EDIT: Lea H, if you're reading this, I've tried to comment on your blog a couple of times but it keeps getting returned to me as a 'could not deliver' email. Please could you email me your email addy, so I can at least reply to you because I really like the stuff you do!! Thanks

I am spending more time packing boxes than crafting but a little bit has been done...

 I knocked together some personalised bunting for the new nephew of a friend of mine. The ribbon box needs sorting - guess what? It ain't gonna happen :-D

....and this is why:

Boxes everywhere! You can just see a framed cross stitch, in the days when I had the patience to do them :-D  It's a Noah's Ark sampler I made for Rhys 19 years ago!  We've kept the boxes relatively neat as this is the bedroom in which Shaz and Doug Silverwolf will be using when they stay with us this weekend!!

I turned 55 last week (Gawd Blimey) and one of my presents was wrapped up with this:
Yup, I'm going to age disgracefully! Anyone care to join me??

Have a great week xxxx


Nikki said...

Happy belated birthday Jan and your ribbon is fab no matter the age we are all wild at heart :)
Hugs Nikki

Helen said...

yes I will age disgracefully with you gladly! That ribbon is gorgeous. Have a fun weekend with Doug and Shaz. You're doing great with the boxes; well done! Helen #?

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I'm with you, we may be getting old, but we still know how to have fun. Good luck with the packing!

Neet said...

You are still a bit of a kid Jan! Belated Wishes from me, although I did manage to get on FB in time.
My, you have been busy with those boxes, after the kitchen I don't think we will be moving house - that was a step too far for me and only one room. My craft room> Oh Em Gee - impossible!
Have a lovely weekend with Shaz and Doug - can imagine it will be full of fun and love.
Hugs Neet 3 xx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Glad you managed to get the bunting done, despite all the boxes.

Happy belated birthday. I think once we reach 50 we have earned the right to be disgraceful:) LOL

Sue #5

Unknown said...

Hi Jan
Happy belated birthday! I remember packing up home several times, memories just come flooding back don't they. Have a lovely weekend with Shaz and Doug and carry on disgracefully!
Lynda B 8

Kathyk said...

FAB bunting and GOOD LUCK with getting the room to a place Shaz and Mr Shaz can sleep in too!

Belated Happy Birthday



Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Your packing looks super organised. Love that ribbon. Very fitting! Have a great weekend with Doug & Shaz xx

Fiona #9

misteejay said...

The ribbon box looks like a tangle of adventure to delve into. Love the bunting.
Have a super weekend.
Toni xx

Annie said...

A very very happy belated birthday my friend. Hope you had lots of treats. The boxes look so familiar....we still have some needing emptying but now thinking what ever is in them hasn't been missed so just might bin them lol. I like a ribbon box I can rummage through so don't sort it too much lol. Good luck with the box filling....do you have a date and where are you moving to???
Annie x

Judys Lace Creations said...

Many"Happies" for your birthday.55 you are a BABY!!Hope you have fun with your WOYWW buddies!

Diana Taylor said...

Well aren't you organised - I can feel my stress levels rise at the thought of all that chaos, but you seem to be handling it beautifully and crafting too! I love the bunting and I bet your friend will be thrilled with it. Have a wonderful time with Shaz and her hubby,
Diana xxx

Inside the artists shed said...

Some of us are already old and disgraceful - unfortunately like me you are too young to get a pension at 60 - have a happy week and enjoy your guestsx Jackie 17

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Fab ribbon Jan! So glad you're managing to squeeze in time to craft (and to host friends) while packing up the house. I hope you have a lovely time with Shaz and Doug. Happy crafting, Max #22

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, on with you on ageing disgracefully. In fact,follow me , I know a shortcut! rofl. Love it, and all the boxes we have as roomies for the weekend. So looking forward to getting down to see you all. See you Friday, love and huge hugs, Shaz xxx

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan - definitely. I'm with you - I wear purple a lot these days!!! (see Jenny Joseph!) Happy birthday for last weekend. You look good and organised - I am sort of assuming you know where you are moving to? Unlike friends of mine who's house sale is going on and they don't yet know... They'll find the right place at just the right time! Have a great time with Shaz and Doug.. enjoy LOADS a fun!
Thanks for the visit and comments.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #23

lisa said...

I think we should all age disgracefully. A very Happy Birthday. I'm sure it was a very special day. Looks like you are well into this moving lark. We are just starting out on the long journey with my Mum. We have 40 years of packing up to do there. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Have a super weekend with Shaz.
Hugs Lisa xx

BJ said...

