Another fun filled week has whizzed by here at LLJ Towers! Some packing has been done but actually it's been all about having fun and appreciating friends and family. This is going to be a longish post, there's lots to pack in!
Some crafting has been done though! I've been making stuff to send to MissTeeJay, she's fund raising for the RNLI, a charity dear to my heart.  The bag that's on the machine is my version of a Bag for Life.
...and after! (or vice versa!)  I had fun making this, something a little bit different!
And these were the makings of a large tote bag. I like the pink/grey combo very much.

Right, bale out now if you want as desk time is done and shots of the weekend approach!
This lovely pile of stash was given to me by Shaz Silverwolf, who came to stay for the weekend with hubby Doug.  I'm sure I can find a use for that lot Shaz, thank you!
But not only was she generous with this...
...she sat and sorted out my ribbon box for me! Now that's a friend worth more than rubies :-)
And that's what it looks like now, a thing of beauty I hope you agree! I sorted out my scraps box while we were chatting.
 We went to Devizes for a mooch and had a lovely time window shopping and drinking coffee!
I'd found this half life size patchwork giraffe in the kitchen shop...random, but impressive!! And no, that's not going to be my next project..... :-D

Goodness, we did have a lovely time, I don't think we stopped chatting all weekend. I'm just so grateful that we got to meet the Silverwolfs through WOYWW, they have become really good mates over the past couple of years. In fact, so many wonderful people have crossed my path, my life has been truly enriched. And one of those was Janet Fairythoughts, who passed away one year ago exactly. Her friends and daughter finally did their skydive this week, raising funds for the lovely hospice who cared for Janet in her final weeks....
This is Anne having just jumped. She sent me an email saying she literally was on cloud 9 when she 'stood on a cloud'. She thought of Janet all the way down, thinking how beautiful this world is and how wonderful Janet was. They have raised well in excess of £2000, with more coming in. She wanted me to thank all those deskers who sponsored the jump - doesn't it just go to show how this Interweb malarkey can change lives for the better?

I'd like to say a huge thank you too, to everyone who reads this funny old blog and makes my world a happier place xxxxxxxxx


Nikki said...

Sweet of Shaz to sort your ribbon box for you and lovely new bag ,great skydiving pic of Anne
Hugs Nikki? ?

sandra de said...

It is always so lovely to see woyww's visiting each other IRL. Hope one day to get to visit desks outside of OZ. Actually even OZ desks would be great. Love the skydive pic and sad to think a whole year has gone and I think of all the other lovely woyww's who have passed on. Makes the weekly/fortnightly peek at desks very special.
sandra de

Helen said...

So glad that Anne got her skydive done at last.. A year already.. :( Love the newly sorted ribbon box, and how fabulous that Doug and Shaz visited again and you all had such fun (love that giraffe!) Helen #?

Twiglet said...

Visiting early today for a change - was awake at silly time so sitting enjoying peace and quiet with my coffee and biscuit! I love this post Jan - so full of fun, fabric, friends and flippin brilliant folk - that sky dive is amazing - well done to the girls.x

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Loving your bag for life and the material for the tote bag.

How lovely to get that scrummy pile from Shaz and for her and her hubby to get to stay with you.

I love sorting out ribbons and been drooling all your lovely bits.

That's a lovely photo of the two of you.

Loving the Giraffe. You could get a very small version:)

Sue #12

Kathyk said...

Great work space and soem fab pix -thanx for sharing



Annie said...

So many lovely pics of such special people I call friends ( even though I have yet to meet Shax...it will happen). This blogging lark really is something very special isn't it?
Have a great week.
Annie X #13

Inside the artists shed said...

Glad you had a good time with Shaz but disappointed you are not 'doing' the giraffe. If you don't mind I've saved your pic of the bag for life to show a 'Crunch' lady a project to use up some fabric. Have a great week playing with your new bits of stash x Jackie 18

Annie said...

Just had to pop back to say I had a good chuckle at your comment today....one letter really does make a big difference doesn't it? :-) :-) :-)
Annie x

SusanLotus said...

So fun to meet a crafting friend!
Your stash is great.
And the fabric bag looks both practical and beautiful.

Have a fun WOYWWW!
SusanLotus nr 20

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, and the pleasure was all ours. Thank you all for having us! The ribbon sorting was very relaxing, just sat having a chat, drinking coffee- what more does anyone need? Wonderful news on the skydive, what a total! I forgot to get Miss TeeJays info off you- will you email it to me please, I'll package up some cards for her. Lots of love and huge hugs xxxx

Caz said...

Happy times!
Love all the creative bits - and that giraffe is fantastic!!
Caz #28

Diana Taylor said...

