Hello everyone! If you are wanting to see the photos from the Crop, then scroll on down to the previous post. Be warned, there's quite a few so have a coffee/tea/beverage of your choice to hand!

It was such a wonderful day but I sort of knew that I wouldn't get a chance to really sit and chat to Wipso and Twiglet, as they'd be busy running the day. So I contacted them previously and invited them over for lunch and crafting on the following Monday, while G took himself off to Ironbridge.

So here are the two wonderful ladies, without whom the Crop wouldn't have been such a huge success!

Yay, happily having a furtle through the bags of stash that Neet and Shaz had donated to us. (We took quite a lot between us!)  Cups of coffee, lots of chatting, we had a really good catch up that didn't happen on the Saturday. Julia even joined us for a video call, she was drinking coffee too and wearing her tiara, lol!!!

We did a bit of crafting too - I got out the crochet that I took to the Crop but didn't touch!

The 3 Musketeers!! We had a lovely few hours, true friends xxx

Here are the ATCs and gifts that I garnered on the day, with a lovely embroidered book and bottle of gin from Jo and Annie. Caro had brought these rather lovely little badges, mine's at the front - it's definitely going on my jacket. It was so lovely to meet Caro and Catriona for the first time as well and completely wonderful to sit and chat with so many friends.

G and I are staying in the area all week - the weather wasn't too clever yesterday, so we headed into Shrewsbury for a wander through the gorgeous streets and indulge in a little shopping....

Oh dear.....
The first fabric shop had obviously heard I was in town and put the barriers up before I got there....

But Abakhan was open :-D Yay!

So much fabric.....

...so little time......

I spent a happy half hour having a really good browse and ended up buying different fabrics that will be good for linings and inners, I've still got a fair bit of furnishing fabric for the outers. 

I got a metre of each because they'll last for ages.  I need to polish my halo because I kept out of the haberdashery section, having picked a lot of ribbons etc from Neet and Shaz's donation. I'm looking forward to getting home and having a play.

And G is an understanding soul, he even held the fabric rolls for me in the shop. We did have a lovely time!

As I'm away until the weekend (thanks for house and cat-sitting Rhys!) I may be late returning comments. Don't forget, the Crop photos are down below! 

Have a great week everyone xxxxx


Helen said...

what lovely pics of the post-crop. Hope the weather improves so you can enjoy the rest of the week(although I have seen the forecast!) Fabulous to see you again (and G). Helen #?

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Glad you made more of the crop by staying there longer.

So nice that you could have Wispo and Twiglet round for some chatting. Oh I mean crafting:)

Love the variety of ATCs. The book is fab and the badge is great.

Oh I did laugh at the first fabric shop barring you:) LOL Glad you found one with so many lovely fabrics and have stocked up.

Lovely photo of you and your hubby.

Sue #8

Neet said...

Well, I must first say "what a lovely photo of you and Gordon" - it really is a lovely photo!
It was so lovely of you to invite Jo and Annie for lunch in your little cottage. You are such a loving and thoughtful person Jan. Can't help but love you.
So glad you had a walk around Shrewsbury, Chas did that on Saturday and said what a lovely place it was. I think it was The Dingle that he took some photos of and I must say I quite fancy going there myself. Shame the fabric shop was closed but if you don't have an Abakhan near you (we have one in town) that would have been big enough to make you have a long time in the one place - and a big spend.
Thanks for being Julia's right hand woman and keeping the blog going - it is some achievement and not only for it running for ten years but also for it bringing so many people together and generating so much love.
Hugs and Thanks, Neet 5 xxxxxxxxx

Lynn Holland said...

It’s so exciting to see everyone and to put a face to a name.
Hope you are having a lovely few days away Jan
Lynn xx 14

Twiglet said...

So glad we managed to pop over and enjoy such a lovely day with you Jan. Great snaps - guess you managed to delete the 20 of you I managed to take - lol. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. You know where we are if you need anything! xx Jo

Anne said...

