I have found that getting older has meant a change in what makes me content.  Simpler things, mainly - like pegging out the washing this week. listening to the birds singing and watching the aerial courtship display of the two red kites that live close by. Or seeing my primroses, celandines and daffodils finally flowering in my hedgerow.

 Music, as always. My family.....even more important after hearing of events like the bombs in Boston. Which makes the sharing, love and generosity of this amazing chain of WOYWWers around the world even more vital. 

As I said, simple but by no means less profound.....

Right then, what's on the desk....
I was just laying out fabrics in order to make a knitting needle case for myself.. but I'm not sure about which combination I'm going to use.  The two large pieces of fabric actually look better together in reality than they do in this picture. Hmmmmm.......we'll see.

I've been zipping even more!! Wahoo...

I ran up this little zipped make up bag as a quick birthday prezzy for a friend and colleague. The zip construction has definitely improved with practise! We teach the kids about resilience in school...well, I've had to reinforce mine with zips!!

I still love this pretend Radley Dog fabric..it works so well in various projects!

I was really lucky to win a prize in Cindy's 500th Bloggaversary Giveaway! This very stylish ATC, flower headed pin, charming little vintage pendant and a Quest Seeker coin came through my letterbox this morning :)  Thank you so much, Cindy...many congratulations on a bloggy milestone!! May you have 500 more at least!!!

Finally.... one last simple pleasure...jigsaws! We always used to have one on the go when I was younger. But I'm like a dog with a bone when one is on the go...I simply HAVE to do it!! I think I'm going to get this last shot made up into a 1,000 piece one...for my DH's birthday maybe......
It'll drive him crackers....tee hee...!!

Have a great week :-)   xxxx


sara j said...

What a great idea to have your own photo made into a jig saw puzzle! My sweetie loves puzzles and its so hard to get good prezzies for him. Any chance you could share how performs this miraculous service with me?
I know what you mean about contentment...it just doesn't take much any more. I am thankful for blue skies, melting snow, flowers, and REALLY cute doggie fabric. Love it! Hope you have a good week ahead.
Sara j #20

Belinda Basson said...

That would make a mean puzzle! Love the Radely dogs on the fabric and the zip work seems to be going well I see. #34

fairy thoughts said...

Morning LLJ
Ah! the simple things indeed.... makes the world go round, you are very lucky to live insuch a beautiful place. thanks for your kind words on my post.... sadly no rest for me .... off to work to prep a stock count agh!
janet #33

Andrea said...

the dog fabric is ever so cute and well done in your determination to master the zip you are naughty re the jigsaw idea but know what you mean it would be fun ...tee hee..thanks for sharing and reminding us in the nice things in life that we take for granted,amongst other chores I'm going to put my first washing of the year out today ! Andre#38

Sandy said...

That would be a really trick jigsaw.. Sneaky one.. Love the radley dog fabric and your cute little bags are adorable.
Sandy :) #18

Annie said...

Hi Jan,
Love the sewing projects this week.
That jigsaw would rate with the one we had of baked beans lol
A x # 41

Queenie Jeannie said...

Yay for practice makes perfect!! Looks like your the zipper champion now, lol! Such cute doggie fabric - quite fabulous. Enjoy your simple pleasures; they're the best!

Di said...

Fabby WOYWW post today, and every week, Jan. What really caught my eye is the 'faux' Radley fabric - wherever did you find that my girl? LOVE it :)) Online?

Hugs, Di xx

JoZart Designs said...

lovely to be back and read your super post! it really is good to appreciate life the way you do.
However you are awful!(but I like you!) fancy doing that to DH!!!
Jo x

Judys Lace Creations said...

Love that nifty makeup bag, and as for that germ of an idea..you devil!!I don't buy jigsaws for that very reason.I just can't leave them alone!
Judy #23

Helen said...

Everything you say is true... I used to love jigsaws, my parents did loads till the eyesight faded too much. My sister gave me one of baked beans - the only time I've failed! Your log pile is a similarly looking impossible challenge... thanks for stopping by already. Helen 12

Claire said...

you are such a lovely daughter *grin*
and what a cute pouch - sewing is a mystery to me, i used to x-stitch, but can't make anything useful to save my life! show us your needle case when you're done!
happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
i overslept, so no. 21 this week...

Anne said...

So true about simple pleasures etc. Zips - ugh - can do em but don't like em!!! Love the 'Radley Dog' fabric and bag. Always have to do a jigsaw or three when with my grandsons. Happy WOYWW Anne x #62

ria gall said...

I loved your little song it comes from one of my most fav films every. Loving your makes the fabrics you use are so pretty.
Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #40

shazsilverwolf said...

