Another crazy week has just whizzed by. Back to Wales to scatter my Dad's ashes on our special beach, playing with band, my birthday and a visit from a very special lady on Sunday! 
Diana (VelvetMothStudio) came up to LLJ Towers for a couple of hours, for a little light crafting, chatting and a spot of lunch. Goodness it's amazing how the time whizzed by - Julia popped up for a coffee too which was lovely. The weather was kind and we managed to sit outside.

We didn't actually get to spend that much time crafting, we'd talked rather a lot you see, but when I showed Diana the Jan-Cave, this is what my desk looked like for a while!
Diana was doing some of her beautiful and intricate embroidery and I was sewing the border onto the little charm pack quilt. I enjoyed doing the patchwork but the quilting/backing/bordering has been like pulling teeth. Quite frankly I'm glad to see the back of the blooming thing!

A close up of Diana's work - just cos I love it so much :-D

I was wondering what to do with this little lot....
...when my friend from Wales asked if I had any items going spare for the craft stall at the RNLI Open Day in my old home town. Just a few, I said! So these will be winging their way to hopefully raise some money for an amazing cause. (for non-UK readers, the RNLI is a lifeboat/lifesaving charity that is run by volunteers and charitable donations. My friend's husband was a volunteer boatman who went out to rescue people in trouble)

And finally, another dear friend of mine shares a love of fabric (maybe an obsession?!) and she sent me this fabric as a birthday prezzy...
Hokusai in embroidery. It's so beautiful - I may just have to stare at it for a long while before using it. The photo doesn't do it justice. Thank you Lynne!

Hope you're all well and happy - have a great crafting week everyone :-D xxxx


Helen said...

Love what you and Diana worked on, that blue of Diana's is gorgeous. I think I'd frame that fabric from Lynne.. you can't mean to cut it up, surely, lol?!! Glad you got to scatter your Dad's ashes on "his" beach xx Helen #??

Neet said...

Oh Jan that Hokusai in embroidery is beautiful. You must make something special with that.
Love the navy piece which Diana has been working on and your patchwork is brilliant too. Maybe one day I will learn how to make these things.
Good to hear your dad has gone to his special beach cannot think of anything nicer for you to do. It already held a special place in your heart, bet it is even more special now.
Thinking of you,
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Glad you have had friends over.

The quilt is lovely. Loving your hearts and drawstring bags as well.

Your friends stitching is stunning.

That fabric is far too nice to use. It should be framed.

Sue #6

BJ said...

What a lovely get together sounds idyllic, I've been stuck at home for the better part of the week with you know what yet again, I'm slowly losing the will to live. Love the colours in your quilt, sorry it got so stressful towards the end. BJ#9

misteejay said...

Sounds like a very busy week Jan.
Glad you were able to take your Dad back to 'his' beach and that you were also able to spend some lovely time with crafting friends.
The items for the RNLI are fabulous - hope they bring in lots of money.
Toni xx

Kathyk said...

Brilliant quilting projects under way.

The scattering of ashes somewhere specific is a very personal and bittersweet thing to undertake and I'm pleased you were able to fulfil that wish



Annie said...

I'm not a huge lover of quilt making either Jan but it's nice to make one now and then isn't it?....mine has already been put to good use by the grandees playing eye spy :-) How lovely to scatter your dads ashes somewhere special like that....sending you big hugs. The fabric Lynne sent you is def one to need a good stroking before it gets used....I love it.
Have a great week.
Annie x #10

Twiglet said...

I am with you on the quilting issues and so is my friend who made the pretty one on my blog - its the need for nit picky accuracy that drives us bonkers - I think we must be free spirits that don't like being tied down!! All those lovely items will sell fast and make much needed funds for that brilliant charity. Lucky you to spend time with two lovely crafty ladies too! x

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan. What an amazingly packed post! Lovely. Your desk looked great with your quilting and Diana's embroidery. You are SO right - her work is indeed exquisite. Congrats on selling the house, by the way - hope all goes well with the completion! A great selection of goodies for the RNLI to sell and raise funds.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #17

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, isn't that wave fabric amazing? I love Diana's work too, she does such beautiful intricate pieces. Good to see you had a lovely week- and you have more guests next weekend! Rofl! See you soon, love and big hugs to you all, Shaz xxxx

buterfliecrafter said...

that fabric looks awesome, would be afraid to use it as I am with beautiful paper. your quilt is very colorful and am glad for you that it is finished. And i totally understand why you had to also show Diane's work, it is gorgeous. Happy WOYWW Vicky #15

Anne said...

A lovely post Jan. I'm sure scattering you dad's ashes was a an occasion full of many emotions.
Diana's work is brilliant isn't it - such talent. love the quilt - I can't get on with the backing bit etc.
The fabric from Lynne is gorgeous- I don't think I could cut it :-)
Anne x #20

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Lovely that you finished the quilt Jan! I'd like to get into quilting, but I'm not sure I have the patience or the accuracy required. Perhaps I should start with a cushion cover! Love your "little lot" especially the owl print draw bags! I hope to find out more about Diana's project on her blog. Just typical of your generous, charitable family to include a lifesaver as well! Wow! I hope you will have just as nice a Jan Cave in your new house as you have now. Have a lovely week! zsuzsa #21

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

ps. scattering your dad's ashes on your special must have been very poignant, but also uplifting. It will be a lovely place to visit whenever you want to feel his presence.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I meant to say "special beach".