Hi Jan. It was great to see you again, what a wonderful day it was. Those fabrics are lovely. How wonderful that you got chance to spend some time afterwards with Annie and Jo. Such lovely ladies. Hugs Anne X #15

Mrs.D said...

Hi Jan, first of all thanks again for chivying Julia into starting WOYWW, she gets all the glory, but you deserve some too.
Oooh, I am so jealous that you got to Abakhan, I miss it so much, not that I can sew at present, but that is not the point, which sadly my DB doesn't get at all. Glad you are continuing to enjoy your time in Shropshire
Bless you
Chris # 13

Julia Dunnit said...

Now that is a smashing photo of you lovelies, I shall be lifting and scrapping that. And the selfie of you and the gals. I take my hat off to G....all that good natured photography for us on Saturday, and then abakhan....patience of a saint! I find the amount of fabric in that picture a bit overwhelming, I mean, where do you start choosing on that scale! Enjoy the rest of your week, was so happy to crash it at the beginning but you do deserve some uncontrolled time together, even I’m sensitive to that!! Love you. Xxx

Glenda said...

What a lovely time that must have been! I so wish I lived closer so I could have come by!
Glenda #21

Annie said...

What a day it was on Saturday wasn't it. The effort was so worth it for the rewards that came with it...fun, friendship and lots of love and hugs. It was certainly a day to remember for all it's smiles....and we are even considering doing it again now.
As for Monday...sooooo lovely to spend quality time with you and so proud to call you a friend....you're one very special lady. Love the photos.
Annie x #12

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Good Morning, such fun photos. Wondering how far in distance do you live from Jo/Annie? Your outdoor area is always beautiful. Looks like a danger for me zone in that shop ! We are really limited here for fabric shops. So many local things have closed. You and Hubby look great Enjoy a fun week

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, lovely pics of you and the sisters. They really did us proud on Saturday, didn't they? Glad the ribbons will be useful. Lovely fabrics you got, laughing at the one that was closed! Great pic of you & Gordon. Love and hugs from us both, Shaz #7 XxXxXx

Lillianb said...

lovely pioctures and all that fabric,

Lilian B #16

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

They locked you out of the fabric shop LOL! We had a good look around the town as well - such a nice place, Shrewsbury - I could easily live there! It was lovely meeting you Jan - you're as much fun in person as you are on your blog! Happy #522! zsuzsa #26

Catriona said...

Beautiful photo of you both and it’s also a happy photo of Jo and Annie-you’re great at the selfies. I had a marvellous time on Saturday and we took your advice and booked three nights in Pembrey Country Park after Cornwall. My DH is delighted we didn’t make it to Akabhan when he saw the amount of fabric! Enjoy the rest of your holiday. X

Caro said...

How lovely to have a post crop session. Love the photos of you all, and that one of you and Gordon is lovely. It really was so special to meet you. Happy WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#9)

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, it was so great to see you again on Saturday. I really can't quite believe I had only met you once before then! That was lovely of you to invite Jo and Annie over, they worked tremendously hard to make Saturday such a success, as have you and Julia with keeping the blog going. Great photos of you and the sisters - I think they may appear on several scrapbook layouts in the future! I laughed aloud that word had got out to the fabric shop that you were in town so they put the bars up. Sooo funny! Thanks for stopping by my blog - a few seem interested in another meet up later in the year, which would be fantastic! I'm sure something can be organised. I erm borrowed a couple of photos from your crop blog as I didn't actually take any. I must have been too busy crafting, or eating cake or talking! Have a lovely remainder of your week in Shrewsbury, hope the weather picks up for you. You are a lovely lady, and I'm so pleased to have met you through this blog. Hugs, Heather xx #6

StampinCarol said...

I really enjoyed looking at all the crop photos!! Oh my!!
Thanks for sharing them! What a great batch of ATCs and gifts!!
Have a fabulous week!
Carol N #30

Dorlene Durham said...

