It was red and yellow and green and brown 
And scarlet and black and ochre and peach 
And ruby and olive and violet and fawn
And lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve 

And cream and crimson and silver and rose
And azure and lemon and russet and grey 

And purple and white and pink and orange
And blue

It's nearly like that infamous lyric from Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat in my What's On Your Bed Wednesday pic!!
It all started when I took myself in hand, kicked my Chunky Dunkers into gear (thanks Doone!) and organised seven craft fairs between now and late November!! I HAVE to make some more stock but couldn't see what fabric I still had tucked away in my plastic boxes... so out it all came, on display so I can see what's what....you may notice that my colour OCDness is at work again, but in fairness, it helps me choose co-ordinating fabrics quite quickly :D I'd forgotten about some of these beauties....
It was Stripes/Gingham/Spots warfare last week *grin* I ended up using the ticking for the liner of the bag...
The shot doesn't do it justice, the lining is really fab and quite understated for me (don't faint, Julia!!) But then I broke out the gingham for a pegbag..
I'll have to do something with the spots next week!!

While searching on the web for summat, I came across a bib tutorial so had a go with a resurrected duo of quilting cottons...
It's for the gorgeous little daughter of a friend of mine...
Simple to make and it tested my 'Sewing a Curve' skills, that's for sure! But I totally failed when it came to attaching the press studs for the fastening. I have the bits, I have the little contraption for attaching. What I don't have is the dexterity to simultaneously hold the two separate parts inside the plastic doodah, while keeping the material in place then whacking said item with a hammer to join the snap thing together. Imagine if you will, a salvo of metallic shrapnel hitting the wall at high velocity accompanied by swearing of the highest order.  Do you think Mr LLJ will notice the pock marks on the wall - it is rather like the new pictures of the Martian landscape....sigh. Dextrous? Moi??? Hmmmmm........

So, off to buy sew-on Velcro tomorrow....and Polyfilla as well.......


Mary Ann Tate said...

Seven craft shows!!! You are going to be busy:) I always mess up those press studs too and they are a b***ger to remove if you do it wrong.

Hettie said...

I know just the gadget which you speak (and throw) of! I have the same issues!! Cannot believe you have organised yourself into 7 craft shows! You Mad???!!! Don't answer that one!

Annie said...

I've got one of those popper tools and I would suggest....velcro :-)
If you don't get the spikes lines up properly they come apart anyway!....can you tell I've tried and failed too? :-)
A x #72

Helen said...

I love the top bag!! 7 craft shows is quite a challenge...happy sewing!! Helen, 19

Carmen said...

SEVEN? I swoon at the mere thought of even just thinking about ONE!

Your bags are gorgeous though and I had a very heavily pregnant goth lady pause mid-moan about having to glug her lucozade at the glucose tolerance test we were both at the other day, to swoon over my skully bag (which goes EVERYWHERE with me) yes I says, my friend made it. I told her to google Lunch Lady Jan :D (You really need to send us all business cards to hand out!)

Have a lovely week :)

jill said...

beautiful bags as always on your blog. What a darling little bib. Jill #48

Crafting Queen said...

Beautiful peg bag and great bib.

Judys Lace Creations said...

Great bag, and ever so cute bib. There's an amazing number of tutorials on all sorts of things isn't there?!!
Judy #40

Lynn Holland said...

What a clever lady you are Jan everything is so lovely.
Lynn @ 65

Redanne said...

Very funny description Jan, definitely get some velcro, much better for the blood pressure. Love your makes this week, especially the bag, looks lovely with the ticking........Happy WOYWW, Anne x #32

lisa said...

Just whizzing by to say HI, LLJ after my hols. I need cheering up by my blogging pals. Those pesky holiday blues. Anyway, I knew where I'd get a smile and I was right. Love all those gorgeous summery fabrics you are working with, seven craft fairs, you know how to take on a challenge!!!! Good Luck with it all.
That bib is so cute, but I can imagine the language with the poppers!!!! Vecro is always the way to go!!!!!
A very belated Happy Birthday by the way, it sounds like you had a great one, love your pressie.
Hugs Lisax

Lisa-Jane said...

