashion so easily. Thanks for visiting my desk, have a great week! Lucy #32 x

505whimsygirl said...

Dear LLJ,

Where do I start? The bag you are currently working on is just my colors and style! Although the scottie bag is perfectly fine too! And I love the idea of adding a long strap to sling over your body.

The tree is absolutely amazing - love the photo of the boys (ahem) up in the tree! How very cool to have a photo from several years ago of them in the same tree. The table tennis looks like a fun sport to play out in the sunshine.

Thank you for your visit - and you are right - I do love the green and blue. We'll see what it looks like after I felt it. I knew I wouldn't be able to visit desks before Saturday but here it is Sunday already!

Kay (11)


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