My Mum

Dear Bloggy Friends,

It's a very sad LLJ this week - my wonderful mother passed away on the 4th May. No pain, she just got more tired, went to sleep and didn't wake again.
                                             Mum and Dad - 29th March 1947

She was an amazing lady throughout her life, who lived life to the max. She threw herself into any organization she got involved with - she was never one of life's bystanders. The huge amount of visitors to the house has been testament to her many friends.
                                                     Mum and Me - 1962
She was such a support to my two brothers and I - whatever we did or achieved, she gained enormous pleasure from us as we did her. She just made her 87th birthday and 65th Wedding Anniversary which we were so grateful for.
Dear May..loving wife, mother of three, grandmother of seven and great shall be missed so much.


Jacqueline said...

Awww Jan, I'm so so sorry to hear your sad news. My condolences to you and your family at this sad time.

Take care

* hugs*

Jackie x

Lynn Holland said...

My heart goes out to you and prayers and thoughts for all of you on losing your lovely mum and grandma.
Lynn x x x

Angie said...

My thoughts are with you is so hard to loose a mum ...I am so pleased she past peacefully. A beautiful post memorium.

Hugs xx

fairy thoughts said...

So sorry to hear of your lost, I'm sure you and your brothers have many happy memories to help you through this sad time

Elizabeth said...

Hello Jan, so sorry to read of your sad loss. She looks a lovely lady, gorgeous photos, and was clearly much loved. My thoughts are with you and your family through this difficult time, take care . Elizabeth x

Kate said...

So very sorry to hear your news :( My heart goes out to you and your family xxx

Annie said...

So very sorry to read your news Jan. What a beautiful post.
A x

lisa said...

Oh Jan, I'm so sad to hear your news. Your Mum looks and sounds like a wonderful lady and I know you will miss her terribly. Hold onto to those lovely memories.
My thoughts and love are with you and your family.
Take care my friend.
Hugs Lisax

Mary Ann Tate said...

So sorry to hear your sad news. It's very hard when you lose your mum. She sounds like a lovely lady.

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...oh gosh Jan, I can only imagine what your going through, sending you a very big hug!...Mel :)

Lisa Richards said...

Very sorry to hear about your mom, Jan! It is a blessing that she passed so peacefully. I can tell she was quite a lady and a wonderful mom and grandmother!

Carmen said...

I was so sad to read this Jan. What a beautiful post in her memory. Carmen x

Sharne Davies said...

so sad Jan - Your mum looks and sounds like a lovely lady. Bet you have lots of great memories to lean on. Sharne ( fresh as a daisy)

nerllybird said...

Oh that's so sad, I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. My mother is 85 and I often worry about her although she's very lively! What a lovely way to go, though. I will be thinking of you x
Helen S

okienurse said...

Sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. It is always difficult no matter how many years you have shared with them. I love the picture of your Mom and Dad in 1947 it shows a lot of love. Lots of good memories. Vickie

Morti said...

Sending you such big hugs Jan...... I'm glad you got to spend so mcuh time with her towards the end, those will be precious memories to get you through.

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh chum, what a wonderful post. I didn't know May, but I did really...I recognise her in you. Xxx

Jaki Morris said...

So sorry to hear of your sad news. Take care


Lisa-Jane said...

Jan I don't know how I missed this post but I obviously knew of your sad news. I just wanted to say again how sorry I was and it sounds like her passing was peaceful which is a blessing. Hugs to all of you xx

Di said...

Hi Jan, like Lisa-Jane, I don't know how I missed this post either although I too knew of your Mum's passing. Some wonderful photos Jan and a lot of happy memories left for you and all the family. Take care my friend. Di xx

Di said...

Hi Jan, like Lisa-Jane, I don't know how I missed this post either although I too knew of your Mum's passing. Some wonderful photos Jan and a lot of happy memories left for you and all the family. Take care my friend. Di xx

Anonymous said...

Ah sad news indeed Jan, but it sounds like she had a great life and a wonderful joy and zest for the everyday, just like you, so you'll never truly lose her, just look in the mirror.

Sending hugs,

RosA said...

Hi Jan,
Please accept my sympathy. My mother also passed away just after her 87th birthday, six years ago. Often it feels like yesterday.
Take care,

Bridget Larsen said...

So sorry to hear of your mums passing, may she rest in peace and watch over you all and may you heal from her loss and remember all the good times

famfa said...

So sorry for your loss. I'm sure you have lovely fond memories which will always be special. Your crafts are as always beautiful. Chin up, you have a lot of bloggy friends here. Xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a wonderful tribute to your lovely Mum. Thinking of you.

Fiona xx

Unknown said...

Just found your blog, so sorry to hear of your Mum's passing.....keep all those beautiful memories in your heart and it will be like she's always near.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I've been gone and playing catch up..It is with a Heavy Heart I say it must be so hard to have a mother pass to the next level of happiness and peace.
Wishing you love and best wishes to carry on. Cherish the memories and there is a bright star watching down upon you. Just look up and smile at her.

Sue from Oregon said...

LLJ_ I am so sorry to have missed this post. I am sending you bigs HUGS from across the ocean.

Sarn said...

It sounds like your Mum was very special. Cherish your memories - she will live on in your heart always - and in lots of other's hearts too by the sounds of things.

Hugs, Sarn xxx


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