Oh how I laughed at this!!!! Maybe you need to make a stock of bibs and then we can get together and I can do all the doo-dads for you :-) That tent material is just stunning and I may have dribbled over that display on your bed... swoon....

Bridget Larsen said...

Wow if you were closer I'd come to your fair and buy your gorgeous bags
Bridget #7

Sarn said...

Cor, you don't do anything by halves do you Mrs?


Thanks for visiting me already xxx

Hugs, Sandra Take a peek at MY DESK here

okienurse said...

love all the awesome bright colors there! Have fun getting the stock up for the craft fairs! Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #68

Victoria said...

I'm singing that tune now!! Good luck filling the holes in, but they were worth making for that lovely bib! Have fun shopping today! Happy WOYWW! Victoria no.87

Karen said...

Oh how I loved that show!!! Thanks for the memories!!! Am back again after being AWOL (Hospital) so am catching up with you all. Happy WOYWW! Karen T 96 x

Trish Latimer said...

aaargh...now I'll be singing that song in my head for hours!!!! (and I don't know the words properly so it kinds of goes 'and blue....and blue...and blue.....' rather a lot!!!) Gorgeous gorgeous fabric, love how you put the patterns together, it works so well! Trish #90

jude said...

I have so missed popping by to see your beautiful creations to try and get some mojo back.You are very busy it seems with all these craft fairs .i have got some material that may be some use someone sent as rak to me but im not as creative with material as you.So your welcome to it ....it's cupcake material so im sure you would be able to put to some use .
have fab wednesday hugs judex 57

Words and Pictures said...

What absolutely glorious projects... I'm so in awe of anyone who can work with fabric (and especially sewing machines, which seem to regard me as some kind of enemy!)... and when I see all those gorgeous materials and what you're making with them, I get very envious! Gorgeous stuff, so nice to WOYWW-meet you!
Alison x

Karen McAlpine said...

Lovely projects!! And, a nice look at your fabric stash...Yummy!!
Karen 107

sandra de said...

Always such beautiful projects and OCD colour choices are superb. I think they invented velcro fasteners for the likes of us, I now use all those metal bits and glue them on canvas. On another note when I come to the UK it will be my pleasure to buy the drinks and stock up on your lovely peg bags.
Sandra @95

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh lady you are something...7 ???? 7 SEVEN !! WOW I've one in Sept and I'm not doing any more soon..Not enough time in the day, as my mind races with ideas. Love the colors of your bib and bag...Fasteners or I use to be able to do many types..now quicker and easier...Velcro. Have fun remain sane and sing!!!

Minxy said...

I take my hat off to anyone with the skill to make things with a sewing machine, your bags are very cool
Hugz Minxy #78

Morti said...


The image of you swearing with bits of metal pinging around round the room.....


Laughing and joking aside, such a gorgeous bib! Very on trend... Are you going to make more for the craft fairs??? I'm dead impressed - I actually ducked out of doing that craft fair at the school - they didn't advertise anywhere much!

famfa said...

As usual I am singing the song at the top of your post, thanks for that! Love the bag, perfect materials. Peg bag great too. Love the little bib, far too nice to get all mucky!
Famfa #28

Helen said...

Wow, the bag turned out great, and so did the peg bag....you can't beat a bit of gingham. It always looks fresh....

Helen #77 xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I swooned over all your lovely fabrics and laughed out loud at your pock marked wall! Good luck getting stocked up for all those craft fairs.
Fiona xx #131

Kim said...

It's probably good I can't sew a stitch...seeing all those fabrics make me realize I'd be hording those as well as paper. Just not enough room in my universe! LOL! Oh, and on our prev. post...nice to meet another band geek! Though I'm flute/piccolo, what does that say of my personality?? LOL!
Kim, #123

Elizabeth said...

