It's a case of same old, same old on my desk today! There are a couple of reasons for this - one is that my son will be taking over the JanCave as his office when he's home from this weekend and so I've been sewing like crazy to get ahead. The other is that I can't shift this blooming vertigo and sewing whilst listening to audio books really helps me focus on something apart from the dizziness! Sad but true.... 

I had to wash some of the new fabric to get some heavy creasing out - my washing line was very pretty!

What a cheery sight eh?!

I have used up most of that fabric now - the weirdest thing struck me though with three of the digital prints, normally the pattern runs parallel with the selvedges but these went horizontal instead....

Like this! The selvedges are on the right and left of the fabric as you look at it, really strange. Obviously I turned my templates 90 degrees but I couldn't get the same amount of items out of the yardage which was annoying!

So here it is with the hearts facing the right direction, ie straight down the bag side!

This was another digi fabric but not so directional so I cut stuff out in the usual orientation!

I've got a few more items made for the cafe, these lovely bright fabrics have worked well:

Fun huh? I enjoyed finding the right linings for them too and my version of Angela's exploding box now looks like this:

I shall have a strip cutting session soon and then another quilt might be on the cards when I get the JanCave back!!

Have a great week, thanks for visiting xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Helen said...

sorry to hear you're suffering from vertigo again, glad that you can still sew! that hearts fabric is beautiful.I am sure the products will fly out of the RNLI shop. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jan. Sorry your vertigo is troubling you. I hope they find something to stop it soon. The mis-orientation of your hearts fabric was annoying. Is it worth feeding back to them that it’s meant you could produce fewer items from it? You might at least get extra fabric from them. Tbh I’m not sure what a digi-fabric is. Your glasses cases look so smart, all lined up like that.
Enjoy having all your boyz home
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 5 xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

Cheery and cheery! From washing line to finished product in the scroll of a page! Best ever way to get things done! I'm so sorry that you're still wobbly..I bet some days it's easier just to sit still and do nothing. I remember the utter awfulness of lying down, it takes ages to settle. I really do feel for you, and hope you might be on some sort of track to a solution. Won't it be lovely to have your big boy home for a while, you might not be sewing but I bet your hooks and needles will be busy instead!

Lynn Holland said...

Well despite the vertigo Jan you’ve worked with some pretty tricky fabric designs. Visually I mean. My eyes were dizzy looking at them haha. Hope it clears up soon. I’ve not had it once and I wouldn’t want it again
Lynn xx

Neet said...

What a beautiful array of cases you have there for the RNLI. The fabrics you chose are fabulous and look so good when made up like this. I don't get the heart one though, why printed diagonally? Looks amazing now you have got it the right way. Hope you can use some of the waste in your next quilt.
So sorry to hear of your vertigo but know what you mean when you employ tactics to make it disappear in a way. I tried lots of things the other week when my mind was wandering. As an aside if I get a teary moment when I really could do without it I sing "All Things Bright and Beautiful" in my head. It works for me.
Take care, Hugs, Neet 7 xx (thinking of you)

Glenda said...

I had a bout of vertigo years ago and it is not fun. I'm so lucky with therapy it left and has not come back. I'm so sorry you are troubled with that. Beautiful colors in your fabric such lovely items will be made from that!
Glenda #18

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
I'm so sorry to read, that vertigo is still part of your day.
The colorful fabric on the washing line is so beautiful.
Maybe you relax when your Son needs the Jancave for office?
Take car of you, buzy bee.
Send you a big hug.
Forget the annoying fabric print. You do your very best!
Eva from Austria

Annie said...

I'm on a roll this morning. I've done the wedding dress and bridesmaid's dress plus shortened another dress and now have time to blog before the next customer arrives.
What a blast of colour at yours today Jan. So sorry about the vertigo...I wish it would b***** off for you.
Annie x #9

My name is Cindy said...

Might be same old same old but it's always so pretty!! Sorry to hear about the vertigo, that's miserable but glad you are finding a way to deal with. Fingers crossed it sorts itself out very soon! Have a great week, love n hugs, Cindy xx #14

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Jan, sorry to hear about your vertigo, how very unpleasant for you. That heart fabric is very pretty, but so annoying that the pattern was the wrong way. Can’t your son let you work in a little space if you promise to be quiet? Happy WOYWW. Angela #17

Mary Anne said...

Glorious stuff LLJ. Really beautiful. Did you create the fabric or jut go on a bit of a binge at Spoonflower? LOL. Lovely all, but the peacock feathers a fave for me. Yum! Oh dear about the losing your Jan Cave. The things we do for our wayward son's right? But it is lovely having them around...mostly :D

Happy desk-hop day!
Mary Anne (4)

Tracy said...

Here's to you feeling much better real soon Jan 🙏 and the vertigo leaving!
Your post is a delight for the eyes 🌈 a gorgeous rainbow of colour with beautiful makes ⭐️💟 now that's a washing line full of joy right there 🥰😍 I'm sorry to hear your losing your space though. Sending much love with gentle hugs Tracy #13 xxx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry to read your vertigo has returned, Jan. I had it once on an escalator and it is no fun.

How annoying that the fabric design is going the wrong direction. I can see how that would limit the amount of fabric you had to use for the various patterns. Reminds me of the time I purchased an exact amount of fabric for a fabric book and the lady who cut the fabric shorted me by nearly 1/2 inch. I took the fabric back to the store where I purchased it and they gave me my money back. Sadly, the fabric was popular had sold quickly.

You got some lovely cases. Really lovely linings, too. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

Twiglet said...

That heart fabric is gorgeous but I agree it is weird to have the design going sideways -weft and weave and all that!. Those little specs cases look so lush - they will be in great demand . I hope your vertigo clears off soon. x x Jo

Lindart said...

Hi Jan! How you can sew or do anything with vertigo is beyond me especially with those fabrics that you have which would probably give me vertigo! L O L! You have done wonders with those fabrics, really beautiful items. Hope the vertigo goes away soon, have a good week, Lindart #22

BJ said...

Oh a strip quilt in those bright fabrics will be wonderful. I bought some fat quarters in my Hobbycraft excursion, well they jumped into my basket! Love the washing line, excellent. Hugs BJ#6

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan I'm back in Matlock now. We've been to Castleton today and the weather was good until about 4pm (16.00) and we were on our way back then so a good day. I like your fabrics though the patterns seen from a distance send your eyes wobbly! Have a great belated woyww. Hugs, Angela x12x

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. Sorry to hear that the dreaded Vertigo is still troubling you. I am having dizzy moments (or hours) fairly often, and the past 2 days it has been with me most of the time. Yes, it does help to concentrate on something - a screen seems to be ok for me. I did some research ahead of my GP appointment and it seems that about 40% of post-menopausal women get some form of dizzyness. Advice is to drink even more water, not too long between meals, rest etc etc. I had been leaving a long time between meals after starting on Intermittent Fasting, so rectified that and I am generally feeling a bit better. The fabrics are glorious. I did have an account with Spoonflower and was going to create my own fabric designs - one day! Ali x #19

Kelly said...

Good morning, Jan... Okay, it's officially afternoon there as I type this. LOL
I LOVE the fabric colors. So bright and cheery. Off the way that pattern was printed but your talented brain made it work!
Hugs & Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #21


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