Well, this is the last post I'm writing from my lovely house - everything happened rather quickly and La Famille Appleton are moving lock, stock and barrel to a rental property just around the corner from Julia! I shall be Interweb-less for a while so no blogs from me..maybe I can post vicariously through Julia :-D I don't know if I'll be able to return many comments either, sorry!

This was the last shot of my desk a couple of days ago, piled up with the stuff that I'm sending to Misteejay.

It was a useful exercise in stash busting!

And that's what the Jan-cave looks like now - I wasn't in there very long but did enjoy the space and luxury of leaving half finished work out on the desk.

And here's the stash all ready to go. 4 plastic boxes, two cardboard boxes and a bag of yarn. See, I really don't have that much! And someone else can corroborate that fact.....

Lisa (of Lisa's Craft Garden fame) and her lovely family dropped in en route from t'North to Cornwall. It was so lovely to meet someone who I've got to know rather well over the last five years. It was just fab to meet you, Lisa, I think that neither of us drew breath the whole time you were here. Thanks to your family for putting up with us too, LOL!! Hope you're having a great holiday :-)

And we're not the only ones who are packing up and moving on:
We found this absolutely gorgeous little nest constructed in our wood store. it's perfectly circular, made out of smooth mud with dried grass and a couple of plant labels too!! No sign of eggs anymore so hopefully the little family enjoyed their time there and found it was time to move on. A bit like us really, except our time here lasted 19 wonderful years.

Goodness I shall miss it.....but a new adventure awaits. It's all rather exciting.

See you all in a few weeks xxxx


Nikki said...

WOW your moving congrats on that so exciting to try a new place out looks like your all set to go and may you get settled in quickly hugs Nikki

Helen said...

That happened really fast - hope you find your forever home soon and in the meantime enjoy living closer to Julia than before! Helen #?

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Your items for Misteejay are lovely.

Hope the move goes to plan and your van driver doesn't get lost;) LOL

Sue #10

Judys Lace Creations said...

Oh dear Jan, it's going to be stressful in the Rental place, but how fab to be just around the corner from our Julia!!That should help!!Don't worry about visiting, we know you're busy.Pretty cute projects on your desk too.
All the best.

Neet said...

Gosh, this was rather a shock when I read it. I am going to miss you. We all are. I am sending messages like crazy to 'him upstairs' for you to find your dream home soon so that we can have you back in Blogland. Wednesdays won't be the same without you.
However it is the opening of another chapter in your life and should be a joyous occasion so I had better stop maudlin over it and wish you well.
Lovely array of Jan-Goodies for Misteejay and what a gorgeous photo of you and Lisa.
Love the little round nest you found hope the family were as happy as you were whilst they lived there.
Take care, good luck and hurry back to us (hopefully you won't be away) hint hint Julia.
Hugs, Neet 11 xx

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW - and hope the moving goes smoothly. I had a lot more boxes than that when we last moved! Every time hubby ventures into my cave (yes, he calls it that!) he always says, "OMG you have so much stuff in here". I have actually decluttered a lot. I hope you find your next perfect sewing cave soon (and the rest of the house to go with it). Ali x #12

Lynn Holland said...

Lots of lovely memories to carry over to your exciting next phase. I wish you every happiness Jan and hope you get settled quickly
Lynn xxx 13

Annie said...

Really hope the sun shines for you today Jan and the move goes to plan.....it sounds like you have a special van driver so what can go wrong? ;-)
Hope you settle well into your temporary home and you find something perfect to make your forever home like we have.
Annie x

misteejay said...

Wow, I can't believe you managed all those wonderful goodies when you are so busy with your move - thank you so much.
I hope everything goes smoothly.
Love your photos especially the nest in the wood stack - what a lovely memory to take with you.
Toni xx

Diana Taylor said...

Good luck with the move - I hope it all goes smoothly - see you when you are all straightened out again!!
I Love the bags and little tissue and specs holders you made - they are gorgeous. And lovely for you catch up with another desker - what a lovely photo of the two of you.
Love and hugs,
Diana xx

Kathyk said...

Best of luck with that move and hope you get to craft again soon. Loving the look of your haul of sewing projects, wish I was that clever with my sewing machine too!



jill said...

Good luck with the move Jan & wish you a happy life in your new home .
Happy woyww Jill #22

Chidkid said...

Wow..that isn't very much. When I moved in January I had treble that amount..lol. Good luck in your new home.

BJ said...

Adore all your makes and the stash busting too. Gosh what a big thing to move, hope all goes to plan and Julia is OK doing the driving. Hugs and Happy WOYWW BJ#24

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

That went incredibly quick Jan! We're still only scratching our heads whether we should proceed with a house purchase, even though our offer was accepted weeks ago. We're just too afraid to take the plunge! I will so miss you on WOYWW, but it's good to know that you may be able to post through Julia once in a while. It only seems yesterday that moved into your Jan cave - I hope you'll get something equally good (or better!) in your new house. You of all people deserve it! Good luck with the move and don't worry if you can't get back to me. I'll check Julia's blog for news about you. Take care, zsuzsa #21 xx ps: I sooo love those zippy bags and phone cases! That's something I would really want to try one day!

Christine said...

Take a look at my new ROOM, definitely not moving house!!
Good luck with your move and hope you find a gorgeous new place that gives you plenty of happy dancing!
Take care
aka Bishopsmate #18

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Wow a lot has happened in the few weeks I've been MIA. Happy things are falling into place for you. It's a lot of work moving, but usually it's an uplifting thing to be settled again. Have fun and enjoy

Sharon Madson said...

OH, my goodness! Moving! I had just read that Julia is driving the van. I hope the day goes great for you. Can't believe you even posted your Blog on such a day! Don't worry about commenting! :) #33

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan, hope all the moving is going well. I'll be messaging you later. Love & hugs to you all, xxxxx

StampedbyChris said...

The birds nest is so perfect! Good luck with your move.
Chris P #26

Stacy Sheldon said...

oooh Jan, I wish you smooth travels as you transition into your new nest. :)
~Stacy #35

Crafting Queen said...

Love your sewing projects!!! Anesha

Diane said...

Best luck with the move and love the picture of the birds nest.

Hugs Diane

Unknown said...

I hope your move goes totally uneventful and speedy! Will be watching for when you join this group again! Love your projects, too!
Carol N #29

Annie Claxton said...

Good luck with your move Jan and thanks so much for linking up for me xxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hope everything goes well with the move though I'm sure it will. We'll be here waiting when you return. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 16

Unknown said...

Hello Jan congrats on the move and hope it all goes smoothly for you and your family. I love the bags and all the sewing goodies you have made just wow. When I hop over here to your blog I do so miss sewing but for now I am obsessed with paper crafting. Have a wonderful week Hugs ~Anne L#7

April said...

Good luck with your move. See you soon in your new digs.
April #39

Morti said...

Ehrrr Ma Gerrrd...... It's actually happening.

Whoop whoop!

Good luck with the move, good luck with the house hunt. How long are you planning on renting for?

You could always pop down for a visit to blog on our wifi if you like, as well - hint hint - as we keep saying you must come for dinner! Make it so, captain!

love and hugs to you all


Elizabeth said...

succes with moving to another place. have a good time

Twiglet said...

Hope your new home makes a good stepping stone to a lovely new place Jan. You will miss the Jan-cave but you will soon organise a little crafty corner where you can play! x Jo

Kim said...

Best of luck with your move and house hunt for your future home! Look forward to seeing your new Jan-Cave when your back on-line!


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...