That would indeed be an awesome( awful?) jigsaw to give someone! love that doggy fabric- really funky.Amazed by the ATC- still gotta get to doing my WOYWW one- not got a clue what I'm doing mind you, never made an ATC in my life, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #70 xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

argh, a thousand piece jigsaw of wood staked ever so neatly!!

I do think would drive him crackers LLJ must admit dont love them, jigsaws that is..

BUT love the Scottie dog ultra cute@!!.. thanks for sharing your simple joys and so agree with you in that..

God bless, Shaz in oz.x #81 i tink

Anonymous said...

I used to quite like doing jigsaws, but hated leaving them out - I think I need one of those nifty roll-up mats I think I've seen. Maybe that could be a nice fabric sideline for you :) as if you don't have enough on the go....

Happy WOYWW!

MA (4)

Lisa-Jane said...

LOL! I'm the same with puzzles, I can't leave them alone so its best we don't have one around because nothing else gets done. That pile WOOD make a good one though ;-)

Di said...

Hi Jan

I found the fabric online (Clarke and Clarke as you say!). Di xx

SueH said...

Oh Jan, I’m so pleased to hear that my request for the little zipper bag has kick started a new line in your already wide range of beautiful handmade goodies and that faux Radley bag looks really classy I must say.
I love a good jig-saw too but wouldn’t fancy tackling that one.

Thanks for stopping by this week.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @39

Anonymous said...

Hmm are you sure hubby would attempt the log jigsaw or just see it as burning fodder? We enjoy jigsaws too but haven't done any for ages, could do with a jigsaw donation box to give some away.

Loving the Radley themed fabric, the colours are beautiful.

Seconding your loves here Jan, there's nothing nicer than seeing Spring spring. We have two blackbirds that are very happy and full of joy at the mo, it makes me smile every time l hear them :)

Happy WOYWW xx

Deb said...

So glad you are making something for yourself! Love the Radley fabric, gorgeous little bag you are making with it!
congrats on our win, what a lovely prize! Hopefully your goodies from me will be there shortly too!
Love the idea of making that pic into a jigsaw, might keep him busy for a while!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your win!!! SueC#97

Kyla said...

OOh red kites, how fabulous.
Love the radley fabric and well done on winning the bloggy prize

Kyla #113

Unknown said...

I am with you--I just appreciate the simple joys of life so much more than I used to, and sometimes just find myself smiling when I'm walking down the sidewalk and a squirrel darts out in front of me. Bliss--to be alive! The tragedy in Boston amplifies that for sure--I just keep thinking about them, and especially the family of the small boy, mother and little girl in hospital. We all have to count our blessing and be thankful for each other, and I am thankful for friends like you Jan, because you have a magical quality that reaches out over an entire ocean to share your friendship! That's amazing. Oh--and that scotty dog fabric is amazing too! Hugs dearest...have a good evening! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #96

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I love that doggy fabric :o) Glad to see it putting in an appearance again. A line of washing makes me happy too, it's been a rare sight around here lately. That would be a fantastic jigsaw, so tricky! I once bought my brother a jigsaw of sprouts (as we both hate them)and that was nigh on impossible!
Fiona xx #115

Eliza said...

You made me laugh you wicked woman, fancy sending hubby nuts on that puzzle. I bet it will get to you too, go on a dare you.

Eliza 46

Unknown said...

I love the colours of the fabrics you have chosen for your stitching project - bright and cheerful. Linda #117

Caro said...

I had to laugh at the idea of the wood pile being turned into a puzzle...that is just mean! The radley look-a-like fabric is ace. Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Caro #120

Bernice said...

Oh I don't think I'd like to do that jigsaw puzzle!! Love the wee zipped purse - I'm not too keen on stitching with zips, but I'm gearing up for the challenge of using one with oilcloth to make a pencil case! I really like the fabric - will be looking out for some of that at our craft show in Belfast tomorrow.

Kaylan said...

Oh i so wish I was quick enough on the machine to just whip something up that fast! So cute. Blessings on your week.

Darnell said...

Mmm-mmm, I do so love this community. There you are a mad (as in fantabulous) seamstress and here I am can hardly sew on a button and yet, and yet ... we are so alike in appreciating those simple things. I, too, am nuts for jigsaw puzzles, but absolutely cannot do them anymore in the same way I could when I was younger. Now, if I start one, I do nothing else until it's finished. Period. I hate that I'm that way and it's stupid because it's not like I have anyone else here that's going to come along and (aacckk!) put a piece in while I'm not looking! Hey, I just wondered if it's because I will be lost if I walk away and not be able to get back in it? Like losing a train of thought?

Where was I?

And we also share a great sense of humor. Your comment over at my place? Coffee spewed all over, thank you very much!!