What a great idea to host a small get together afterwards. I love looking at all the photos. Such a great turn out! Dorlene #34

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am so sorry to have taken so long to visit. Unfortunately, my electricity was off this afternoon and into the night due to the storms. Now it is back on and I'm trying to play catch up.

I loved seeing all the photos from the crop AND post crop, too. I have ribbon envy (grin). You ladies look so happy visiting and also with your various projects. You certainly picked some good lining fabric. You have a great eye for color. Happy WOYWW from #3.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I forgot to tell you, I want "bottoms" like you and Julia were wearing at the crop. I can't seem to find them here in the states. That's the kind of pants (and shorts, too) I like to wear. You looked lovely and comfortable.

Sarah Brennan said...

It was a fabulous day all round. Glad you managed a longer catch up with Annie and Jo. Enjoy the rest of your break. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

craftyani said...

Lovely photos you all look so happy. Had to laugh at the shutters on the fabric shop don't think hubby had made an advance call do you? Loved Abakhan mills but found you had to watch their pricing systems years ago when it was sold by weight. Ani #19

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Jan, I've been loving the photos of the crop, it's so nice putting faces to names and lovely to see everyone had such a fab time. The picture of you and Gordon is lovely, and I had to laugh over the fabric shop battening down it's hatches when you came to town! I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in and around Shrewsbury,
Diana xx #20

Debbie Rock said...

Call me stupid - lots do! - but I had no idea Twiglet & Wipso were sisters!!!! How lovely you got to spend time with them on Monday too. Yup, that one shop certainly saw you coming - or maybe not because they'd have been in profit for sure that day had they been open but I do love the spotty, stripy lining fabric you got ... I love spots and stripes together.Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday ... was one of "those" days where I admitted defeat mid-afternoon & went back to bed! Today is another day & I have half an idea to wreck another canvas so might get to do just that once I have blog-hopped! Much love my dear Jan. Love Debbie xXx

Marit said...

I enjoy seeing lots of photos of the crop -I read your former post earlier this week and oh how I wish I could have been there! I also love today's photos of the fabric store... ohmy, I could have stayed there for hours (and I think they probably have the exact right fabric for the curtains that I have in mind but cannot find the right fabric for...) I could not hug you in person last weekend but I will keep on hugging you online on Wednesday! Love from Holland, Marit #28

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier.
What a gorgeous photo of you and G at the end of your post.... talk about saving the best till last!
Love that the fabric shops shut before you arrived! Thank goodness you found one that was open.
Have a good week
Christine #25

Lindart said...

Sounds like you had such a fabulous time, and that store looks like LLJ heaven! Thanks for your visit, Lindart #32

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. Another great post and photos. Glad you are enjoying your week in the Shrewsbury area - there is so much to see in the area. We had a hotel room booked in Ironbridge for the Friday night, and was sad to have to cancel it as was looking forward to showing Rich around one of my favourite little towns (I used to live in the West Midlands and would have days out there quite often). I am going to be really strict with myself from now on and only book one activity per trip away, unless I can have a few days rest in between. It was a good idea to try and combine getting the car serviced and the Crop into one trip, as it is such an annoying drive along the M4 (we have found an independent Maserati specialist in Bridgend, so will probably take the car there next time, unless we have sold it prior to that). However, my body decided that one night in a hotel and then driving around Wiltshire was enough. Sad to have missed meeting everyone. Ali x #29

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Jan,
I saw the crop post and mistakenly thought I’d commented on your WOYWW post last week, and now see it here, lovely pics of the three of you on your crafty day and I live Abakan too went to one in Manchester several times when there once with Neet, Jo, and Anne (last two don’t WOYWW anymore). Fun plus!
Love materials off to read today’s, hugs Shaz in Oz.x #22
ps leg is still healing because of cortisone it’s going to be long slow, other one is also still healing, gla dit was surface Carcinoma.

If blogging will post WOYWW a day ealry next week, as having a tooth extracted bottom molar that had root canal that failed and has broken off so won’t prob be easy and will be feeling sorry for myself.
But that’s not now, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof to quote full scripture 😊 so going to forget it for now!

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...