Seven craft fairs, yikes! Looks like you'll be sewing into the wee sma' hours for many a night to come to keep up stock required. Love all those fabrics laid out - just ready for stroking. The bag is lovely - I like the ticking now that it's finished, and the peg bag is pretty perfect too. Love the gorgeous floral fabric on the bib - hope you manage to master the fastener doodah thingy before long. I think I'd give up and go for velcro :) Happy WOYWW, window shopping with Julia. Elizabeth x #105

Anonymous said...

Great stash of material Jan, very hard to choose which is the nicest l guess, they all look yummy.

Love the peg back and bib, you make this sewing lark look so easy :)

Happy WOYWW, thanks for dropping by. Hugs xx

Erika said...

Hi Jan where to start love your stash and love the bag, peg bag and bib, all fabby and anything with red gingham on is fine by me. Thanks for sharing your wonderful makes Jan and enjoy what's left of Wednesday, hugs Erika. #89

Anonymous said...

Seven craft fairs!! Well, if nothing else that's definitely going to keep you out of mischief! Love to see all the fabric stash laid out like that, it's much of a muchness with us papercrafters and our pretty papers. Really like the tote bag with the ticking lining it looks fab, but then again. so does the peg bag too!! And as to the bib, well that's too nice for any sicky baby that I know!!! Are you really going to be beat by some silly little mechanical doo-dad? Although the pock marked wall certainly sounds funny!

Brenda 5

Twiglet said...

Fab makes Jan - yes I go for Velcro - its quicker in the long run! Good luck with the craft fairs. I was perusing all our stuff the other day and thinking we really do need to do a couple of fairs before Christmas. Argh!! It's only 4 months away - where has this year gone! x Jo

trisha too said...

Such a yummy lot of fabric, and wonderful creations!! I always say I'm NOT going to get more fabric, but then what came today? A big box full of fat quarters, got them on sale, such great patterns, and THREE for 94 CENTS!!!

How can a girl resist that?

:)trisha #36ish

mamapez5 said...

I love all the fabrics. I go to a sewing/knitting/chatting group every Wednesday morning and several of the ladies there are quilters. One lady buys in lots of fat quarters from America and brings them in to resell. I don't do the sewing, but I just want to stroke all her lovely fabrics. The colours are gorgeous.
I love the girlie bib, and I'm all in favour of velcro fasteners
Kate x #80

Michelle Webb said...

These are outstandingly gorgeous, I love them. The fabric is really good. I love it. I don't have a pair of high heels nevermind Louboutin's! I have two other cats who all sleep like that, on a night time they're all at it, upside down kitty's everywhere! Michelle x #12

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I saw the bib and wondered if they fastening was velcro. Now I see that it will be. I'm with you, not at all dexterous. I can barely walk and talk at the same time. I like the beach tote with the ticking on the inside! It really works. You have some fun fabrics lined up there. I don't think it is OCD (or CDO if you must put them in the proper alphabetical order). I think it is a smart way of organization to make it quicker for you in the end. I'm ready for my nap now. :-)

Anne said...

Beautiful fabrics, gorgeous makes, I especially like the bib. I've been sewing little press studs onto a baby jacket I knitted- also hasbuttons - never again!!!!! Buttonhles next time. Hapy WOYWW Anne x #145

May said...

Gorgeous fabrics... your makes are fabulous..I have just got a sewing machine for my birthday.. so very new to the world of sewing would love to create makes like these... Hugs May x x x#4

fairy thoughts said...

forgeous fabric. I'd love a photo on the wall like that (light bulb moment! me thinks) might try that at the weekend, could do ot with felt as you saw in the shop earlier today. Have you thought of using velcro on the bib fastening.... much easier
janet #59

Deb said...

you do have a lovely collection of pretty fabrics, I couldn't cut into it if it were mine!
Love your bag, the ticking inside sets it off nicely! Good luck with the bib fastening, that would have me perplexed I must say!

Unknown said...