A fab WOYWW post, LLJ! Have a great week! Darnell #32

Jean said...

You always have the CUTEST fabrics! Plus I love daffodils. :) Jean #4

Tertia said...

You are a very cruel woman LOL, that made into a puzzle? Would drive an alcoholic to milk I'd say!
I love the doggie bag and the zipper looks great. It reminds me of a story very long ago. At a friend's son's christening. The two grannies hated each other and competed for everything, including staying up for nights on end so that their christening gown would be the first to be finished! My mom found this very funny. At the party, the one granny started bragging about her sewing skills, to which the other replied that she makes all her DH's clothes and people can not believe that the pants are not store bought, because her zips are so professionally done.
My dear mom shouted across the room for the granny's DH to please stand up, because she wants to take a look at his zipper! I nearly dies, the poor man nearly fainted, everybody else were on the flkoor laughing, my dear dad just shook his head and the grannies never, ever bragged in public again!
Have a great day and a happy WOYWW!
Tertia #26

BJ said...

Oh you are naughty even thinking of making it into a jigsaw BJ#1

Cardarian said...

I agree with you on the bare necessities! I am the same - little things of life make me very happy! I still haven't mastered the zip! I always try to get round using something else but you seemed to have mastered it! Love the cosmetic bag! Those dogs do look as if they were Radley dogs! ( my favourite bags!!) Ohhh what a good plan to make a puzzle out of that photo - he, he that will keep him busy!!! :-)
Just about 6 weeks and the crop will happen! YIPPEEEEEE!!!
Lots of hugs,

Heathers Inspiration said...

Your bag is Gorgeous, super crafting this week
Singing along with the song which I Love xx
Have a Great week Happy WOYWW Heather #111

Twiglet said...

Oh what a fab idea for a jigsaw! Love all your crafts this week and yes - I am just like you at this time of year - perfect day for listening to the birds and checking out the primroses. - just whizzing round a few desks while I have a breather from my wedding jobs! x Jo

CraftygasheadZo said...

I love seeing the Spring flowers bloom, I agree as we get older different simpler things make us smile. Fab makes as always, love the dog fabric! Take care Zo xx 71

Lizzie said...

Wow, I hope your OH has lots of patience - 1000 pieces of log storage... ooo!

Thank you for sharing the cheerful song - I love that one too.

And our flowers are finally out. The delay means there are so many flowers out, all together, instead of spread throughout March & April. The celandines are normally long gone, but this year they are splendid in their golden glory. The grape hyacinths are going nuts all over the borders and the daffodils have suddenly woken up and all come out together, instead of in straggles. The tulips are even zooming up at a huge rate - I may well have daffs & tulips out together this year! Love your photo of gorgeous springtime.

I think the two "knitting needle" fabrics go rather well together - so cheerful; and the dog make-up bag is really nice - it will be a much-appreciated present I think.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and for your kind commment about my book. I also love the design on that paper - I had a sudden desire to make another book with it yesterday, so I did! This evening, I have a yen to make some leather journals... off to do that in a minute.

See you at WOYWW! Lizzie #140

Debs Willis said...

Love the opening song, have Baloo in my head now :-)

And your jigsaw idea shows a wicked streak - that would be like one of thos double sided jigsaws I could never do!

Debs x #75

Cazzy said...

Happy WOYWW! I live in Wiltshire too! I love your hedgerow, and the knitting bag, and that fabric is great!

Cazzy x #87

505whimsygirl said...


Oh the tragedy in Boston and now in Texas - how very sad it all is. I agree, the older I get (and I am ahead of you!) I enjoy the simpler things in life. The birds in the garden, the smell of laundry, seeing the first blooms of spring. And babies -- I'm in Starbucks using the free wifi and I can't tell you how many babies have been in here with their parents!

I am in love with that little doggie fabric. I can see how versatile it can be. Your zippered pouches are adorable! Your friend should be quite pleased.

Thank you for visiting me already. It's Friday here, my day off, so I'm finally getting to visit.

Kay (14)

Unknown said...

I so agree with you about finding pleasure in the simplest of things and thank heavens for that! I love your little doggy purse, I haven't the patience to sew yet I can sit for hours fiddling with bits of paper! Thank you for visiting me today. have a happy week
Lynda B #31 x

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Love the doggy fabric and great little creation from it. We love puzzles too and the winter months always have one on a table for some quick adjustments. Running late, but being gone the 2 days wore me out! Drove home in a snow storm, still very cold, strong winds, and snow on the ground here. Unreal., have a great weekend


  ALL THE COLOURS OF THE RAINBOW... Well, that was a wild and woolly week eh? Though we missed the snow here on the coast, we had LOTS of ra...