Well I have to agree with you, I love the pink and grey combo too - what gorgeous grey fabric. That's a smashing photo of you and Shaz - I'm so glad you had a lovely time, and put her to good use on your ribbon box too!!
That was wonderful news about the skydive, an amazing amount raised for such a good cause.
Diana xxx

Unknown said...

So the bag that also rolls up is called a bag for life? It is beautiful and brilliant! Love it!! And what a lovely helper you have rolling up your ribbon bits and bobs for you as I am sure this move is going to be a bit overwhelming. Will you have a craft room in the new digs? Wish I could pop by and pack a box for you! Hugs! Sandy Leigh #27

Christine said...

What a lovely post, left me feeling all wuzzy inside. I think all our lives are a richer because of WOYWW.
Love the idea of the bag - now I know what to do with chicken feed bags .... they are large, plastic and too good to throw away!!!
Take care
aka Bishopsmate #40

misteejay said...

What super photos and it sounds like you had a wonderful time.
The 'bag for life' looks amazing. You are so kind.
Love & (((hugs)))
Toni xx

Belinda Basson said...

Hello, I am back... Glad to see you are still sewing up a storm. What a lovely visit you had from Shaz and yes, what a great friend indeed to tidy up that lot... Do you think she will swim down South and help here? Nice to hear they have raised do much money by jumping for Janet. I can't believe that was a year ago, but then I have been AWOL for 50 weeks. Doesnt feel like it. Yes this interweb is great for making friends and I feel like I have missed you all while I carried on with real life, so it is nice to be back and playing catch up.

Chidkid said...

How wonderful to meet up! Great bags..and what a gal to sort your ribbons like that!

Unknown said...

Isn't it amazing how WOYWW has brought together "friends"!! Though I'm in the States I have met 1 lady and will meet another in 1 1/2 weeks. Love the photos! Hope you have a great rest of the week!
Carol N #35

LisaDV said...

Cute bag. Love the patchwork giraffe. Glad you had fun with Shaz. Have a fantastic and blessed Wednesday! LisaDV #26

Julia Dunnit said...

That really is a fab pic of you and that Shaz, big heart thump there. And then another one reading about Janet and Anne's jump...by golly she was so brave! I love the bag for life. A bit eponymous really. I suppose you could, at a stretch, substitute 'bag' for 'friend'. Ahem.

Lea.H said...

The bag for life is lovely, and a really good idea. I like the pink floral fabric you have there. A very good friend to sort through the ribbon for you! and also the giraffe!! he is huge! Lea 49

Lea.H said...

LLJ - A bikini...hahahah I had to take another look at the piccy and then I totally saw it! Looks like it needs some serious work! I love the mermaid too, thank you, I am surprised I created a page that I looked at and liked :) I love your blog, very inspiring! :) Lea 49 x

StampedbyChris said...

The bag is so cool! I love to fly, but couldn't jump. Afraid of heights...go figure!
Chris # 25

Neet said...

Ooh, sky diving makes me shudder. That's how I broke my ankle and why I suffer now. Still, it was for a good cause (raising money on behalf of Janet) and they are really to be commended for it. It's only last month I thought about Eliza as it was a year since her passing. hard to believe those people are no longer in our lives isn't it.
Still, you have had a fun weekend with the Silverwolfs and you got jobs done too. Those are the things we must treasure and it makes e think how good it is to blog and record these little events, photos of friends etc as we go along life's pathway.
Have a good week and don't do too much packing etc to tire yourself out but intersperse it with the lovely sewing you do and time will pass quickly.
Hugs, Neet 5 xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. I am doing some nosying around blogs whilst catching up on the Olympics this morning. I always love your choice of fabrics. Fab colours. Wonderful photos of your time in Devizes (not been there for years). That giraffe is random, but amazing. Ali x #37

BJ said...

Love the fastening for the rolled up bag, must remember that one should I ever be making a bag again! Last bags I made up were for my son's year 6 class (and the sister class so about 50!) after they tie-dyed fabric. Gosh that was 6 years ago, he's just got 4 A's and a C at his AS's today and on his driving lesson, doesn't time fly? Super giraffe too. BJ#24

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jan,

Shaz did a GREAT job of getting your ribbons sorted out! The rolled up bag is great. I am so fortunate also to have made great friends through WOYWW. There's no words that I can tell Julia how much this has meant to me. I've been absent for quite a while but enjoy it when I have time to stop in and visit.

Hope you and yours are doing well.


Judys Lace Creations said...

What a woman Shaz is..anyone who volunteers to sort ribbons is one in a million! Cute bag too Jan.

Darnell said...

This really made me smile, Jan! Thank you for sharing the photos of Shaz and the skydiving tribute to Janet. It was especially poignant when we think of how sick Shaz was not that long ago. If I had been there, Shaz and I would have had to share the thrill of organizing, weirdos that we are, lol! Good luck with the packing and please keep me posted! Hugs, Darnell


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...