Hi Jan I didn't even know you could do anything other than sew a popper on! What is this new fangled fastener? A IFO in your house it seems (Identified Flying Object) :-D Made me chuckle. Hope you have fixed pretty bib and wall. Thanks for visiting me. WOYWW Hugs to you from Helen 15 x

SandeeNC said...

Love the OCD organizing, just looks pretty too! 7 fairs, wow, lots of work ahead of you, busy lady! and chunky dunkers...not positive what it means, but I have an idea and it made me laugh! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

VonnyK said...

You have my trouble with the dexterity bit. I can just see the little bits flying around the room. My idea would be the stick on velcro, saves on the sewing :) All your things turned out beautifully, love that bag. That is quite a haul of fabric on the bed, but I suppose it will disappear rapidly with all those craft fairs to make for.
Have a great week.
Von #45

Mary Jo said...

Such pretty fabrics and projects.
Makes me wish I could sew :)
Mary Jo #120

Queenie Jeannie said...

Oh what lush fabrics!!! YUMMY!!! Love your bags & bibs you've made. Try buying the Crop-o-dile for snaps and such! Such a lovely tool to have!!!!

Jeannie #62

BJ said...

Gorgeous fabrics and super bib, shame about the popper, know exactly what you mean. Velcro will be better all round you'll see. BJ#6

Unknown said...

Jan, those fabrics are so delish I just want to lock myself up in a room and sew all day with them! Although I doubt I'd come up for air and end up with a bag and a bib that cute! Hey, I need that peg bag! I'm really into clothes pegs lately, wrapping my flosses around them like a mad woman! Oh, and by the way, please take a photo of your mum's cookbook--it must be so precious to you! Hugs dearest! --Sandy Leigh

Lisa Richards said...

Aren't you industrious! Beautiful things you've made! Good luck with all those craft fairs and have a great week!

Tertia said...

That made me LOL, you see, I think in pictures, so I could just see you trying to get those pesky little things in there, Love the fabric though, I would leave it on the bed, just so I can stroke it every now and then. I understand the colour thing, I am a bit OCD when it comes to colours too.
Happy belated WOYWW!
Tertia #52
PS You are not polanning a trip to South Africa soon, are you? My wonderful grandson volunteered me to make school concert costumes, EEK!!! Help!!!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

thanks for visiting me!
oh what lovely fabrics! i love the combinations in your projects. that bib is such a beauty.
peggy aplSEEDS

SueH said...

Sorry to be so late visiting this week Jan

All that material look so pretty when it’s all laid out like that, doesn’t it?
Glad you went with the stripy lining for the bag, that was my choice too and I think it really looks smart.

Good luck with the redecoration of the wall, Lol.

Happy Crafting!

Darnell said...

You are too funny! And a little bit fabric OCD, I think! But never mind, your sewing is fantastic! Well, except for the snappy bits wot became shrapnel. So glad no was harmed in the making of the babe's bib!!

Hope you have a wonderful week! Darnell #136

Eliza said...

I just dont know how you do it, all those fairs and sewing all the time, I'd prefer to play with paper but you must like material better. I love how the bag turned out,very nice.

Belated WOYWW wishes to you sorry taken a little longer to get back to you, thank you for visiting.

Eliza #24 Happy sewing

Neet said...

You are so funny Jan polyfilla indeed! I am worn out just thinking about what you are doing with all those craft fairs - can you send me a tiny jar of your energy up please.
Love the fabric you have used and the gingham looks great peeking out.
Thanks for sharing and apologies for my late visit - Hugs, Neet #58 xx

Di said...

Hilarious Jan - Polyfilla indeed, the perils of crafting :) Hugs, Di xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

What a lot of wonderful goodies you are making, but fancy organizing so many fairs, you are a real glutton for punishment. I thought I had a lot to do but you leave me breathless. My chief project for this week is to finish the challenge card for Clarity, which is taxing my poor brain. Hope all goes well with your making and selling. Have fun. xx #102


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