CraftygasheadZo said...

A busy week. I do love your Jan-cave! Those fabrics are fab especially the wave one. How lovely to scatter your dad's ashes at your special place. Thanks for sharing. Take care Zo xx 25

Morti said...

I've not done a WOYWW post yet today but had to comment on your page. The Hokusai embroidery is indeed gorgeous and I think I would have to frame it, personally. LOL.

Also, Mr B used to be a volunteer RNLI lifeboatman, when they lived in Silloth, in Cumbria. He even drove for them for a wee while 6 years ago, delivery new boats from Poole to all around the country, including Ireland. Funny that...

sandra de said...

Wow that piece of hokusai emroidery is stunning. Lovely to hear you had a great catch up with Diana and Julia. Congrats on selling the house but, also quite stressful. All the best.
sandra de @28

Diana Taylor said...

It was a lovely day - thank you so much Jan. I love the fabric your friend sent - I don't know if I'd be able to cut into it, but I can see it as an evening bag.
Have a lovely week,
Lots of hugs,
Diana xx

Christine said...

See what you mean by 'busy' lol
That Hokusai is amazing, I would frame it and just sit ans look at it!
Take Care
aka Bishopsmate #30

Caz said...

Lovely things to look at this week!
I sympathise with the quilting....I love making the quilts but sometimes the binding is just.......such a 'bind' to do (sorry, couldn't resist that one!)
Diana's embroidery is gorgeous, ditto the wave piece.
Glad you got to scatter Dad's ashes at your special place
Caz #27

Lynn Holland said...

I sigh loudly as I so wish I lived nearer to you gals and could come and play or even just drink tea for a while
LYnn x x x

Felicia said...

Jan, I just love that quilt and I pray it fetches a good one in the craft stall for a successful fund raiser - I'M SURE it will! All your goodies are just wonderful....love the little owls! Eeek! So good that you got to have Diana over for some craft time, what treat! I just love her embroidery! Ohhhh that piece from Lynne is lovely...I'm afraid I'd have to find a way to hang it and just gaze upon it! Have a great Wednesday, Felicia #34

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Your friend will be delighted with those goodies for her stall. Love the cheerful quilt and Diana's embroidery is beautiful, as always. It's good to be home again and have a little time to catch up with everyone after all the gadding about I've been doing. A belated Happy Birthday from me. Enjoy the rest of your week xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Beautiful fabric, what to do, what to do!! I just thought I'd mention that Diana has posted pics of her next step on the little pieces she was working on...and she uses pins.

Kelly said...

Beautiful fabric. I think I'd want to frame a section as is. Same with Diana's squares. Maybe a set of 3 in variation over your work surface in the new digs. Great you guys got to visit a bit. Sounds as if Diana is having quite the tour. Safe Travels to her and Creative Blessings your way! Kelly #38

Unknown said...

Your little patchwork quilt is so cute! But Diane's work... oh my! Jaw-dropping gorgeous! And the wave fabric, I'm drooling! My heart goes out for you with the spreading of your dad's ashes. I have some of my mom's in a special little box on a shelf. Hope you have a wonderful week!
Carol N #29

Lea.H said...

I love the quilt, Jan, you know I seem to love all the same crafts as you and I totally love that fabric! The embroidery is so cute too! Very intricate! And I really must add, I love the owl fabric! Lea #43

dmgarafalo said...

Love the work of you & your friends! Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful Wednesday, donna #41

lilian said...

Great quilting,

Love the waves thats really is wonderful,

lilian B #16

Annie Claxton said...

Gasp! how many beautiful things stuffed into one post! YOur quilt is gorgeous, but I know what you mean about the whole finishing bit - a friend of mine sends her quilts away to be finished, expensive but tempting .... :o) Annie C #47

Lynne Mizera said...

SWOON! I do not sew, so your work amazes me! I do embroidery and crewel work so I can appreciate just how lovely those squares are, but your quilting skills amaze me! Thanks for sharing with us this week Scrapbook Lynne WOYWW #2

Dorlene Durham said...

That fabric is so beautiful. You may just have to frame it or something. I love your other little projects and. Your friend's embroidery is fabulous! Dorlene #37

Nikki said...

Wow those are some amazing embroidery pieces. Would just want to frame them, some talented friends there :)
Hugs Nikki 3

April said...

I am so envious of your sewing ability. I am still learning to quilt.
April #24

LisaDV said...

Happy belated birthday! That fabric piece is quite lovely. Love all of your goodies that you'll be donating. and your friend is quite talented. Have a terrific week. LisaDV #23

Cara said...

What a wonderful donation to a very worthwhile cause. Your quilt is looking fab, but I know what you mean about one parts dragging on. Have a great week, Cara x

Unknown said...

Jan--I just made it here! That's how my week and weekend have been. Beautiful goodies to look at! And I'm totally curious about the little hearts with the polka dot strip on them...is that actually a selvedge edge that you stitched on there? Oh my goodness, I'm obsessed with the selvedge edge of fabrics--I cut it off and use for everything from making lanyards to just stitching across something! So I thought those hearts were so cool and what a wonderful cause. Who woulda thought! Anyhoo, it's almost Wednesday again, and I'll visit again soon. Hugs! Sandy Leigh


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...