Love the ribbon, nothing like a bit of WILD. Still got my Union Flag bunting up, first excuse, Queen's Birthday, now it's Olympics. I think it might just stay up forever! When's the big move then? I can't imagine ever moving from our neat little semi. Bit chilly out today (just got back from getting a geocache) think I might have to iron today to warm up! Thanks for the visit BJ#18

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I didn't realise your house move was progressing so fast! We could learn from you! We've been looking to move for over 10 years and we're still here - even after buying and selling a house last year, LOL! We're just chickens really and we're afraid to make a change! Looks like you're ready to go any minute! Have fun with Shaz and Doug. Would be lovely to see some photos! Loving the bunting - I can see what it will look like when finished. Apparently, buntings are all the rage these days - you could sell them on Etsy! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #24 (thanks for visiting earlier!)

Sue Jones said...

Happy Birthday for last week - At 56 I am definately with you on the aging disgracefully!! I was decorating the livimngroom last week and found a load of cross stitch picture from when i too had the patience ( I still have a zillion books!) I was impressed with myself - ha ha.Have a great week . soojay 27 ( i wish!) x

Marit said...

Happy belated birthday Jan and yes, I join you in aging but I age 'hippie-like gracefully'... if that's ok with you ;) Have a wonderful time with Shaz & Doug! Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland, Marit #26

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan, yuk I don't envy you all that packing, I hate moving house, but it's always worth it in the end! Glad you're still making time for a bit for crafternating :o) Have fun celebrating your birthdays at the weekend xxx Annie C #29

Unknown said...

I'm with ya sister! Let's age disgracefully together!! And look at your cross-stitch from the day. I used to be obsessed with Noah's Arks. You know, I never thought I'd do another big project, but then this dollhouse thing came along and I'm determined to finish it before I get another age spot. I visited you first today before I even get on the treadmill! I was asking Julia for some advice on painting a stone that came from my mom's house. It used to be part of a fountain in her back yard. I may need to pm you the photo of it and maybe you could show Julia. Lots o hugs from one 55'er to another! Double high fives...that's us. Sandy Leigh #37

Christine said...

I'm ahead of you gal, worn purple before I should've but ...... (it's the spitting I can't get past!)
Have a lovely weekend, with or without boxes!
Have a good week
aka Bishopsmate #31

LisaDV said...

You've made great progress on the boxing up. Your bunting is so cute. Love your wild at heart ribbon too. Blessings for a great WOYWW and terrific week! LisaDV #28

lilian said...

Hope you had a great birthday and yes i will join you as i am growing old disgracefully .

Lilian B #13

Twiglet said...

Nearly 65 and hope I am ageing disgracefully too!! That packing is going well Jan - it's a flippin pain but you will be so glad once it's all over and you are happily settled in your new place.

Unknown said...

Hope you had a great birthday celebration! I'm close on your heels in age! Remember, growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional! I'm not growing up, period. Hope your move goes without problems! Cool bunting! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N 36

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

No Jan! I refuse to age gracefully it's no fun! I'm 62 now and determined to carry on doing all the mad things I've always done so I've joined the gym to keep fit for the skiing and when I'm not doing that I'm walking with friends though it is getting in the way of my crafting a bit. Hope you have a lovely woyww and happy belated birthday, Angela xXx 15

Kim said...

Happy Belated Birthday (But I did get you FB-so not so belated) I'm with you; disgracefully is good! Have a fun visit, and good luck with the packing!! Hugs,
-K #44

Cara said...

Happy belated birthday. The packing looks very impressive and far too organised! Cara x

Anonymous said...

Is there any other way-lol! Haven't moved for 28 years and hope this house will do us forever! Good luck-hope you're decluttering as you go ( tongue firmly in cheek!) Catriona

Bernice said...

I don't envy your house move - though you look very organised! I hope you get sorted soon and have a nice big craft room in your new house! Great bunting.
Bernice #48

Dorlene Durham said...

Packing is never fun, but it looks like you're off to a good start. Love the ribbon on the gift. Dorlene #48

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. Cute bunting - and a reminder that I wanted to make some for my eldest granddaughter, as we are decorating her room this autumn. Packing! We still have boxes full after 3 years! Love that ribbon - would suit most of us, I am sure. Ali x #34

Anita said...

Happy belated birthday. I will be doing a banner soon. That ribbon is super cute. I hate packing and unpacking


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...