Hello everyone, hope you had a great Easter weekend - the weather was quite unbelievable! 

I haven't been in the JanCave much but pottered for half an hour here and there:

I thought I'd use all those strips I cut out a couple of weeks ago and do some patchwork - all cool blues together, it looks quite nautical!

I've made about 12 blocks of four strips and am unsure what they're going to be used for, a quilt perhaps or some cushion covers? Inspiration has yet to strike!

I've been doing a fair bit of gardening - it's not looking too bad considering the garden is less than 10 months old:
Quite a bit of colour, the perennial wallflowers in the background are a magnet for bees and other pollinators - I don't have any F1 hybrid plants if I can help it, as they're sterile and our bees need all the help they can get! 

The tides have been exceptionally high this week, the maximum being 9.4 metres and they've been evening tides too so the harbour and beaches have been really busy.
Not that you can see the crowds in this pic! Unfortunately, the RNLI have been out about 9 times in three days to people getting cut off on the outer beaches and sand banks. The tide comes in so quickly and visitors are unaware, even though there's loads of signs warning about the dangers.  The evenings have been just gorgeous though and we enjoyed strolling around.

We took Rhys out for breakfast on Sat morning (an early birthday celebration) and we went to the Ginhaus. I had cockles and laverbread (a Welsh delicacy made from seaweed, it looks like a cowpat but is delicious!!). This was by our table and made us laugh:

Jam made FOR the Ginhaus and not featuring gin in it (we think) but you never know!!

Have a great crafty week! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Lynn Holland said...

The garden is looking really good, well done. I’ve got a man coming to sort mine out in the next week or two hopefully. It’s a bit of a mess. I’m looking forward to seeing it stripped back to a clean canvas.
Have a good week Jan
Lynn xx 11

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

That nautical fabric is beautiful Jan, i'm looking forward to seeing what becomes of those sewn strips. What a lovely space your garden is now lots of pops of colour to embrace the beautiful weather we were treated to this past Easter. *Gin Jam* oh my.... don't mind if I do hee hee!!
Happy WoywW Tracey #5

Julia Dunnit said...

Blimey, that is a high tide....doesn’t it look gorgeous though. I think if you live by the water it’s prolly thee law to stroll out in the evenings, a good settler for the day, I think...and of course, probably a glorious sunset too! Don’t ask me about what to finish, but I like the strips as a start!

Anne said...

Your garden looks gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing what you make with the strips!
I am always surprised at people getting themselves cut off by the tide - especially when lots of signs warning you!
Not had laverbread. Must try it! Anne X #13

Neet said...

I wouldn't be too sure about the gin jam Jan - they put gin in everything these days. (gosh, "gin", "jam" and "Jan" - how "jolly" - am sure we could make a tongue twister up there). Sorry about that!
Lovely fabrics, how well they work together both in theme and colour. You will come up with something wonderful if I know you.
Your garden truly does look wonderful, I love container pots and you have some beauties there.
Sorry to hear the lifeboat has been called out so much, if only people would read and take notice of those warnings.
Not long to go now Jan - and I can bring that bag of goodies from last year - better go and look for it.
Hugs, Neet 18 xx

Glenda said...

I love the nautical vibe of your blocks. I see cushions in their future! What a gorgeous garden space. You are making it beautiful! Glenda #16

Crafting Queen said...

Wow, your garden looks wonderful. You have been a busy lady. Hugs Anesha

Sarah Brennan said...

Perhaps you ought to try out the gin jam Jan. In the name of consumer interest of course lol. I love the blue colour blocks. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

Annie said...

Love the patchwork squares Jan....I'm sure inspiration will strike soon. All I can say about the garden is....WOW! I must remember to show Dod the pic....how it's changed since our visit....might need to come again to check it out ;-)
Annie x #10

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, People do totally ignore signs, or not even bother to find out about tides, mainly i think those that don't live near the sea so have no idea how dangerous it can be as a flip side to the fun! Love the garden, and totally with you on the F1's. The only exception I make is with fancy Petunias for the planters. Gin Jam sounds ace, I once bought some Mojito Marmalade from Aldi!Love & Hugs to you all, Shaz XxXxXxXx

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. This weather has been lovely, but glad to have some rain now for the grass in the fields (and I was actually just about to start watering plants in the garden!). It also means that I can spend time in my office and not feel I should be outside. Your garden is looking great. I did far too much in our's over the past few days and exhausted/painful now, but worth it to look out of the window and see it fairly tidy (well as tidy as a very neglected/old garden can look!). I love the blue colours in the quilting strips. Still not got to the Ginhaus (well, we walked past once!). This summer definitely. Ali x #25

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Your garden looks so lovely! Loving all those pots - I want to create a little courtyard scene on our patio and those are just the pots I would want for it! I can tell a lot of careful planning went into it - and probably money too! At least the driftwood came free, I expect! Very nice - thanks for the ideas! zsuzsa #24

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Love the fabrics. Cushions sound great. Bet they'd sell well at the shop.

Garden is lovely.

All our emergency services had a busy weekend here. We had coastguard, RNLI, Police and Ambulances called out. Also fire engine went out several times, twice to field fires.

Your cowpat sounds interesting:)

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #8

Caro said...

I love those gorgeous blue fabrics and the garden is looking lovely. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW and have a great week, with love and God Bless, Caro x (#20)

StampinCarol said...

I had quite a laugh at the cowpat description! Love the blocks but maybe because blue/turquoise/teal are my favorite colors! Beautiful garden. I try to grow plants that attract hummingbirds. Have a wonderful week!
Carol N #27

Diana Taylor said...

Your garden is looking fabulous and is looking very lush and well established considering it's so new. I love the quilting too and with such gorgeous summery fabric I could see it as cushion covers on garden furniture, or a garden table cloth - it would look fab with the blue fencing. As you can probably guess I'm a bit involved in everything garden at the moment!!
Have a great week,
Hugs, Diana xx #21

Elizabeth said...

Your ten minutes here and there sure beats my efforts in the sewing room this week, Jan. The seaside theme is very appropriate given where you live - I look forward to seeing whatever the strips end up being. Lovely post as usual. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #31

Elizabeth said...

Forgot to say your garden is indeed looking fabulous given how old it is. Elizabeth xx

Shoshi said...

Love your garden, Jan - so unusual and artistic! It's lovely to see all the flowers coming out now, isn't it. Our Devon countryside is beginning to look its absolute best now with the blossoms all coming out, and the wild flowers in the hedgerows. Quite my favourite time of year! I love your nautical fabrics, especially the fishy one! I wonder what you will make with those lovely patchwork strips. The gin jam looks really fun - I'll have a spread of that on my morning toast!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #19

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the fabrics and the garden is perfection. Happy belated WOYWW, Angela x21x

Twiglet said...

Your garden is looking lovely - tulips add a fab splash of colour at this time. We saw some amazing varieties at Powis castle a few weeks ago. I love the patchwork pieces Jan - great colour way. xx Jo

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Great post as always Lunch Lady Jan, and love the nautical theme in patchwork cushions or whatever they become. Gorgeous fabric.
And the garden is amazing well doen indeedy, thanks for sharing your Wales with us too.
Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #23

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Christine said...

Love the 'almost' quilting strips.....and the gin jam ....
Have a good weekend
Christine (just sneaking in at) #35

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Another fun post...I hate missing weeks of WOYWW but my travel didn't give me good reception on my phone. Your photos are always great. Happy day


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...